{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards, BangPatterns, DeriveDataTypeable #-} -- | Basically a reexport of "Data.Iteratee" less the names that clash -- with "Prelude" plus a handful of utilities. module Bio.Iteratee ( groupStreamBy, groupStreamOn, iGetString, iterGet, iterLoop, iLookAhead, headStream, peekStream, takeStream, dropStream, mapStreamM, mapStreamM_, filterStream, filterStreamM, foldStream, foldStreamM, zipStreams, protectTerm, concatMapStream, concatMapStreamM, mapMaybeStream, parMapChunksIO, progressNum, progressPos, I.mapStream, I.takeWhileE, I.tryHead, I.isFinished, I.heads, I.breakE, ($==), mBind, mBind_, ioBind, ioBind_, ListLike, MonadIO, MonadMask, lift, liftIO, (>=>), (<=<), stdin, stdout, stderr, enumAuxFile, enumInputs, enumDefaultInputs, defaultBufSize, Ordering'(..), mergeSortStreams, Enumerator', Enumeratee', mergeEnums', QQ(..), emptyQ, lengthQ, pushQ, popQ, cancelAll, ParseError(..), parserToIteratee, stream2vector, stream2vectorN, Fd, withFileFd, module Data.Iteratee.Binary, module Data.Iteratee.Char, module Data.Iteratee.IO, module Data.Iteratee.Iteratee ) where import Bio.Base ( findAuxFile ) import Bio.Bam.Header import Bio.Util.Numeric ( showNum ) import Control.Concurrent.Async ( Async, async, wait, cancel ) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Catch import Control.Monad.IO.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Bits ( shiftR ) import Data.Iteratee.Binary import Data.Iteratee.Char import Data.Iteratee.IO hiding ( defaultBufSize ) import Data.Iteratee.Iteratee hiding ( identity ) import Data.ListLike ( ListLike ) import Data.Monoid import Data.Typeable import System.IO ( stdin, stdout, stderr, hIsTerminalDevice ) import System.Environment ( getArgs ) import System.Mem ( performGC ) import System.Posix ( Fd, openFd, closeFd, OpenMode(..), defaultFileFlags ) import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.Iteratee as I import qualified Data.ListLike as LL import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as VM -- | Grouping on 'Iteratee's. @groupStreamOn proj inner outer@ executes -- @inner (proj e)@, where @e@ is the first input element, to obtain an -- 'Iteratee' @i@, then passes elements @e@ to @i@ as long as @proj e@ -- produces the same result. If @proj e@ changes or the input ends, the -- pair of @proj e@ and the result of @run i@ is passed to @outer@. At -- end of input, the resulting @outer@ is returned. groupStreamOn :: (Monad m, LL.ListLike l e, Eq t1, NullPoint l, Nullable l) => (e -> t1) -> (t1 -> m (Iteratee l m t2)) -> Enumeratee l [(t1, t2)] m a groupStreamOn proj inner = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step) where step outer (EOF mx) = idone (liftI outer) $ EOF mx step outer c@(Chunk as) | LL.null as = liftI $ step outer | otherwise = let x = proj (LL.head as) in lift (inner x) >>= \i -> step' x i outer c -- We want to feed a 'Chunk' to the inner 'Iteratee', which might be -- finished. In that case, we would want to abort, but we cannot, -- since the outer iteration is still going on. So instead we -- discard data we would have fed to the inner 'Iteratee'. (Use of -- 'enumPure1Chunk' is not appropriate, it would accumulate the -- data, just to have it discarded by the 'run' that eventually -- happens. step' c it outer (Chunk as) | LL.null as = liftI $ step' c it outer | (l,r) <- LL.span ((==) c . proj) as, not (LL.null l) = let od a _str = idoneM a $ EOF Nothing oc k Nothing = return $ k (Chunk l) oc k m = icontM k m in lift (runIter it od oc) >>= \it' -> step' c it' outer (Chunk r) step' c it outer str = lift (run it) >>= \b -> eneeCheckIfDone (`step` str) . outer $ Chunk [(c,b)] -- | Grouping on 'Iteratee's. @groupStreamBy cmp inner outer@ executes -- @inner@ to obtain an 'Iteratee' @i@, then passes elements @e@ to @i@ -- as long as @cmp e0 e@, where @e0@ is some preceeding element, is -- true. Else, the result of @run i@ is passed to @outer@ and -- 'groupStreamBy' restarts. At end of input, the resulting @outer@ is -- returned. groupStreamBy :: (Monad m, LL.ListLike l t, NullPoint l, Nullable l) => (t -> t -> Bool) -> m (Iteratee l m t2) -> Enumeratee l [t2] m a groupStreamBy cmp inner = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . step) where step outer (EOF mx) = idone (liftI outer) $ EOF mx step outer c@(Chunk as) | LL.null as = liftI $ step outer | otherwise = lift inner >>= \i -> step' (LL.head as) i outer c step' c it outer (Chunk as) | LL.null as = liftI $ step' c it outer | (l,r) <- LL.span (cmp c) as, not (LL.null l) = let od a _str = idoneM a $ EOF Nothing oc k Nothing = return $ k (Chunk l) oc k m = icontM k m in lift (runIter it od oc) >>= \it' -> step' (LL.head l) it' outer (Chunk r) step' _ it outer str = lift (run it) >>= \b -> eneeCheckIfDone (`step` str) . outer $ Chunk [b] -- | Take a prefix of a stream, the equivalent of 'Data.List.take'. {-# INLINE takeStream #-} takeStream :: (Monad m, Nullable s, ListLike s el) => Int -> Enumeratee s s m a takeStream = I.take -- | Take first element of a stream or fail. {-# INLINE headStream #-} headStream :: ListLike s el => Iteratee s m el headStream = I.head {-# INLINE peekStream #-} peekStream :: ListLike s el => Iteratee s m (Maybe el) peekStream = I.peek {-# INLINE dropStream #-} dropStream :: (Nullable s, ListLike s el) => Int -> Iteratee s m () dropStream = I.drop -- | Run an Iteratee, collect the input. When it finishes, return the -- result along with *all* input. Effectively allows lookahead. Be -- careful, this will eat memory if the @Iteratee@ doesn't return -- speedily. iLookAhead :: Monoid s => Iteratee s m a -> Iteratee s m a iLookAhead = go mempty where go acc it = Iteratee $ \od oc -> runIter it (\x _ -> od x (Chunk acc)) (oc . step acc) step acc k c@(Chunk str) = go (acc `mappend` str) (k c) step acc k c@(EOF _) = Iteratee $ \od1 -> runIter (k c) (\x _ -> od1 x (Chunk acc)) -- | Collects a string of a given length. Don't use this for long -- strings, use 'takeStream' instead. iGetString :: Monad m => Int -> Iteratee S.ByteString m S.ByteString iGetString 0 = idone S.empty (Chunk S.empty) iGetString n = liftI $ step [] 0 where step acc l c@(EOF _) = icont (step acc l) (Just $ setEOF c) step acc l (Chunk c) | l + S.length c >= n = let r = S.concat . reverse $ S.take (n-l) c : acc in idone r (Chunk $ S.drop (n-l) c) | otherwise = liftI $ step (c:acc) (l + S.length c) -- | Repeatedly apply an 'Iteratee' to a value until end of stream. -- Returns the final value. iterLoop :: (Nullable s, Monad m) => (a -> Iteratee s m a) -> a -> Iteratee s m a iterLoop it a = do e <- I.isFinished if e then return a else it a >>= iterLoop it -- | Convert a 'Get' into an 'Iteratee'. The 'Get' is applied once, the -- decoded data is returned, unneded input remains in the stream. iterGet :: Monad m => Get a -> Iteratee S.ByteString m a iterGet = go . runGetIncremental where go (Fail _ _ err) = throwErr (iterStrExc err) go (Done rest _ a) = idone a (Chunk rest) go (Partial dec) = liftI $ \ck -> case ck of Chunk s -> go (dec $ Just s) EOF mx -> case dec Nothing of Fail _ _ err -> throwErr (iterStrExc err) Partial _ -> throwErr (iterStrExc "") Done rest _ a | S.null rest -> idone a (EOF mx) | otherwise -> idone a (Chunk rest) {-# INLINE mBind #-} -- | Lifts a monadic action and combines it with a continuation. -- @mBind m f@ is the same as @lift m >>= f@, but does not require a -- 'Nullable' constraint on the stream type. infixl 1 `mBind` mBind :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> Iteratee s m b) -> Iteratee s m b mBind m f = Iteratee $ \onDone onCont -> m >>= \a -> runIter (f a) onDone onCont {-# INLINE mBind_ #-} -- | Lifts a monadic action, ignored the result and combines it with a -- continuation. @mBind_ m f@ is the same as @lift m >>= f@, but does -- not require a 'Nullable' constraint on the stream type. infixl 1 `mBind_` mBind_ :: Monad m => m a -> Iteratee s m b -> Iteratee s m b mBind_ m b = Iteratee $ \onDone onCont -> m >> runIter b onDone onCont {-# INLINE ioBind #-} -- | Lifts an IO action and combines it with a continuation. -- @ioBind m f@ is the same as @liftIO m >>= f@, but does not require a -- 'Nullable' constraint on the stream type. infixl 1 `ioBind` ioBind :: MonadIO m => IO a -> (a -> Iteratee s m b) -> Iteratee s m b ioBind m f = Iteratee $ \onDone onCont -> liftIO m >>= \a -> runIter (f a) onDone onCont {-# INLINE ioBind_ #-} -- | Lifts an IO action, ignores its result, and combines it with a -- continuation. @ioBind_ m f@ is the same as @liftIO m >> f@, but does -- not require a 'Nullable' constraint on the stream type. infixl 1 `ioBind_` ioBind_ :: MonadIO m => IO a -> Iteratee s m b -> Iteratee s m b ioBind_ m b = Iteratee $ \onDone onCont -> liftIO m >> runIter b onDone onCont infixl 1 $== {-# INLINE ($==) #-} -- | Compose an 'Enumerator\'' with an 'Enumeratee', giving a new -- 'Enumerator\''. ($==) :: Monad m => Enumerator' hdr input m (Iteratee output m result) -> Enumeratee input output m result -> Enumerator' hdr output m result ($==) enum enee iter = run =<< enum (enee . iter) -- | Merge two 'Enumerator\''s into one. The header provided by the -- inner 'Enumerator\'' is passed to the output iterator, the header -- provided by the outer 'Enumerator\'' is passed to the merging iteratee -- -- XXX Something about those headers is unsatisfactory... there should -- be an unobtrusive way to combine headers. {-# INLINE mergeEnums' #-} mergeEnums' :: (Nullable s2, Nullable s1, Monad m) => Enumerator' hi s1 m a -- ^ inner enumerator -> Enumerator' ho s2 (Iteratee s1 m) a -- ^ outer enumerator -> (ho -> Enumeratee s2 s1 (Iteratee s1 m) a) -- ^ merging enumeratee -> Enumerator' hi s1 m a mergeEnums' e1 e2 etee i = e1 $ \hi -> e2 (\ho -> joinI . etee ho $ ilift lift (i hi)) >>= run -- | Apply a function to the elements of a stream, concatenate the -- results into a stream. No giant intermediate list is produced. {-# INLINE concatMapStream #-} concatMapStream :: (Monad m, ListLike s a, NullPoint s, ListLike t b) => (a -> t) -> Enumeratee s t m r concatMapStream f = eneeCheckIfDone (liftI . go) where go k (EOF mx) = idone (liftI k) (EOF mx) go k (Chunk xs) | LL.null xs = liftI (go k) | otherwise = eneeCheckIfDone (flip go (Chunk (LL.tail xs))) . k . Chunk . f $ LL.head xs -- | Apply a monadic function to the elements of a stream, concatenate -- the results into a stream. No giant intermediate list is produced. {-# INLINE concatMapStreamM #-} concatMapStreamM :: (Monad m, ListLike s a, NullPoint s, ListLike t b) => (a -> m t) -> Enumeratee s t m r concatMapStreamM f = eneeCheckIfDone (liftI . go) where go k (EOF mx) = idone (liftI k) (EOF mx) go k (Chunk xs) | LL.null xs = liftI (go k) | otherwise = f (LL.head xs) `mBind` eneeCheckIfDone (flip go (Chunk (LL.tail xs))) . k . Chunk {-# INLINE mapMaybeStream #-} mapMaybeStream :: (Monad m, ListLike s a, NullPoint s, ListLike t b) => (a -> Maybe b) -> Enumeratee s t m r mapMaybeStream f = mapChunks mm where mm l = if LL.null l then LL.empty else case f (LL.head l) of Nothing -> mm (LL.tail l) Just b -> LL.cons b $ mm (LL.tail l) -- | Apply a filter predicate to an 'Iteratee'. {-# INLINE filterStream #-} filterStream :: (Monad m, ListLike s a, NullPoint s) => (a -> Bool) -> Enumeratee s s m r filterStream = mapChunks . LL.filter -- | Apply a monadic filter predicate to an 'Iteratee'. {-# INLINE filterStreamM #-} filterStreamM :: (Monad m, ListLike s a, Nullable s, NullPoint s) => (a -> m Bool) -> Enumeratee s s m r filterStreamM k = mapChunksM (go id) where go acc s | LL.null s = return $! acc LL.empty | otherwise = do p <- k (LL.head s) let acc' = if p then LL.cons (LL.head s) . acc else acc go acc' (LL.tail s) -- | Map a monadic function over an 'Iteratee'. {-# INLINE mapStreamM #-} mapStreamM :: (Monad m, ListLike (s el) el, ListLike (s el') el', NullPoint (s el), Nullable (s el), LooseMap s el el') => (el -> m el') -> Enumeratee (s el) (s el') m a mapStreamM = mapChunksM . LL.mapM -- | Map a monadic function over an 'Iteratee', discarding the results. {-# INLINE mapStreamM_ #-} mapStreamM_ :: (Monad m, Nullable s, ListLike s el) => (el -> m b) -> Iteratee s m () mapStreamM_ = mapChunksM_ . LL.mapM_ -- | Fold a monadic function over an 'Iteratee'. {-# INLINE foldStreamM #-} foldStreamM :: (Monad m, Nullable s, ListLike s a) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> Iteratee s m b foldStreamM k = foldChunksM go where go b s | LL.null s = return b | otherwise = k b (LL.head s) >>= \b' -> go b' (LL.tail s) -- | Fold a function over an 'Iteratee'. foldStream :: (Monad m, Nullable s, ListLike s a) => (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Iteratee s m b foldStream f = foldChunksM (\b s -> return $! LL.foldl' f b s) -- | Apply two 'Iteratee's to the same stream. zipStreams :: (Nullable s, ListLike s el, Monad m) => Iteratee s m a -> Iteratee s m b -> Iteratee s m (a, b) zipStreams = I.zip type Enumerator' h eo m b = (h -> Iteratee eo m b) -> m (Iteratee eo m b) type Enumeratee' h ei eo m b = (h -> Iteratee eo m b) -> Iteratee ei m (Iteratee eo m b) enumAuxFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> Iteratee S.ByteString m a -> m a enumAuxFile fp it = liftIO (findAuxFile fp) >>= fileDriver it enumDefaultInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Enumerator S.ByteString m a enumDefaultInputs it0 = liftIO getArgs >>= flip enumInputs it0 enumInputs :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => [FilePath] -> Enumerator S.ByteString m a enumInputs [] = enumHandle defaultBufSize stdin enumInputs xs = go xs where go ("-":fs) = enumHandle defaultBufSize stdin >=> go fs go ( f :fs) = enumFile defaultBufSize f >=> go fs go [ ] = return -- | Default buffer size in elements. This is 1024 in "Data.Iteratee", -- which is obviously too small. Since we want to merge many files, a -- read should take more time than a seek. This sets the sensible -- buffer size to more than about one MB. defaultBufSize :: Int defaultBufSize = 2*1024*1024 data Ordering' a = Less | Equal a | NotLess mergeSortStreams :: (Monad m, ListLike s a, Nullable s) => (a -> a -> Ordering' a) -> Enumeratee s s (Iteratee s m) b mergeSortStreams comp = eneeCheckIfDone step where step out = peekStream >>= \mx -> lift peekStream >>= \my -> case (mx, my) of (Just x, Just y) -> case x `comp` y of Less -> do I.drop 1 ; eneeCheckIfDone step . out . Chunk $ LL.singleton x NotLess -> do lift (I.drop 1) ; eneeCheckIfDone step . out . Chunk $ LL.singleton y Equal z -> do I.drop 1 ; lift (I.drop 1) ; eneeCheckIfDone step . out . Chunk $ LL.singleton z (Just x, Nothing) -> do I.drop 1 ; eneeCheckIfDone step . out . Chunk $ LL.singleton x (Nothing, Just y) -> do lift (I.drop 1) ; eneeCheckIfDone step . out . Chunk $ LL.singleton y (Nothing, Nothing) -> idone (liftI out) $ EOF Nothing -- | Parallel map of an IO action over the elements of a stream -- -- This 'Enumeratee' applies an 'IO' action to every chunk of the input -- stream. These 'IO' actions are run asynchronously in a limited -- parallel way. Don't forget to `evaluate` parMapChunksIO :: (MonadIO m, Nullable s) => Int -> (s -> IO t) -> Enumeratee s t m a parMapChunksIO np f = eneeCheckIfDonePass (go emptyQ) where -- check if the queue is full go !qq k (Just e) = cancelAll qq >> icont (go' emptyQ k) (Just e) go !qq k Nothing = case popQ qq of Just (a,qq') | lengthQ qq == np -> liftIO (wait a) >>= eneeCheckIfDonePass (go qq') . k . Chunk _ -> liftI $ go' qq k -- we have room for input go' !qq k (EOF mx) = do a <- liftIO (async (f empty)) goE mx (pushQ a qq) k Nothing go' !qq k (Chunk c) = do a <- liftIO (async (f c)) go (pushQ a qq) k Nothing -- input ended, empty the queue goE _ !qq k (Just e) = cancelAll qq >> icont (go' emptyQ k) (Just e) goE mx !qq k Nothing = case popQ qq of Nothing -> idone (liftI k) (EOF mx) Just (a,qq') -> liftIO (wait a) >>= eneeCheckIfDonePass (goE mx qq') . k . Chunk -- | Protects the terminal from binary junk. If @i@ is an 'Iteratee' -- that might write binary to 'stdout', then @protectTerm i@ is the same -- 'Iteratee', but it will abort if 'stdout' is a terminal device. protectTerm :: (Nullable s, MonadIO m) => Iteratee s m a -> Iteratee s m a protectTerm itr = do t <- liftIO $ hIsTerminalDevice stdout if t then err else itr where err = error "cowardly refusing to write binary data to terminal" -- | A simple progress indicator that prints the number of records. progressNum :: (MonadIO m, Nullable s, NullPoint s, ListLike s a) => String -> (String -> IO ()) -> Enumeratee s s m b progressNum msg put = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . go 0) where go !_ k (EOF mx) = idone (liftI k) (EOF mx) go !n k (Chunk as) = do let !n' = n + LL.length as when (n `div` 65536 /= n' `div` 65536) . liftIO . put $ "\27[K" ++ msg ++ showNum n ++ "\r" eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . go n') . k $ Chunk as -- | A simple progress indicator that prints a position. progressPos :: (MonadIO m, ListLike s a, NullPoint s) => (a -> (Refseq, Int)) -> String -> (String -> IO ()) -> Refs -> Enumeratee s s m b progressPos f msg put refs = eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . go invalidRefseq 0) where go !_ !_ k (EOF mx) = idone (liftI k) (EOF mx) go !rs0 !po0 k c@(Chunk as) | LL.null as = liftI $ go rs0 po0 k | otherwise = when (rs1 /= rs0 || po1 `shiftR` 19 /= po0 `shiftR` 19) (let nm = S.unpack (sq_name (getRef refs rs1)) ++ ":" in put $ "\27[K" ++ msg ++ nm ++ showNum po1 ++ "\r") `ioBind_` eneeCheckIfDonePass (icont . go rs1 po1) (k c) where (!rs1, !po1) = f (LL.head as) -- A very simple queue data type. -- Invariants: q = QQ l f b --> l == length f + length b -- --> l == 0 || not (null f) data QQ a = QQ !Int [a] [a] emptyQ :: QQ a emptyQ = QQ 0 [] [] lengthQ :: QQ a -> Int lengthQ (QQ l _ _) = l pushQ :: a -> QQ a -> QQ a pushQ a (QQ l [] b) = QQ (l+1) (reverse (a:b)) [] pushQ a (QQ l f b) = QQ (l+1) f (a:b) popQ :: QQ a -> Maybe (a, QQ a) popQ (QQ l (a:[]) b) = Just (a, QQ (l-1) (reverse b) []) popQ (QQ l (a:fs) b) = Just (a, QQ (l-1) fs b) popQ (QQ _ [ ] _) = Nothing cancelAll :: MonadIO m => QQ (Async a) -> m () cancelAll (QQ _ ff bb) = liftIO $ mapM_ cancel (ff ++ bb) data ParseError = ParseError {errorContexts :: [String], errorMessage :: String} deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception ParseError -- | A function to convert attoparsec 'Parser's into 'Iteratee's. parserToIteratee :: (Monad m) => A.Parser a -> Iteratee S.ByteString m a parserToIteratee p = icont (f (A.parse p)) Nothing where f k (EOF Nothing) = case A.feed (k S.empty) S.empty of A.Fail _ err dsc -> throwErr (toException $ ParseError err dsc) A.Partial _ -> throwErr (toException EofException) A.Done rest v | S.null rest -> idone v (EOF Nothing) | otherwise -> idone v (Chunk rest) f _ (EOF (Just e)) = throwErr e f k (Chunk s) | S.null s = icont (f k) Nothing | otherwise = case k s of A.Fail _ err dsc -> throwErr (toException $ ParseError err dsc) A.Partial k' -> icont (f k') Nothing A.Done rest v -> idone v (Chunk rest) -- | Equivalent to @joinI $ takeStream n $ stream2vector@, but more -- efficient. stream2vectorN :: (MonadIO m, ListLike s a, Nullable s, VG.Vector v a) => Int -> Iteratee s m (v a) stream2vectorN n = do mv <- liftIO $ VM.new n l <- go mv 0 liftIO $ VG.unsafeFreeze $ VM.take l mv where go mv i | i == n = return n | otherwise = I.tryHead >>= \x -> case x of Nothing -> return i Just a -> liftIO (VM.write mv i a) >> go mv (i+1) -- | Reads the whole stream into a 'VG.Vector'. stream2vector :: (MonadIO m, ListLike s a, Nullable s, VG.Vector v a) => Iteratee s m (v a) stream2vector = liftIO (VM.new 1024) >>= go 0 where go !i !mv = I.tryHead >>= \x -> case x of Nothing -> liftIO $ VG.unsafeFreeze $ VM.take i mv Just a -> do mv' <- if VM.length mv == i then liftIO (VM.grow mv (VM.length mv)) else return mv when (i `rem` 0x10000 == 0) $ liftIO performGC liftIO $ VM.write mv' i a go (i+1) mv' withFileFd :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => FilePath -> (Fd -> m a) -> m a withFileFd filepath iter = bracket (liftIO $ openFd filepath ReadOnly Nothing defaultFileFlags) (liftIO . closeFd) iter