{-# LINE 1 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 2 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 3 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

Module      : Bindings.WLC.WLC
Description : Core WLC
Copyright   : (c) Ashley Towns 2016
License     : BSD3
Maintainer  : mail@ashleytowns.id.au
Stability   : experimental
Portability : POSIX

Provides bindings to the core WLC API.
module Bindings.WLC.Core where
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr,FunPtr,plusPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (wordPtrToPtr,castPtrToFunPtr)
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String (CString,CStringLen,CWString,CWStringLen)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray,pokeArray)
import Data.Int
import Data.Word

{-# LINE 17 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

import Bindings.WLC.Defines
import Bindings.WLC.Geometry

data C'wlc_event_source = C'wlc_event_source

{-# LINE 22 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
data C'xkb_state = C'xkb_state

{-# LINE 23 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
data C'xkb_keymap = C'xkb_keymap

{-# LINE 24 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
data C'libinput_device = C'libinput_device

{-# LINE 25 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |wlc_log(), wlc_vlog();
type C'wlc_log_type = CUInt

{-# LINE 28 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_LOG_INFO :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 29 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_LOG_WARN :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 30 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_LOG_ERROR :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 31 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_LOG_WAYLAND :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 32 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |wlc_get_backend_type();
type C'wlc_backend_type = CUInt

{-# LINE 35 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BACKEND_NONE :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 36 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BACKEND_DRM :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 37 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BACKEND_X11 :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 38 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |mask in wlc_event_loop_add_fd();
type C'wlc_event_bit = CUInt

{-# LINE 41 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_EVENT_READABLE :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 42 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_EVENT_WRITABLE :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 43 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_EVENT_HANGUP :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 44 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_EVENT_ERROR :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 45 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |wlc_view_get_state();
type C'wlc_view_state_bit = CUInt

{-# LINE 48 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MAXIMIZED :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 49 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_FULLSCREEN :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 50 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_RESIZING :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 51 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOVING :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 52 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_ACTIVATED :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 53 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |wlc_view_get_type();
type C'wlc_view_type_bit = CUInt

{-# LINE 56 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Override redirect (x11)

{-# LINE 58 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Tooltips, DnD's, menus (x11)
c'WLC_BIT_UNMANAGED :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 60 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Splash screens (x11)
c'WLC_BIT_SPLASH :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 62 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Modal windows (x11)
c'WLC_BIT_MODAL :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 64 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |xdg-shell, wl-shell popups
c'WLC_BIT_POPUP :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 66 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |wlc_view_set_geometry(); Edges in interface interface.view.request.resize function.
type C'wlc_resize_edge = CUInt

{-# LINE 69 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_RESIZE_EDGE_NONE :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 70 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_RESIZE_EDGE_TOP :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 71 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_RESIZE_EDGE_BOTTOM :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 72 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_RESIZE_EDGE_LEFT :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 73 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_RESIZE_EDGE_TOP_LEFT :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 74 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 75 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_RESIZE_EDGE_RIGHT :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 76 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 77 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 78 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |Mods in interface.keyboard.key function.
type C'wlc_modifier_bit = CUInt

{-# LINE 81 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_SHIFT :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 82 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_CAPS :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 83 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_CTRL :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 84 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_ALT :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 85 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_MOD2 :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 86 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_MOD3 :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 87 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_LOGO :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 88 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_MOD5 = 128
c'WLC_BIT_MOD_MOD5 :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 89 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |Leds in interface.keyboard.key function.
type C'wlc_led_bit = CUInt

{-# LINE 92 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_LED_NUM :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 93 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_LED_CAPS :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 94 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_BIT_LED_SCROLL :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 95 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |State in interface.keyboard.key function.
type C'wlc_key_state = CUInt

{-# LINE 98 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_KEY_STATE_RELEASED :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 99 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_KEY_STATE_PRESSED :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 100 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |State in interface.pointer.button function.
type C'wlc_button_state = CUInt

{-# LINE 103 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 104 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 105 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |Axis in interface.pointer.scroll function.
type C'wlc_scroll_axis_bit = CUInt

{-# LINE 108 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 109 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 110 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |Type in interface.touch.touch function
type C'wlc_touch_type = CUInt

{-# LINE 113 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_TOUCH_DOWN :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 114 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_TOUCH_UP :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 115 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_TOUCH_MOTION :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 116 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_TOUCH_FRAME :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 117 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
c'WLC_TOUCH_CANCEL :: (Num a) => a

{-# LINE 118 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |State of keyboard modifiers in various functions.

{-# LINE 121 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 122 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

{-# LINE 123 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
data C'wlc_modifiers = C'wlc_modifiers{
  c'wlc_modifiers'leds :: C'wlc_led_bit,
  c'wlc_modifiers'mods :: C'wlc_modifier_bit
} deriving (Eq,Show)
p'wlc_modifiers'leds p = plusPtr p 0
p'wlc_modifiers'leds :: Ptr (C'wlc_modifiers) -> Ptr (C'wlc_led_bit)
p'wlc_modifiers'mods p = plusPtr p 4
p'wlc_modifiers'mods :: Ptr (C'wlc_modifiers) -> Ptr (C'wlc_modifier_bit)
instance Storable C'wlc_modifiers where
  sizeOf _ = 8
  alignment _ = 4
  peek p = do
    v0 <- peekByteOff p 0
    v1 <- peekByteOff p 4
    return $ C'wlc_modifiers v0 v1
  poke p (C'wlc_modifiers v0 v1) = do
    pokeByteOff p 0 v0
    pokeByteOff p 4 v1
    return ()

{-# LINE 124 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- * Callback API
-- ** Types
-- *** Output
type C'output_created_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'output_created_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool) -> IO C'output_created_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'output_created_cb
  :: C'output_created_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 129 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'output_destroyed_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'output_destroyed_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'output_destroyed_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'output_destroyed_cb
  :: C'output_destroyed_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 130 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'output_focus_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'output_focus_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ()) -> IO C'output_focus_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'output_focus_cb
  :: C'output_focus_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ())

{-# LINE 131 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'output_resolution_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'output_resolution_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> IO ()) -> IO C'output_resolution_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'output_resolution_cb
  :: C'output_resolution_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> IO ())

{-# LINE 132 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'output_render_pre_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'output_render_pre_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'output_render_pre_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'output_render_pre_cb
  :: C'output_render_pre_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 133 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'output_render_post_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'output_render_post_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'output_render_post_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'output_render_post_cb
  :: C'output_render_post_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 134 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- *** View
type C'view_created_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_created_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool) -> IO C'view_created_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_created_cb
  :: C'view_created_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 136 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_destroyed_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_destroyed_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_destroyed_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_destroyed_cb
  :: C'view_destroyed_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 137 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_focus_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_focus_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_focus_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_focus_cb
  :: C'view_focus_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ())

{-# LINE 138 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_move_to_output_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_move_to_output_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_move_to_output_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_move_to_output_cb
  :: C'view_move_to_output_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 139 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_request_geometry_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_request_geometry_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_request_geometry_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_request_geometry_cb
  :: C'view_request_geometry_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ())

{-# LINE 140 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_request_state_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_state_bit -> Bool -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_request_state_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_state_bit -> Bool -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_request_state_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_request_state_cb
  :: C'view_request_state_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_state_bit -> Bool -> IO ())

{-# LINE 141 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_request_move_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_request_move_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_request_move_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_request_move_cb
  :: C'view_request_move_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ())

{-# LINE 142 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_request_resize_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_request_resize_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_request_resize_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_request_resize_cb
  :: C'view_request_resize_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ())

{-# LINE 143 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_render_pre_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_render_pre_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_render_pre_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_render_pre_cb
  :: C'view_render_pre_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 144 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'view_render_post_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'view_render_post_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> IO ()) -> IO C'view_render_post_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'view_render_post_cb
  :: C'view_render_post_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 145 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- *** Input
type C'keyboard_key_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> CUInt -> C'wlc_key_state -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'keyboard_key_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> CUInt -> C'wlc_key_state -> IO Bool) -> IO C'keyboard_key_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'keyboard_key_cb
  :: C'keyboard_key_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> CUInt -> C'wlc_key_state -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 147 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'pointer_button_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> CUInt -> C'wlc_button_state -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'pointer_button_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> CUInt -> C'wlc_button_state -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool) -> IO C'pointer_button_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'pointer_button_cb
  :: C'pointer_button_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> CUInt -> C'wlc_button_state -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 148 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'pointer_scroll_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> C'wlc_scroll_axis_bit -> Double -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'pointer_scroll_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> C'wlc_scroll_axis_bit -> Double -> IO Bool) -> IO C'pointer_scroll_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'pointer_scroll_cb
  :: C'pointer_scroll_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> C'wlc_scroll_axis_bit -> Double -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 149 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'pointer_motion_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'pointer_motion_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool) -> IO C'pointer_motion_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'pointer_motion_cb
  :: C'pointer_motion_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 150 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'touch_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> C'wlc_touch_type -> CInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool)
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'touch_cb
  :: (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> C'wlc_touch_type -> CInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool) -> IO C'touch_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'touch_cb
  :: C'touch_cb -> (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> C'wlc_touch_type -> CInt -> Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 151 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- *** Other
type C'compositor_ready_cb = FunPtr (IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'compositor_ready_cb
  :: (IO ()) -> IO C'compositor_ready_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'compositor_ready_cb
  :: C'compositor_ready_cb -> (IO ())

{-# LINE 153 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
type C'compositor_terminate_cb = FunPtr (IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'compositor_terminate_cb
  :: (IO ()) -> IO C'compositor_terminate_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'compositor_terminate_cb
  :: C'compositor_terminate_cb -> (IO ())

{-# LINE 154 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- ** Functions
-- *** Output
-- |Output was created. Return false if you want to destroy the output. (e.g. failed to allocate data related to view)
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_output_created_cb" c'wlc_set_output_created_cb
  :: C'output_created_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_output_created_cb" p'wlc_set_output_created_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'output_created_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 159 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Output was destroyed.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_output_destroyed_cb" c'wlc_set_output_destroyed_cb
  :: C'output_destroyed_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_output_destroyed_cb" p'wlc_set_output_destroyed_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'output_destroyed_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 161 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Output got or lost focus.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_output_focus_cb" c'wlc_set_output_focus_cb
  :: C'output_focus_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_output_focus_cb" p'wlc_set_output_focus_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'output_focus_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 163 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Output resolution changed.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_output_resolution_cb" c'wlc_set_output_resolution_cb
  :: C'output_resolution_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_output_resolution_cb" p'wlc_set_output_resolution_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'output_resolution_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 165 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Output pre render hook.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_output_render_pre_cb" c'wlc_set_output_render_pre_cb
  :: C'output_render_pre_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_output_render_pre_cb" p'wlc_set_output_render_pre_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'output_render_pre_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 167 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Output post render hook.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_output_render_post_cb" c'wlc_set_output_render_post_cb
  :: C'output_render_post_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_output_render_post_cb" p'wlc_set_output_render_post_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'output_render_post_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 169 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- *** View
-- |View was created. Return false if you want to destroy the view. (e.g. failed to allocate data related to view)
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_created_cb" c'wlc_set_view_created_cb
  :: C'view_created_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_created_cb" p'wlc_set_view_created_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_created_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 172 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |View was destroyed.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_destroyed_cb" c'wlc_set_view_destroyed_cb
  :: C'view_destroyed_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_destroyed_cb" p'wlc_set_view_destroyed_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_destroyed_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 174 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |View got or lost focus.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_focus_cb" c'wlc_set_view_focus_cb
  :: C'view_focus_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_focus_cb" p'wlc_set_view_focus_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_focus_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 176 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |View was moved to output.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_move_to_output_cb" c'wlc_set_view_move_to_output_cb
  :: C'view_move_to_output_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_move_to_output_cb" p'wlc_set_view_move_to_output_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_move_to_output_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 178 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Request to set given geometry for view. Apply using wlc_view_set_geometry to agree.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_request_geometry_cb" c'wlc_set_view_request_geometry_cb
  :: C'view_request_geometry_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_request_geometry_cb" p'wlc_set_view_request_geometry_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_request_geometry_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 180 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Request to disable or enable the given state for view. Apply using wlc_view_set_state to agree.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_request_state_cb" c'wlc_set_view_request_state_cb
  :: C'view_request_state_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_request_state_cb" p'wlc_set_view_request_state_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_request_state_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 182 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Request to move itself. Start a interactive move to agree.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_request_move_cb" c'wlc_set_view_request_move_cb
  :: C'view_request_move_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_request_move_cb" p'wlc_set_view_request_move_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_request_move_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 184 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Request to resize itself with the given edges. Start a interactive resize to agree.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_request_resize_cb" c'wlc_set_view_request_resize_cb
  :: C'view_request_resize_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_request_resize_cb" p'wlc_set_view_request_resize_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_request_resize_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 186 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |View pre render hook.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_render_pre_cb" c'wlc_set_view_render_pre_cb
  :: C'view_render_pre_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_render_pre_cb" p'wlc_set_view_render_pre_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_render_pre_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 188 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |View post render hook.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_view_render_post_cb" c'wlc_set_view_render_post_cb
  :: C'view_render_post_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_view_render_post_cb" p'wlc_set_view_render_post_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'view_render_post_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 190 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- *** Input
-- |Key event was triggered, view handle will be zero if there was no focus. Return true to prevent sending the
-- event to clients.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_keyboard_key_cb" c'wlc_set_keyboard_key_cb
  :: C'keyboard_key_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_keyboard_key_cb" p'wlc_set_keyboard_key_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'keyboard_key_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 194 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Button event was triggered, view handle will be zero if there was no focus. Return true to prevent sending the
-- event to clients.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_pointer_button_cb" c'wlc_set_pointer_button_cb
  :: C'pointer_button_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_pointer_button_cb" p'wlc_set_pointer_button_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'pointer_button_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 197 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Scroll event was triggered, view handle will be zero if there was no focus. Return true to prevent sending the
-- event to clients.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_pointer_scroll_cb" c'wlc_set_pointer_scroll_cb
  :: C'pointer_scroll_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_pointer_scroll_cb" p'wlc_set_pointer_scroll_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'pointer_scroll_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 200 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Motion event was triggered, view handle will be zero if there was no focus. Apply with wlc_pointer_set_position to
-- agree. Return true to prevent sending the event to clients.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_pointer_motion_cb" c'wlc_set_pointer_motion_cb
  :: C'pointer_motion_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_pointer_motion_cb" p'wlc_set_pointer_motion_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'pointer_motion_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 203 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Touch event was triggered, view handle will be zero if there was no focus. Return true to prevent sending the
-- event to clients.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_touch_cb" c'wlc_set_touch_cb
  :: C'touch_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_touch_cb" p'wlc_set_touch_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'touch_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 206 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- *** Other
-- |Compositor is ready to accept clients.
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_compositor_ready_cb" c'wlc_set_compositor_ready_cb
  :: C'compositor_ready_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_compositor_ready_cb" p'wlc_set_compositor_ready_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'compositor_ready_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 209 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Compositor is about to terminate
foreign import ccall "wlc_set_compositor_terminate_cb" c'wlc_set_compositor_terminate_cb
  :: C'compositor_terminate_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_set_compositor_terminate_cb" p'wlc_set_compositor_terminate_cb
  :: FunPtr (C'compositor_terminate_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 211 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- * Core API

-- |Creates a log handler callback
type C'log_handler_cb = FunPtr (C'wlc_log_type -> CString -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "wrapper" mk'log_handler_cb
  :: (C'wlc_log_type -> CString -> IO ()) -> IO C'log_handler_cb
foreign import ccall "dynamic" mK'log_handler_cb
  :: C'log_handler_cb -> (C'wlc_log_type -> CString -> IO ())

{-# LINE 216 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |Set log handler. Can be set before wlc_init.
foreign import ccall "wlc_log_set_handler" c'wlc_log_set_handler
  :: C'log_handler_cb -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_log_set_handler" p'wlc_log_set_handler
  :: FunPtr (C'log_handler_cb -> IO ())

{-# LINE 219 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- |Initialize wlc. Returns false on failure.
-- Avoid running unverified code before wlc_init as wlc compositor may be run with higher
-- privileges on non logind systems where compositor binary needs to be suid.
-- wlc_init's purpose is to initialize and drop privileges as soon as possible.
-- Callbacks should be set using wlc_set_*_cb functions before calling wlc_init2,
-- failing to do so will cause any callback the init may trigger to not be called.
foreign import ccall "wlc_init2" c'wlc_init2
  :: IO Bool
foreign import ccall "&wlc_init2" p'wlc_init2
  :: FunPtr (IO Bool)

{-# LINE 230 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Terminate wlc.
foreign import ccall "wlc_terminate" c'wlc_terminate
  :: IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_terminate" p'wlc_terminate
  :: FunPtr (IO ())

{-# LINE 232 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Query backend wlc is using.
foreign import ccall "wlc_get_backend_type" c'wlc_get_backend_type
  :: IO C'wlc_backend_type
foreign import ccall "&wlc_get_backend_type" p'wlc_get_backend_type
  :: FunPtr (IO C'wlc_backend_type)

{-# LINE 234 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Exec program.
foreign import ccall "wlc_exec" c'wlc_exec
  :: CString -> Ptr CString -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_exec" p'wlc_exec
  :: FunPtr (CString -> Ptr CString -> IO ())

{-# LINE 236 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Run event loop.
foreign import ccall "wlc_run" c'wlc_run
  :: IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_run" p'wlc_run
  :: FunPtr (IO ())

{-# LINE 238 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Link custom data to handle.
foreign import ccall "wlc_handle_set_user_data" c'wlc_handle_set_user_data
  :: C'wlc_handle -> Ptr () -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_handle_set_user_data" p'wlc_handle_set_user_data
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr () -> IO ())

{-# LINE 240 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get linked custom data from handle.
foreign import ccall "wlc_handle_get_user_data" c'wlc_handle_get_user_data
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO (Ptr ())
foreign import ccall "&wlc_handle_get_user_data" p'wlc_handle_get_user_data
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO (Ptr ()))

{-# LINE 242 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- * Output API

-- |Get outputs. Returned array is a direct reference, careful when moving and destroying handles.
foreign import ccall "wlc_get_outputs" c'wlc_get_outputs
  :: Ptr CSize -> IO C'wlc_handle
foreign import ccall "&wlc_get_outputs" p'wlc_get_outputs
  :: FunPtr (Ptr CSize -> IO C'wlc_handle)

{-# LINE 247 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get focused output.
foreign import ccall "wlc_get_focused_output" c'wlc_get_focused_output
  :: IO C'wlc_handle
foreign import ccall "&wlc_get_focused_output" p'wlc_get_focused_output
  :: FunPtr (IO C'wlc_handle)

{-# LINE 249 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get output name.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_get_name" c'wlc_output_get_name
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_get_name" p'wlc_output_get_name
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CString)

{-# LINE 251 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get sleep state.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_get_sleep" c'wlc_output_get_sleep
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_get_sleep" p'wlc_output_get_sleep
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO Bool)

{-# LINE 253 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Wake up / sleep.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_set_sleep" c'wlc_output_set_sleep
  :: C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_set_sleep" p'wlc_output_set_sleep
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Bool -> IO ())

{-# LINE 255 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get resolution.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_get_resolution" c'wlc_output_get_resolution
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO (Ptr C'wlc_size)
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_get_resolution" p'wlc_output_get_resolution
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO (Ptr C'wlc_size))

{-# LINE 257 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set resolution.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_set_resolution" c'wlc_output_set_resolution
  :: C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_set_resolution" p'wlc_output_set_resolution
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_size -> IO ())

{-# LINE 259 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get current visibility bitmask.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_get_mask" c'wlc_output_get_mask
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_get_mask" p'wlc_output_get_mask
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt)

{-# LINE 261 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set visibility bitmask.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_set_mask" c'wlc_output_set_mask
  :: C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_set_mask" p'wlc_output_set_mask
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> IO ())

{-# LINE 263 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get views in stack order. Returned array is a direct reference, careful when moving and destroying handles.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_get_views" c'wlc_output_get_views
  :: C'wlc_handle -> Ptr CSize -> IO (Ptr wlc_handle)
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_get_views" p'wlc_output_get_views
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr CSize -> IO (Ptr wlc_handle))

{-# LINE 265 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Focus output. Pass zero for no focus.
foreign import ccall "wlc_output_focus" c'wlc_output_focus
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_output_focus" p'wlc_output_focus
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 267 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- * View API
-- |Focus view. Pass zero for no focus.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_focus" c'wlc_view_focus
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_focus" p'wlc_view_focus
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 271 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Close view.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_close" c'wlc_view_close
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_close" p'wlc_view_close
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 273 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get current output.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_output" c'wlc_view_get_output
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO C'wlc_handle
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_output" p'wlc_view_get_output
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO C'wlc_handle)

{-# LINE 275 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set output. Alternatively you can wlc_output_set_views.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_set_output" c'wlc_view_set_output
  :: C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_set_output" p'wlc_view_set_output
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 277 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Send behind everything.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_send_to_back" c'wlc_view_send_to_back
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_send_to_back" p'wlc_view_send_to_back
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 279 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Send below another view.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_send_below" c'wlc_view_send_below
  :: C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_send_below" p'wlc_view_send_below
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 281 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Send above another view.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_bring_above" c'wlc_view_bring_above
  :: C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_bring_above" p'wlc_view_bring_above
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 283 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Bring to front of everything.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_bring_to_front" c'wlc_view_bring_to_front
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_bring_to_front" p'wlc_view_bring_to_front
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 285 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get current visibility bitmask.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_mask" c'wlc_view_get_mask
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_mask" p'wlc_view_get_mask
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt)

{-# LINE 287 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set visibility bitmask.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_set_mask" c'wlc_view_set_mask
  :: C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_set_mask" p'wlc_view_set_mask
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> IO ())

{-# LINE 289 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get current geometry. (what client sees)
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_geometry" c'wlc_view_get_geometry
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO (Ptr C'wlc_geometry)
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_geometry" p'wlc_view_get_geometry
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO (Ptr C'wlc_geometry))

{-# LINE 291 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get visible geometry. (what wlc displays)
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_visible_geometry" c'wlc_view_get_visible_geometry
  :: C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_visible_geometry" p'wlc_view_get_visible_geometry
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ())

{-# LINE 293 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set geometry. Set edges if the geometry change is caused by interactive resize.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_set_geometry" c'wlc_view_set_geometry
  :: C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_set_geometry" p'wlc_view_set_geometry
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_geometry -> IO ())

{-# LINE 295 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get type bitfield.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_type" c'wlc_view_get_type
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_type" p'wlc_view_get_type
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt)

{-# LINE 297 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set type bit. Toggle indicates whether it is set or not.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_set_type" c'wlc_view_set_type
  :: C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_type_bit -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_set_type" p'wlc_view_set_type
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_type_bit -> Bool -> IO ())

{-# LINE 299 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get current state bitfield.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_state" c'wlc_view_get_state
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_state" p'wlc_view_get_state
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CUInt)

{-# LINE 301 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set state bit. Toggle indicates whether it is set or not.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_set_state" c'wlc_view_set_state
  :: C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_state_bit -> Bool -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_set_state" p'wlc_view_set_state
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_view_state_bit -> Bool -> IO ())

{-# LINE 303 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get parent view.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_parent" c'wlc_view_get_parent
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO C'wlc_handle
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_parent" p'wlc_view_get_parent
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO C'wlc_handle)

{-# LINE 305 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set parent view.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_set_parent" c'wlc_view_set_parent
  :: C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_set_parent" p'wlc_view_set_parent
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> C'wlc_handle -> IO ())

{-# LINE 307 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get title.
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_title" c'wlc_view_get_title
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_title" p'wlc_view_get_title
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CString)

{-# LINE 309 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get class. (shell-surface only)
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_class" c'wlc_view_get_class
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_class" p'wlc_view_get_class
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CString)

{-# LINE 311 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get app id. (xdg-surface only)
foreign import ccall "wlc_view_get_app_id" c'wlc_view_get_app_id
  :: C'wlc_handle -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "&wlc_view_get_app_id" p'wlc_view_get_app_id
  :: FunPtr (C'wlc_handle -> IO CString)

{-# LINE 313 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}

-- * Input API
-- |Get currently held keys.
foreign import ccall "wlc_keyboard_get_current_keys" c'wlc_keyboard_get_current_keys
  :: Ptr CSize -> IO (Ptr CUInt)
foreign import ccall "&wlc_keyboard_get_current_keys" p'wlc_keyboard_get_current_keys
  :: FunPtr (Ptr CSize -> IO (Ptr CUInt))

{-# LINE 317 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Utility function to convert raw keycode to keysym. Passed modifiers may transform the key.
foreign import ccall "wlc_keyboard_get_keysym_for_key" c'wlc_keyboard_get_keysym_for_key
  :: CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall "&wlc_keyboard_get_keysym_for_key" p'wlc_keyboard_get_keysym_for_key
  :: FunPtr (CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> IO CUInt)

{-# LINE 319 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Utility function to convert raw keycode to Unicode/UTF-32 codepoint. Passed modifiers may transform the key.
foreign import ccall "wlc_keyboard_get_utf32_for_key" c'wlc_keyboard_get_utf32_for_key
  :: CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> IO CUInt
foreign import ccall "&wlc_keyboard_get_utf32_for_key" p'wlc_keyboard_get_utf32_for_key
  :: FunPtr (CUInt -> Ptr C'wlc_modifiers -> IO CUInt)

{-# LINE 321 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Get current pointer position.
foreign import ccall "wlc_pointer_get_position" c'wlc_pointer_get_position
  :: Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_pointer_get_position" p'wlc_pointer_get_position
  :: FunPtr (Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ())

{-# LINE 323 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}
-- |Set current pointer position.
foreign import ccall "wlc_pointer_set_position" c'wlc_pointer_set_position
  :: Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ()
foreign import ccall "&wlc_pointer_set_position" p'wlc_pointer_set_position
  :: FunPtr (Ptr C'wlc_point -> IO ())

{-# LINE 325 "src/Bindings/WLC/Core.hsc" #-}