-- Stolen from iteratee-compress module, which doesn't work due to -- dependency problems. Modified for proper early-out behaviour. module Bio.Iteratee.ZLib ( -- * Enumeratees enumInflate, enumInflateAny, enumDeflate, -- * Exceptions ZLibParamsException(..), ZLibException(..), -- * Parameters CompressParams(..), defaultCompressParams, DecompressParams(..), defaultDecompressParams, Format(..), CompressionLevel(..), Method(..), WindowBits(..), MemoryLevel(..), CompressionStrategy(..), enumSyncFlush, enumFullFlush, enumBlockFlush, ) where #include <zlib.h> import Bio.Iteratee import Control.Applicative import Control.Exception import Control.Monad ( liftM, liftM2 ) import Data.ByteString as BS import Data.ByteString.Internal import Data.Foldable import Data.Typeable import Foreign import Foreign.C import Prelude #ifdef DEBUG import qualified Foreign.Concurrent as C import System.IO (stderr) import qualified System.IO as IO #endif -- | Denotes error is user-supplied parameter data ZLibParamsException = IncorrectCompressionLevel !Int -- ^ Incorrect compression level was chosen | IncorrectWindowBits !Int -- ^ Incorrect number of window bits was chosen | IncorrectMemoryLevel !Int -- ^ Incorrect memory level was chosen deriving (Eq,Typeable) -- | Denotes error in compression and decompression data ZLibException = NeedDictionary -- ^ Decompression requires user-supplied dictionary (not supported) | BufferError -- ^ Buffer error - denotes a library error -- | File Error | StreamError -- ^ State of steam inconsistent | DataError -- ^ Input data corrupted | MemoryError -- ^ Not enough memory | VersionError -- ^ Version error | Unexpected !CInt -- ^ Unexpected or unknown error - please report as bug | IncorrectState -- ^ Incorrect state - denotes error in library deriving (Eq,Typeable) -- | Denotes the flush that can be sent to stream data ZlibFlush = SyncFlush -- ^ All pending output is flushed and all input that is available is sent -- to inner Iteratee. | FullFlush -- ^ Flush all pending output and reset the compression state. It allows to -- restart from this point if compression was damaged but it can seriously -- affect the compression rate. -- -- It may be only used during compression. | Block -- ^ If the iteratee is compressing it requests to stop when next block is -- emmited. On the beginning it skips only header if and only if it exists. deriving (Eq,Typeable) instance Show ZlibFlush where show SyncFlush = "zlib: flush requested" show FullFlush = "zlib: full flush requested" show Block = "zlib: block flush requested" instance Exception ZlibFlush fromFlush :: ZlibFlush -> CInt fromFlush SyncFlush = #{const Z_SYNC_FLUSH} fromFlush FullFlush = #{const Z_FULL_FLUSH} fromFlush Block = #{const Z_BLOCK} instance Show ZLibParamsException where show (IncorrectCompressionLevel lvl) = "zlib: incorrect compression level " ++ show lvl show (IncorrectWindowBits lvl) = "zlib: incorrect window bits " ++ show lvl show (IncorrectMemoryLevel lvl) = "zlib: incorrect memory level " ++ show lvl instance Show ZLibException where show NeedDictionary = "zlib: needs dictionary" show BufferError = "zlib: no progress is possible (internal error)" -- show FileError = "zlib: file I/O error" show StreamError = "zlib: stream error" show DataError = "zlib: data error" show MemoryError = "zlib: memory error" show VersionError = "zlib: version error" show (Unexpected lvl) = "zlib: unknown error " ++ show lvl show IncorrectState = "zlib: incorrect state" instance Exception ZLibParamsException instance Exception ZLibException newtype ZStream = ZStream (ForeignPtr ZStream) withZStream :: ZStream -> (Ptr ZStream -> IO a) -> IO a withZStream (ZStream fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr -- Following code is copied from Duncan Coutts zlib haskell library version -- ((c) 2006-2008 Duncan Coutts, published on BSD licence) and adapted -- | Set of parameters for compression. For sane defaults use -- 'defaultCompressParams' data CompressParams = CompressParams { compressLevel :: !CompressionLevel, compressMethod :: !Method, compressWindowBits :: !WindowBits, compressMemoryLevel :: !MemoryLevel, compressStrategy :: !CompressionStrategy, -- | The size of output buffer. That is the size of 'Chunk's that will be -- emitted to inner iterator (except the last 'Chunk'). compressBufferSize :: !Int, compressDictionary :: !(Maybe ByteString) } defaultCompressParams :: CompressParams defaultCompressParams = CompressParams DefaultCompression Deflated DefaultWindowBits DefaultMemoryLevel DefaultStrategy (8*1024) Nothing -- | Set of parameters for decompression. For sane defaults see -- 'defaultDecompressParams'. data DecompressParams = DecompressParams { -- | Window size - it have to be at least the size of -- 'compressWindowBits' the stream was compressed with. -- -- Default in 'defaultDecompressParams' is the maximum window size - -- please do not touch it unless you know what you are doing. decompressWindowBits :: !WindowBits, -- | The size of output buffer. That is the size of 'Chunk's that will be -- emitted to inner iterator (except the last 'Chunk'). decompressBufferSize :: !Int, decompressDictionary :: !(Maybe ByteString) } defaultDecompressParams :: DecompressParams defaultDecompressParams = DecompressParams DefaultWindowBits (8*1024) Nothing -- | Specify the format for compression and decompression data Format = GZip -- ^ The gzip format is widely used and uses a header with checksum and -- some optional metadata about the compress file. -- -- It is intended primarily for compressing individual files but is also -- used for network protocols such as HTTP. -- -- The format is described in RFC 1952 -- <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1952.txt>. | Zlib -- ^ The zlib format uses a minimal header with a checksum but no other -- metadata. It is designed for use in network protocols. -- -- The format is described in RFC 1950 -- <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1950.txt> | Raw -- ^ The \'raw\' format is just the DEFLATE compressed data stream without -- and additionl headers. -- -- Thr format is described in RFC 1951 -- <http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt> | GZipOrZlib -- ^ "Format" for decompressing a 'Zlib' or 'GZip' stream. deriving (Eq) -- | The compression level specify the tradeoff between speed and compression. data CompressionLevel = DefaultCompression -- ^ Default compression level set at 6. | NoCompression -- ^ No compression, just a block copy. | BestSpeed -- ^ The fastest compression method (however less compression) | BestCompression -- ^ The best compression method (however slowest) | CompressionLevel Int -- ^ Compression level set by number from 1 to 9 -- | Specify the compression method. data Method = Deflated -- ^ \'Deflate\' is so far the only method supported. -- | This specify the size of compression level. Larger values result in better -- compression at the expense of highier memory usage. -- -- The compression window size is 2 to the power of the value of the window -- bits. -- -- The total memory used depends on windows bits and 'MemoryLevel'. data WindowBits = WindowBits Int -- ^ The size of window bits. It have to be between @8@ (which corresponds -- to 256b i.e. 32B) and @15@ (which corresponds to 32 kib i.e. 4kiB). | DefaultWindowBits -- ^ The default window size which is 4kiB -- | The 'MemoryLevel' specifies how much memory should be allocated for the -- internal state. It is a tradeoff between memory usage, speed and -- compression. -- Using more memory allows faster and better compression. -- -- The memory used for interal state, excluding 'WindowBits', is 512 bits times -- 2 to power of memory level. -- -- The total amount of memory use depends on the 'WindowBits' and -- 'MemoryLevel'. data MemoryLevel = DefaultMemoryLevel -- ^ Default memory level set to 8. | MinMemoryLevel -- ^ Use the small amount of memory (equivalent to memory level 1) - i.e. -- 1024b or 256 B. -- It slow and reduces the compresion ratio. | MaxMemoryLevel -- ^ Maximum memory level for optimal compression speed (equivalent to -- memory level 9). -- The internal state is 256kib or 32kiB. | MemoryLevel Int -- ^ A specific level. It have to be between 1 and 9. -- | Tunes the compress algorithm but does not affact the correctness. data CompressionStrategy = DefaultStrategy -- ^ Default strategy | Filtered -- ^ Use the filtered compression strategy for data produced by a filter -- (or predictor). Filtered data consists mostly of small values with a -- somewhat random distribution. In this case, the compression algorithm -- is tuned to compress them better. The effect of this strategy is to -- force more Huffman coding and less string matching; it is somewhat -- intermediate between 'DefaultStrategy' and 'HuffmanOnly'. | HuffmanOnly -- ^ Use the Huffman-only compression strategy to force Huffman encoding -- only (no string match). fromMethod :: Method -> CInt fromMethod Deflated = #{const Z_DEFLATED} fromCompressionLevel :: CompressionLevel -> Either ZLibParamsException CInt fromCompressionLevel DefaultCompression = Right $! -1 fromCompressionLevel NoCompression = Right $! 0 fromCompressionLevel BestSpeed = Right $! 1 fromCompressionLevel BestCompression = Right $! 9 fromCompressionLevel (CompressionLevel n) | n >= 0 && n <= 9 = Right $! fromIntegral $! n | otherwise = Left $! IncorrectCompressionLevel n fromWindowBits :: Format -> WindowBits -> Either ZLibParamsException CInt fromWindowBits format bits = formatModifier format <$> checkWindowBits bits where checkWindowBits DefaultWindowBits = Right $! 15 checkWindowBits (WindowBits n) | n >= 8 && n <= 15 = Right $! fromIntegral $! n | otherwise = Left $! IncorrectWindowBits $! n formatModifier Zlib = id formatModifier GZip = (+16) formatModifier GZipOrZlib = (+32) formatModifier Raw = negate fromMemoryLevel :: MemoryLevel -> Either ZLibParamsException CInt fromMemoryLevel DefaultMemoryLevel = Right $! 8 fromMemoryLevel MinMemoryLevel = Right $! 1 fromMemoryLevel MaxMemoryLevel = Right $! 9 fromMemoryLevel (MemoryLevel n) | n >= 1 && n <= 9 = Right $! fromIntegral n | otherwise = Left $! IncorrectMemoryLevel $! fromIntegral n fromCompressionStrategy :: CompressionStrategy -> CInt fromCompressionStrategy DefaultStrategy = #{const Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY} fromCompressionStrategy Filtered = #{const Z_FILTERED} fromCompressionStrategy HuffmanOnly = #{const Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY} fromErrno :: CInt -> Either ZLibException Bool fromErrno (#{const Z_OK}) = Right $! True fromErrno (#{const Z_STREAM_END}) = Right $! False fromErrno (#{const Z_NEED_DICT}) = Left $! NeedDictionary fromErrno (#{const Z_BUF_ERROR}) = Left $! BufferError --fromErrno (#{const Z_ERRNO}) = Left $! FileError fromErrno (#{const Z_STREAM_ERROR}) = Left $! StreamError fromErrno (#{const Z_DATA_ERROR}) = Left $! DataError fromErrno (#{const Z_MEM_ERROR}) = Left $! MemoryError fromErrno (#{const Z_VERSION_ERROR}) = Left $! VersionError fromErrno n = Left $! Unexpected n -- Helper function convParam :: Format -> CompressParams -> Either ZLibParamsException (CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt) convParam f (CompressParams c m w l s _ _) = let c' = fromCompressionLevel c m' = fromMethod m b' = fromWindowBits f w l' = fromMemoryLevel l s' = fromCompressionStrategy s eit = either Left r = Right in eit (\c_ -> eit (\b_ -> eit (\l_ -> r (c_, m', b_, l_, s')) l') b') c' -- In following code we go through 7 states. Some of the operations are -- 'deterministic' like 'insertOut' and some of them depends on input ('fill') -- or library call. -- -- (Finished) -- ^ -- | -- | -- | finish -- | -- insertOut fill[1] | --- (Initial) -------------> (EmptyIn) -----------> (Finishing) -- ^ ^ | ^ | -- | run[2] | | | \------------------\ -- | | | | | -- | | | \------------------\ | -- | run[1] | | flush[0] | | -- \------------------\ | | fill[0] | | fill[3] -- | | | | | -- | | | | | -- swapOut | | v flush[1] | v -- (FullOut) -------------> (Invalid) <----------- (Flushing) -- -- Initial: Initial state, both buffers are empty -- EmptyIn: Empty in buffer, out waits untill filled -- FullOut: Out was filled and sent. In was not entirely read -- Invalid[1]: Both buffers non-empty -- Finishing: There is no more in data and in buffer is empty. Waits till -- all outs was sent. -- Finished: Operation finished -- Flushing: Flush requested -- -- Please note that the decompressing can finish also on flush and finish. -- -- [1] Named for 'historical' reasons newtype Initial = Initial ZStream data EmptyIn = EmptyIn !ZStream !ByteString data FullOut = FullOut !ZStream !ByteString data Invalid = Invalid !ZStream !ByteString !ByteString data Finishing = Finishing !ZStream !ByteString data Flushing = Flushing !ZStream !ZlibFlush !ByteString withByteString :: ByteString -> (Ptr Word8 -> Int -> IO a) -> IO a withByteString (PS ptr off len) f = withForeignPtr ptr (\ptr' -> f (ptr' `plusPtr` off) len) #ifdef DEBUG mkByteString :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ByteString mkByteString s = liftIO $ do base <- mallocForeignPtrArray s withForeignPtr base $ \ptr -> C.addForeignPtrFinalizer base $ do IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Freed buffer " ++ show ptr IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Allocated buffer " ++ show base return $! PS base 0 s dumpZStream :: ZStream -> IO () dumpZStream zstr = withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> do IO.hPutStr stderr $ "<<ZStream@" IO.hPutStr stderr $ (show zptr) IO.hPutStr stderr . (" next_in=" ++) . show =<< (#{peek z_stream, next_in} zptr :: IO (Ptr ())) IO.hPutStr stderr . (" avail_in=" ++) . show =<< (#{peek z_stream, avail_in} zptr :: IO CUInt) IO.hPutStr stderr . (" total_in=" ++) . show =<< (#{peek z_stream, total_in} zptr :: IO CULong) IO.hPutStr stderr . (" next_out=" ++) . show =<< (#{peek z_stream, next_out} zptr :: IO (Ptr ())) IO.hPutStr stderr . (" avail_out=" ++) . show =<< (#{peek z_stream, avail_out} zptr :: IO CUInt) IO.hPutStr stderr . (" total_out=" ++) . show =<< (#{peek z_stream, total_out} zptr :: IO CULong) -- IO.hPutStr stderr . (" msg=" ++) =<< peekCString =<< -- (#{peek z_stream, msg} zptr) IO.hPutStrLn stderr ">>" #else mkByteString :: MonadIO m => Int -> m ByteString mkByteString s = liftIO $ create s (\_ -> return ()) #endif putOutBuffer :: Int -> ZStream -> IO ByteString putOutBuffer size zstr = do _out <- mkByteString size withByteString _out $ \ptr len -> withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> do #{poke z_stream, next_out} zptr ptr #{poke z_stream, avail_out} zptr len return _out putInBuffer :: ZStream -> ByteString -> IO () putInBuffer zstr _in = withByteString _in $ \ptr len -> withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> do #{poke z_stream, next_in} zptr ptr #{poke z_stream, avail_in} zptr len pullOutBuffer :: ZStream -> ByteString -> IO ByteString pullOutBuffer zstr _out = withByteString _out $ \ptr _ -> do next_out <- withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> #{peek z_stream, next_out} zptr return $! BS.take (next_out `minusPtr` ptr) _out pullInBuffer :: ZStream -> ByteString -> IO ByteString pullInBuffer zstr _in = withByteString _in $ \ptr _ -> do next_in <- withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> #{peek z_stream, next_in} zptr return $! BS.drop (next_in `minusPtr` ptr) _in type EnumerateeS eli elo m a = (Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> Iteratee elo m (Iteratee eli m a) eneeErr :: (Monad m, Exception err, Nullable elo) => (Stream eli -> Iteratee eli m a) -> err -> Iteratee elo m () eneeErr iter = liftM (const ()) . lift . run . iter . EOF . Just . toException insertOut :: MonadIO m => Int -> (ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt) -> Initial -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a insertOut size runf (Initial zstr) iter = do _out <- liftIO $ putOutBuffer size zstr #ifdef DEBUG liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Inserted out buffer of size " ++ show size #endif eneeCheckIfDone (fill size runf (EmptyIn zstr _out)) iter fill :: MonadIO m => Int -> (ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt) -> EmptyIn -> EnumerateeS ByteString ByteString m a fill size run' (EmptyIn zstr _out) iter = let fill' (Chunk _in) | not (BS.null _in) = do liftIO $ putInBuffer zstr _in #ifdef DEBUG liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Inserted in buffer of size " ++ show (BS.length _in) #endif doRun size run' (Invalid zstr _in _out) iter | otherwise = fillI fill' (EOF Nothing) = do out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out eneeCheckIfDone (finish size run' (Finishing zstr BS.empty)) $ iter (Chunk out) fill' (EOF (Just err)) = case fromException err of Just err' -> flush size run' (Flushing zstr err' _out) iter Nothing -> throwRecoverableErr err fill' #ifdef DEBUG fillI = do liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "About to insert in buffer" liftI fill' #else fillI = liftI fill' #endif in fillI swapOut :: MonadIO m => Int -> (ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt) -> FullOut -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a swapOut size run' (FullOut zstr _in) iter = do _out <- liftIO $ putOutBuffer size zstr #ifdef DEBUG liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Swapped out buffer of size " ++ show size #endif eneeCheckIfDone (doRun size run' (Invalid zstr _in _out)) iter doRun :: MonadIO m => Int -> (ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt) -> Invalid -> EnumerateeS ByteString ByteString m a doRun size run' (Invalid zstr _in _out) iter = do #ifdef DEBUG liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "About to run" liftIO $ dumpZStream zstr #endif status <- liftIO $ run' zstr #{const Z_NO_FLUSH} #ifdef DEBUG liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Runned" #endif case fromErrno status of Left err -> do eneeErr iter err throwErr (toException err) Right False -> do -- End of stream remaining <- liftIO $ pullInBuffer zstr _in out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out idone (iter (Chunk out)) (Chunk remaining) Right True -> do -- Continue (avail_in, avail_out) <- liftIO $ withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> do avail_in <- liftIO $ #{peek z_stream, avail_in} zptr avail_out <- liftIO $ #{peek z_stream, avail_out} zptr return (avail_in, avail_out) :: IO (CInt, CInt) case avail_out of 0 -> do out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out case avail_in of 0 -> insertOut size run' (Initial zstr) $ iter (Chunk out) _ -> swapOut size run' (FullOut zstr _in) $ iter (Chunk out) _ -> case avail_in of 0 -> fill size run' (EmptyIn zstr _out) iter _ -> do eneeErr iter IncorrectState throwErr (toException IncorrectState) flush :: MonadIO m => Int -> (ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt) -> Flushing -> EnumerateeS ByteString ByteString m a flush size run' (Flushing zstr _flush _out) iter = do status <- liftIO $ run' zstr (fromFlush _flush) case fromErrno status of Left err -> do eneeErr iter err throwErr (toException err) Right False -> do -- Finished out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out idone (iter (Chunk out)) (Chunk BS.empty) Right True -> do avail_out <- liftIO $ withZStream zstr #{peek z_stream, avail_out} case avail_out :: CInt of 0 -> do out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out out' <- liftIO $ putOutBuffer size zstr eneeCheckIfDone (flush size run' (Flushing zstr _flush out')) $ iter (Chunk out) _ -> insertOut size run' (Initial zstr) (liftI iter) finish :: MonadIO m => Int -> (ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt) -> Finishing -> EnumerateeS ByteString ByteString m a finish size run' fin@(Finishing zstr _in) iter = do #ifdef DEBUG liftIO $ IO.hPutStrLn stderr $ "Finishing with out buffer of size " ++ show size #endif _out <- liftIO $ putOutBuffer size zstr status <- liftIO $ run' zstr #{const Z_FINISH} case fromErrno status of Left err -> do eneeErr iter err throwErr (toException err) Right False -> do -- Finished remaining <- liftIO $ pullInBuffer zstr _in out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out idone (iter (Chunk out)) (Chunk remaining) Right True -> do avail_out <- liftIO $ withZStream zstr #{peek z_stream, avail_out} case avail_out :: CInt of 0 -> do out <- liftIO $ pullOutBuffer zstr _out eneeCheckIfDone (finish size run' fin) $ iter (Chunk out) _ -> do eneeErr iter IncorrectState throwErr $! toException IncorrectState foreign import ccall unsafe deflateInit2_ :: Ptr ZStream -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe inflateInit2_ :: Ptr ZStream -> CInt -> CString -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe inflate :: Ptr ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe deflate :: Ptr ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe "&deflateEnd" deflateEnd :: FunPtr (Ptr ZStream -> IO ()) foreign import ccall unsafe "&inflateEnd" inflateEnd :: FunPtr (Ptr ZStream -> IO ()) foreign import ccall unsafe deflateSetDictionary :: Ptr ZStream -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt foreign import ccall unsafe inflateSetDictionary :: Ptr ZStream -> Ptr Word8 -> CUInt -> IO CInt deflateInit2 :: Ptr ZStream -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt deflateInit2 s l m wB mL s' = withCString #{const_str ZLIB_VERSION} $ \v -> deflateInit2_ s l m wB mL s' v #{size z_stream} inflateInit2 :: Ptr ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt inflateInit2 s wB = withCString #{const_str ZLIB_VERSION} $ \v -> inflateInit2_ s wB v #{size z_stream} #ifdef DEBUG deflate' :: ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt deflate' z f = withZStream z $ \p -> do IO.hPutStrLn stderr "About to run deflate" deflate p f inflate' :: ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt inflate' z f = withZStream z $ \p -> do IO.hPutStrLn stderr "About to run inflate" inflate p f #else deflate' :: ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt deflate' z f = withZStream z $ \p -> deflate p f inflate' :: ZStream -> CInt -> IO CInt inflate' z f = withZStream z $ \p -> inflate p f #endif mkCompress :: Format -> CompressParams -> IO (Either ZLibParamsException Initial) mkCompress frm cp = case convParam frm cp of Left err -> return $! Left err Right (c, m, b, l, s) -> do zstr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes #{size z_stream} withForeignPtr zstr $ \zptr -> do _ <- memset (castPtr zptr) 0 #{size z_stream} _ <- deflateInit2 zptr c m b l s `finally` addForeignPtrFinalizer deflateEnd zstr for_ (compressDictionary cp) $ \(PS fp off len) -> withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> deflateSetDictionary zptr (ptr `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral len) return $! Right $! Initial $ ZStream zstr mkDecompress :: Format -> DecompressParams -> IO (Either ZLibParamsException (Initial, Maybe ByteString)) mkDecompress frm (DecompressParams w _ md) = case fromWindowBits frm w of Left err -> return $! Left err Right wB' -> do zstr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes #{size z_stream} v <- withForeignPtr zstr $ \zptr -> do _ <- memset (castPtr zptr) 0 #{size z_stream} _ <- inflateInit2 zptr wB' `finally` addForeignPtrFinalizer inflateEnd zstr case (md, frm) of (Just (PS fp off len), Raw) -> do _ <- withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> inflateSetDictionary zptr (ptr `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral len) return Nothing (Nothing, _) -> return $! Nothing (Just bs, _) -> return $! (Just bs) return $! Right $! (Initial $ ZStream zstr, v) -- User-related code -- | Compress the input and send to inner iteratee. enumDeflate :: MonadIO m => Format -- ^ Format of input -> CompressParams -- ^ Parameters of compression -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a enumDeflate f cp@(CompressParams _ _ _ _ _ size _) iter = do cmp <- liftIO $ mkCompress f cp case cmp of Left err -> do _ <- lift $ enumErr err iter throwErr (toException err) Right init' -> insertOut size deflate' init' iter -- | Decompress the input and send to inner iteratee. If there is data -- after the end of zlib stream, it is left unprocessed. enumInflate :: MonadIO m => Format -> DecompressParams -> Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a enumInflate f dp@(DecompressParams _ size _md) iter = do dcmp <- liftIO $ mkDecompress f dp case dcmp of Left err -> do _ <- lift $ enumErr err iter throwErr (toException err) Right (init', Nothing) -> insertOut size inflate' init' iter Right (init', (Just (PS fp off len))) -> let inflate'' zstr param = do ret <- inflate' zstr param case fromErrno ret of Left NeedDictionary -> do _ <- withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> withZStream zstr $ \zptr -> inflateSetDictionary zptr (ptr `plusPtr` off) (fromIntegral len) inflate' zstr param _ -> return ret in insertOut size inflate'' init' iter -- | Inflate if Gzip format is recognized, otherwise pass through. enumInflateAny :: MonadIO m => Enumeratee ByteString ByteString m a enumInflateAny it = do magic <- iLookAhead $ liftM2 (,) tryHeadBS tryHeadBS case magic of (Just 0x1f, Just 0x8b) -> enumInflate GZip defaultDecompressParams it >>= enumInflateAny _ -> mapChunks id it enumSyncFlush :: Monad m => Enumerator ByteString m a -- ^ Enumerate synchronise flush. It cause the all pending output to be flushed -- and all available input is sent to inner Iteratee. enumSyncFlush = enumErr SyncFlush enumFullFlush :: Monad m => Enumerator ByteString m a -- ^ Enumerate full flush. It flushes all pending output and reset the -- compression. It allows to restart from this point if compressed data was -- corrupted but it can affect the compression rate. -- -- It may be only used during compression. enumFullFlush = enumErr FullFlush enumBlockFlush :: Monad m => Enumerator ByteString m a -- ^ Enumerate block flush. If the enumerator is compressing it allows to -- finish current block. If the enumerator is decompressing it forces to stop -- on next block boundary. enumBlockFlush = enumErr Block