{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances #-}

module Graphics.Blank.JavaScript where

import Data.List
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Numeric
import Data.Text (Text)

import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (Vector)


-- TODO: close off 
class Image a where
  jsImage :: a -> String
  width  :: Num b => a -> b
  height :: Num b => a -> b

instance Image CanvasImage where 
  jsImage = jsCanvasImage
  width  (CanvasImage _ w _) = fromIntegral w 
  height (CanvasImage _ _ h) = fromIntegral h
-- The Image of a canvas is the the canvas context, not the DOM entry, so
-- you need to indirect back to the DOM here.
instance Image CanvasContext where
  jsImage = (++ ".canvas") . jsCanvasContext
  width  (CanvasContext _ w _) = fromIntegral w 
  height (CanvasContext _ _ h) = fromIntegral h

-- instance Element Video  -- Not supported


-- TODO: close off 
class Style a where
  jsStyle :: a -> String

instance Style Text           where { jsStyle = jsText }
instance Style CanvasGradient where { jsStyle = jsCanvasGradient }
instance Style CanvasPattern  where { jsStyle = jsCanvasPattern }


-- | A handle to an offscreen canvas. CanvasContext can not be destroyed.
data CanvasContext = CanvasContext Int Int Int
 deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)                

-- | A handle to the Image. CanvasImages can not be destroyed.
data CanvasImage = CanvasImage Int Int Int deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

-- | A handle to the CanvasGradient. CanvasGradients can not be destroyed.
newtype CanvasGradient = CanvasGradient Int deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)

-- | A handle to the CanvasPattern. CanvasPatterns can not be destroyed.
newtype CanvasPattern = CanvasPattern Int deriving (Show,Eq,Ord)


-- | 'ImageData' is a transliteration of the JavaScript ImageData,
--   There are two 'Int's, and one (unboxed) 'Vector' of 'Word8's.
--  width, height, data can be projected from 'ImageData',
--  'Vector.length' can be used to find the length.
--   Note: 'ImageData' lives on the server, not the client.

data ImageData = ImageData !Int !Int !(Vector Word8) deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)


class JSArg a where
  showJS :: a -> String

instance JSArg Float where
  showJS a = showFFloat (Just 3) a ""        

jsFloat :: Float -> String
jsFloat = showJS 

instance JSArg Int where
  showJS a = show a

instance JSArg CanvasContext where
  showJS (CanvasContext n _ _) = "canvasbuffers[" ++ show n ++ "]"

jsCanvasContext :: CanvasContext -> String
jsCanvasContext = showJS 

instance JSArg CanvasImage where
  showJS (CanvasImage n _ _) = "images[" ++ show n ++ "]"

jsCanvasImage :: CanvasImage -> String
jsCanvasImage = showJS 

instance JSArg CanvasGradient where
  showJS (CanvasGradient n) = "gradients[" ++ show n ++ "]"

jsCanvasGradient :: CanvasGradient -> String
jsCanvasGradient = showJS 

instance JSArg CanvasPattern where
  showJS (CanvasPattern n) = "patterns[" ++ show n ++ "]"

jsCanvasPattern :: CanvasPattern -> String
jsCanvasPattern = showJS

instance JSArg ImageData where
  showJS (ImageData w h d) = "ImageData(" ++ show w ++ "," ++ show h ++ ",[" ++ vs ++ "])"
          vs = jsList show $ V.toList d

jsImageData :: ImageData -> String
jsImageData = showJS

instance JSArg Bool where
  showJS True  = "true"
  showJS False = "false"

jsBool :: Bool -> String
jsBool = showJS

instance JSArg Text where 
  showJS str = show str

jsText :: Text -> String
jsText = showJS

jsList :: (a -> String) -> [a] -> String
jsList js = concat . intersperse "," . map js