{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Graphics.Blank.Types.Cursor where

import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import qualified Data.Text as TS (Text)
import           Data.Text (pack)

import           Graphics.Blank.JavaScript
import           Graphics.Blank.Parser (stringCI, unlift)

import           Prelude.Compat

import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (ReadP, (<++), between, char,
                                               choice, munch, skipSpaces)
import           Text.ParserCombinators.ReadPrec (lift)
import           Text.Read (Read(..), readListPrecDefault)

import           TextShow

-- | A data type that can represent a browser cursor.
class CanvasCursor a where
    -- | Convert a value into a JavaScript string representing a cursor value.
    jsCanvasCursor :: a -> Builder

instance CanvasCursor TS.Text where
    jsCanvasCursor = jsText

instance CanvasCursor Cursor where
    jsCanvasCursor = jsCursor

-- | Specified the mouse cursor's appearance in a web browser.
-- Images by the Mozilla Developer Network are licensed under
-- <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5/ CC-BY-SA 2.5>.
data Cursor = Auto         -- ^ The browser determines the cursor to display based on the
                           --   current context.
            | Default      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3438/=default.gif>>
            | None         -- ^ No cursor is rendered.
            | ContextMenu  -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3461/=context-menu.png>>
            | Help         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3442/=help.gif>>
            | Pointer      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3449/=pointer.gif>>
            | Progress     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3450/=progress.gif>>
            | Wait         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3457/=wait.gif>>
            | Cell         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3434/=cell.gif>>
            | Crosshair    -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3437/=crosshair.gif>>
            | Text         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/3809/text.gif>>
            | VerticalText -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3456/=vertical-text.gif>>
            | Alias        -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3432/=alias.gif>>
            | Copy         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3436/=copy.gif>>
            | Move         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3443/=move.gif>>
            | NoDrop       -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3445/=no-drop.gif>>
            | NotAllowed   -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3446/=not-allowed.gif>>
            | AllScroll    -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3433/=all-scroll.gif>>
            | ColResize    -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3435/=col-resize.gif>>
            | RowResize    -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3451/=row-resize.gif>>
            | NResize      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4083/n-resize.gif>>
            | EResize      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4085/e-resize.gif>>
            | SResize      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4087/s-resize.gif>>
            | WResize      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4089/w-resize.gif>>
            | NEResize     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4091/ne-resize.gif>>
            | NWResize     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4093/nw-resize.gif>>
            | SEResize     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4097/se-resize.gif>>
            | SWResize     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/4095/sw-resize.gif>>
            | EWResize     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/3806/3-resize.gif>>
            | NSResize     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/3808/6-resize.gif>>
            | NESWResize   -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/3805/1-resize.gif>>
            | NWSEResize   -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/files/3807/4-resize.gif>>
            | ZoomIn       -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3459/=zoom-in.gif>>
            | ZoomOut      -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3460/=zoom-out.gif>>
            | Grab         -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3440/=grab.gif>>
            | Grabbing     -- ^ <<https://developer.mozilla.org/@api/deki/files/3441/=grabbing.gif>>
            | URL TS.Text Cursor
              -- ^ An image from a URL. Must be followed by another 'Cursor'.
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance IsString Cursor where
    fromString = read

instance JSArg Cursor where
    showbJS = jsCursor

jsCursor :: Cursor -> Builder
jsCursor = jsLiteralBuilder . showb

instance Read Cursor where
    readPrec = lift $ do
          [ Auto         <$ stringCI "auto"
          , Default      <$ stringCI "default"
          , None         <$ stringCI "none"
          , ContextMenu  <$ stringCI "context-menu"
          , Help         <$ stringCI "help"
          , Pointer      <$ stringCI "pointer"
          , Progress     <$ stringCI "progress"
          , Wait         <$ stringCI "wait"
          , Cell         <$ stringCI "cell"
          , Crosshair    <$ stringCI "crosshair"
          , Text         <$ stringCI "text"
          , VerticalText <$ stringCI "vertical-text"
          , Alias        <$ stringCI "alias"
          , Copy         <$ stringCI "copy"
          , Move         <$ stringCI "move"
          , NoDrop       <$ stringCI "no-drop"
          , NotAllowed   <$ stringCI "not-allowed"
          , AllScroll    <$ stringCI "all-scroll"
          , ColResize    <$ stringCI "col-resize"
          , RowResize    <$ stringCI "row-resize"
          , NResize      <$ stringCI "n-resize"
          , EResize      <$ stringCI "e-resize"
          , SResize      <$ stringCI "s-resize"
          , WResize      <$ stringCI "w-resize"
          , NEResize     <$ stringCI "ne-resize"
          , NWResize     <$ stringCI "nw-resize"
          , SEResize     <$ stringCI "se-resize"
          , SWResize     <$ stringCI "sw-resize"
          , EWResize     <$ stringCI "ew-resize"
          , NSResize     <$ stringCI "ns-resize"
          , NESWResize   <$ stringCI "nesw-resize"
          , NWSEResize   <$ stringCI "nwse-resize"
          , ZoomIn       <$ stringCI "zoom-in"
          , ZoomOut      <$ stringCI "zoom-out"
          , Grab         <$ stringCI "grab"
          , Grabbing     <$ stringCI "grabbing"
          , do _ <- stringCI "url("
               let quoted quote = between (char quote) (char quote)
               url' <- quoted '"' (readURL $ Just '"')
                 <++ quoted '\'' (readURL $ Just '\'')
                 <++ readURL Nothing
               _ <- char ')'
               _ <- char ','
               URL url' <$> unlift readPrec
    readListPrec = readListPrecDefault

readURL :: Maybe Char -> ReadP TS.Text
readURL mQuote = do
    url' <- case mQuote of
        Just quote -> munch (/= quote)
        Nothing    -> munch (/= ')')
    return $ pack url'

instance Show Cursor where
    showsPrec p = showsPrec p . FromTextShow

instance TextShow Cursor where
    showb Auto         = "auto"
    showb Default      = "default"
    showb None         = "none"
    showb ContextMenu  = "context-menu"
    showb Help         = "help"
    showb Pointer      = "pointer"
    showb Progress     = "progress"
    showb Wait         = "wait"
    showb Cell         = "cell"
    showb Crosshair    = "crosshair"
    showb Text         = "text"
    showb VerticalText = "vertical-text"
    showb Alias        = "alias"
    showb Copy         = "copy"
    showb Move         = "move"
    showb NoDrop       = "no-drop"
    showb NotAllowed   = "not-allowed"
    showb AllScroll    = "all-scroll"
    showb ColResize    = "col-resize"
    showb RowResize    = "row-resize"
    showb NResize      = "n-resize"
    showb EResize      = "e-resize"
    showb SResize      = "s-resize"
    showb WResize      = "w-resize"
    showb NEResize     = "ne-resize"
    showb NWResize     = "nw-resize"
    showb SEResize     = "se-resize"
    showb SWResize     = "sw-resize"
    showb EWResize     = "ew-resize"
    showb NSResize     = "ns-resize"
    showb NESWResize   = "nesw-resize"
    showb NWSEResize   = "nwse-resize"
    showb ZoomIn       = "zoom-in"
    showb ZoomOut      = "zoom-out"
    showb Grab         = "grab"
    showb Grabbing     = "grabbing"
    showb (URL url' cur) =
        "url(" <> jsLiteralBuilder (fromText url') <> "), " <> showb cur

-- | Shorthand for 'Auto'.
auto :: Cursor
auto = Auto

-- | Shorthand for 'Default', with an underscore to distinguish it from the
-- Haskell keyword @default@.
default_ :: Cursor
default_ = Default

-- | Shorthand for 'None'.
none :: Cursor
none = None

-- | Shorthand for 'ContextMenu'.
contextMenu :: Cursor
contextMenu = ContextMenu

-- | Shorthand for 'Help'.
help :: Cursor
help = Help

-- | Shorthand for 'Pointer'.
pointer :: Cursor
pointer = Pointer

-- | Shorthand for 'Progress'.
progress :: Cursor
progress = Progress

-- | Shorthand for 'Wait'.
wait :: Cursor
wait = Wait

-- | Shorthand for 'Cell'.
cell :: Cursor
cell = Cell

-- | Shorthand for 'Crosshair'.
crosshair :: Cursor
crosshair = Crosshair

-- | Shorthand for 'Text'.
text :: Cursor
text = Text

-- | Shorthand for 'VerticalText'.
verticalText :: Cursor
verticalText = VerticalText

-- | Shorthand for 'Alias'.
alias :: Cursor
alias = Alias

-- | Shorthand for 'Copy'.
copy :: Cursor
copy = Copy

-- | Shorthand for 'Move'.
move :: Cursor
move = Move

-- | Shorthand for 'NoDrop'.
noDrop :: Cursor
noDrop = NoDrop

-- | Shorthand for 'NotAllowed'.
notAllowed :: Cursor
notAllowed = NotAllowed

-- | Shorthand for 'AllScroll'.
allScroll :: Cursor
allScroll = AllScroll

-- | Shorthand for 'ColResize'.
colResize :: Cursor
colResize = ColResize

-- | Shorthand for 'RowResize'.
rowResize :: Cursor
rowResize = RowResize

-- | Shorthand for 'NResize'.
nResize :: Cursor
nResize = NResize

-- | Shorthand for 'EResize'.
eResize :: Cursor
eResize = EResize

-- | Shorthand for 'SResize'.
sResize :: Cursor
sResize = SResize

-- | Shorthand for 'WResize'.
wResize :: Cursor
wResize = WResize

-- | Shorthand for 'NEResize'.
neResize :: Cursor
neResize = NEResize

-- | Shorthand for 'NWResize'.
nwResize :: Cursor
nwResize = NWResize

-- | Shorthand for 'SEResize'.
seResize :: Cursor
seResize = SEResize

-- | Shorthand for 'SWResize'.
swResize :: Cursor
swResize = SWResize

-- | Shorthand for 'EWResize'.
ewResize :: Cursor
ewResize = ewResize

-- | Shorthand for 'NSResize'.
nsResize :: Cursor
nsResize = NSResize

-- | Shorthand for 'NESWResize'.
neswResize :: Cursor
neswResize = NESWResize

-- | Shorthand for 'NWSEResize'.
nwseResize :: Cursor
nwseResize = NWSEResize

-- | Shorthand for 'ZoomIn'.
zoomIn :: Cursor
zoomIn = ZoomIn

-- | Shorthand for 'ZoomOut'.
zoomOut :: Cursor
zoomOut = ZoomOut

-- | Shorthand for 'Grab'.
grab :: Cursor
grab = Grab

-- | Shorthand for 'Grabbing'.
grabbing :: Cursor
grabbing = Grabbing

-- | Shorthand for 'URL'.
url :: TS.Text -> Cursor -> Cursor
url = URL