module Bio.TwoBit (
) where
import Bio.Prelude hiding ( left, right, chr )
import Bio.Util.MMap
import Bio.Util.Storable
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as I
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy as M
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Foreign.C.Types ( CChar )
data TwoBitFile = TBF {
tbf_raw :: B.ByteString,
tbf_seqs :: !(M.HashMap Seqid TwoBitSequence)
data TwoBitSequence = TBS { tbs_n_blocks :: !(I.IntMap Int)
, tbs_m_blocks :: !(I.IntMap Int)
, tbs_dna_offset :: !Int
, tbs_dna_size :: !Int }
openTwoBit :: FilePath -> IO TwoBitFile
openTwoBit fp = do
raw <- unsafeMMapFile fp
B.unsafeUseAsCString raw $ \praw ->
flip evalStateT praw $ do
sig <- getWord32be
getWord32 <- case sig :: Word32 of
0x1A412743 -> return getWord32be
0x4327411A -> return getWord32le
_ -> fail $ "invalid .2bit signature " ++ showHex sig []
version <- getWord32
unless (version == 0) $ fail $ "wrong .2bit version " ++ show version
nseqs <- getWord32
_reserved <- getWord32
TBF raw <$> foldM (\ix _ -> do !key <- getWord8 >>= getByteString
!off <- getWord32
return $! M.insert key (mkBlockIndex raw getWord32 off) ix
) M.empty [1..nseqs]
type Get = StateT (Ptr CChar) IO
getWord8, getWord32be, getWord32le :: Num a => Get a
getWord8 = StateT $ \p -> peekUnalnWord32BE p >>= \w -> return (fromIntegral w, plusPtr p 1)
getWord32be = StateT $ \p -> peekUnalnWord32BE p >>= \w -> return (fromIntegral w, plusPtr p 4)
getWord32le = StateT $ \p -> peekUnalnWord32LE p >>= \w -> return (fromIntegral w, plusPtr p 4)
getByteString :: Int -> Get Bytes
getByteString l = StateT $ \p -> B.packCStringLen (p,l) >>= \s -> return (s, plusPtr p l)
mkBlockIndex :: B.ByteString -> Get Int -> Int -> TwoBitSequence
mkBlockIndex raw getWord32 ofs =
unsafePerformIO $
B.unsafeUseAsCString raw $ \praw ->
evalStateT getBlock (plusPtr praw ofs)
getBlock = do p0 <- get
ds <- getWord32
nb <- readBlockList
mb <- readBlockList
_ <- getWord32
p1 <- get
return $! TBS (I.fromList nb) (I.fromList mb) (ofs + minusPtr p1 p0) ds
readBlockList = getWord32 >>= \n -> liftM2 zip (repM n getWord32) (repM n getWord32)
repM :: Monad m => Int -> m a -> m [a]
repM n0 m = go [] n0
go acc 0 = return acc
go acc n = m >>= \x -> x `seq` go (x:acc) (n1)
takeOverlap :: Int -> I.IntMap Int -> [(Int,Int)]
takeOverlap k m = dropWhile far_left $
maybe id (\(kv,_) -> (:) kv) (I.maxViewWithKey left) $
maybe id (\v -> (:) (k,v)) middle $
I.toAscList right
(left, middle, right) = I.splitLookup k m
far_left (s,l) = s+l <= k
data Mask = None | Soft | Hard | Both deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum, Show)
getFwdSubseqWith :: TwoBitFile -> TwoBitSequence
-> (Word8 -> Mask -> a)
-> Int -> [a]
getFwdSubseqWith TBF{..} TBS{..} nt start =
do_mask (takeOverlap start tbs_n_blocks `mergeBlocks` takeOverlap start tbs_m_blocks) start .
drop (start .&. 3) .
B.foldr toDNA [] .
B.drop (fromIntegral $ tbs_dna_offset + (start `shiftR` 2)) $ tbf_raw
toDNA b = (++) [ 3 .&. (b `shiftR` x) | x <- [6,4,2,0] ]
do_mask _ _ [] = []
do_mask [ ] _ ws = map (`nt` None) ws
do_mask ((s,l,m):is) p ws
| p < s = map (`nt` None) (take (sp) ws) ++ do_mask ((s,l,m):is) s (drop (sp) ws)
| otherwise = map (`nt` m) (take (s+lp) ws) ++ do_mask is (s+l) (drop (s+lp) ws)
mergeBlocks :: [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [(Int,Int,Mask)]
mergeBlocks ((_,0):nbs) mbs = mergeBlocks nbs mbs
mergeBlocks nbs ((_,0):mbs) = mergeBlocks nbs mbs
mergeBlocks ((ns,nl):nbs) ((ms,ml):mbs)
| ns < ms = let l = min (msns) nl in (ns,l, Hard) : mergeBlocks ((ns+l,nll):nbs) ((ms,ml):mbs)
| ms < ns = let l = min (nsms) ml in (ms,l, Soft) : mergeBlocks ((ns,nl):nbs) ((ms+l,mll):mbs)
| otherwise = let l = min nl ml in (ns,l, Both) : mergeBlocks ((ns+l,nll):nbs) ((ms+l,mll):mbs)
mergeBlocks ((ns,nl):nbs) [] = (ns,nl, Hard) : mergeBlocks nbs []
mergeBlocks [] ((ms,ml):mbs) = (ms,ml, Soft) : mergeBlocks [] mbs
mergeBlocks [ ] [ ] = []
getSubseqWith :: (Nucleotide -> Mask -> a) -> TwoBitFile -> Range -> [a]
getSubseqWith maskf tbf Range{ r_pos = Pos { p_seq = chr, p_start = start }, r_length = len } = do
let sq1 = fromMaybe (error $ unpack chr ++ " doesn't exist") $ M.lookup chr (tbf_seqs tbf)
let go = getFwdSubseqWith tbf sq1
if start < 0
then reverse $ take len $ go (maskf . cmp_nt) (startlen)
else take len $ go (maskf . fwd_nt) start
fwd_nt = (!!) [nucT, nucC, nucA, nucG] . fromIntegral
cmp_nt = (!!) [nucA, nucG, nucT, nucC] . fromIntegral
getLazySubseq :: TwoBitFile -> Position -> [Nucleotide]
getLazySubseq tbf Pos{ p_seq = chr, p_start = start } = do
let sq1 = fromMaybe (error $ unpack chr ++ " doesn't exist") $ M.lookup chr (tbf_seqs tbf)
let go = getFwdSubseqWith tbf sq1
if start < 0
then error "sorry, can't go backwards"
else go fwd_nt start
fwd_nt n _ = [nucT, nucC, nucA, nucG] !! fromIntegral n
getSubseq :: TwoBitFile -> Range -> [Nucleotide]
getSubseq = getSubseqWith const
getSubseqMasked :: TwoBitFile -> Range -> [Nucleotides]
getSubseqMasked = getSubseqWith mymask
mymask n None = nucToNucs n
mymask n Soft = nucToNucs n
mymask _ Hard = nucsN
mymask _ Both = nucsN
getSubseqAscii :: TwoBitFile -> Range -> String
getSubseqAscii = getSubseqWith mymask
mymask n None = showNucleotide n
mymask n Soft = toLower (showNucleotide n)
mymask _ Hard = 'N'
mymask _ Both = 'N'
getSeqnames :: TwoBitFile -> [Seqid]
getSeqnames = M.keys . tbf_seqs
lookupSequence :: TwoBitFile -> Seqid -> Maybe TwoBitSequence
lookupSequence tbf sq = M.lookup sq . tbf_seqs $ tbf
getSeqLength :: TwoBitFile -> Seqid -> Int
getSeqLength tbf chr =
maybe (error $ shows chr " doesn't exist") tbs_dna_size $
M.lookup chr (tbf_seqs tbf)
clampPosition :: TwoBitFile -> Range -> Range
clampPosition tbf (Range (Pos n start) len) = Range (Pos n start') (end' start')
size = getSeqLength tbf n
start' = if start < 0 then max start (size) else start
end' = min (start + len) $ if start < 0 then 0 else size
getRandomSeq :: TwoBitFile
-> Int
-> (Int -> g -> (Int, g))
-> g
-> ((Range, [Nucleotide]), g)
getRandomSeq tbf len rndInt = draw
names = getSeqnames tbf
lengths = map (getSeqLength tbf) names
total = sum lengths
frags = I.fromList $ zip (scanl (+) 0 lengths) names
draw g0 | good = ((r', sq), gn)
| otherwise = draw gn
(p0, gn) = rndInt (2*total) g0
p = p0 `shiftR` 1
Just ((o,s),_) = I.maxViewWithKey $ fst $ I.split (p+1) frags
r' = (if odd p0 then id else reverseRange) $ clampPosition tbf $ Range (Pos s (po)) len
sq = catMaybes $ getSubseqWith mask2maybe tbf r'
good = r_length r' == len && length sq == len
mask2maybe n None = Just n
mask2maybe n Soft = Just n
mask2maybe _ Hard = Nothing
mask2maybe _ Both = Nothing
getFragment :: TwoBitFile -> Seqid -> Int -> Int -> U.Vector Word8
getFragment tbf chr p l =
case lookupSequence tbf chr of
Nothing -> U.replicate l 4
Just tbs -> getFwdSubseqV tbf tbs p l
getFwdSubseqV :: TwoBitFile -> TwoBitSequence -> Int -> Int -> U.Vector Word8
getFwdSubseqV TBF{..} TBS{..} start len = U.unfoldrN len step ini
ini = (start, takeOverlap start tbs_n_blocks)
step (off, nbs)
| off < 0 = Just (4, (succ off, nbs))
| off >= tbs_dna_size = Just (4, (succ off, nbs))
| otherwise = case nbs of
[ ] -> Just (y, (succ off, [ ]))
(s,l):nbs' | off < s -> Just (y, (succ off, nbs))
| off < s+l -> Just (4, (succ off, nbs))
| otherwise -> Just (y, (succ off, nbs'))
x = B.index tbf_raw (tbs_dna_offset + off `shiftR` 2)
y = x `shiftR` (6 2 * (off .&. 3)) .&. 3