{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} module Bio.Data.Bed ( BEDLike(..) -- * BED6 format , BED(..) -- * BED3 format , BED3(..) -- * NarrowPeak format , NarrowPeak(..) , BEDTree , bedToTree , sortedBedToTree , intersecting , isIntersected , sizeOverlapped , splitBed , splitBedBySize , splitBedBySizeLeft , splitBedBySizeOverlap , Sorted(..) , sortBed , intersectBed , intersectBedWith , intersectSortedBed , intersectSortedBedWith , isOverlapped , mergeBed , mergeBedWith , mergeSortedBed , mergeSortedBedWith , splitOverlapped , hReadBed , hReadBed' , readBed , readBed' , hWriteBed , hWriteBed' , writeBed , writeBed' -- * Utilities , fetchSeq , fetchSeq' , motifScan , getMotifScore , getMotifPValue , compareBed ) where import Control.Arrow ((***)) import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Conduit import Data.Default.Class (Default(..)) import Data.Function (on) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import qualified Data.IntervalMap.Strict as IM import Data.List (groupBy, sortBy) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust) import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as I import System.IO import Data.ByteString.Lex.Integral (packDecimal) import Data.Double.Conversion.ByteString (toShortest) import Data.Ord (comparing) import Bio.Motif hiding (_name) import Bio.Motif.Search import Bio.Seq import Bio.Seq.IO import Bio.Utils.Misc ( binBySizeLeft, binBySize, binBySizeOverlap, bins , readInt, readDouble ) -- | A class representing BED-like data, e.g., BED3, BED6 and BED12. BED format -- uses 0-based index (see documentation). class BEDLike b where -- | Construct bed record from chromsomoe, start location and end location asBed :: B.ByteString -> Int -> Int -> b -- | Convert bytestring to bed format fromLine :: B.ByteString -> b -- | Convert bed to bytestring toLine :: b -> B.ByteString -- | Field accessor chrom :: b -> B.ByteString chromStart :: b -> Int chromEnd :: b -> Int bedName :: b -> Maybe B.ByteString bedScore :: b -> Maybe Double bedStrand :: b -> Maybe Bool convert :: BEDLike b' => b' -> b convert bed = asBed (chrom bed) (chromStart bed) (chromEnd bed) {-# INLINE convert #-} -- | Return the size of a bed region. bedSize :: b -> Int bedSize bed = chromEnd bed - chromStart bed {-# MINIMAL asBed, fromLine, toLine, chrom, chromStart, chromEnd, bedName, bedScore, bedStrand #-} -- * BED6 format -- | BED6 format, as described in http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format1.7 data BED = BED { _chrom :: !B.ByteString , _chromStart :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int , _chromEnd :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int , _name :: !(Maybe B.ByteString) , _score :: !(Maybe Double) , _strand :: !(Maybe Bool) -- ^ True: "+", False: "-" } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance Ord BED where compare (BED x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6) (BED y1 y2 y3 y4 y5 y6) = compare (x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6) (y1,y2,y3,y4,y5,y6) instance Default BED where def = BED { _chrom = "" , _chromStart = 0 , _chromEnd = 0 , _name = Nothing , _score = Nothing , _strand = Nothing } instance BEDLike BED where asBed chr s e = BED chr s e Nothing Nothing Nothing fromLine l = evalState (f (B.split '\t' l)) 1 where f :: [B.ByteString] -> State Int BED f [] = do i <- get if i <= 3 then error "Read BED fail: Incorrect number of fields" else return def f (x:xs) = do i <- get put (i+1) bed <- f xs case i of 1 -> return $ bed {_chrom = x} 2 -> return $ bed {_chromStart = readInt x} 3 -> return $ bed {_chromEnd = readInt x} 4 -> return $ bed {_name = guard' x} 5 -> return $ bed {_score = getScore x} 6 -> return $ bed {_strand = getStrand x} _ -> return def guard' x | x == "." = Nothing | otherwise = Just x getScore x | x == "." = Nothing | otherwise = Just . readDouble $ x getStrand str | str == "-" = Just False | str == "+" = Just True | otherwise = Nothing {-# INLINE fromLine #-} toLine (BED f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6) = B.intercalate "\t" [ f1, (B.pack.show) f2, (B.pack.show) f3, fromMaybe "." f4, score' , strand' ] where strand' | f6 == Just True = "+" | f6 == Just False = "-" | otherwise = "." score' = case f5 of Just x -> (B.pack.show) x _ -> "." {-# INLINE toLine #-} chrom = _chrom chromStart = _chromStart chromEnd = _chromEnd bedName = _name bedScore = _score bedStrand = _strand convert bed = BED (chrom bed) (chromStart bed) (chromEnd bed) (bedName bed) (bedScore bed) (bedStrand bed) -- * BED3 format data BED3 = BED3 !B.ByteString !Int !Int deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance Ord BED3 where compare (BED3 x1 x2 x3) (BED3 y1 y2 y3) = compare (x1,x2,x3) (y1,y2,y3) instance BEDLike BED3 where asBed = BED3 fromLine l = case B.split '\t' l of (a:b:c:_) -> BED3 a (readInt b) $ readInt c _ -> error "Read BED fail: Incorrect number of fields" {-# INLINE fromLine #-} toLine (BED3 a b c) = B.intercalate "\t" [a, fromJust $ packDecimal b, fromJust $ packDecimal c] {-# INLINE toLine #-} chrom (BED3 f1 _ _) = f1 chromStart (BED3 _ f2 _) = f2 chromEnd (BED3 _ _ f3) = f3 bedName = const Nothing bedScore = const Nothing bedStrand = const Nothing -- | ENCODE narrowPeak format: https://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format12 data NarrowPeak = NarrowPeak { _npChrom :: !B.ByteString , _npStart :: !Int , _npEnd :: !Int , _npName :: !(Maybe B.ByteString) , _npScore :: !Double , _npStrand :: !(Maybe Bool) , _npSigal :: !Double , _npPvalue :: !(Maybe Double) , _npQvalue :: !(Maybe Double) , _npPeak :: !(Maybe Int) } deriving (Eq, Show, Read) instance BEDLike NarrowPeak where asBed chr s e = NarrowPeak chr s e Nothing 0 Nothing 0 Nothing Nothing Nothing fromLine l = NarrowPeak a (readInt b) (readInt c) (if d == "." then Nothing else Just d) (readDouble e) (if f == "." then Nothing else if f == "+" then Just True else Just False) (readDouble g) (if readDouble h < 0 then Nothing else Just $ readDouble h) (if readDouble i < 0 then Nothing else Just $ readDouble i) (if readInt j < 0 then Nothing else Just $ readInt j) where (a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h:i:j:_) = B.split '\t' l {-# INLINE fromLine #-} toLine (NarrowPeak a b c d e f g h i j) = B.intercalate "\t" [ a, fromJust $ packDecimal b, fromJust $ packDecimal c, fromMaybe "." d , toShortest e , case f of Nothing -> "." Just True -> "+" _ -> "-" , toShortest g, fromMaybe "-1" $ fmap toShortest h , fromMaybe "-1" $ fmap toShortest i , fromMaybe "-1" $ fmap (fromJust . packDecimal) j ] {-# INLINE toLine #-} chrom = _npChrom chromStart = _npStart chromEnd = _npEnd bedName = _npName bedScore = Just . _npScore bedStrand = _npStrand convert bed = NarrowPeak (chrom bed) (chromStart bed) (chromEnd bed) (bedName bed) (fromMaybe 0 $ bedScore bed) (bedStrand bed) 0 Nothing Nothing Nothing type BEDTree a = M.HashMap B.ByteString (IM.IntervalMap Int a) -- | Convert a set of sorted bed records to interval tree, with combining -- function for equal keys. sortedBedToTree :: (BEDLike b, F.Foldable f) => (a -> a -> a) -> Sorted (f (b, a)) -> BEDTree a sortedBedToTree f (Sorted xs) = M.fromList . map ((head *** IM.fromAscListWith f) . unzip) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . map (\(bed, x) -> (chrom bed, (IM.IntervalCO (chromStart bed) (chromEnd bed), x))) . F.toList $ xs {-# INLINE sortedBedToTree #-} bedToTree :: BEDLike b => (a -> a -> a) -> [(b, a)] -> BEDTree a bedToTree f xs = M.fromList . map ((head *** IM.fromAscListWith f) . unzip) . groupBy ((==) `on` fst) . map (\(bed, x) -> (chrom bed, (IM.IntervalCO (chromStart bed) (chromEnd bed), x))) . V.toList $ xs' where xs' = V.create $ do v <- V.unsafeThaw . V.fromList $ xs I.sortBy (compareBed `on` fst) v return v {-# INLINE bedToTree #-} intersecting :: BEDLike b => BEDTree a -> b -> IM.IntervalMap Int a intersecting tree x = IM.intersecting (M.lookupDefault IM.empty chr tree) interval where chr = chrom x interval = IM.IntervalCO (chromStart x) $ chromEnd x {-# INLINE intersecting #-} isIntersected :: BEDLike b => BEDTree a -> b -> Bool isIntersected tree = not . IM.null . intersecting tree {-# INLINE isIntersected #-} sizeOverlapped :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2) => b1 -> b2 -> Int sizeOverlapped x y | chr1 /= chr2 = 0 | overlap < 0 = 0 | otherwise = overlap where overlap = minimum [e1 - s2, e2 - s1, e1 - s1, e2 - s2] chr1 = chrom x s1 = chromStart x e1 = chromEnd x chr2 = chrom y s2 = chromStart y e2 = chromEnd y -- | split a bed region into k consecutive subregions, discarding leftovers splitBed :: BEDLike b => Int -> b -> [b] splitBed k bed = map (uncurry (asBed chr)) . bins k $ (s, e) where chr = chrom bed s = chromStart bed e = chromEnd bed {-# INLINE splitBed #-} -- | split a bed region into consecutive fixed size subregions, discarding leftovers splitBedBySize :: BEDLike b => Int -> b -> [b] splitBedBySize k bed = map (uncurry (asBed chr)) . binBySize k $ (s, e) where chr = chrom bed s = chromStart bed e = chromEnd bed {-# INLINE splitBedBySize #-} -- | split a bed region into consecutive fixed size subregions, including leftovers splitBedBySizeLeft :: BEDLike b => Int -> b -> [b] splitBedBySizeLeft k bed = map (uncurry (asBed chr)) . binBySizeLeft k $ (s, e) where chr = chrom bed s = chromStart bed e = chromEnd bed {-# INLINE splitBedBySizeLeft #-} splitBedBySizeOverlap :: BEDLike b => Int -- ^ bin size -> Int -- ^ overlap size -> b -> [b] splitBedBySizeOverlap k o bed = map (uncurry (asBed chr)) . binBySizeOverlap k o $ (s, e) where chr = chrom bed s = chromStart bed e = chromEnd bed {-# INLINE splitBedBySizeOverlap #-} -- | a type to imply that underlying data structure is sorted newtype Sorted b = Sorted {fromSorted :: b} deriving (Show, Read, Eq) -- | Compare bed records using only the chromosome, start and end positions. -- Unlike the ``compare'' from the Ord type class, this function can compare -- different types of BED data types. compareBed :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2) => b1 -> b2 -> Ordering compareBed x y = compare x' y' where x' = (chrom x, chromStart x, chromEnd x) y' = (chrom y, chromStart y, chromEnd y) {-# INLINE compareBed #-} -- | sort BED, first by chromosome (alphabetical order), then by chromStart, last by chromEnd sortBed :: BEDLike b => [b] -> Sorted (V.Vector b) sortBed beds = Sorted $ V.create $ do v <- V.unsafeThaw . V.fromList $ beds I.sortBy compareBed v return v {-# INLINE sortBed #-} -- | return records in A that are overlapped with records in B intersectBed :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2, Monad m) => [b2] -> Conduit b1 m b1 intersectBed b = intersectSortedBed b' where b' = sortBed b {-# INLINE intersectBed #-} -- | return records in A that are overlapped with records in B intersectSortedBed :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2, Monad m) => Sorted (V.Vector b2) -> Conduit b1 m b1 intersectSortedBed (Sorted b) = filterC (not . IM.null . intersecting tree) where tree = sortedBedToTree (\_ _ -> ()) . Sorted $ V.map (\x -> (x,())) b {-# INLINE intersectSortedBed #-} intersectBedWith :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2, Monad m) => ([b2] -> a) -> [b2] -> Conduit b1 m (b1, a) intersectBedWith fn = intersectSortedBedWith fn . sortBed {-# INLINE intersectBedWith #-} intersectSortedBedWith :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2, Monad m) => ([b2] -> a) -> Sorted (V.Vector b2) -> Conduit b1 m (b1, a) intersectSortedBedWith fn (Sorted b) = mapC f where f bed = (bed, fn $ concat $ IM.elems $ intersecting tree bed) tree = sortedBedToTree (++) $ Sorted $ V.map (\x -> (x, [x])) b {-# INLINE intersectSortedBedWith #-} isOverlapped :: (BEDLike b1, BEDLike b2) => b1 -> b2 -> Bool isOverlapped bed1 bed2 = chr == chr' && not (e <= s' || e' <= s) where chr = chrom bed1 s = chromStart bed1 e = chromEnd bed1 chr' = chrom bed2 s' = chromStart bed2 e' = chromEnd bed2 mergeBed :: (BEDLike b, Monad m) => [b] -> Source m b mergeBed = mergeSortedBed . sortBed {-# INLINE mergeBed #-} mergeBedWith :: (BEDLike b, Monad m) => ([b] -> a) -> [b] -> Source m a mergeBedWith f = mergeSortedBedWith f . sortBed {-# INLINE mergeBedWith #-} mergeSortedBed :: (BEDLike b, Monad m) => Sorted (V.Vector b) -> Source m b mergeSortedBed = mergeSortedBedWith f where f xs = asBed (chrom $ head xs) lo hi where lo = minimum . map chromStart $ xs hi = maximum . map chromEnd $ xs {-# INLINE mergeSortedBed #-} mergeSortedBedWith :: (BEDLike b, Monad m) => ([b] -> a) -> Sorted (V.Vector b) -> Source m a mergeSortedBedWith mergeFn (Sorted beds) | V.null beds = return () | otherwise = do (_, r) <- V.foldM' f acc0 . V.tail $ beds yield $ mergeFn r where x0 = V.head beds acc0 = ((chrom x0, chromStart x0, chromEnd x0), [x0]) f ((chr,lo,hi), acc) bed | chr /= chr' || s' > hi = yield (mergeFn acc) >> return ((chr',s',e'), [bed]) | e' > hi = return ((chr',lo,e'), bed:acc) | otherwise = return ((chr,lo,hi), bed:acc) where chr' = chrom bed s' = chromStart bed e' = chromEnd bed {-# INLINE mergeSortedBedWith #-} -- | Split overlapped regions into non-overlapped regions. The input must be overlapped. -- This function is usually used with `mergeBedWith`. splitOverlapped :: BEDLike b => ([b] -> a) -> [b] -> [(BED3, a)] splitOverlapped fun xs = filter ((>0) . bedSize . fst) $ evalState (F.foldrM f [] $ init xs') x0 where x0 = (\(a,b) -> (fromEither a, M.singleton (chromStart b, chromEnd b) b)) $ last xs' xs' = sortBy (comparing (fromEither . fst)) $ concatMap ( \x -> [(Left $ chromStart x, x), (Right $ chromEnd x, x)] ) xs f (i, x) acc = do (j, set) <- get let bed = (BED3 chr (fromEither i) j, fun $ M.elems set) set' = case i of Left _ -> M.delete (chromStart x, chromEnd x) set Right _ -> M.insert (chromStart x, chromEnd x) x set put (fromEither i, set') return (bed:acc) fromEither (Left x) = x fromEither (Right x) = x chr = chrom $ head xs {-# INLINE splitOverlapped #-} -- | Read records from a bed file handler in a streaming fashion. hReadBed :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => Handle -> Source m b hReadBed h = do eof <- liftIO $ hIsEOF h unless eof $ do line <- liftIO $ B.hGetLine h yield $ fromLine line hReadBed h {-# INLINE hReadBed #-} -- | Non-streaming version. hReadBed' :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => Handle -> m [b] hReadBed' h = runConduit $ hReadBed h .| sinkList {-# INLINE hReadBed' #-} -- | Read records from a bed file in a streaming fashion. readBed :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> Source m b readBed fl = do handle <- liftIO $ openFile fl ReadMode hReadBed handle liftIO $ hClose handle {-# INLINE readBed #-} -- | Non-streaming version. readBed' :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> m [b] readBed' fl = runConduit $ readBed fl .| sinkList {-# INLINE readBed' #-} hWriteBed :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => Handle -> Sink b m () hWriteBed handle = do x <- await case x of Nothing -> return () Just bed -> (liftIO . B.hPutStrLn handle . toLine) bed >> hWriteBed handle {-# INLINE hWriteBed #-} hWriteBed' :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => Handle -> [b] -> m () hWriteBed' handle beds = runConduit $ yieldMany beds .| hWriteBed handle {-# INLINE hWriteBed' #-} writeBed :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> Sink b m () writeBed fl = do handle <- liftIO $ openFile fl WriteMode hWriteBed handle liftIO $ hClose handle {-# INLINE writeBed #-} writeBed' :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => FilePath -> [b] -> m () writeBed' fl beds = yieldMany beds $$ writeBed fl {-# INLINE writeBed' #-} -- | retreive sequences fetchSeq :: (BioSeq DNA a, MonadIO m) => Genome -> Conduit BED m (Either String (DNA a)) fetchSeq g = mapMC f where f (BED chr start end _ _ isForward) = do dna <- liftIO $ getSeq g (chr, start, end) return $ case isForward of Just False -> rc <$> dna _ -> dna {-# INLINE fetchSeq #-} fetchSeq' :: (BioSeq DNA a, MonadIO m) => Genome -> [BED] -> m [Either String (DNA a)] fetchSeq' g beds = runConduit $ yieldMany beds .| fetchSeq g .| sinkList {-# INLINE fetchSeq' #-} -- | Identify motif binding sites motifScan :: (BEDLike b, MonadIO m) => Genome -> [Motif] -> Bkgd -> Double -> Conduit b m BED motifScan g motifs bg p = awaitForever $ \bed -> do let chr = chrom bed s = chromStart bed e = chromEnd bed r <- liftIO $ getSeq g (chr, s, e) case r of Left _ -> return () Right dna -> mapM_ (getTFBS dna (chr, s)) motifs' where getTFBS dna (chr, s) (nm, (pwm, cutoff), (pwm', cutoff')) = toProducer ( (findTFBS bg pwm (dna :: DNA IUPAC) cutoff True =$= mapC (\i -> BED chr (s+i) (s+i+n) (Just nm) Nothing $ Just True)) >> (findTFBS bg pwm' dna cutoff' True =$= mapC (\i -> BED chr (s+i) (s+i+n) (Just nm) Nothing $ Just False)) ) where n = Bio.Motif.size pwm motifs' = flip map motifs $ \(Motif nm pwm) -> let cutoff = pValueToScore p bg pwm cutoff' = pValueToScore p bg pwm' pwm' = rcPWM pwm in (nm, (pwm, cutoff), (pwm', cutoff')) {-# INLINE motifScan #-} -- | Retrieve motif matching scores getMotifScore :: MonadIO m => Genome -> [Motif] -> Bkgd -> Conduit BED m BED getMotifScore g motifs bg = awaitForever $ \(BED chr s e (Just nm) _ isForward) -> do r <- liftIO $ getSeq g (chr, s, e) let r' = case isForward of Just False -> rc <$> r _ -> r case r' of Left _ -> return () Right dna -> do let pwm = M.lookupDefault (error "can't find motif with given name") nm motifMap sc = score bg pwm (dna :: DNA IUPAC) yield $ BED chr s e (Just nm) (Just sc) isForward where motifMap = M.fromListWith (error "found motif with same name") $ map (\(Motif nm pwm) -> (nm, pwm)) motifs {-# INLINE getMotifScore #-} getMotifPValue :: Monad m => Maybe Double -- ^ whether to truncate the motif score CDF. -- Doing this will significantly reduce memory -- usage without sacrifice accuracy. -> [Motif] -> Bkgd -> Conduit BED m BED getMotifPValue truncation motifs bg = mapC $ \bed -> let nm = fromJust $ bedName bed sc = fromJust $ bedScore bed d = M.lookupDefault (error "can't find motif with given name") nm motifMap p = 1 - cdf d sc in bed{_score = Just p} where motifMap = M.fromListWith (error "getMotifPValue: found motif with same name") $ map (\(Motif nm pwm) -> (nm, compressCDF $ scoreCDF bg pwm)) motifs compressCDF = case truncation of Nothing -> id Just x -> truncateCDF x {-# INLINE getMotifPValue #-}