{- Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward This file is part of BishBosh. BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BishBosh. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] Static tests. -} module BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game( -- * Constants testCases, -- * Functions applyMoves ) where import BishBosh.Model.Game((/~)) import Control.Arrow((&&&), (***), (|||)) import Data.Map((!)) import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.LogicalColour as Attribute.LogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType as Attribute.MoveType import qualified BishBosh.Attribute.Rank as Attribute.Rank import qualified BishBosh.Cartesian.Coordinates as Cartesian.Coordinates import qualified BishBosh.Component.Move as Component.Move import qualified BishBosh.Component.QualifiedMove as Component.QualifiedMove import qualified BishBosh.Data.Exception as Data.Exception import qualified BishBosh.Model.Game as Model.Game import qualified BishBosh.Notation.MoveNotation as Notation.MoveNotation import qualified BishBosh.Notation.Smith as Notation.Smith import qualified BishBosh.Property.ExtendedPositionDescription as Property.ExtendedPositionDescription import qualified BishBosh.Property.ForsythEdwards as Property.ForsythEdwards import qualified BishBosh.Rule.GameTerminationReason as Rule.GameTerminationReason import qualified BishBosh.Text.ShowList as Text.ShowList import qualified Control.Exception import qualified Data.Default import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Test.HUnit import Test.HUnit((~?), (~:), (~?=)) -- | Apply moves specified in Smith-notation, to the default opening board. applyMoves :: [String] -> Either (String, String) Model.Game.Game applyMoves = Model.Game.applyEitherQualifiedMoves ( \s -> case Notation.MoveNotation.readsQualifiedMove Data.Default.def {-Smith-} s of [(eitherQualifiedMove, "")] -> Right eitherQualifiedMove _ -> Left . shows s . showString " /~ " $ Notation.MoveNotation.showsMoveSyntax Data.Default.def "" ) ( Data.Default.def :: Model.Game.Game ) -- | Check the sanity of the implementation, by validating a list of static test-cases. testCases :: Test.HUnit.Test testCases = Test.HUnit.test [ "'BishBosh.Model.Game.showFEN' failed" ~: Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN (Data.Default.def :: Model.Game.Game) ~?= "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1", "'BishBosh.Model.Game.showFEN' failed" ~: either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN ( applyMoves ["e2e4"] ) ~?= "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3 0 1", "'BishBosh.Model.Game.showFEN' failed" ~: either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN ( applyMoves ["e2e4", "c7c5"] ) ~?= "rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6 0 2", "'BishBosh.Model.Game.showFEN' failed" ~: either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) Property.ForsythEdwards.showFEN ( applyMoves $ words "e2e4 c7c5 g1f3" ) ~?= "rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/5N2/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKB1R b KQkq - 1 2", all ( ( $ (Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "r3k2r/8/8/8/8/8/8/R3K2R" :: Model.Game.Game) ) . ( \s -> case Notation.MoveNotation.readsQualifiedMove Data.Default.def s of [(eitherQualifiedMove, "")] -> Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove eitherQualifiedMove _ -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . shows s . showString " /~ " $ Notation.MoveNotation.showsMoveSyntax Data.Default.def "" ) ) [ "e1g1c", "e1c1C" ] ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove' failed when castling.", "'BishBosh.Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer' failed" ~: Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer ( Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "8/3K4/4q3/3bb3/8/8/8/4k3" :: Model.Game.Game ) ~?= [ Component.QualifiedMove.mkQualifiedMove ( Cartesian.Coordinates.mkRelativeCoordinates ((+ 3) *** (+ 6)) `Component.Move.mkMove` Cartesian.Coordinates.mkRelativeCoordinates ((+ 3) *** (+ 7)) ) Data.Default.def {-moveType-} ], not ( Model.Game.isValidQualifiedMove ( Component.QualifiedMove.mkQualifiedMove ( Cartesian.Coordinates.mkRelativeCoordinates ((+ 3) *** succ) `Component.Move.mkMove` Cartesian.Coordinates.mkRelativeCoordinates ((+ 3) *** (+ 2)) ) $ Attribute.MoveType.mkNormalMoveType (Just Attribute.Rank.Pawn) Nothing ) ( Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "4k3/8/8/8/1b6/3p4/3R4/4K3" :: Model.Game.Game ) ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.isValidQualifiedMove' failed", let pawnsCoordinates :: Cartesian.Coordinates.Coordinates pawnsCoordinates = Cartesian.Coordinates.translateY pred maxBound game :: Model.Game.Game game = Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "4k3/7P/8/8/8/8/8/4K3" in Model.Game.getBoard ( fst {-game-} . head . Model.Game.rollBack $ Model.Game.applyQualifiedMove ( Component.QualifiedMove.mkQualifiedMove ( Component.Move.mkMove pawnsCoordinates maxBound ) . Attribute.MoveType.mkNormalMoveType Nothing $ Just Attribute.Rank.defaultPromotionRank ) game ) == Model.Game.getBoard game ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.rollback' failed to undo a Pawn-promotion", let game :: Model.Game.Game game = Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "4k3/8/8/8/8/8/8/R3K2R" in all ( ( == Model.Game.getBoard game ) . ( \s -> case Notation.MoveNotation.readsQualifiedMove Data.Default.def s of [(eitherQualifiedMove, "")] -> Model.Game.getBoard . fst {-game-} . head . Model.Game.rollBack $ Model.Game.applyEitherQualifiedMove eitherQualifiedMove game _ -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . shows s . showString " /~ " $ Notation.MoveNotation.showsMoveSyntax Data.Default.def "" ) ) [ "e1g1c", "e1c1C" ] ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.rollback' failed to undo castling", ( \(moveString, errorMessage) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tfailed for " . showString Component.Move.tag . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows moveString . showString "; " $ showString errorMessage "." ) ||| ( \game -> case Notation.MoveNotation.readsQualifiedMove Data.Default.def "a5b6E" of [(eitherQualifiedMove, "")] -> Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove eitherQualifiedMove game ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove' failed for En-passant by White." _ -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t /~ " $ Notation.MoveNotation.showsMoveSyntax Data.Default.def "" ) $ applyMoves [ "a2a4", -- White: Queen's Rook's Pawn. "b8c6", -- Black: Queen's Knight. "a4a5", -- White: Queen's Rook's Pawn. "b7b5" -- Black: Queen's Knight's Pawn. ], ( \(moveString, errorMessage) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tfailed for " . showString Component.Move.tag . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows moveString . showString "; " $ showString errorMessage "." ) ||| ( \game -> case Notation.MoveNotation.readsQualifiedMove Data.Default.def "a4b3E" of [(eitherQualifiedMove, "")] -> Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove eitherQualifiedMove game ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove' failed for En-passant by Black." _ -> Control.Exception.throw $ Data.Exception.mkParseFailure "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tfailed to parse move." ) $ applyMoves [ "b1c3", -- White: Queen's Knight. "a7a5", -- Black: Queen's Rook's Pawn. "c3b1", -- White: Queen's Knight. "a5a4", -- Black: Queen's Rook's Pawn. "b2b4" -- White: Queen's Knight's Pawn. ], Data.Maybe.maybe False Rule.GameTerminationReason.isStaleMate ( Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason ( Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "rnbqk2r/pppppp2/8/8/8/7p/6np/6bK" :: Model.Game.Game ) ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason' failed to detect \"Stale-mate\".", all ( \s -> Data.Maybe.maybe False Rule.GameTerminationReason.isDrawByInsufficientMaterial $ Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason ( Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN s :: Model.Game.Game ) ) [ "2k5/8/1KB5/3B4/8/8/8/8", "6k1/8/5KN1/8/8/8/8/8", "8/8/2KB4/8/7k/2B5/5b2/8" ] ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason' failed to detect \"Draw by Insufficient Material\".", all ( \s -> Data.Maybe.maybe True (not . Rule.GameTerminationReason.isDrawByInsufficientMaterial) $ Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason ( Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN s :: Model.Game.Game ) ) [ "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/1Q6", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/1R6", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/P7/8", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/B6n", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/n6n", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/N6n", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/bB6", "k7/8/K7/8/8/8/8/BB6" ] ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason' false positive \"Draw by Insufficient Material\".", ( either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) ( uncurry (==) . ( Model.Game.sortAvailableQualifiedMoves . (! Attribute.LogicalColour.White) . Model.Game.getAvailableQualifiedMovesByLogicalColour &&& Model.Game.sortAvailableQualifiedMoves . Model.Game.mkAvailableQualifiedMovesFor Attribute.LogicalColour.White ) ) . applyMoves $ words "g2g4 f7f6 g1h3 g7g5 h1g1 c7c6 d2d3 h7h5 c1d2 h5g4p d3d4 b8a6 f2f4 g4f3E" ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game.getAvailableQualifiedMovesByLogicalColour' failed after En-passant.", either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) ( Data.Maybe.maybe False Rule.GameTerminationReason.isDraw . Model.Game.getMaybeTerminationReason ) ( applyMoves . concat . replicate 4 $ words "g1f3 g8f6 f3g1 f6g8" ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game./~' failed to account for Draw by Five-fold Repetition.", let initialMoves = [ "e2e4", "g8f6", "e4e5", "d7d5" -- Construct an en-passant opportunity. ] in either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) id ( applyMoves initialMoves ) /~ either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) id ( applyMoves $ initialMoves ++ [ "d1e2", "d8d7", "e2d1", "d7d8" -- Dither to waste the en-passant opportunity, while retaining an identical board. ] ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game./~' failed to account for En-passant.", either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) id ( applyMoves [ "e2e4", "g8f6", "e4e5", "d7d5" -- Construct an en-passant opportunity. ] ) /~ either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) id ( applyMoves [ "e2e3", "g8f6", "e3e4", "d7d6", "e4e5", "d6d5" -- Create an identical board without the en-passant opportunity. ] ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game./~' failed to account for En-passant.", either ( \(moveString, s) -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkInvalidDatum . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\t" . showString moveString . showString "; " $ showString s "." ) ( /~ Data.Default.def ) ( applyMoves $ words "g1f3 g8f6 h1g1 f6g4 g1h1 g4h6 f3g1 h6g8" ) ~? "'BishBosh.Model.Game./~' failed to account for lost Castling-potential.", let longCastle = "e1c1C" in case Notation.MoveNotation.readsQualifiedMove Data.Default.def longCastle of [(eitherQualifiedMove, "")] -> Model.Game.isValidEitherQualifiedMove eitherQualifiedMove ( Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "r2qkbnr/ppp1pppp/2np4/5b2/3P4/NQP5/PP1BPPPP/R3KBNR w KQkq - 5 6" :: Model.Game.Game ) ~? "long Castle through legal check failed." _ -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tfailed to parse " $ shows longCastle ".", let epds :: [String] epds = [ "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq -", -- Initial position. "rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/3Pp3/8/8/PPP1PPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq e6", -- Double Pawn-advance leading to en-passant option. "rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR b KQkq e3", -- Double Pawn-advance, but no actual en-passant option. "rnbqkbnr/pp1ppppp/8/2p5/4P3/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq c6", -- Double Pawn-advance, but no actual en-passant option. " rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/1P6/8/P1PPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w\t Kq \r b3", -- Extra white space & potential parser confusion between Casteable Rooks & En-passant destination fields. "rnbqkr2/p2pbp1p/1pp4n/6N1/PP2pRpP/2N5/R1PPPPP1/2BQKB2 b - -" -- Neither Casteable Rooks nor En-passant destination are defined. ] parseFailures :: [(String, String)] parseFailures = filter ( uncurry (/=) ) $ map ( \epd -> ( epd, case Property.ExtendedPositionDescription.readsEPD epd of [(game, "")] -> Property.ExtendedPositionDescription.showEPD (game :: Model.Game.Game) [(_, remainder)] -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkRedundantData . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tparsed EPD=" . shows epd . showString ", but leaving " $ shows remainder " unparsed." _ -> Control.Exception.throw . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure . showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tfailed to parse EPD=" $ shows epd "." ) -- Pair. ) epds in not (null parseFailures) ~? showString "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tfailed to correctly parse EPDs=" (shows parseFailures "."), let terminalMoves = map (Notation.Smith.getQualifiedMove . read) ["d6d8", "e7c7", "d6b6"] in all ( `elem` Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableTo minBound (Model.Game.fromBoard $ Property.ForsythEdwards.readFEN "K7/4q1p1/3r4/8/8/5k2/8/8 b - - 13 49" :: Model.Game.Game) ) terminalMoves ~? "BishBosh.Test.HUnit.Model.Game.testCases:\tterminal move unavailable." ]