-- | Cardano Pools endpoints {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-} module Blockfrost.API.Cardano.Transactions where import Servant.API import Servant.API.Generic import Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Transactions import Blockfrost.Types.Shared data TransactionsAPI route = TransactionsAPI { _tx :: route :- Summary "Specific transaction" :> Description "Return content of the requested transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> Get '[JSON] Transaction , _txUtxos :: route :- Summary "Transaction UTXOs" :> Description "Return the inputs and UTXOs of the specific transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "utxos" :> Get '[JSON] TransactionUtxos , _txRedeemers :: route :- Summary "Transaction redeemers" :> Description "Obtain the transaction redeemers." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "redeemers" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionRedeemer] , _txStakes :: route :- Summary "Transaction stake addresses certificates " :> Description "Obtain information about (de)registration of stake addresses within a transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "stakes" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionStake] , _txDelegations :: route :- Summary "Transaction delegation certificates" :> Description "Obtain information about delegation certificates of a specific transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "delegations" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionDelegation] , _txWithdrawals :: route :- Summary "Transaction withdrawal" :> Description "Obtain information about withdrawals of a specific transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "withdrawals" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionWithdrawal] , _txMirs :: route :- Summary "Transaction MIRs" :> Description "Obtain information about Move Instantaneous Rewards (MIRs) of a specific transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "mirs" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionMir] , _txPoolUpdates :: route :- Summary "Transaction stake pool registration and update certificates" :> Description "Obtain information about stake pool registration and update certificates of a specific transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "pool_updates" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionPoolUpdate] , _txPoolRetiring :: route :- Summary "Transaction stake pool retirement certificates" :> Description "Obtain information about stake pool retirements within a specific transaction." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "pool_retires" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionPoolRetiring] , _txMetadataJSON :: route :- Summary "Transaction metadata" :> Description "Obtain the transaction metadata." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "metadata" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionMetaJSON] , _txMetadataCBOR :: route :- Summary "Transaction metadata in CBOR" :> Description "Obtain the transaction metadata in CBOR." :> Capture "hash" TxHash :> "metadata" :> "cbor" :> Get '[JSON] [TransactionMetaCBOR] } deriving (Generic)