module Bio.Bam.Regions where

import Bio.Bam.Header ( Refseq(..) )
import Data.List ( foldl' )
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Prelude

data Region = Region { refseq :: !Refseq, start :: !Int, end :: !Int }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | A subset of a genome.  The idea is to map the reference sequence
-- (represented by its number) to a 'Subseqeunce'.
newtype Regions = Regions (IM.IntMap Subsequence) deriving Show

-- | A mostly contiguous subset of a sequence, stored as a set of
-- non-overlapping intervals in an 'IntMap' from start position to end
-- position (half-open intervals, naturally).
newtype Subsequence = Subsequence (IM.IntMap Int) deriving Show

toList :: Regions -> [(Refseq, Subsequence)]
toList (Regions m) = [ (Refseq $ fromIntegral k, v) | (k,v) <- IM.toList m ]

fromList :: [Region] -> Regions
fromList = foldl' (flip add) (Regions IM.empty)

add :: Region -> Regions -> Regions
add (Region (Refseq r) b e) (Regions m) =
    let single = Just . Subsequence $ IM.singleton b e
    in Regions $ IM.alter (maybe single (Just . addInt b e)) (fromIntegral r) m

addInt :: Int -> Int -> Subsequence -> Subsequence
addInt b e (Subsequence m0) = Subsequence $ merge_into b e m0
    merge_into x y m = case lookupLT y m of
        Just (u,v) | x < u && y <= v -> merge_into x v $ IM.delete u m    -- extend to the left
                   | x < u           -> merge_into x y $ IM.delete u m    -- subsume
                   | y <= v          -> m                                 -- subsumed
                   | x <= v          -> merge_into u y $ IM.delete u m    -- extend to the right
        _                            -> IM.insert  x y m                  -- no overlap

overlaps :: Int -> Int -> Subsequence -> Bool
overlaps b e (Subsequence m) = case lookupLT e m of
        Just (_,v) -> b < v
        Nothing    -> False

lookupLT :: IM.Key -> IM.IntMap a -> Maybe (IM.Key, a)
lookupLT k m | IM.null m1 = Nothing
             | otherwise  = Just $ IM.findMax m1
  where (m1,_) = IM.split k m