  Module      : Data.Blob.GC
  Stability   : Experimental
  Portability : non-portable (requires POSIX)

  This module contains methods related to the garbage collection
  of the deleted blobs.

module Data.Blob.GC where

import           Control.Monad            (void, when)
import           Data.Blob.FileOperations
import           Data.Blob.Types
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath.Posix    ((</>))
import           System.IO.Error          (tryIOError)

-- | Initialize garbage collection for blobs in a given BlobStore.
-- startGC throws an error if another GC is already running on
-- the same BlobStore.
startGC :: BlobStore -> IO ()
startGC (BlobStore dir) = do
  createDirectory gcDir
  forAllInDirectory currDir (createFileInDir gcDir)
    gcDir   = dir </> gcDirName
    currDir = dir </> currDirName

-- | Mark a blob as accessible during a GC.
-- You have to ensure that all the blobs which are accessible
-- are marked by 'markAsAccessible' before calling 'endGC'.
-- Blobs which are created after 'startGC' had finished need not
-- be marked.
markAsAccessible :: BlobId -> IO ()
markAsAccessible = void . tryIOError . deleteFile . getGCPath

-- | Stops the garbage collection.
-- This will __delete all the blobs which have not been marked__
-- by 'markAsAccessible' and created before 'startGC' had finished.
endGC :: BlobStore -> IO ()
endGC (BlobStore dir) = do
  checkgcDir <- doesDirectoryExist gcDir
  when checkgcDir $ do
    forAllInDirectory gcDir (deleteFileInDir currDir)
    removeDirectoryRecursive gcDir
    gcDir   = dir </> gcDirName
    currDir = dir </> currDirName

-- | 'markAccessibleBlobs' takes a list of 'BlobId' which are still
-- accessible. 'markAccessibleBlobs' deletes the remaining blobs.
-- It is safer to use this method instead of using 'startGC' and 'endGC',
-- since if you forget to mark all the accessible blobs using
-- 'markAsAccessible', 'endGC' might end up deleting accessible blobs.
markAccessibleBlobs :: BlobStore -> [BlobId] -> IO ()
markAccessibleBlobs blobstore blobids = do
  startGC blobstore
  mapM_ markAsAccessible blobids
  endGC blobstore