{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Bitcoin.Core.Regtest ( -- * Run an ephemeral regtest node NodeHandle (..), runBitcoind, withBitcoind, -- * Funding oneBitcoin, createOutput, generate, spendPackageOutputs, -- * Internal wallet -- -- In the following lists, entries correspond to each other e.g. the p2pkh -- address for @keys !! 1@ is @addrs !! 1@. xprv, keys, pubKeys, addrs, textAddrs, ) where import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Exception (bracket) import Control.Monad (void) import qualified Data.Serialize as S import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Word (Word64) import Haskoin.Address ( Address, addrToText, addressToOutput, ) import Haskoin.Block (blockTxns) import Haskoin.Constants (btcTest) import Haskoin.Crypto (SecKey) import Haskoin.Keys ( PubKeyI, XPrvKey (..), deriveAddrs, derivePubKeyI, deriveXPubKey, makeXPrvKey, prvSubKeys, wrapSecKey, ) import Haskoin.Script (sigHashAll) import Haskoin.Transaction ( OutPoint (..), SigInput (..), Tx (..), TxOut (..), buildAddrTx, signTx, txHash, ) import Haskoin.Util (encodeHex, maybeToEither) import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager) import Servant.API (BasicAuthData) import System.IO (Handle, IOMode (..), openFile) import System.IO.Temp (getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory, withSystemTempDirectory) import System.Process ( CreateProcess (..), ProcessHandle, StdStream (..), createProcess, proc, terminateProcess, waitForProcess, ) import Bitcoin.Core.RPC ( BitcoindClient, BitcoindException, basicAuthFromCookie, ) import qualified Bitcoin.Core.RPC as RPC -- | Data needed to connect to a @bitcoind-regtest@ ephemeral node data NodeHandle = NodeHandle { nodePort :: Int , nodeAuth :: BasicAuthData , nodeRawTx :: FilePath , nodeRawBlock :: FilePath } -- | Run an RPC computation with an ephemeral node runBitcoind :: Manager -> NodeHandle -> BitcoindClient r -> IO (Either BitcoindException r) runBitcoind mgr (NodeHandle port auth _ _) = RPC.runBitcoind mgr "" port auth -- | Provide bracketed access to a fresh ephemeral node withBitcoind :: -- | node port Int -> (NodeHandle -> IO r) -> IO r withBitcoind port k = withSystemTempDirectory "bitcoind-rpc-tests" $ \dd -> do tmp <- getCanonicalTemporaryDirectory bracket (initBitcoind tmp dd port) stopBitcoind . const $ do auth <- basicAuthFromCookie $ dd <> "/regtest/.cookie" k $ NodeHandle port auth (rawTxSocket tmp) (rawBlockSocket tmp) initBitcoind :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Int -> IO ProcessHandle initBitcoind tmp ddir port = do logH <- openFile (tmp <> "/bitcoind-rpc.log") WriteMode (_, _, _, h) <- createProcess $ bitcoind tmp ddir port logH h <$ threadDelay 1_000_000 stopBitcoind :: ProcessHandle -> IO () stopBitcoind h = terminateProcess h >> void (waitForProcess h) bitcoind :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Int -> Handle -> CreateProcess bitcoind tmp ddir port output = (proc "bitcoind" args) { std_out = UseHandle output , std_err = UseHandle output } where args = [ "-regtest" , "-txindex" , "-blockfilterindex=1" , "-disablewallet" , "-datadir=" <> ddir , "-rpcport=" <> show port , "-zmqpubrawblock=" <> rawBlockSocket tmp , "-zmqpubrawtx=" <> rawTxSocket tmp ] rawTxSocket :: FilePath -> String rawTxSocket tmp = "ipc://" <> tmp <> "/bitcoind-rpc.tx.raw" rawBlockSocket :: FilePath -> String rawBlockSocket tmp = "ipc://" <> tmp <> "/bitcoind-rpc.block.raw" oneBitcoin :: Word64 oneBitcoin = 100_000_000 -- | Funds an output with the minimum of the given amount and 100 blocks of subsidies createOutput :: -- | address for the newly created output Address -> -- | target amount Word64 -> BitcoindClient (OutPoint, Word64) createOutput addr vTarget = do inputs <- generateEnoughBlocks vTarget -- Make mined outputs spendable RPC.generateToAddress 100 textAddr2 Nothing let Right (tx, vFund) = spendPackageOutputs inputs addr vTarget h <- RPC.sendRawTransaction (encodeHex $ S.encode tx) Nothing RPC.generateToAddress 6 textAddr2 Nothing return (OutPoint h 0, vFund) generateEnoughBlocks :: Word64 -> BitcoindClient [(OutPoint, Word64)] generateEnoughBlocks vTarget = go ([], 0, 0 :: Int) where go (xs, v, n) | n >= 100 = return xs | otherwise = do x@(_, v0) <- generate let xs' = x : xs if v + v0 >= vTarget then return xs' else go (xs', v + v0, n + 1) {- | A simplified block generator which does not require the tester to manage a wallet. Use 'spendPackageOutputs' to spend. -} generate :: BitcoindClient (OutPoint, Word64) generate = fmap (processCoinbase . head . blockTxns) $ RPC.generateToAddress 1 textAddr0 Nothing >>= RPC.getBlock . head where processCoinbase tx0 = (OutPoint (txHash tx0) 0, outValue . head $ txOut tx0) -- | Spend outputs created by 'generate' spendPackageOutputs :: -- | outputs produced by 'generate' [(OutPoint, Word64)] -> -- | recipient address Address -> -- | amount to spend Word64 -> Either String (Tx, Word64) spendPackageOutputs inputs addr vTarget = do addrText <- maybeToEither "Addr conversion failed" $ addrToText btcTest addr let outSpec | vTarget + 10_000 < vAvail = Right ([(addrText, vTarget), (textAddr1, vAvail - vTarget - 10_000)], vTarget) | vAvail > 10_000 = Right ([(addrText, vAvail - 10_000)], vAvail - 10_000) | otherwise = Left "Insufficient funds" vAvail = sum $ snd <$> inputs sigIn (op, val) = SigInput (addressToOutput addr0) val op sigHashAll Nothing (outs, vFund) <- outSpec txSpec <- buildAddrTx btcTest (fst <$> inputs) outs tx <- signTx btcTest txSpec (sigIn <$> inputs) [key0] return (tx, vFund) -- | Root key for the package wallet xprv :: XPrvKey xprv = makeXPrvKey "bitcoind-regtest key seed" -- | Example secret keys keys :: [SecKey] keys = xPrvKey . fst <$> prvSubKeys xprv 0 -- | Example public keys pubKeys :: [PubKeyI] pubKeys = derivePubKeyI . wrapSecKey True <$> keys key0 :: SecKey key0 : _ = keys -- | Example p2pkh addresses addrs :: [Address] addrs = repack <$> deriveAddrs (deriveXPubKey xprv) 0 where repack (x, _, _) = x addr0 :: Address addr0 : _ = addrs -- | Text versions of the example addresses textAddrs :: [Text] textAddrs = addrToText' <$> addrs where addrToText' a = let Just x = addrToText btcTest a in x textAddr0, textAddr1, textAddr2 :: Text textAddr0 : textAddr1 : textAddr2 : _ = textAddrs