{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, TemplateHaskell, GADTs, KindSignatures, CPP, BangPatterns, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | blank-canvas is a Haskell binding to the complete HTML5 Canvas
--   API. blank-canvas allows Haskell users to write, in Haskell,
--   interactive images onto their web browsers. blank-canvas gives
--   the users a single full-window canvas, and provides many
--   well-documented functions for rendering images.

module Graphics.Blank
         -- * Starting blank-canvas
        , Options(..)
          -- ** 'send'ing to the Graphics 'DeviceContext'
        , DeviceContext       -- abstact
        , send
          -- * HTML5 Canvas API
          -- | See <http://www.nihilogic.dk/labs/canvas_sheet/HTML5_Canvas_Cheat_Sheet.pdf> for the JavaScript 
          --   version of this API.
        , Canvas        -- abstact
          -- ** Canvas element
        , height
        , width
        , toDataURL
          -- ** 2D Context
        , save
        , restore
          -- ** Transformation
        , scale
        , rotate
        , translate
        , transform
        , setTransform
          -- ** Image drawing
        , Image -- abstract class
        , drawImage
          -- ** Compositing
        , globalAlpha
        , globalCompositeOperation
          -- ** Line styles
        , lineWidth
        , lineCap
        , lineJoin
        , miterLimit
          -- ** Colors, styles and shadows
        , strokeStyle
        , fillStyle
        , shadowOffsetX
        , shadowOffsetY
        , shadowBlur
        , shadowColor
        , createLinearGradient
        , createRadialGradient
        , createPattern
        , addColorStop
        , CanvasGradient
        , CanvasPattern
          -- ** Paths
        , beginPath
        , closePath
        , fill
        , stroke
        , clip
        , moveTo
        , lineTo
        , quadraticCurveTo
        , bezierCurveTo
        , arcTo
        , arc
        , rect
        , isPointInPath
          -- ** Text
        , font 
        , textAlign
        , textBaseline
        , fillText
        , strokeText
        , measureText
        , TextMetrics(..)
          -- ** Rectangles
        , clearRect
        , fillRect
        , strokeRect
          -- ** Pixel manipulation
        , getImageData
        , putImageData
        , ImageData(..)
        -- * blank-canvas Extensions
        -- ** Reading from 'Canvas'
        , newImage
        , CanvasImage -- abstract
         -- ** 'DeviceContext' attributes
        , devicePixelRatio
         -- ** 'CanvasContext', and off-screen Canvas.
        , CanvasContext
        , newCanvas
        , with
        , myCanvasContext
        , deviceCanvasContext
         -- ** Debugging
        , console_log
        , eval
        , JSArg(..)
         -- ** Drawing Utilities
        , module Graphics.Blank.Utils
         -- ** Events
        , trigger 
        , eventQueue
        , wait
        , flush
        , Event(..)
        , EventName
        , EventQueue
        -- ** Middleware
        , local_only
        ) where

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
import Control.Exception
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Network.Wai (Middleware,remoteHost, responseLBS)
import qualified Network.HTTP.Types as H
import Network.Socket (SockAddr(..))
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
--import System.Mem.StableName
import Web.Scotty (scottyApp, get, file)
import qualified Web.Scotty as Scotty
--import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger -- Used when debugging
--import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static
import qualified Web.Scotty.Comet as KC
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (parse)
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Monoid((<>))

import Graphics.Blank.Events
import Graphics.Blank.DeviceContext
import Graphics.Blank.Canvas
import Graphics.Blank.Generated hiding (fillStyle,strokeStyle)
import qualified Graphics.Blank.Generated as Generated
import qualified Graphics.Blank.JavaScript as JavaScript
import Graphics.Blank.JavaScript hiding (width, height)
import Graphics.Blank.Utils
import Paths_blank_canvas

-- | blankCanvas is the main entry point into blank-canvas.
-- A typical invocation would be
-- >{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >module Main where
-- >
-- >import Graphics.Blank
-- >
-- >main = blankCanvas 3000 $ \ context -> do
-- >        send context $ do
-- >                moveTo(50,50)
-- >                lineTo(200,100)
-- >                lineWidth 10
-- >                strokeStyle "red"
-- >                stroke()
-- >

blankCanvas :: Options -> (DeviceContext -> IO ()) -> IO ()
blankCanvas opts actions = do
   dataDir <- getDataDir

   kComet <- KC.kCometPlugin

--   print dataDir

   app <- scottyApp $ do
--        middleware logStdoutDev
        sequence_ [ Scotty.middleware ware 
                  | ware <- middleware opts 
        -- use the comet
        let kc_opts :: KC.Options
            kc_opts = KC.Options { KC.prefix = "/blank", KC.verbose = if debug opts then 3 else 0 }

        KC.connect kc_opts $ \ kc_doc -> do
                -- register the events we want to watch for
                KC.send kc_doc $ T.unlines
                   [ "register(" <> T.pack(show nm) <> ");"
                   | nm <- events opts

                queue <- atomically newTChan
                _ <- forkIO $ forever $ do
                        val <- atomically $ readTChan $ KC.eventQueue $ kc_doc
                        case fromJSON val of
                           Success (event :: Event) -> do
                                   atomically $ writeTChan queue event
                           _ -> return ()

                let cxt0 = DeviceContext kc_doc queue 300 300 1
                -- A bit of bootstrapping 
                DeviceAttributes w h dpr <- send cxt0 device
                -- print (DeviceAttributes w h dpr)

                let cxt1 = cxt0 
                         { ctx_width = w
                         , ctx_height = h
                         , ctx_devicePixelRatio = dpr
                (actions $ cxt1) `catch` \ (e :: SomeException) -> do
                        print ("Exception in blank-canvas application:"  :: String)
                        print e
                        throw e

        get "/"                 $ file $ dataDir ++ "/static/index.html"
        get "/jquery.js"        $ file $ dataDir ++ "/static/jquery.js"
        get "/jquery-json.js"   $ file $ dataDir ++ "/static/jquery-json.js"
        get "/kansas-comet.js"  $ file $ kComet
        sequence_ [ get (fromString ("/" ++ nm)) $ file $ (root opts ++ "/" ++ nm) | nm <- static opts ]
        return ()

   run (port opts) app

-- | Sends a set of Canvas commands to the canvas. Attempts
-- to common up as many commands as possible. Should not crash.

send :: DeviceContext -> Canvas a -> IO a
send cxt commands = 
      send' (deviceCanvasContext cxt) commands id 
      send' :: CanvasContext -> Canvas a -> (String -> String) -> IO a
      send' c (Bind (Return a) k)    cmds = send' c (k a) cmds
      send' c (Bind (Bind m k1) k2)  cmds = send' c (Bind m (\ r -> Bind (k1 r) k2)) cmds
      send' c (Bind (Method cmd) k) cmds = send' c (k ()) (cmds . ((showJS c ++ ".") ++) . shows cmd . (";" ++))
      send' c (Bind (Command cmd) k) cmds = send' c (k ()) (cmds . shows cmd . (";" ++))
      send' c (Bind (Query query) k) cmds = do
              -- send the com
              uq <- atomically $ getUniq
              -- The query function returns a function takes the unique port number of the reply.
              sendToCanvas cxt (cmds . ((show query ++ "(" ++ show uq ++ "," ++ showJS c ++ ");") ++))
              v <- KC.getReply (theComet cxt) uq
              case parse (parseQueryResult query) v of
                Error msg -> fail msg
                Success a -> do
                        send' c (k a) id
      send' c (Bind (With c' m) k) cmds = send' c' (Bind m (With c . k)) cmds
      send' c (Bind MyContext k)   cmds = send' c (k c) cmds

      send' _ (With c m)           cmds = send' c m cmds
      send' c MyContext            cmds = send' c (Return c) cmds
      send' _ (Return a)           cmds = do
              sendToCanvas cxt cmds
              return a
      send' c cmd                  cmds = send' c (Bind cmd Return) cmds

local_only :: Middleware
local_only f r k = case remoteHost r of
                   SockAddrInet _  h | h == fromIntegral home
                                    -> f r k
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) && !defined(_WIN32)
                   SockAddrUnix _   -> f r k
                   _                ->  k $ responseLBS H.status403
                                                        [("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
							 "local access only"
        home :: Integer
        home = 127 + (256 * 256 * 256) * 1

{-# NOINLINE uniqVar #-}
uniqVar :: TVar Int
uniqVar = unsafePerformIO $ newTVarIO 0

getUniq :: STM Int
getUniq = do
    u <- readTVar uniqVar
    writeTVar uniqVar (u + 1)
    return u


data Options = Options 
        { port   :: Int              -- ^ which port do we issue the blank canvas using
        , events :: [EventName]      -- ^ which events does the canvas listen to
        , debug  :: Bool             -- ^ turn on debugging (default False)
        , static :: [String]         -- ^ path to images, and other static artifacts
        , root   :: String           -- ^ location of the static files (default .)
        , middleware :: [Middleware] -- ^ extra middleware(s) to be executed. (default [local_only])
instance Num Options where
    (+) = error "no arithmetic for Blank Canvas Options"
    (-) = error "no arithmetic for Blank Canvas Options"
    (*) = error "no arithmetic for Blank Canvas Options"
    abs = error "no arithmetic for Blank Canvas Options"
    signum = error "no arithmetic for Blank Canvas Options"
    fromInteger n = Options { port = fromInteger n
                            , events = []
                            , debug = False
                            , static = []
                            , root = "."
                            , middleware = [local_only]

-- This is the monomorphic version, to stop "ambiguous" errors.

fillStyle :: Text -> Canvas ()
fillStyle = Generated.fillStyle

strokeStyle :: Text -> Canvas ()
strokeStyle = Generated.strokeStyle

height :: (Image image, Num a) => image -> a
height = JavaScript.height

width :: (Image image, Num a) => image -> a
width = JavaScript.width