{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {- Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward This file is part of BishBosh. BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with BishBosh. If not, see . -} {- | [@AUTHOR@] Dr. Alistair Ward [@DESCRIPTION@] * Reads the configuration by parsing the command-line arguments. * Plays a chess-game as configured. -} module Main(main) where import BishBosh.Data.Float() -- import BishBosh.Data.Ratio() -- Required if either criterionWeight or criterionValue is Rational. import Control.Arrow((&&&), (***)) import Control.Category((>>>)) import qualified BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGN as ContextualNotation.PGN import qualified BishBosh.ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase as ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase import qualified BishBosh.ContextualNotation.QualifiedMoveForest as ContextualNotation.QualifiedMoveForest import qualified BishBosh.Data.Exception as Data.Exception import qualified BishBosh.Input.CommandLineOption as Input.CommandLineOption import qualified BishBosh.Input.IOOptions as Input.IOOptions import qualified BishBosh.Input.Options as Input.Options import qualified BishBosh.Input.PGNOptions as Input.PGNOptions import qualified BishBosh.Input.UIOptions as Input.UIOptions import qualified BishBosh.Input.Verbosity as Input.Verbosity import qualified BishBosh.Model.Game as Model.Game import qualified BishBosh.Play as Play import qualified BishBosh.Property.Empty as Property.Empty import qualified BishBosh.Property.Null as Property.Null import qualified BishBosh.Property.ShowFloat as Property.ShowFloat import qualified BishBosh.State.PlayState as State.PlayState import qualified BishBosh.State.TurnsByLogicalColour as State.TurnsByLogicalColour import qualified BishBosh.Text.Show as Text.Show import qualified BishBosh.Text.ShowList as Text.ShowList import qualified BishBosh.Types as T import qualified Control.Exception import qualified Control.Monad import qualified Data.Default import qualified Data.List import qualified Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Version import qualified Paths_bishbosh as Paths -- Either local stub, or package-instance auto-generated by 'Setup build'. import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as G import qualified System.Directory import qualified System.Environment import qualified System.Exit import qualified System.FilePath import qualified System.Info import qualified System.IO import qualified System.Random import qualified Text.Printf import qualified Text.XML.HXT.Core as HXT import qualified ToolShed.Data.List import qualified ToolShed.System.File import System.FilePath((), (<.>)) #ifdef USE_NARROW_NUMBERS import BishBosh.Data.Integral() -- HXT.XmlPickler. #endif #ifdef USE_HXTRELAXNG import qualified Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG #endif #ifdef TOOL_VERSION_ghc import qualified GHC.Conc #endif #ifdef USE_UNIX import qualified BishBosh.Concurrent.SignalHandlers as Concurrent.SignalHandlers #endif type Row = T.Y type Column = T.X -- N.B. there's no requirement to be the same type as Row. type Options = Input.Options.Options Column T.CriterionWeight T.PieceSquareValue T.RankValue Row T.X T.Y writeXMLToFile :: HXT.XmlPickler pickleable => System.FilePath.FilePath -- ^ Destination. -> String -- ^ Root-element. -> System.FilePath.FilePath -- ^ DTD file-path. -> pickleable -- ^ The pickleable. -> IO () writeXMLToFile destinationFilePath rootElementTag dtdFilePath x = System.IO.withFile destinationFilePath System.IO.WriteMode ( `System.IO.hPutStrLn` ( showString "\n\n" ( HXT.showPickled [ HXT.withIndent HXT.yes -- CAVEAT: corresponding input-option 'HXT.withRemoveWS' may subsequently be required. ] x ) ) ) -- | Entry-point. main :: IO () main = do progName <- System.Environment.getProgName args <- System.Environment.getArgs dataDir <- fmap System.FilePath.normalise Paths.getDataDir -- Defined using 'cabal configure --datadir="" --datasubdir=""'. appUserDataDir <- System.Directory.getAppUserDataDirectory progName -- CAVEAT: on Unix/Gnu-Linux, requires the '$HOME' environment-variable to have been defined. executablePath <- fmap System.FilePath.normalise System.Environment.getExecutablePath System.Directory.doesDirectoryExist appUserDataDir >>= ( `Control.Monad.unless` Control.Exception.catch ( System.Directory.createDirectory appUserDataDir ) ( \e -> do System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr $ shows (e :: Control.Exception.SomeException) "." System.Exit.exitFailure ) ) let author :: String author = "Dr. Alistair Ward" inputConfigFilePathFlag :: Input.CommandLineOption.Flag inputConfigFilePathFlag = "inputConfigFilePath" {- Define all permissible command-line options. This specification is fairly complicated: Each command-line option is categorised as one of: an "IO-action", which is subsequently sequenced with other IO-actions, before exiting; an "Options-mutator", which if specified, defines a function used to transform 'Input.CommandLineOption.CommandLineOption'. Additionally, the command-line options are recorded as they're processed, to enable display of the command-line in the results; if one merely displays 'args', then security-sensitive details may be revealed, & it's difficult to find & remove such options, since the associated flag may be truncated to a minimum unique string. -} optDescrList :: [ G.OptDescr ( Maybe (String {-flag-}, Maybe String {-optional value-}), -- Record command-line specifications. Input.CommandLineOption.CommandLineOption Options -- Defines the action to take on receipt of a command-line option. ) -- Pair. ] optDescrList = [ G.Option "?" ["help"] ( G.NoArg ( Nothing {-N/A-}, Input.CommandLineOption.mkIOAction printHelp ) ) $ showString infoString "print this help, & then exit.", G.Option "v" ["version"] ( G.NoArg ( Nothing {-N/A-}, Input.CommandLineOption.mkIOAction printVersion ) ) $ showString infoString "print version-information, & then exit.", G.Option "i" [inputConfigFilePathFlag] ( G.ReqArg ( Just . (,) inputConfigFilePathFlag . Just &&& Input.CommandLineOption.mkConfigLocationParameter ) $ mkTypeString filePathString ) $ showString inputString "define the path to an XML-file from which the configuration can be read.", G.Option "r" [Input.Options.randomSeedTag] ( G.OptArg ( Just . (,) Input.Options.randomSeedTag &&& Input.CommandLineOption.mkOptionsMutator . setRandomSeed ) $ mkTypeString intString ) . showString executionString . showString "seed the pseudo-random number-generator with the specified integer, to produce a repeatable sequence; if this option is unspecified then the seed is unpredictable, but if only its argument is unspecified then the seed defaults to '" $ shows defaultRandomSeed "'.", G.Option "o" [Input.IOOptions.outputConfigFilePathTag] ( G.ReqArg ( Just . (,) Input.IOOptions.outputConfigFilePathTag . Just &&& Input.CommandLineOption.mkOptionsMutator . setOutputConfigFilePath ) $ mkTypeString filePathString ) $ showString outputString "define the path to a file into which the unprocessed configuration, formatted in XML, should be written.", G.Option "" [Input.UIOptions.printMoveTreeTag] ( G.ReqArg ( Just . (,) Input.UIOptions.printMoveTreeTag . Just &&& Input.CommandLineOption.mkOptionsMutator . setPrintMoveTree ) $ mkTypeString intString ) $ showString outputString "draw the tree of all possible moves in the configured notation, each annotated by a fitness-evaluation for the resulting position, truncated to the specified number of plies.", G.Option "" ["checkPickler"] ( G.NoArg ( Nothing {-N/A-}, Input.CommandLineOption.mkIOAction checkPickler ) ) $ showString outputString "check the XML-pickler used to read & write configuration-files, & then exit.", G.Option "" ["generateDTD"] ( G.NoArg ( Nothing {-N/A-}, Input.CommandLineOption.mkIOAction generateDTD ) ) $ showString outputString "generate a rough Document Type Definition (DTD), defining the XML-format of configuration-files, & then exit. CAVEAT: it must be manually amended to identify 'IMPLIED', 'ID', & 'IDREF' attributes.", G.Option "" [Input.Verbosity.tag] ( G.ReqArg ( Just . (,) Input.Verbosity.tag . Just &&& Input.CommandLineOption.mkOptionsMutator . setVerbosity ) . mkTypeString $ Text.ShowList.capitaliseInitial Input.Verbosity.tag ) . showString outputString . showString "define the log-level; default '" $ shows (Input.UIOptions.getVerbosity defaultUIOptions) "'." ] where mkTypeString :: ShowS mkTypeString s = showChar '<' $ showString s ">" intString, filePathString, executionString, infoString, inputString, outputString :: String intString = "Int" filePathString = "File-path" executionString = "Execution: " infoString = "Info: " inputString = "Input: " outputString = "Output: " defaultUIOptions :: Input.UIOptions.UIOptions Row Column defaultUIOptions = Data.Default.def defaultRandomSeed :: Input.Options.RandomSeed defaultRandomSeed = 0 -- Unary options-mutators. setPrintMoveTree, setVerbosity, setOutputConfigFilePath :: String -> Options -> Options setPrintMoveTree = Input.Options.setMaybePrintMoveTree . Just . Input.CommandLineOption.readArg setVerbosity = Input.Options.setVerbosity . Input.CommandLineOption.readArg setOutputConfigFilePath = Input.Options.setMaybeOutputConfigFilePath . Just setRandomSeed :: Maybe String -> Options -> Options setRandomSeed = Input.Options.setMaybeRandomSeed . Just . Data.Maybe.maybe defaultRandomSeed Input.CommandLineOption.readBoundedIntegral -- Nullary I/O-actions. printHelp, printVersion :: IO () printHelp = Control.Monad.void . Text.Printf.printf "Usage:\t%s\nEBNF argument-format:\n\t%-9s = %s;\n\t%-9s = %s;\n\t%-9s = %s;\n" ( G.usageInfo progName optDescrList ) filePathString ( showString fileNameTag . showString " ('" . showChar System.FilePath.pathSeparator . showString "' " $ showString fileNameTag ")*" ) intString "[0-9]+" ( Text.ShowList.capitaliseInitial Input.Verbosity.tag ) $ ToolShed.Data.List.showListWith ('(', '|', ')') Input.Verbosity.range " (* Case-sensitive *)" where fileNameTag :: String fileNameTag = "File-name" printVersion = putStrLn ( showString progName . showChar '-' . showsVersion Paths.version . showString "\n\nCompiled by " . showString System.Info.compilerName . showChar '-' . showsVersion System.Info.compilerVersion . showString ".\n\nCopyright (C) 2018 " . showString author . showString ".\nThis program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.\nThis is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.\n\nWritten by " $ showString author "." ) >> System.Exit.exitSuccess where showsVersion :: Data.Version.Version -> ShowS showsVersion = foldr (.) id . Data.List.intersperse (showChar '.') . map shows . Data.Version.versionBranch checkPickler, generateDTD :: IO () checkPickler = Control.Monad.void . HXT.runX $ HXT.constA (Data.Default.def :: Options) >>> HXT.checkPickler HXT.xpickle generateDTD = Control.Monad.void . HXT.runX $ HXT.constA (undefined :: Options) >>> HXT.xpickleWriteDTD HXT.xpickle [ HXT.withTrace 0 {-valid values in closed interval [0, 4]-} ] "-" {-stdout-} -- CAVEAT: this DTD requires manual correction of defaulted attributes, which are erroneously defined as 'REQUIRED' rather than 'IMPLIED'. #ifdef USE_UNIX Concurrent.SignalHandlers.handleSignals #endif -- Use the list of possible options, to process the actual list of arguments. case G.getOpt G.RequireOrder optDescrList args of (commandLineOptions, [{-non-options-}], [{-errors-}]) | not $ null ioActions -> sequence_ ioActions >> System.Exit.exitSuccess | Just configFilePath <- maybeConfigFilePath -> let {- The strategy is to either parse XML for the input-options, then over-ride them with each of the command-line options-mutators, but regrettably "verbosity" (a command-line option) is needed while doing so. This is resolved by reading the "verbosity" from the command-line first. -} preVerbosity :: Input.Verbosity.Verbosity preVerbosity | null verbosityArgs = Data.Default.def | otherwise = Input.CommandLineOption.readArg $ head verbosityArgs where verbosityArgs :: [String] verbosityArgs = Input.CommandLineOption.getArgs ( map (showString Input.CommandLineOption.longFlagPrefix) . drop 4 {-those prefixes ambiguous with "version"-} $ Data.List.inits Input.Verbosity.tag -- Generate all unique abbreviations. ) args in do fileExists <- System.Directory.doesFileExist configFilePath if not fileExists then do cwd <- System.Directory.getCurrentDirectory Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkSearchFailure . showString "no such file " . shows configFilePath $ ( if preVerbosity == maxBound && System.FilePath.isRelative configFilePath then showString "; CWD=" . shows cwd else id ) "." -- This error would be trapped by HXT.xunpickleDocument, but it doesn't set the exit-status. else let configDir :: System.FilePath.FilePath configDir = dataDir "config" inputSysConfig :: HXT.SysConfigList inputSysConfig = [ HXT.withRemoveWS HXT.yes, -- Remove white-space, e.g. any indentation which might have been introduced by 'HXT.withIndent'. HXT.withStrictInput HXT.yes, -- Read the input file strictly (cf. lazily), this ensures file-closure even if not completely read. #ifdef USE_HXTRELAXNG Text.XML.HXT.RelaxNG.withRelaxNG $ configDir progName <.> "rng" -- Validate against the referenced RelaxNG schema. #else HXT.withValidate HXT.yes -- Validate against any DTD referenced from the specified XML-file. #endif ] maximumTraceLevel :: Int maximumTraceLevel = 2 -- CAVEAT: HXT trace-levels 3 & 4 are too verbose. processInputOptions :: Options -> IO Options processInputOptions options = let options' :: Options options' = ( \o -> ( if Data.Maybe.isNothing . Input.IOOptions.getMaybePersistence $ Input.Options.getIOOptions o then Input.Options.setMaybePersistence $ Just ( appUserDataDir System.FilePath.takeBaseName configFilePath <.> "txt", True -- Automatic. ) else id ) o ) $ foldr ($) options optionsMutators -- Sequentially mutate the configuration, using each of the options-mutators specified on the command-line. ioOptions = Input.Options.getIOOptions options' (maybeOutputConfigFilePath, uiOptions) = Input.IOOptions.getMaybeOutputConfigFilePath &&& Input.IOOptions.getUIOptions $ ioOptions verbosity = Input.UIOptions.getVerbosity uiOptions (showsInfoPrefix, showsWarningPrefix) = const ( Text.Show.showsInfoPrefix, Text.Show.showsWarningPrefix ) `either` const ( Text.ShowList.showsInfoPrefix, Text.ShowList.showsWarningPrefix ) $ Input.UIOptions.getEitherNativeUIOrCECPOptions uiOptions in do #ifdef TOOL_VERSION_ghc numProcessors <- GHC.Conc.getNumProcessors Control.Monad.when (verbosity /= minBound && numProcessors > 1 && GHC.Conc.numCapabilities == 1) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr . showsWarningPrefix . showString "this application typically benefits from " . shows numProcessors . showString " CPU-cores; try '" . showString progName . showChar ' ' $ showString (unwords args) " +RTS -N'." #endif Control.Monad.when (verbosity == maxBound) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr . showsInfoPrefix . showString Input.Options.tag . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation $ Property.ShowFloat.showsFloatToN (Input.UIOptions.getNDecimalDigits uiOptions) options' "." Control.Monad.when (Data.Maybe.isJust maybeOutputConfigFilePath) $ let Just outputConfigFilePath = maybeOutputConfigFilePath in Control.Exception.catch ( writeXMLToFile outputConfigFilePath Input.Options.tag ( configDir progName <.> "dtd" ) options {-the original-} ) $ \e -> Control.Monad.unless (verbosity == minBound) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr . showsWarningPrefix . showString "failed to write the configuration in XML, to " . showString Input.IOOptions.outputConfigFilePathTag . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows outputConfigFilePath . showString "; " $ shows (e :: Control.Exception.SomeException) "." -- This error isn't fatal, so continue. randomGen <- Data.Maybe.maybe ( do Control.Monad.when (verbosity > Data.Default.def) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr $ showsWarningPrefix "seeding the pseudo-random number-generator from the operating-system; the result will not typically be repeatable." System.Random.getStdGen ) ( return {-to IO-monad-} . System.Random.mkStdGen -- Seed the pseudo-random number-generator with the specified integer. ) $ Input.Options.getMaybeRandomSeed options' playState <- uncurry (Play.play randomGen) . (,) options' =<< ( -- Artificially construct a pair, to reduce the strictness & thus allow the UI to be rendered while PGN-databases are evaluated in the background. \qualifiedMoveForest -> do Control.Monad.when (verbosity == maxBound && not (Property.Null.isNull qualifiedMoveForest)) $ mapM_ ( System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr . showsInfoPrefix . ($ ".") ) [ showString "resulting tree contains (nGames, nMoves)" . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows (ContextualNotation.QualifiedMoveForest.count qualifiedMoveForest), -- CAVEAT: application stalls during this call. showString "the minimum number of pieces remaining in any of the archived games" . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows (ContextualNotation.QualifiedMoveForest.findMinimumPieces qualifiedMoveForest) ] return {-to IO-monad-} qualifiedMoveForest ) =<< Control.Monad.foldM ( \qualifiedMoveForest pgnOptions -> let (pgnDatabaseFilePath, minimumPlies) = Input.PGNOptions.getDatabaseFilePath &&& Input.PGNOptions.getMinimumPlies $ pgnOptions searchPath = Data.List.nub $ [ ".", -- CWD. dataDir -- The installation-directory. ] ++ Data.List.unfoldr ( \filePath -> let directory = System.FilePath.takeDirectory filePath in if directory `elem` map return {-to List-monad-} ['.', System.FilePath.pathSeparator] then Nothing else Just (directory, directory) ) executablePath in either ( Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure ) ( ( \pgnDatabase -> do Control.Monad.when (verbosity == maxBound) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr . showsInfoPrefix . showString "read PGN-database" . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation . shows pgnDatabaseFilePath . showString " containing (nGames, nMoves)" . Text.ShowList.showsAssociation $ shows ( Data.List.foldl' ( \acc pgn -> let acc'@(nGames, nPlies) = succ *** ( + State.TurnsByLogicalColour.getNPlies (Model.Game.getTurnsByLogicalColour $ ContextualNotation.PGN.getGame pgn) ) $ acc in nGames `seq` nPlies `seq` acc' ) (0 :: Model.Game.NGames, 0) pgnDatabase ) "." -- CAVEAT: this stalls rendering of a native UI. return {-to IO-monad-} $ ContextualNotation.QualifiedMoveForest.mergePGNDatabase pgnDatabase qualifiedMoveForest ) . if minimumPlies == 0 then id else filter $ (>= minimumPlies) . State.TurnsByLogicalColour.getNPlies . Model.Game.getTurnsByLogicalColour . ContextualNotation.PGN.getGame ) =<< Data.Maybe.maybe ( Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkSearchFailure . showString "failed to locate " . shows pgnDatabaseFilePath . showString " in " $ shows searchPath "." ) ( \absolutePGNDatabaseFilePath -> ContextualNotation.PGNDatabase.parseIO absolutePGNDatabaseFilePath ( Input.PGNOptions.getIsStrictlySequential pgnOptions ) ( Input.PGNOptions.getValidateMoves pgnOptions ) ( Input.PGNOptions.getTextEncoding pgnOptions ) ( Input.PGNOptions.getIdentificationTags pgnOptions ) ) . Data.Maybe.listToMaybe =<< ToolShed.System.File.locate pgnDatabaseFilePath searchPath ) Property.Empty.empty {-QualifiedMoveForest-} (Input.IOOptions.getPGNOptionsList ioOptions) let maybeApplicationTerminationReason = State.PlayState.getMaybeApplicationTerminationReason (playState :: State.PlayState.PlayState Column T.CriterionValue T.CriterionWeight T.PieceSquareValue T.PositionHash T.RankValue Row T.WeightedMean T.X T.Y) in Control.Monad.when ( verbosity /= minBound && Data.Maybe.isJust maybeApplicationTerminationReason ) . System.IO.hPutStrLn System.IO.stderr . showsInfoPrefix . showString "application terminated " $ shows (Data.Maybe.fromJust maybeApplicationTerminationReason) "." return {-to IO-monad-} options' in Control.Monad.void {-discard the state returned by processInputOptions-} . HXT.runX $ HXT.setTraceLevel (fromEnum preVerbosity `min` maximumTraceLevel) >>> HXT.xunpickleDocument HXT.xpickle inputSysConfig configFilePath >>> HXT.traceMsg (fromEnum preVerbosity `min` maximumTraceLevel) (showString Input.Options.tag " parsed") >>> HXT.arrIO processInputOptions | otherwise -> Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkInsufficientData $ shows (Input.CommandLineOption.longFlagPrefix ++ inputConfigFilePathFlag) " must be specified." where ioActions :: [IO ()] optionsMutators :: [Options -> Options] maybeConfigFilePath :: Maybe String (ioActions, optionsMutators, maybeConfigFilePath) = Input.CommandLineOption.partition3 $ map snd commandLineOptions -- Categorise the specified command-line options. (_, nonOptions, []) -> Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkRedundantData . showString "unexpected command-line arguments; " $ shows nonOptions "." (_, _, errors) -> Control.Exception.throwIO . Data.Exception.mkParseFailure $ concat errors