module Bio.Bam.Index ( BamIndex(..), readBamIndex, readBaiIndex, readTabix, Region(..), Subsequence(..), eneeBamRefseq, eneeBamSubseq, eneeBamRegions, eneeBamUnaligned ) where import Bio.Bam.Header import Bio.Bam.Reader import Bio.Bam.Rec import Bio.Bam.Regions ( Region(..), Subsequence(..) ) import Bio.Iteratee import Bio.Prelude import System.Posix.Files ( fileExist ) import qualified Bio.Bam.Regions as R import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as W import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as N import qualified Data.Vector.Algorithms.Intro as N -- | Full index, unifying BAI and CSI style. In both cases, we have the -- binning scheme, parameters are fixed in BAI, but variable in CSI. -- Checkpoints are created from the linear index in BAI or from the -- `loffset' field in CSI. data BamIndex a = BamIndex { -- | Minshift parameter from CSI minshift :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | Depth parameter from CSI depth :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int, -- | Best guess at where the unaligned records start unaln_off :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64, -- | Room for stuff (needed for tabix) extensions :: a, -- | Records for the binning index, where each bin has a list of -- segments belonging to it. refseq_bins :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(V.Vector Bins), -- | Known checkpoints of the form (pos,off) where off is the -- virtual offset of the first record crossing pos. refseq_ckpoints :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(V.Vector Ckpoints) } deriving Show -- | Mapping from bin number to vector of clusters. type Bins = IntMap Segments type Segments = U.Vector (Int64,Int64) -- | Checkpoints. Each checkpoint is a position with the virtual offset -- where the first alignment crossing the position is found. In BAI, we -- get this from the 'ioffset' vector, in CSI we get it from the -- 'loffset' field: "Given a region [beg,end), we only need to visit -- chunks whose end file offset is larger than 'ioffset' of the 16kB -- window containing 'beg'." (Sounds like a marginal gain, though.) type Ckpoints = IntMap Int64 -- | Decode only those reads that fall into one of several regions. -- Strategy: We will scan the file mostly linearly, but only those -- regions that are actually needed. We filter the decoded stuff so -- that it actually overlaps our regions. -- -- From the binning index, we get a list of segments per requested -- region. Using the checkpoints, we prune them: if we have a -- checkpoint to the left of the beginning of the interesting region, we -- can move the start of each segment forward to the checkpoint. If -- that makes the segment empty, it can be droppped. -- -- The resulting segment lists are merged, then traversed. We seek to -- the beginning of the earliest segment and start decoding. Once the -- virtual file position leaves the segment or the alignment position -- moves past the end of the requested region, we move to the next. -- Moving is a seek if it spans a sufficiently large gap or points -- backwards, else we just keep going. -- | A 'Segment' has a start and an end offset, and an "end coordinate" -- from the originating region. data Segment = Segment {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int64 {-# UNPACK #-} !Int deriving Show segmentLists :: BamIndex a -> Refseq -> R.Subsequence -> [[Segment]] segmentLists bi@BamIndex{..} (Refseq ref) (R.Subsequence imap) | Just bins <- refseq_bins V.!? fromIntegral ref, Just cpts <- refseq_ckpoints V.!? fromIntegral ref = [ rgnToSegments bi beg end bins cpts | (beg,end) <- M.toList imap ] segmentLists _ _ _ = [] -- from region to list of bins, then to list of segments rgnToSegments :: BamIndex a -> Int -> Int -> Bins -> Ckpoints -> [Segment] rgnToSegments bi@BamIndex{..} beg end bins cpts = [ Segment boff' eoff end | bin <- binList bi beg end , (boff,eoff) <- maybe [] U.toList $ M.lookup bin bins , let boff' = max boff cpt , boff' < eoff ] where !cpt = maybe 0 snd $ M.lookupLE beg cpts -- list of bins for given range of coordinates, from Heng's horrible code binList :: BamIndex a -> Int -> Int -> [Int] binList BamIndex{..} beg end = binlist' 0 (minshift + 3*depth) 0 where binlist' l s t = if l > depth then [] else [b..e] ++ go where b = t + beg `shiftR` s e = t + (end-1) `shiftR` s go = binlist' (l+1) (s-3) (t + 1 `shiftL` (3*l)) -- | Merges two lists of segments. Lists must be sorted, the merge sort -- merges overlapping segments into one. infix 4 ~~ (~~) :: [Segment] -> [Segment] -> [Segment] Segment a b e : xs ~~ Segment u v f : ys | b < u = Segment a b e : (xs ~~ Segment u v f : ys) -- no overlap | a < u && b < v = Segment a v (max e f) : (xs ~~ ys) -- some overlap | b < v = Segment u v (max e f) : (xs ~~ ys) -- contained | v < a = Segment u v f : (xs ~~ Segment a b e : ys) -- no overlap | u < a = Segment u b (max e f) : (xs ~~ ys) -- some overlap | otherwise = Segment a b (max e f) : (xs ~~ ys) -- contained [] ~~ ys = ys xs ~~ [] = xs -- | Reads any index we can find for a file. If the file name has a -- .bai or .csi extension, we read it. Else we look for the index by -- adding such an extension and by replacing the extension with these -- two, and finally in the file itself. The first file that exists and -- can actually be parsed, is used. readBamIndex :: FilePath -> IO (BamIndex ()) readBamIndex fp | ".bai" `isSuffixOf` fp = enumFile defaultBufSize fp readBaiIndex >>= run | ".csi" `isSuffixOf` fp = enumFile defaultBufSize fp readBaiIndex >>= run | otherwise = tryIx (fp ++ ".bai") $ tryIx (dropExtension fp ++ "bai") $ tryIx (fp ++ ".csi") $ tryIx (dropExtension fp ++ "csi") $ enumFile defaultBufSize fp readBaiIndex >>= run where dropExtension p = reverse $ (if null b then "." ++ f else b) ++ d where (f,d) = break (=='/') $ reverse p b = dropWhile (/='.') f tryIx f k = do e <- fileExist f if e then do r <- enumFile defaultBufSize f readBaiIndex >>= tryRun case r of Right ix -> return ix Left (IterStringException _) -> k else k -- | Read an index in BAI or CSI format, recognized automatically. -- Note that TBI is supposed to be compressed using bgzip; it must be -- decompressed before being passed to 'readBaiIndex'. readBaiIndex :: MonadIO m => Iteratee Bytes m (BamIndex ()) readBaiIndex = iGetString 4 >>= switch where switch "BAI\1" = do nref <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB getIndexArrays nref 14 5 (const return) getIntervals switch "CSI\1" = do minshift <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB depth <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB endianRead4 LSB >>= dropStreamBS . fromIntegral -- aux data nref <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB getIndexArrays nref minshift depth (addOneCheckpoint minshift depth) return switch magic = throwErr . iterStrExc $ "index signature " ++ show magic ++ " not recognized" -- Insert one checkpoint. If we already have an entry (can happen -- if it comes from a different bin), we conservatively take the min addOneCheckpoint minshift depth bin cp = do loffset <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead8 LSB let key = llim (fromIntegral bin) (3*depth) minshift return $! M.insertWith min key loffset cp -- compute left limit of bin llim bin dp sf | dp == 0 = 0 | bin >= ix = (bin - ix) `shiftL` sf | otherwise = llim bin (dp-3) (sf+3) where ix = (1 `shiftL` dp - 1) `div` 7 type TabIndex = BamIndex TabMeta data TabMeta = TabMeta { format :: TabFormat , col_seq :: Int -- Column for the sequence name , col_beg :: Int -- Column for the start of a region , col_end :: Int -- Column for the end of a region , comment_char :: Char , skip_lines :: Int , names :: V.Vector Bytes } deriving Show data TabFormat = Generic | SamFormat | VcfFormat | ZeroBased deriving Show -- | Reads a Tabix index. Note that tabix indices are compressed, this -- is taken care of. readTabix :: MonadIO m => Iteratee Bytes m TabIndex readTabix = joinI $ decompressBgzf $ iGetString 4 >>= switch where switch "TBI\1" = do nref <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB format <- liftM toFormat (endianRead4 LSB) col_seq <- liftM fromIntegral (endianRead4 LSB) col_beg <- liftM fromIntegral (endianRead4 LSB) col_end <- liftM fromIntegral (endianRead4 LSB) comment_char <- liftM (chr . fromIntegral) (endianRead4 LSB) skip_lines <- liftM fromIntegral (endianRead4 LSB) names <- liftM (V.fromList . B.split 0) . iGetString . fromIntegral =<< endianRead4 LSB ix <- getIndexArrays nref 14 5 (const return) getIntervals fin <- isFinished if fin then return $! ix { extensions = TabMeta{..} } else do unaln <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead8 LSB return $! ix { unaln_off = unaln, extensions = TabMeta{..} } switch magic = throwErr . iterStrExc $ "index signature " ++ show magic ++ " not recognized" toFormat 1 = SamFormat toFormat 2 = VcfFormat toFormat x = if testBit x 16 then ZeroBased else Generic -- Read the intervals. Each one becomes a checkpoint. getIntervals :: Monad m => (IntMap Int64, Int64) -> Iteratee Bytes m (IntMap Int64, Int64) getIntervals (cp,mx0) = do nintv <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB reduceM 0 nintv (cp,mx0) $ \(!im,!mx) int -> do oo <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead8 LSB return (if oo == 0 then im else M.insert (int * 0x4000) oo im, max mx oo) getIndexArrays :: MonadIO m => Int -> Int -> Int -> (Word32 -> Ckpoints -> Iteratee Bytes m Ckpoints) -> ((Ckpoints, Int64) -> Iteratee Bytes m (Ckpoints, Int64)) -> Iteratee Bytes m (BamIndex ()) getIndexArrays nref minshift depth addOneCheckpoint addManyCheckpoints | nref < 1 = return $ BamIndex minshift depth 0 () V.empty V.empty | otherwise = do rbins <- liftIO $ nref rckpts <- liftIO $ nref mxR <- reduceM 0 nref 0 $ \mx0 r -> do nbins <- endianRead4 LSB (!bins,!cpts,!mx1) <- reduceM 0 nbins (M.empty,M.empty,mx0) $ \(!im,!cp,!mx) _ -> do bin <- endianRead4 LSB -- the "distinct bin" cp' <- addOneCheckpoint bin cp segsarr <- getSegmentArray let !mx' = if U.null segsarr then mx else max mx (snd (U.last segsarr)) return (M.insert (fromIntegral bin) segsarr im, cp', mx') (!cpts',!mx2) <- addManyCheckpoints (cpts,mx1) liftIO $ W.write rbins r bins >> W.write rckpts r cpts' return mx2 liftM2 (BamIndex minshift depth mxR ()) (liftIO $ V.unsafeFreeze rbins) (liftIO $ V.unsafeFreeze rckpts) -- | Reads the list of segments from an index file and makes sure -- it is sorted. getSegmentArray :: MonadIO m => Iteratee Bytes m Segments getSegmentArray = do nsegs <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead4 LSB segsarr <- liftIO $ nsegs loopM 0 nsegs $ \i -> do beg <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead8 LSB end <- fromIntegral `liftM` endianRead8 LSB liftIO $ N.write segsarr i (beg,end) liftIO $ N.sort segsarr >> U.unsafeFreeze segsarr {-# INLINE reduceM #-} reduceM :: (Monad m, Enum ix, Eq ix) => ix -> ix -> a -> (a -> ix -> m a) -> m a reduceM beg end acc cons = if beg /= end then cons acc beg >>= \n -> reduceM (succ beg) end n cons else return acc {-# INLINE loopM #-} loopM :: (Monad m, Enum ix, Eq ix) => ix -> ix -> (ix -> m ()) -> m () loopM beg end k = if beg /= end then k beg >> loopM (succ beg) end k else return () -- | Seeks to a given sequence in a Bam file and enumerates only those -- records aligning to that reference. We use the first checkpoint -- available for the sequence. This requires an appropriate index, and -- the file must have been opened in such a way as to allow seeking. -- Enumerates over the @BamRaw@ records of the correct sequence only, -- doesn't enumerate at all if the sequence isn't found. eneeBamRefseq :: Monad m => BamIndex b -> Refseq -> Enumeratee [BamRaw] [BamRaw] m a eneeBamRefseq BamIndex{..} (Refseq r) iter | Just ckpts <- refseq_ckpoints V.!? fromIntegral r , Just (voff, _) <- M.minView ckpts , voff /= 0 = do seek $ fromIntegral voff breakE ((Refseq r /=) . b_rname . unpackBam) iter | otherwise = return iter -- | Seeks to the part of a Bam file that contains unaligned reads and -- enumerates those. Sort of the dual to 'eneeBamRefseq'. We use the -- best guess at where the unaligned stuff starts. If no such guess is -- available, we decode everything. eneeBamUnaligned :: Monad m => BamIndex b -> Enumeratee [BamRaw] [BamRaw] m a eneeBamUnaligned BamIndex{..} iter = do when (unaln_off /= 0) $ seek $ fromIntegral unaln_off filterStream (not . isValidRefseq . b_rname . unpackBam) iter -- | Enumerates one 'Segment'. Seeks to the start offset, unless -- reading over the skipped part looks cheaper. Enumerates until we -- either cross the end offset or the max position. eneeBamSegment :: Monad m => Segment -> Enumeratee [BamRaw] [BamRaw] m r eneeBamSegment (Segment beg end mpos) out = do -- seek if it's a backwards seek or more than 512k forwards peekStream >>= \x -> case x of Just br | beg <= o && beg + 0x8000 > o -> return () where o = fromIntegral $ virt_offset br _ -> seek $ fromIntegral beg let in_segment br = virt_offset br <= fromIntegral end && b_pos (unpackBam br) <= mpos takeWhileE in_segment out eneeBamSubseq :: Monad m => BamIndex b -> Refseq -> R.Subsequence -> Enumeratee [BamRaw] [BamRaw] m a eneeBamSubseq bi ref subs = foldr ((>=>) . eneeBamSegment) return segs ><> filterStream olap where segs = foldr (~~) [] $ segmentLists bi ref subs olap br = b_rname == ref && R.overlaps b_pos (b_pos + alignedLength b_cigar) subs where BamRec{..} = unpackBam br eneeBamRegions :: Monad m => BamIndex b -> [R.Region] -> Enumeratee [BamRaw] [BamRaw] m a eneeBamRegions bi = foldr ((>=>) . uncurry (eneeBamSubseq bi)) return . R.toList . R.fromList