{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-import-lists #-}
-- |
-- Module:       $HEADER$
-- Description:  Function combinator "between" and its variations.
-- Copyright:    (c) 2013-2015 Peter Trsko
-- License:      BSD3
-- Maintainer:   peter.trsko@gmail.com
-- Stability:    experimental
-- Portability:  NoImplicitPrelude
-- During development it is common occurrence to modify deeply nested
-- structures. One of the best known libraries for this purpose is
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens lens>, but it's quite
-- overkill for some purposes.
-- This library describes simple and composable combinators that are built on
-- top of very basic concept:
-- @f . h . g@
-- Where @f@ and @g@ are fixed. It is possible to reduce it to just:
-- @(f .) . (. g)@
-- Which is the core pattern used by all functions defined in this module.
-- Trying to generalize this pattern further ends as
-- @(f 'Data.Functor.<$>') '.' ('Data.Functor.<$>' g)@, where
-- @'Data.Functor.<$>' = 'Data.Functor.fmap'@. Other combinations of
-- substituting 'Data.Function..' for 'Data.Functor.fmap' will end up less or
-- equally generic. Type of such expression is:
-- @
-- \\f g -> (f 'Data.Functor.<$>') 'Data.Function..' ('Data.Functor.<$>' g)
--     :: 'Data.Functor.Functor' f => (b -> c) -> f a -> (a -> b) -> f c
-- @
-- Which doesn't give us much more power. Instead of going for such
-- generalization we kept the original @((f .) . (. g))@ which we named
-- 'between' or '~@~' in its infix form.
module Data.Function.Between
    -- | This module reexports "Data.Function.Between.Lazy" that uses standard
    -- definition of ('Data.Function..') function as a basis of all
    -- combinators. There is also module "Data.Function.Between.Strict", that
    -- uses strict definition of function composition.
      module Data.Function.Between.Lazy

    -- * Composability
    -- $composability

    -- * Mapping Functions For Newtypes
    -- $mappingFunctionsForNewtypes

    -- * Constructing Lenses
    -- $lenses

    -- * Related Work
    -- | There are other packages out there that provide similar combinators.

    -- ** Package profunctors
    -- $profunctors

    -- ** Package pointless-fun
    -- $pointless-fun

import Data.Function.Between.Lazy

-- $composability
-- @
-- (f . h) '~@~' (i . g) === (f '~@~' g) . (h '~@~' i)
-- @
-- This shows us that it is possible to define @(f ~\@~ g)@ and @(h ~\@~ i)@
-- separately, for reusability, and then compose them.
-- The fun doesn't end on functions that take just one parameter, because '~@~'
-- lets you build up things like:
-- @
-- (f '~@~' funOnY) '~@~' funOnX
--     === \g x y -> f (g (funOnX x) (funOnY y))
-- @
-- As you can se above @g@ is a function that takes two parameters. Now we can
-- define @(f ~\@~ funOnY)@ separately, then when ever we need we can extend
-- it to higher arity function by appending @(~\@~ funOnX)@. Special case when
-- @funOnY = funOnX@ is very interesting, in example function
-- 'Data.Function.on' can be defined using 'between' as:
-- @
-- on :: (b -> b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> c
-- on f g = ('Data.Function.id' '~@~' g '~@~' g) f
--     -- or: ((. g) ~@~ g) f
-- @
-- We can also define function @on3@ that takes function with arity three as
-- its first argument:
-- @
-- on3 :: (b -> b -> b -> d) -> (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a -> d
-- on3 f g = ('Data.Function.id' '~@~' g '~@~' g '~@~' g) f
--     -- or: ((. g) '~@~' g '~@~' g) f
-- @
-- If we once again consider generalizing above examples by using three
-- different functions @g1 =\/= g2 =\/= g3@ instead of just one @g@ then we
-- get:
-- @
-- on' :: (b -> b1 -> c)
--     -> (a2 -> b2)
--     -> (a1 -> b1)
--     -> a1 -> a2 -> c
-- on' f g1 g2 = ('Data.Function.id' '~@~' g2 '~@~' g1) f
-- on3'
--     :: (b1 -> b2 -> b3 -> c)
--     -> (a3 -> b3)
--     -> (a2 -> b2)
--     -> (a1 -> b1)
--     -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> c
-- on3' f g1 g2 g3 = ('Data.Function.id' '~@~' g3 '~@~' g2 '~@~' g1) f
-- @
-- Which allows us to interpret '~@~' in terms like \"apply this function to
-- the n-th argument before passing it to the function @f@\". We just have to
-- count the arguments backwards. In example if want to apply function @g@ to
-- third argument, but no other then we can use:
-- @
-- \\g f -> ('Data.Function.id' '~@~' g '~@~' 'Data.Function.id' '~@~' 'Data.Function.id') f
--     --   ^      ^     ^      ^- Applied to the first argument.
--     --   |      |     '- Applied to the second argument.
--     --   |      '- Applied to the third argument.
--     --   '- Applied to the result.
--     :: (a3 -> b3) -> (a1 -> a2 -> b3 -> c) -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> c
-- @
-- Or we can use '~@@~', which is just flipped version of '~@~' and then it
-- would be:
-- @
-- \\g f -> ('Data.Function.id' '~@@~' 'Data.Function.id' '~@@~' g '~@@~' 'Data.Function.id') f
--     --   ^       ^       ^      ^- Applied to the result.
--     --   |       |       '- Applied to the third argument.
--     --   |       '- Applied to the second argument.
--     --   '- Applied to the first argument.
--     :: (a3 -> b3) -> (a1 -> a2 -> b3 -> c) -> a1 -> a2 -> a3 -> c
-- @
-- Another interesting situation is when @f@ and @g@ in @(f ~\@~ g)@ form an
-- isomorphism. Then we can construct a mapping function that takes function
-- operating on one type and transform it in to a function that operates on a
-- different type. As we shown before it is also possible to map functions with
-- higher arity then one.
-- Simplicity of how 'between' combinator can be used to define set of
-- functions by reusing previous definitions makes it also very suitable for
-- usage in TemplateHaskell and generic programming.

-- $mappingFunctionsForNewtypes
-- When we use @(f ~\@~ g)@ where @f@ and @g@ form an isomorphism of two
-- types, and if @f@ is a constructor and @g@ a selector of newtype, then
-- @(f ~\@~ g)@ is a mapping function that allows us to manipulate value
-- wrapped inside a newtype.
-- @
-- newtype T t a = T {fromT :: a}
-- mapT
--     :: (a -> b)
--     -> T t a -> T t' b
-- mapT = T '~@~' fromT
-- @
-- Note that @mapT@ above is generalized version of 'Data.Functor.fmap' of
-- obvious 'Data.Functor.Functor' instance for newtype @T@.
-- Interestingly, we can use 'between' to define higher order mapping functions
-- by simple chaining:
-- @
-- mapT2
--     :: (a -> b -> c)
--     -> T t1 a -> T t2 b -> T t3 c
-- mapT2 = mapT '~@~' fromT
--     -- or: T '~@~' fromT '~@~' fromT
--     -- or: mapT `between2l` fromT
-- mapT3
--     :: (a -> b -> c -> d)
--     -> T t1 a -> T t2 b -> T t3 c -> T t4 d
-- mapT3 = mapT2 '~@~' fromT
--     -- or: T '~@~' fromT '~@~' fromT '~@~' fromT
--     -- or: mapT `between3l` fromT
-- @
-- Dually to definition of 'mapT' and 'mapT2' we can also define:
-- @
-- comapT :: (T a -> T b) -> a -> b
-- comapT = fromT '~@~' T
--     -- or: T '~@@~' fromT
-- comapT2 :: (T a -> T b -> T c) -> a -> b -> c
-- comapT2 = fromT '~@~' T '~@~' T
--     -- or: comapT '~@~' T
--     -- or: T '~@@~' T '~@@~' fromT
--     -- or: T '~@@~' comapT
--     -- or: fromT `between2l` T
-- @
-- In code above we can read code like:
-- @
-- fromT '~@~' T '~@~' T
-- @
-- or
-- @
-- T '~@@~' T '~@@~' fromT
-- @
-- as \"Apply @T@ to first and second argument before passing it to a function
-- and apply @fromT@ to its result.\"
-- Here is another example with a little more complex type wrapped inside a
-- newtype:
-- @
-- newtype T e a = T {fromT :: Either e a}
-- mapT
--     :: (Either e a -> Either e' b)
--     -> T e a -> T e' b
-- mapT = T '~@~' fromT
-- mapT2
--     :: (Either e1 a -> Either e2 b -> Either e3 c)
--     -> T e1 a -> T e2 b -> T e3 c
-- mapT2 = mapT '~@~' fromT
-- @
-- This last example is typical for monad transformers:
-- @
-- newtype ErrorT e m a = ErrorT {runErrorT :: m (Either e a)}
-- mapErrorT
--     :: (m (Either e a) -> m' (Either e' b))
--     -> ErrorT e m a -> ErrorT e' m' b
-- mapErrorT = ErrorT '~@~' runErrorT
-- mapErrorT2
--     :: (m1 (Either e1 a) -> m2 (Either e2 b) -> m3 (Either e3 c))
--     -> ErrorT e1 m1 a -> ErrorT e2 m2 b -> ErrorT e3 m3 c
-- mapErrorT2 = mapErrorT '~@~' runErrorT
-- @

-- $lenses
-- Library /lens/ is notorious for its huge list of (mostly transitive)
-- dependencies. However it is easy to define a lot of things without the need
-- to depend on /lens/ directly. This module defines few functions that will
-- make it even easier.
-- Lens for a simple newtype:
-- @
-- newtype T a = T {fromT :: a}
-- t :: 'Data.Functor.Functor' f => (a -> f b) -> T a -> f (T b)
-- t = 'Data.Functor.fmap' T '~@~' fromT
-- @
-- To simplify things we can use function '<~@~':
-- @
-- t :: 'Data.Functor.Functor' f => (a -> f b) -> T a -> f (T b)
-- t = T '<~@~' fromT
-- @
-- Lets define lenses for generic data type, e.g. something like:
-- @
-- data D a b = D {_x :: a, _y :: b}
-- @
-- Their types in /lens/ terms would be:
-- @
-- x :: Lens (D a c) (D b c) a b
-- y :: Lens (D c a) (D c b) a b
-- @
-- Here is how implementation can look like:
-- @
-- x :: 'Data.Functor.Functor' f => (a -> f b) -> D a c -> f (D b c)
-- x = _x '~@@^>' \s b -> s{_x = b}
-- @
-- Alternative definitions:
-- @
-- x = (\\s b -> s{_x = b}) '<^@~' _x
-- x f s = (_x '~@@~>' \b -> s{_x = b}) f s
-- x f s = ((\\b -> s{_x = b}) '<~@~' _x) f s
-- x f s = ('Data.Function.const' _x '^@@^>' \\s' b -> s'{_x = b}) f s s
-- x f s = ((\\s' b -> s'{_x = b}) '<^@^' 'Data.Function.const' _x) f s s
-- @
-- And now for @y@ we do mostly the same:
-- @
-- y :: 'Data.Functor.Functor' f => (a -> f b) -> D c a -> f (D c b)
-- y = _y '~@@^>' \s b -> s{_y = b}
-- @
-- Above example shows us that we are able to define function equivalent to
-- @lens@ from /lens/ package as follows:
-- @
-- lens
--     :: (s -> a)
--     -- ^ Selector function.
--     -> (s -> b -> t)
--     -- ^ Setter function.
--     -> (forall f. 'Data.Functor.Functor' f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t)
--     -- ^ In \/lens\/ terms this is @Lens s t a b@
-- lens = ('~@@^>')
-- @
-- Alternative definitions:
-- @
-- lens get set f s = ('Data.Function.const' get '^@@^>' set) f s s
-- lens get set f s = (set '<^@^' 'Data.Function.const' get) f s s
-- lens get set f s = (get '~@~>' set s) f s
-- lens get set f s = (set s '<~@~' get) f s
-- @
-- Some other functions from
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens lens package> can be defined using
-- '~@~':
-- @
-- set :: ((a -> Identity b) -> s -> Identity t) -> b -> s -> t
-- set = (runIdentity .) '~@~' ('Data.Function.const' . Identity)
-- @
-- @
-- over :: ((a -> Identity b) -> s -> Identity t) -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
-- over = (runIdentity .) '~@~' (Identity .)
-- @
-- Data type @Identity@ is defined in
-- <http://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers transformers package> or
-- in base >= 4.8.

-- $profunctors
-- You may have noticed similarity between:
-- @
-- dimap :: Profunctor p => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> p b c -> p a d
-- @
-- and
-- @
-- between :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> d
-- @
-- If you also consider that there is also @instance Profunctor (->)@, then
-- 'between' becomes specialized @dimap@ for @Profunctor (->)@.
-- Profunctors are a powerful abstraction and Edward Kmett's implementation
-- also includes low level optimizations that use the coercible feature of GHC.
-- For more details see its
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/profunctors package documentation>.

-- $pointless-fun
-- Package <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pointless-fun pointless-fun>
-- provides few similar combinators then 'between' in both strict and lazy
-- variants:
-- @
-- (~>) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (b -> c) -> a -> d
-- (!~>) :: (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> (b -> c) -> a -> d
-- @
-- Comare it with:
-- @
-- 'between' :: (c -> d) -> (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> a -> d
-- @
-- And you see that @(~>)@ is flipped 'Data.Function.Between.Lazy.between' and
-- @(!~>)@ is similar to (strict) 'Data.Function.Between.Strict.between', but
-- our (strict) 'Data.Function.Between.Strict.between' is even less lazy in its
-- implementation then @(!~>)@.