{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts, RecordWildCards #-} {- This is a validator/fixup for paired end BAM files, that is more efficient than 'samtools sort -n' followed by 'samtools fixmate'. We want both: to quickly join separate mates together again from the information about the mate's mapping coordinate, but at the same time deal with broken files where that doesn't actually work. Whenever we join mates, we also check if the flags are consistent and fix them if they aren't. In the end, the code will work... - splendidly, if mates are already adjacent, in which case everything is streamed. - well, if the input is sorted properly, in which case most reads stream, but improper pairs need to queue until the mate is reached. - reasonably, if there are occasional lone mates, which will be queued to the very end and sorted by hashed-qname before they are recognized and repaired. - awkwardly, if sorting is violated, flags are wrong or lone mates are the rule, because then it degenerates to a full sort by qname. TODO: . upgrade to pqueue in external memory . a companion program that sorts would be cool, but it should be an opportunistic sort that is fast on almost sorted files. -} import Bio.Base import Bio.Bam.Header import Bio.Bam.Reader hiding ( mergeInputs, combineCoordinates ) import Bio.Bam.Rec import Bio.Bam.Trim import Bio.Bam.Writer import Bio.Iteratee import Bio.PriorityQueue import Bio.Util.Numeric ( showNum ) import Control.Arrow ( (&&&) ) import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Data.Binary import Data.Bits import Data.Hashable import Data.List import Data.Version ( showVersion ) import Paths_biohazard ( version ) import System.Console.GetOpt import System.Environment ( getArgs, getProgName ) import System.Exit ( exitFailure, exitSuccess ) import System.IO ( hPutStrLn ) import Text.Printf import qualified Data.ByteString as S import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as V data Verbosity = Silent | Errors | Warnings | Notices deriving (Eq, Ord) data KillMode = KillNone | KillUu | KillAll deriving (Eq, Ord) data Config = CF { report_mrnm :: !Bool , report_mpos :: !Bool , report_isize :: !Bool , report_flags :: !Bool , report_fflag :: !Bool , report_ixs :: !Bool , verbosity :: Verbosity , killmode :: KillMode , output :: BamMeta -> Iteratee [BamRec] IO () , fixsven :: Maybe Int } config0 :: IO Config config0 = return $ CF True True False True False True Errors KillNone (protectTerm . pipeBamOutput) Nothing options :: [OptDescr (Config -> IO Config)] options = [ Option "o" ["output"] (ReqArg set_output "FILE") "Write output to FILE", Option "n" ["dry-run","validate"] (NoArg set_validate) "No output, validate only", Option "k" ["kill-lone"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { killmode = KillAll })) "Delete all lone mates", Option "u" ["kill-unmap"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { killmode = KillUu })) "Delete unmapped lone mates", Option [ ] ["kill-none"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { killmode = KillNone })) "Never delete lone mates (default)", Option "v" ["verbose"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { verbosity = Notices })) "Print informational messages", Option "w" ["warnings"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { verbosity = Warnings })) "Print warnings and errors", Option [ ] ["errors"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { verbosity = Errors })) "Print only errors (default)", Option "q" ["quiet"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { verbosity = Silent })) "Print only fatal errors", Option "" ["report-mrnm"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_mrnm = True })) "Report wrong mate reference name (default yes)", Option "" ["report-mpos"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_mpos = True })) "Report wrong mate position (default yes)", Option "" ["report-isize"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_isize = True })) "Report wrong insert size (default no)", Option "" ["report-flags"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_flags = True })) "Report wrong flags (default yes)", Option "" ["report-fflag"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_fflag = True })) "Report commonly inconsistent flags (default no)", Option "" ["no-report-mrnm"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_mrnm = False })) "Do not report wrong mate reference name", Option "" ["no-report-mpos"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_mpos = False })) "Do not report wrong mate position", Option "" ["no-report-isize"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_isize = False })) "Do not report wrong insert size", Option "" ["no-report-flags"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_flags = False })) "Do not report wrong flags", Option "" ["no-report-fflag"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_fflag = False })) "Do not report commonly inconsistent flags", Option "" ["no-report-fflag"] (NoArg (\c -> return $ c { report_ixs = False })) "Do not report mismatched index fields", Option "" ["fix-sven"] (ReqArg set_fixsven "QUAL") "Trim 3' ends of avg qual lower than QUAL", Option "h?" ["help","usage"] (NoArg usage) "Print this helpful message and exit", Option "V" ["version"] (NoArg vrsn) "Print version number and exit" ] where usage _ = do pn <- getProgName let blah = "Usage: " ++ pn ++ " [OPTION...] [FILE...]\n" ++ "Merge BAM files, rearrange them to move mate pairs together, " ++ "output a file with consistent mate pair information." hPutStrLn stderr $ usageInfo blah options exitSuccess vrsn _ = do pn <- getProgName hPutStrLn stderr $ pn ++ ", version " ++ showVersion version exitSuccess set_output "-" c = return $ c { output = pipeBamOutput } set_output f c = return $ c { output = writeBamFile f } set_validate c = return $ c { output = \_ -> skipToEof } set_fixsven a c = readIO a >>= \q -> return $ c { fixsven = Just q } -- XXX placeholder... pqconf :: PQ_Conf pqconf = PQ_Conf 1000 "/var/tmp/" main :: IO () main = do (opts, files, errors) <- getOpt Permute options `fmap` getArgs unless (null errors) $ mapM_ (hPutStrLn stderr) errors >> exitFailure config <- foldl (>>=) config0 opts add_pg <- addPG $ Just version withQueues $ \queues -> mergeInputs files >=> run $ \hdr -> re_pair queues config (meta_refs hdr) =$ mapChunks (maybe id do_trim (fixsven config)) =$ (output config) (add_pg hdr) -- | Fix a pair of reads. Right now fixes their order and checks that -- one is 1st mate, the other 2nd mate. More fixes to come. fixmate :: MonadIO m => BamRaw -> BamRaw -> Mating r m [BamRec] fixmate r s | isFirstMate (unpackBam r) && isSecondMate (unpackBam s) = sequence [go r s, go s r] | isSecondMate (unpackBam r) && isFirstMate (unpackBam s) = sequence [go s r, go r s] | otherwise = liftIO $ do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Names match, but 1st mate / 2nd mate flags do not: " ++ unpackSeqid (b_qname (unpackBam r)) hPutStrLn stderr $ "There is no clear way to fix this file. Giving up." exitFailure where -- position of 5' end pos5 a = if isReversed a then b_pos a + alignedLength (b_cigar a) else b_pos a -- transfer info from b to a go p q | null problems = return a | otherwise = do infos <- filter (not . null) `fmap` sequence [ m | (_,_,m) <- problems ] unless (null infos) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ message infos return $ foldr (\(_,m,_) -> m) a problems where a = unpackBam p b = unpackBam q problems = filter (\(x,_,_) -> not x) checks checks = [ (b_mrnm a == b_rname b, \x -> x { b_mrnm = b_rname b }, count_mrnm) , (b_mpos a == b_pos b, \x -> x { b_mpos = b_pos b }, count_mpos) , (b_isize a == computedIsize, \x -> x { b_isize = computedIsize }, count_isize) , (b_flag a === computedFlag, \x -> x { b_flag = computedFlag }, count_flags) , (b_flag a =!= computedFlag, \x -> x { b_flag = computedFlag }, count_fflag) , (b_indices a == common_indices, setIndices common_indices, count_ixs) ] message infos = "fixing " ++ shows (b_qname a `S.append` if isFirstMate a then "/1" else "/2") ": \t" ++ intercalate ", " infos !computedFlag' = (if b_rname a == invalidRefseq then (.|. flagUnmapped) else id) . (if b_rname b == invalidRefseq then (.|. flagMateUnmapped) else id) . (if isReversed b then (.|. flagMateReversed) else (.&. complement flagMateReversed)) . (if isUnmapped b then (.|. flagMateUnmapped) else (.&. complement flagMateUnmapped)) . (if isFailsQC b then (.|. flagFailsQC) else id) $ b_flag a !properly_paired = computedFlag' .&. (flagUnmapped .|. flagMateUnmapped) == 0 && b_rname a == b_rname b !computedFlag = if properly_paired then computedFlag' else computedFlag' .&. complement flagProperlyPaired !computedIsize = if properly_paired then pos5 b - pos5 a else 0 reduce f | f .&. flagMateUnmapped == 0 = f .&. complement flagFailsQC | otherwise = f .&. complement (flagFailsQC .|. flagMateReversed) f1 === f2 = reduce f1 == reduce f2 f1 =!= f2 = f1 /= f2 && f1 === f2 onlyIf f m = (\z -> if z then m else "") `fmap` tells f count_mrnm = do modify $ \c -> c { num_mrnm = 1 + num_mrnm c } let ra = unRefseq (b_mrnm a); rb = unRefseq (b_rname b) onlyIf report_mrnm $ printf "MRNM %d is wrong (%d)" ra rb count_mpos = do modify $ \c -> c { num_mpos = 1 + num_mpos c } onlyIf report_mpos $ printf "MPOS %d is wrong (%d)" (b_mpos a) (b_pos b) count_isize = do modify $ \c -> c { num_isize = 1 + num_isize c } onlyIf report_isize $ printf "ISIZE %d is wrong (%d)" (b_isize a) computedIsize count_flags = do modify $ \c -> c { num_flags = 1 + num_flags c } onlyIf report_flags $ printf "FLAG %03X is wrong (+%03X,-%03X)" (b_flag a) fp fm count_fflag = do modify $ \c -> c { num_fflag = 1 + num_fflag c } onlyIf report_fflag $ printf "FLAG %03X is technically wrong (+%03X,-%03X)" (b_flag a) fp fm count_ixs = do modify $ \c -> c { num_ixs = 1 + num_ixs c } onlyIf report_ixs $ printf "Index fields %s are wrong (%s)" (show $ b_indices a) (show common_indices) fp = computedFlag .&. complement (b_flag a) fm = complement computedFlag .&. b_flag a index_fields = [ "XI", "XJ", "YI", "YJ", "RG", "BC" ] b_indices x = [ extAsString key x | key <- index_fields ] common_indices = zipWith max (b_indices a) (b_indices b) setIndices is x = x { b_exts = add_new . remove_old $ b_exts x } where add_new y = foldr (:) y $ zip index_fields $ map Text is remove_old y = foldr deleteE y index_fields -- | Turns a lone mate into a single. Basically removes the pairing -- related flags and clear the information concerning the mate. divorce :: BamRec -> BamRec divorce b = b { b_flag = b_flag b .&. complement pair_flags , b_mrnm = invalidRefseq , b_mpos = invalidPos , b_isize = 0 } where pair_flags = flagPaired .|. flagProperlyPaired .|. flagFirstMate .|. flagSecondMate .|. flagMateUnmapped .|. flagMateReversed -- I think this can work with priority queues alone: -- -- - One contains incomplete pairs ordered by mate position. When we -- reach a given position and find the 2nd mate, the minimum in this -- queue must be the 1st mate (or another 1st mate matching another -- read we'll find here). -- -- - One contains incomplete pairs ordered by (hash of) qname. This one -- is only used if we missed a mate for some reason. After we read -- the whole input, all remaining pairs can be pulled off this queue -- in order of increasing (hash of) qname. -- -- - At any given position, we will have a number of 1st mates that have -- been waiting in the queue and a number of 2nd mates that are coming -- in from the input. We dump both sets into a queue by qname, then -- pull them out in pairs. Stuff that comes off as anything else than -- a pair gets queued up again. data MatingStats = MS { total_in :: !Int , total_out :: !Int , singletons :: !Int , lone_mates :: !Int , num_mrnm :: !Int , num_mpos :: !Int , num_isize :: !Int , num_flags :: !Int , num_fflag :: !Int , num_ixs :: !Int } report_stats :: MatingStats -> String report_stats ms = unlines [ "number of records read: " ++ showNum (total_in ms), "number of records written: " ++ showNum (total_out ms), "number of true singletons: " ++ showNum (singletons ms), "number of lone mates: " ++ showNum (lone_mates ms), "number of repaired MRNM values: " ++ showNum (num_mrnm ms), "number of repaired MPOS values: " ++ showNum (num_mpos ms), "number of repaired ISIZE values: " ++ showNum (num_isize ms), "number of repaired FLAGS values: " ++ showNum (num_flags ms), "number of common FLAGS problems: " ++ showNum (num_fflag ms), "number of index field problems: " ++ showNum (num_ixs ms) ] data Queues = QS { right_here :: !(PQ ByQName) , in_order :: !(PQ ByMatePos) , messed_up :: !(PQ ByQName) } withQueues :: (Queues -> IO r) -> IO r withQueues k = withPQ pqconf $ \h -> withPQ pqconf $ \o -> withPQ pqconf $ \m -> k $ QS h o m ms0 :: MatingStats ms0 = MS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 getSize :: (MonadIO m, Ord a, Binary a, Sizeable a) => (Queues -> PQ a) -> Mating r m Int getSize sel = getq sel >>= liftIO . sizePQ enqueue :: (MonadIO m, Ord a, Binary a, Sizeable a) => a -> (Queues -> PQ a) -> Mating r m () enqueue a sel = getq sel >>= liftIO . enqueuePQ a peekMin :: (MonadIO m, Ord a, Binary a, Sizeable a) => (Queues -> PQ a) -> Mating r m (Maybe a) peekMin sel = getq sel >>= liftIO . peekMinPQ fetchMin :: (MonadIO m, Ord a, Binary a, Sizeable a) => (Queues -> PQ a) -> Mating r m (Maybe a) fetchMin sel = getq sel >>= liftIO . getMinPQ discardMin :: (MonadIO m, Ord a, Binary a, Sizeable a) => (Queues -> PQ a) -> Mating r m () discardMin sel = getq sel >>= liftIO . getMinPQ >>= \_ -> return () note, warn, err :: MonadIO m => String -> Mating r m () note msg = do v <- tells verbosity ; unless (v < Notices) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[fixpair] info: " ++ msg warn msg = do v <- tells verbosity ; unless (v < Warnings) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[fixpair] warning: " ++ msg err msg = do v <- tells verbosity ; unless (v < Errors) $ liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ "[fixpair] error: " ++ msg report' :: MonadIO m => Mating r m () report' = do o <- gets total_out when (o `mod` 0x40000 == 0) $ do ms <- getSize messed_up note $ printf "out: %d, mess: %d" o ms report :: MonadIO m => BamRaw -> Mating r m () report br = do i <- gets total_in o <- gets total_out when (i `mod` 0x20000 == 0) $ do hs <- getSize right_here os <- getSize in_order ms <- getSize messed_up rr <- getRefseqs let BamRec{..} = unpackBam br rn = unpackSeqid . sq_name $ getRef rr b_rname at = if b_rname == invalidRefseq || b_pos == invalidPos then "" else printf "@%s/%d, " rn b_pos note $ printf "%sin: %d, out: %d, here: %d, wait: %d, mess: %d" (at::String) i o hs os ms no_mate_here :: MonadIO m => String -> BamRaw -> Mating r m () no_mate_here l br = do note $ let b = unpackBam br in "[" ++ l ++ "] record " ++ shows (b_qname b) (if isFirstMate b then "/1" else "/2") ++ " did not have a mate at the right location." let !br' = br_copy br enqueue (byQName br') messed_up no_mate_ever :: MonadIO m => BamRaw -> Mating r m () no_mate_ever b = do let b' = unpackBam b err $ "record " ++ shows (b_qname b') " (" ++ shows (extAsInt 1 "XI" b') ") did not have a mate at all." modify $ \c -> c { lone_mates = 1 + lone_mates c } kill <- tells killmode case kill of KillAll -> return () KillUu -> unless (isUnmapped b') $ yield [divorce b'] KillNone -> yield [divorce b'] -- Basically the CPS version of the State Monad. CPS is necessary to be -- able to call 'eneeCheckIfDone' in the middle, and that fixes the -- underlying monad to an 'Iteratee' and the ultimate return type to an -- 'Iteratee', too. Pretty to work with, not pretty to look at. type Sink r m = Stream [BamRec] -> Iteratee [BamRec] m r newtype Mating r m a = Mating { runMating :: (a -> MatingStats -> Sink r m -> Queues -> Config -> Refs -> Iteratee [BamPair] m (Iteratee [BamRec] m r)) -> MatingStats -> Sink r m -> Queues -> Config -> Refs -> Iteratee [BamPair] m (Iteratee [BamRec] m r) } instance Functor (Mating r m) where fmap f m = Mating $ \k -> runMating m (k . f) instance Applicative (Mating r m) where pure a = Mating $ \k -> k a u <*> v = Mating $ \k -> runMating u (\a -> runMating v (k . a)) instance Monad (Mating r m) where return a = Mating $ \k -> k a m >>= k = Mating $ \k2 -> runMating m (\a -> runMating (k a) k2) instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (Mating r m) where liftIO f = Mating $ \k s o q c r -> liftIO f >>= \a -> k a s o q c r instance MonadTrans (Mating r) where lift m = Mating $ \k s o q c r -> lift m >>= \a -> k a s o q c r lift'it :: Monad m => Iteratee [BamPair] m a -> Mating r m a lift'it m = Mating $ \k s o q c r -> m >>= \a -> k a s o q c r tells :: (Config -> a) -> Mating r m a tells f = Mating $ \k s o q c -> k (f c) s o q c gets :: (MatingStats -> a) -> Mating r m a gets f = Mating $ \k s -> k (f s) s getq :: (Queues -> a) -> Mating r m a getq f = Mating $ \k s o q -> k (f q) s o q modify :: (MatingStats -> MatingStats) -> Mating r m () modify f = Mating $ \k s -> (k () $! f s) getRefseqs :: Mating r m Refs getRefseqs = Mating $ \k s o q c r -> k r s o q c r fetchNext :: MonadIO m => Mating r m (Maybe BamPair) fetchNext = do r <- lift'it tryHead case r of Nothing -> return () Just (Singleton x) -> do modify $ \s -> s { total_in = 1 + total_in s } ; report x Just (Pair _ x) -> do modify $ \s -> s { total_in = 2 + total_in s } ; report x Just (LoneMate x) -> do modify $ \s -> s { total_in = 1 + total_in s } ; report x return r yield :: MonadIO m => [BamRec] -> Mating r m () yield rs = Mating $ \k s o q c r -> let !s' = s { total_out = length rs + total_out s } in eneeCheckIfDone (\o' -> k () s' o' q c r) . o $ Chunk rs -- To ensure proper cleanup, we require the priority queues to be created -- outside. Since one is continually reused, it is important that a PQ -- that is emptied no longer holds on to files on disk. re_pair :: MonadIO m => Queues -> Config -> Refs -> Enumeratee [BamPair] [BamRec] m a re_pair qs cf rs = eneeCheckIfDone $ \out -> runMating go finish ms0 out qs cf rs where go = fetchNext >>= go' -- At EOF, flush everything. go' Nothing = peekMin right_here >>= \mm -> case mm of Just (ByQName _ _ qq) -> do complete_here (br_self_pos qq) flush_here Nothing -- flush_here loops back here Nothing -> flush_in_order -- this ends the whole operation -- Single read? Pass through and go on. -- Paired read? Does it belong 'here'? go' (Just (Singleton x)) = modify (\c -> c { singletons = 1 + singletons c }) >> yield [unpackBam x] >> go go' (Just (Pair x y)) = fixmate x y >>= yield >> go go' (Just (LoneMate r)) = peekMin right_here >>= \mm -> case mm of -- there's nothing else here, so here becomes redefined Nothing -> enqueueThis r >> go Just (ByQName _ _ qq) -> case compare (br_self_pos r) (br_self_pos qq) of -- nope, r is out of order and goes to 'messed_up' LT -> do warn $ "record " ++ show (br_qname r) ++ " is out of order." let !r' = br_copy r enqueue (byQName r') messed_up go -- nope, r comes later. we need to finish our business here GT -> do complete_here (br_self_pos qq) flush_here (Just (LoneMate r)) -- it belongs here or there is nothing else here EQ -> enqueueThis r >> go -- lonely guy, belongs either here or needs to wait for the mate enqueueThis r | br_self_pos r >= br_mate_pos r = enqueue (byQName r) right_here | otherwise = r' `seq` enqueue (ByMatePos r') in_order where r' = br_copy r -- Flush the in_order queue to messed_up, since those didn't find -- their mate the ordinary way. Afterwards, flush the messed_up -- queue. flush_in_order = fetchMin in_order >>= \zz -> case zz of Just (ByMatePos b) -> no_mate_here "flush_in_order" b >> flush_in_order Nothing -> flush_messed_up -- Flush the messed up queue. Everything should come off in pairs, -- unless something is broken. flush_messed_up = fetchMin messed_up >>= flush_mess1 flush_mess1 Nothing = return () flush_mess1 (Just (ByQName _ ai a)) = fetchMin messed_up >>= flush_mess2 ai a flush_mess2 _ a Nothing = no_mate_ever a flush_mess2 ai a b'@(Just (ByQName _ bi b)) | ai /= bi || br_qname a /= br_qname b = no_mate_ever a >> report' >> flush_mess1 b' | otherwise = fixmate a b >>= yield >> report' >> flush_messed_up -- Flush the right_here queue. Everything should come off in pairs, -- if not, it goes to messed_up. When done, loop back to 'go' flush_here r = fetchMin right_here >>= flush_here1 r flush_here1 r Nothing = go' r flush_here1 r (Just a) = fetchMin right_here >>= flush_here2 r a flush_here2 r (ByQName _ _ a) Nothing = do no_mate_here "flush_here2/Nothing" a flush_here r flush_here2 r (ByQName _ ai a) b'@(Just (ByQName _ bi b)) | ai /= bi || br_qname a /= br_qname b = no_mate_here "flush_here2/Just" a >> flush_here1 r b' | otherwise = fixmate a b >>= yield >> flush_here r -- add stuff coming from 'in_order' to 'right_here' complete_here pivot = do zz <- peekMin in_order case zz of Nothing -> return () Just (ByMatePos b) | pivot > br_mate_pos b -> do discardMin in_order no_mate_here "complete_here" b complete_here pivot | pivot == br_mate_pos b -> do discardMin in_order enqueue (byQName b) right_here complete_here pivot | otherwise -> return () finish () st o _qs _cf _rs = do liftIO $ hPutStrLn stderr $ report_stats st return (liftI o) data ByQName = ByQName { _bq_hash :: !Int , _bq_alnid :: !Int , _bq_rec :: !BamRaw } byQName :: BamRaw -> ByQName byQName b = ByQName (hash $ br_qname b) (extAsInt 0 "XI" $ unpackBam b) b instance Eq ByQName where ByQName ah ai a == ByQName bh bi b = (ah, ai, br_qname a) == (bh, bi, br_qname b) instance Ord ByQName where ByQName ah ai a `compare` ByQName bh bi b = (ah, ai, b_qname (unpackBam a)) `compare` (bh, bi, b_qname (unpackBam b)) newtype ByMatePos = ByMatePos BamRaw instance Eq ByMatePos where ByMatePos a == ByMatePos b = br_mate_pos a == br_mate_pos b instance Ord ByMatePos where ByMatePos a `compare` ByMatePos b = br_mate_pos a `compare` br_mate_pos b instance Binary ByQName where put = undefined ; get = undefined -- XXX instance Binary ByMatePos where put = undefined ; get = undefined -- XXX instance Sizeable ByQName where usedBytes = undefined -- XXX instance Sizeable ByMatePos where usedBytes = undefined -- XXX br_mate_pos :: BamRaw -> (Refseq, Int) br_mate_pos = (b_mrnm &&& b_mpos) . unpackBam br_self_pos :: BamRaw -> (Refseq, Int) br_self_pos = (b_rname &&& b_pos) . unpackBam br_qname :: BamRaw -> Seqid br_qname = b_qname . unpackBam br_copy :: BamRaw -> BamRaw br_copy br = bamRaw (virt_offset br) $! S.copy (raw_data br) -- | To catch pairs whose mates are adjacent (either because the file -- has never been sorted or because it has been group-sorted), we apply -- preprocessing. The idea is that if we can catch these pairs early, -- the priority queues never fill up and we save a ton of processing. -- Now to make the re-pair algorithm work well, we need to merge-sort -- inputs. But after that, the pairs have been separated. So we apply -- the preprocessing to each input file, then merge then, then run -- re-pair. data BamPair = Singleton BamRaw | Pair BamRaw BamRaw | LoneMate BamRaw mergeInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => [FilePath] -> Enumerator' BamMeta [BamPair] m a mergeInputs = go0 where go0 [ ] = enumG $ enumHandle defaultBufSize stdin go0 (fp0:fps0) = go fp0 fps0 go fp [ ] = enum1 fp go fp (fp1:fps) = mergeEnums' (go fp1 fps) (enum1 fp) combineCoordinates enum1 "-" = enumG $ enumHandle defaultBufSize stdin enum1 fp = enumG $ enumFile defaultBufSize fp enumG ee k = ee >=> run $ joinI $ decodeAnyBam $ \h -> quick_pair (k h) quick_pair :: Monad m => Enumeratee [BamRaw] [BamPair] m a quick_pair = eneeCheckIfDone go0 where go0 k = tryHead >>= maybe (return $ liftI k) (\x -> go1 x k) go1 x k | not (isPaired (unpackBam x)) = eneeCheckIfDone go0 . k $ Chunk [Singleton x] | otherwise = tryHead >>= maybe (return . k $ Chunk [LoneMate x]) (\y -> go2 x y k) go2 x y k | b_qname (unpackBam x) == b_qname (unpackBam y) = eneeCheckIfDone go0 . k $ Chunk [Pair x y] | otherwise = eneeCheckIfDone (go1 y) . k $ Chunk [LoneMate x] combineCoordinates :: Monad m => BamMeta -> Enumeratee [BamPair] [BamPair] (Iteratee [BamPair] m) a combineCoordinates _ = mergeSortStreams (?) where u ? v = if (bp_rname u, bp_pos u) < (bp_rname v, bp_pos v) then Less else NotLess bp_rname :: BamPair -> Refseq bp_rname (Singleton u) = b_rname $ unpackBam u bp_rname (Pair u _) = b_rname $ unpackBam u bp_rname (LoneMate u) = b_rname $ unpackBam u bp_pos :: BamPair -> Int bp_pos (Singleton u) = b_pos $ unpackBam u bp_pos (Pair u _) = b_pos $ unpackBam u bp_pos (LoneMate u) = b_pos $ unpackBam u do_trim :: Int -> [BamRec] -> [BamRec] do_trim q = scan_empties . map trim1 where trim1 b = case [ l | l <- [0 .. V.length (b_qual b) -1], avquallow (V.drop l qs) ] of [ ] -> b l:_ -> trim_3 l b where qs | isReversed b = V.reverse (b_qual b) | otherwise = b_qual b scan_empties (x:y:z) | b_qname x == b_qname y = if V.null (b_qual x) || V.null (b_qual y) then scan_empties z else x : y : scan_empties z scan_empties (x:z) = if V.null (b_qual x) then scan_empties z else x : scan_empties z scan_empties [] = [] avquallow vec = V.sum (V.map (fromIntegral . unQ) vec) <= q * V.length vec