module Bio.Iteratee.Builder where
import Bio.Iteratee
import Bio.Iteratee.Bgzf
import Data.Bits
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Primitive.Addr
import Data.Primitive.ByteArray
import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32 )
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable ( peek, poke )
import GHC.Exts
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B ( Builder, toLazyByteString )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B ( foldrChunks )
data BB = BB { buffer :: !(MutableByteArray RealWorld)
, len :: !Int
, mark :: !Int
, mark2 :: !Int }
newtype Push = Push (BB -> IO BB)
instance Monoid Push where
mempty = Push return
Push a `mappend` Push b = Push (a >=> b)
instance NullPoint Push where
empty = Push return
newBuffer :: IO BB
newBuffer = newPinnedByteArray 128000 >>= \arr -> return $ BB arr 0 0 0
ensureBuffer :: Int -> Push
ensureBuffer n = Push $ \b -> do
let sz = sizeofMutableByteArray (buffer b)
if len b + n < sz
then return b
else expandBuffer b
expandBuffer :: BB -> IO BB
expandBuffer b = do let sz = sizeofMutableByteArray (buffer b)
arr1 <- newPinnedByteArray (sz+sz)
copyMutableByteArray arr1 0 (buffer b) 0 (len b)
return $ b { buffer = arr1 }
unsafePushByte :: Word8 -> Push
unsafePushByte w = Push $ \b -> do
writeByteArray (buffer b) (len b) w
return $ b { len = len b + 1 }
pushByte :: Word8 -> Push
pushByte b = ensureBuffer 1 <> unsafePushByte b
unsafePushWord32 :: Word32 -> Push
unsafePushWord32 w = unsafePushByte (fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 0)
<> unsafePushByte (fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 8)
<> unsafePushByte (fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 16)
<> unsafePushByte (fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 24)
unsafePushWord16 :: Word16 -> Push
unsafePushWord16 w = unsafePushByte (fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 0)
<> unsafePushByte (fromIntegral $ w `shiftR` 8)
pushWord32 :: Word32 -> Push
pushWord32 w = ensureBuffer 4 <> unsafePushWord32 w
pushWord16 :: Word16 -> Push
pushWord16 w = ensureBuffer 2 <> unsafePushWord16 w
unsafePushByteString :: B.ByteString -> Push
unsafePushByteString bs = Push $ \b ->
B.unsafeUseAsCStringLen bs $ \(p,ln) -> do
case mutableByteArrayContents (buffer b) of
Addr adr -> copyBytes (Ptr adr `plusPtr` len b) p ln
return $ b { len = len b + ln }
pushByteString :: B.ByteString -> Push
pushByteString bs = ensureBuffer (B.length bs) <> unsafePushByteString bs
unsafePushFloat :: Float -> Push
unsafePushFloat f = unsafePushWord32 i
i :: Word32
i = unsafePerformIO $ alloca $ \b -> poke (castPtr b) f >> peek b
pushFloat :: Float -> Push
pushFloat f = ensureBuffer 4 <> unsafePushFloat f
pushBuilder :: B.Builder -> Push
pushBuilder = B.foldrChunks ((<>) . pushByteString) mempty . B.toLazyByteString
unsafeSetMark :: Push
unsafeSetMark = Push $ \b -> return $ b { len = len b + 4, mark = len b }
setMark :: Push
setMark = ensureBuffer 4 <> unsafeSetMark
endRecord :: Push
endRecord = Push $ \b -> do
let !l = len b mark b 4
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 0) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 0 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 1) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 8 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 2) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 16 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 3) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 24 :: Word8)
return b
endRecordPart1 :: Push
endRecordPart1 = Push $ \b -> do
let !l = len b mark b 4
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b 4) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 0 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b 3) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 8 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b 2) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 16 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b 1) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 24 :: Word8)
return $ b { mark2 = len b }
endRecordPart2 :: Push
endRecordPart2 = Push $ \b -> do
let !l = len b mark2 b
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 0) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 0 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 1) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 8 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 2) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 16 :: Word8)
writeByteArray (buffer b) (mark b + 3) (fromIntegral $ shiftR l 24 :: Word8)
return b
encodeBgzfWith :: MonadIO m => Int -> Enumeratee Push B.ByteString m b
encodeBgzfWith lv o = newBuffer `ioBind` \bb -> eneeCheckIfDone (liftI . step bb) o
step bb k (EOF mx) = finalFlush bb k mx
step bb k (Chunk (Push p)) = p bb `ioBind` \bb' -> tryFlush bb' 0 k
tryFlush bb off k
| len bb off < maxBlockSize
= copyMutableByteArray (buffer bb) 0 (buffer bb) off (len bb off)
`ioBind_` liftI (step (bb { len = len bb off
, mark = mark bb off `max` 0 }) k)
| otherwise
= (case mutableByteArrayContents (buffer bb) of
Addr adr -> compressChunk lv (Ptr adr `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral maxBlockSize))
`ioBind` eneeCheckIfDone (tryFlush bb (off+maxBlockSize)) . k . Chunk
finalFlush bb k mx
| len bb < maxBlockSize
= (case mutableByteArrayContents (buffer bb) of
Addr adr -> compressChunk lv (Ptr adr) (fromIntegral $ len bb))
`ioBind` eneeCheckIfDone (finalFlush2 mx) . k . Chunk
| otherwise
= error "WTF?! This wasn't supposed to happen."
finalFlush2 mx k = idone (k $ Chunk bgzfEofMarker) (EOF mx)