-- | Responses for Cardano address queries module Blockfrost.Types.Cardano.Addresses ( AddressInfo (..) , AddressType (..) , AddressDetails (..) , AddressUTXO (..) , AddressTransaction (..) ) where import Blockfrost.Types.Shared import Deriving.Aeson import qualified Money import Servant.Docs (ToSample (..), samples, singleSample) -- | Information about Cardano address data AddressInfo = AddressInfo { _addressInfoAddress :: Address -- ^ Bech32 encoded addresses , _addressInfoAmount :: [Amount] -- ^ Lovelaces or tokens stored on this address , _addressInfoStakeAddress :: Maybe Address -- ^ Stake address that controls the key , _addressInfoType :: AddressType -- ^ Address era } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_addressInfo", CamelToSnake]] AddressInfo instance ToSample AddressInfo where toSamples = pure $ singleSample AddressInfo { _addressInfoAddress = "addr1qxqs59lphg8g6qndelq8xwqn60ag3aeyfcp33c2kdp46a09re5df3pzwwmyq946axfcejy5n4x0y99wqpgtp2gd0k09qsgy6pz" , _addressInfoAmount = [ AdaAmount 42000000 , AssetAmount $ Money.mkSomeDiscrete "b0d07d45fe9514f80213f4020e5a61241458be626841cde717cb38a76e7574636f696e" unitScale 12 ] , _addressInfoStakeAddress = pure "stake1ux3g2c9dx2nhhehyrezyxpkstartcqmu9hk63qgfkccw5rqttygt7" , _addressInfoType = Shelley } -- | Type (era) of an address data AddressType = Byron | Shelley deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[ConstructorTagModifier '[ToLower]] AddressType instance ToSample AddressType where toSamples = pure $ samples [ Byron, Shelley ] -- | Details about Cardano address data AddressDetails = AddressDetails { _addressDetailsAddress :: Address -- ^ Bech32 encoded address , _addressDetailsReceivedSum :: [Amount] -- ^ Total Lovelaces or tokens received by this address , _addressDetailsSentSum :: [Amount] -- ^ Total Lovelaces or tokens sent by this address , _addressDetailsTxCount :: Integer -- ^ Count of all transactions on the address } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_addressDetails", CamelToSnake]] AddressDetails instance ToSample AddressDetails where toSamples = pure $ singleSample AddressDetails { _addressDetailsAddress = "addr1qxqs59lphg8g6qndelq8xwqn60ag3aeyfcp33c2kdp46a09re5df3pzwwmyq946axfcejy5n4x0y99wqpgtp2gd0k09qsgy6pz" , _addressDetailsReceivedSum = amounts , _addressDetailsSentSum = amounts , _addressDetailsTxCount = 12 } where amounts = [ AdaAmount 42000000 , AssetAmount $ Money.mkSomeDiscrete "b0d07d45fe9514f80213f4020e5a61241458be626841cde717cb38a76e7574636f696e" unitScale 12 ] -- | UTxOs of the address data AddressUTXO = AddressUTXO { _addressUTXOTxHash :: TxHash -- ^ Transaction hash of the UTXO , _addressUTXOOutputIndex :: Integer -- ^ UTXO index in the transaction , _addressUTXOAmount :: [Amount] -- ^ Amounts of Lovelaces or tokens , _addressUTXOBlock :: BlockHash -- ^ Block hash of the UTXO } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_addressUTXO", CamelToSnake]] AddressUTXO instance ToSample AddressUTXO where toSamples = pure $ samples [ AddressUTXO { _addressUTXOTxHash = "39a7a284c2a0948189dc45dec670211cd4d72f7b66c5726c08d9b3df11e44d58" , _addressUTXOOutputIndex = 0 , _addressUTXOAmount = [ AdaAmount 42000000 ] , _addressUTXOBlock = "7eb8e27d18686c7db9a18f8bbcfe34e3fed6e047afaa2d969904d15e934847e6" } , AddressUTXO { _addressUTXOTxHash = "4c4e67bafa15e742c13c592b65c8f74c769cd7d9af04c848099672d1ba391b49" , _addressUTXOOutputIndex = 0 , _addressUTXOAmount = [ AdaAmount 729235000 ] , _addressUTXOBlock = "953f1b80eb7c11a7ffcd67cbd4fde66e824a451aca5a4065725e5174b81685b7" } , AddressUTXO { _addressUTXOTxHash = "768c63e27a1c816a83dc7b07e78af673b2400de8849ea7e7b734ae1333d100d2" , _addressUTXOOutputIndex = 1 , _addressUTXOAmount = [ AdaAmount 42000000 , AssetAmount $ Money.mkSomeDiscrete "b0d07d45fe9514f80213f4020e5a61241458be626841cde717cb38a76e7574636f696e" unitScale 12 ] , _addressUTXOBlock = "5c571f83fe6c784d3fbc223792627ccf0eea96773100f9aedecf8b1eda4544d7" } ] -- | Transactions on the address data AddressTransaction = AddressTransaction { _addressTransactionTxHash :: TxHash -- ^ Hash of the transaction , _addressTransactionTxIndex :: Integer -- ^ Transaction index within the block , _addressTransactionBlockHeight :: Integer -- ^ Block height } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic) deriving (FromJSON, ToJSON) via CustomJSON '[FieldLabelModifier '[StripPrefix "_addressTransaction", CamelToSnake]] AddressTransaction instance ToSample AddressTransaction where toSamples = pure $ samples [ AddressTransaction { _addressTransactionTxHash = "8788591983aa73981fc92d6cddbbe643959f5a784e84b8bee0db15823f575a5b" , _addressTransactionTxIndex = 6 , _addressTransactionBlockHeight = 69 } , AddressTransaction { _addressTransactionTxHash = "52e748c4dec58b687b90b0b40d383b9fe1f24c1a833b7395cdf07dd67859f46f" , _addressTransactionTxIndex = 9 , _addressTransactionBlockHeight = 4547 } , AddressTransaction { _addressTransactionTxHash = "e8073fd5318ff43eca18a852527166aa8008bee9ee9e891f585612b7e4ba700b" , _addressTransactionTxIndex = 0 , _addressTransactionBlockHeight = 564654 } ]