{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Graphics.Blank.DeviceContext where import Control.Concurrent.STM import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (Text) import Graphics.Blank.Events import Graphics.Blank.JavaScript import TextShow (Builder, toText) import qualified Web.Scotty.Comet as KC -- | 'DeviceContext' is the abstract handle into a specific 2D context inside a browser. -- Note that the JavaScript API concepts of -- @<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/CanvasRenderingContext2D CanvasRenderingContext2D>@ and -- @<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement HTMLCanvasElement>@ -- are conflated in @blank-canvas@. Therefore, there is no -- @<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLCanvasElement/getContext getContext()>@ method; -- rather, @getContext()@ is implied (when using 'send'). data DeviceContext = DeviceContext { theComet :: KC.Document -- ^ The mechanisms for sending commands , eventQueue :: EventQueue -- ^ A single (typed) event queue , ctx_width :: !Int , ctx_height :: !Int , ctx_devicePixelRatio :: !Double , localFiles :: TVar (Set Text) -- ^ approved local files , weakRemoteMonad :: Bool -- ^ use a weak remote monad for debugging } instance Image DeviceContext where jsImage = jsImage . deviceCanvasContext width = fromIntegral . ctx_width height = fromIntegral . ctx_height deviceCanvasContext :: DeviceContext -> CanvasContext deviceCanvasContext cxt = CanvasContext 0 (ctx_width cxt) (ctx_height cxt) -- | 'devicePixelRatio' returns the device's pixel ratio as used. Typically, the -- browser ignores @devicePixelRatio@ in the canvas, which can make fine details -- and text look fuzzy. Using the query @?hd@ on the URL, @blank-canvas@ attempts -- to use the native @devicePixelRatio@, and if successful, 'devicePixelRatio' will -- return a number other than 1. You can think of 'devicePixelRatio' as the line -- width to use to make lines look one pixel wide. devicePixelRatio :: DeviceContext -> Double devicePixelRatio = ctx_devicePixelRatio -- | Internal command to send a message to the canvas. sendToCanvas :: DeviceContext -> Builder -> IO () sendToCanvas cxt cmds = do KC.send (theComet cxt) . toText $ "try{" <> cmds <> "}catch(e){alert('JavaScript Failure: '+e.message);}" -- | Wait for any event. Blocks. wait :: DeviceContext -> IO Event wait c = atomically $ readTChan (eventQueue c) -- | 'flush' all the current events, returning them all to the user. Never blocks. flush :: DeviceContext -> IO [Event] flush cxt = atomically $ loop where loop = do b <- isEmptyTChan (eventQueue cxt) if b then return [] else do e <- readTChan (eventQueue cxt) es <- loop return (e : es)