module Bio.Streaming ( MonadIO(..) , MonadMask , ByteStream , streamFile , streamHandle , streamInput , streamInputs , withOutputFile , protectTerm , psequence , progressGen , progressNum , progressPos , mergeStreams , mergeStreamsBy , mergeStreamsOn , module Streaming , module Streaming.Prelude ) where import Bio.Bam.Header import Bio.Prelude import Bio.Streaming.Bytes import Bio.Util.Numeric ( showNum ) import Streaming hiding ( (<>) ) import Streaming.Internal ( Stream(..) ) import Streaming.Prelude ( each ) import System.IO import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Q {- | Default buffer size in elements. Since we often want to merge many files, a read should take more time than a seek. Assuming a rotating hard drive, this sets the sensible buffer size to somewhat more than one MB. A smaller buffer size would surely work on SSDs, but the large buffer doesn't hurt either. -} defaultBufSize :: Int defaultBufSize = 2*1024*1024 streamFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> (ByteStream m () -> m r) -> m r streamFile f k = bracket (liftIO $ openBinaryFile f ReadMode) (liftIO . hClose) (k . streamHandle) {-# INLINE streamFile #-} streamHandle :: MonadIO m => Handle -> ByteStream m () streamHandle = hGetContentsN defaultBufSize {-# INLINE streamHandle #-} -- | Reads 'stdin' if the filename is \"-\", else reads the named file. streamInput :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> (ByteStream m () -> m r) -> m r streamInput "-" k = k (streamHandle stdin) streamInput f k = streamFile f k {-# INLINE streamInput #-} {- | Reads multiple inputs in sequence. Only one file is opened at a time, so they must also be consumed in sequence. The filename \"-\" refers to stdin, if no filenames are given, stdin is read. -} streamInputs :: MonadIO m => [FilePath] -> (Stream (ByteStream m) m () -> r) -> r streamInputs [] k = k $ yields (streamHandle stdin) streamInputs fs k = k $ mapM_ go fs where go "-" = yields (streamHandle stdin) go f = yields $ do h <- liftIO $ openBinaryFile f ReadMode streamHandle h liftIO $ hClose h {-# INLINE streamInputs #-} {- | Protects the terminal from binary junk. If @s@ is a 'Stream', then @protectTerm s@ throws an error if 'stdout' is a terminal device, followed by the same 'Stream'. This is most usefully composed with functions that might otherwise write binary data to an interactive terminal. -} protectTerm :: (Functor f, MonadIO m) => Stream f m r -> Stream f m r protectTerm str = do t <- liftIO $ hIsTerminalDevice stdout when t . liftIO . throwM $ ErrorCall "cowardly refusing to write binary data to terminal" str {-# INLINE protectTerm #-} {- Like 'Streaming.sequence', but parallel. This runs each element of a stream of actions. A configurable number of actions are buffered and run asynchronously. -} psequence :: MonadIO m => Int -> Stream (Of (IO a)) m b -> Stream (Of a) m b psequence np = go emptyQ where -- if the queue is full, wait for the head element to complete go !qq s = case popQ qq of Just (a,qq') | lengthQ qq == np -> reap a >>= wrap . (:> go qq' s) _ -> lift (inspect s) >>= go' qq -- if we have room for input, we get input go' !qq (Right (k :> s)) = liftIO (spawn k) >>= \a -> go (pushQ a qq) s go' !qq (Left r) = goE r qq -- input ended, empty the queue goE r !qq = case popQ qq of Nothing -> pure r Just (a,qq') -> reap a >>= wrap . (:> goE r qq') spawn :: IO a -> IO (MVar (Either SomeException a)) spawn k = newEmptyMVar >>= \mv -> forkIO (try k >>= putMVar mv) >> return mv reap mv = liftIO (takeMVar mv) >>= either (liftIO . throwM) return -- A very simple queue data type. -- Invariants: q = QQ l f b --> l == length f + length b -- --> l == 0 ==> null f data QQ a = QQ !Int [a] [a] emptyQ :: QQ a emptyQ = QQ 0 [] [] lengthQ :: QQ a -> Int lengthQ (QQ l _ _) = l pushQ :: a -> QQ a -> QQ a pushQ a (QQ l [] b) = QQ (l+1) (reverse (a:b)) [] pushQ a (QQ l f b) = QQ (l+1) f (a:b) popQ :: QQ a -> Maybe (a, QQ a) popQ (QQ _ [ ] _) = Nothing popQ (QQ l [ a ] b) = Just (a, QQ (l-1) (reverse b) []) popQ (QQ l (a:fs) b) = Just (a, QQ (l-1) fs b) mergeStreams :: (Monad m, Ord a) => Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of a) m s -> Stream (Of a) m (r, s) mergeStreams = mergeStreamsBy compare {-# INLINE mergeStreams #-} mergeStreamsOn :: (Monad m, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of a) m s -> Stream (Of a) m (r, s) mergeStreamsOn f = mergeStreamsBy (comparing f) {-# INLINE mergeStreamsOn #-} mergeStreamsBy :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Ordering) -> Stream (Of a) m r -> Stream (Of a) m s -> Stream (Of a) m (r, s) mergeStreamsBy cmp = go where go str0 str1 = case str0 of Return r0 -> (\r1 -> (r0, r1)) <$> str1 Effect m -> Effect $ liftM (\str -> go str str1) m Step (a :> rest0) -> case str1 of Return r1 -> (\r0 -> (r0, r1)) <$> str0 Effect m -> Effect $ liftM (go str0) m Step (b :> rest1) -> case cmp a b of LT -> Step (a :> go rest0 str1) EQ -> Step (a :> go rest0 str1) -- left-biased GT -> Step (b :> go str0 rest1) {-# INLINABLE mergeStreamsBy #-} -- | A general progress indicator that prints some message after a set -- number of records have passed through. progressGen :: MonadIO m => (Int -> a -> String) -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> Q.Stream (Q.Of a) m r -> Q.Stream (Q.Of a) m r progressGen msg sz put = go 0 where go !n = lift . >=> either pure (step $ succ n) step !n (a,s) = do when (n `mod` sz == 0) . liftIO . put $ "\27[K" ++ msg n a ++ "\r" Q.cons a (go n s) -- | A simple progress indicator that prints the number of records. progressNum :: MonadIO m => String -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> Q.Stream (Q.Of a) m r -> Q.Stream (Q.Of a) m r progressNum msg = progressGen (\n _ -> msg ++ " " ++ showNum n) -- | A simple progress indicator that prints a position every set number -- of passed records. progressPos :: MonadIO m => (a -> (Refseq, Int)) -> String -> Refs -> Int -> (String -> IO ()) -> Q.Stream (Q.Of a) m r -> Q.Stream (Q.Of a) m r progressPos f msg refs = progressGen $ \_ a -> let (!rs1, !po1) = f a !nm = unpack . sq_name $ getRef refs rs1 in msg ++ " " ++ nm ++ ":" ++ showNum po1