module Bio.Sequence.Phd(
  readPhd, hReadPhd,
  readPhdTags) where

import Bio.Core.Sequence
import Bio.Sequence.PhdData
import Bio.Sequence.PhdTag

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (label)

import qualified Data.ByteString as BBB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BB
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B

import Data.Ix
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Format
import Data.Binary (encode)
import System.IO
import System.Locale

-- | Parse a .phd file, extracting the contents as a PHD
readPhd :: FilePath -> IO Phd
readPhd f = return . mkPhd =<< readFile f

readPhdTags :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe [PhdTag])
readPhdTags f = return . mkPhdTags . lines =<< readFile f

-- | Parse .phd contents from a handle
hReadPhd :: Handle -> IO Phd
hReadPhd h = return . mkPhd =<< hGetContents h

-- | The actual phd parser.

mkPhd :: String -> Phd
mkPhd inp =
  let (hd:fs)                = filter (not . null) . lines $ inp
      (magic,label)          = splitAt 15 hd
      (comment'',seqAndTags) = break (== "BEGIN_DNA") fs
      comment'               = init $ tail comment''
      comment                = map ((tail . snd) . break (== ' ')) comment'
      (seq', tags')          = break (== "END_DNA") seqAndTags
      seq                    = drop 1 seq'
      tags                   = init $ tail tags'
      fields                 = words . unlines $ comment
      sdata                  = filter ((==3).length) . map words $ seq
      err                    = error "failed to parse quality value"
      dna                    = concatMap (!! 0) sdata
      qual                   = map ((\x -> read x :: Int) . (!! 1)) sdata
      traceInd               = map ((\x -> read x :: Int) . (!! 2)) sdata
  in if magic == "BEGIN_SEQUENCE " then
       Phd (mkComment  comment)
           (mkDNABlock label dna qual traceInd)
           (mkPhdTags tags)
       error "Incorrectly formatted PHD file - missing BEGIN_SEQUENCE"
     --   Todo: also check that we have a BEGIN_DNA/END_DNA region there.

mkComment :: [String] -> Comment
mkComment com = Comment { chromatFile        = head com
                        , abiThumbprint      = com!!1
                        , phredVersion       = com!!2
                        , callMethod         = com!!3
                        , qualityLevels      = read (com!!4) :: Int
                        , time               = readTime defaultTimeLocale "%a %b %-e %T %Y" $ com!!5
                        , traceArrayMinIndex = read (com!!6) :: Int
                        , traceArrayMaxIndex = read (com!!7) :: Int
                        , trim               = if length com > 10 then
                                                 Just $ com!!8
                        , chem = (!!) com (if length com > 10 then 9 else 8)
                        , dye  = (!!) com (if length com > 10 then 10 else 9)

mkDNABlock :: String -> String -> [Int] -> [Int] -> DNABlock
mkDNABlock l d q t = DNABlock { label        = SeqLabel { unSL = B.pack l}
                              , bases        = SeqData  { unSD = B.pack d }
                              , qualities    = QualData { unQD = encode q }
                              , traceIndices = t }

mkPhdTags :: [String] -> Maybe [PhdTag]
mkPhdTags phdLines = case groupByTags phdLines of
                       [] -> Nothing
                       _  -> Just (map (fromJust . mkOnePhdTag)
                                       (groupByTags phdLines))

groupByTags :: [String] -> [[String]]
groupByTags [] = []
groupByTags xs =
  let begin_indices = elemIndices "BEGIN_TAG" xs
      end_indices   = elemIndices "END_TAG" xs
      tag_spans     = zip begin_indices end_indices
      grouping x    = drop (fst (tag_spans !! x)) (take (snd (tag_spans !! x) + 1) xs)
  in  map grouping (Data.Ix.range (0, length tag_spans - 1))

parseReadPosition :: String -> (Offset, Offset)
parseReadPosition line = (head positions, (head . tail) positions)
    where positions = map (\x -> Offset {unOff = read x :: Int64}) $ dropLabel line                      

dropLabel :: String -> [String]
dropLabel = tail . words

mkOnePhdTag :: [String] -> Maybe PhdTag
mkOnePhdTag td = case length td of
                   0 -> Nothing
                   9 -> Just PhdTag { tagType = head $ dropLabel (td!!1)
                                    , source  = head $ dropLabel (td!!2)
                                    , unpaddedReadPosition = parseReadPosition (td!!3)
                                    , date    = readTime defaultTimeLocale "%y/%d/%m %T" $ intercalate " " $ dropLabel (td!!4)
                                    , Bio.Sequence.PhdTag.comment = if td!!6 == "BEGIN_TAG" then Nothing
                                                                    else Just (td!!6)
                   _ -> Just PhdTag { tagType = head $ dropLabel (td!!1)
                                    , source  = head $ dropLabel (td!!2)
                                    , unpaddedReadPosition = parseReadPosition (td!!3)
                                    , date    = readTime defaultTimeLocale "%y/%d/%m %T" $ intercalate " " $ dropLabel (td!!4)
                                    , Bio.Sequence.PhdTag.comment = Nothing