{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}

module Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Tables
  ( -- * Table manipulation

    -- ** Creation and deletion
    createTable, dropTable
  , preserve

    -- ** @ALTER TABLE@
  , TableMigration(..)
  , ColumnMigration(..)
  , alterTable

  , renameTableTo, renameColumnTo
  , addColumn, dropColumn

    -- * Field specification
  , DefaultValue, Constraint(..)

  , field

  , defaultTo_, notNull
  , int, smallint, bigint
  , char, varchar, double
  , characterLargeObject, binaryLargeObject, array
  , boolean, numeric, date, time
  , timestamp, timestamptz
  , binary, varbinary

  , maybeType, autoType

    -- ** Internal classes
    --    Provided without documentation for use in type signatures
  , FieldReturnType(..)
  ) where

import Database.Beam
import Database.Beam.Schema.Tables
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL

import Database.Beam.Migrate.Types
import Database.Beam.Migrate.Checks
import Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.Types
import Database.Beam.Migrate.SQL.SQL92

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Time (LocalTime, TimeOfDay)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)

import GHC.TypeLits

-- * Table manipulation

-- | Add a @CREATE TABLE@ statement to this migration
--   The first argument is the name of the table.
--   The second argument is a table containing a 'FieldSchema' for each field.
--   See documentation on the 'Field' command for more information.
createTable :: ( Beamable table, Table table
               , IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax syntax ) =>
               Text -> TableSchema (Sql92CreateTableColumnSchemaSyntax (Sql92DdlCommandCreateTableSyntax syntax)) table
            -> Migration syntax (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table))
createTable newTblName tblSettings =
  do let createTableCommand =
           createTableSyntax Nothing newTblName
                             (allBeamValues (\(Columnar' (TableFieldSchema name (FieldSchema schema) _)) -> (name, schema)) tblSettings)
                             [ primaryKeyConstraintSyntax (allBeamValues (\(Columnar' (TableFieldSchema name _ _)) -> name) (primaryKey tblSettings)) ]

         command = createTableCmd createTableCommand

         tbl' = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (TableFieldSchema name _ _)) -> Columnar' (TableField name)) tblSettings

         fieldChecks = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (TableFieldSchema _ _ cs)) -> Columnar' (Const cs)) tblSettings

         tblChecks = [ TableCheck (\tblName _ -> SomeDatabasePredicate (TableExistsPredicate tblName)) ] ++

         primaryKeyCheck =
           case allBeamValues (\(Columnar' (TableFieldSchema name _ _)) -> name) (primaryKey tblSettings) of
             [] -> []
             cols -> [ TableCheck (\tblName _ -> SomeDatabasePredicate (TableHasPrimaryKey tblName cols)) ]

     upDown command Nothing
     pure (CheckedDatabaseEntity (CheckedDatabaseTable (DatabaseTable newTblName tbl') tblChecks fieldChecks) [])

-- | Add a @DROP TABLE@ statement to this migration.
dropTable :: IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax syntax
          => CheckedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
          -> Migration syntax ()
dropTable (CheckedDatabaseEntity (CheckedDatabaseTable (DatabaseTable tblNm _) _ _) _) =
  let command = dropTableCmd (dropTableSyntax tblNm)
  in upDown command Nothing

-- | Copy a table schema from one database to another
preserve :: CheckedDatabaseEntity be db e
         -> Migration syntax (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db' e)
preserve (CheckedDatabaseEntity desc checks) = pure (CheckedDatabaseEntity desc checks)

-- * Alter table

-- | A column in the process of being altered
data ColumnMigration a
  = ColumnMigration
  { columnMigrationFieldName :: Text
  , columnMigrationFieldChecks :: [FieldCheck] }

-- | Monad representing a series of @ALTER TABLE@ statements
newtype TableMigration syntax a
  = TableMigration (WriterT [Sql92DdlCommandAlterTableSyntax syntax] (State (Text, [TableCheck])) a)

-- | @ALTER TABLE ... RENAME TO@ command
renameTableTo :: Sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax syntax
              => Text -> table ColumnMigration
              -> TableMigration syntax (table ColumnMigration)
renameTableTo newName oldTbl = TableMigration $ do
  (curNm, _) <- get
  tell [ alterTableSyntax curNm (renameTableToSyntax newName) ]
  return oldTbl

-- | @ALTER TABLE ... RENAME COLUMN ... TO ...@ command
renameColumnTo :: Sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax syntax
               => Text -> ColumnMigration a
               -> TableMigration syntax (ColumnMigration a)
renameColumnTo newName column = TableMigration $ do
  (curTblNm, _) <- get
  tell [ alterTableSyntax curTblNm
           (renameColumnToSyntax (columnMigrationFieldName column) newName) ]
  pure column { columnMigrationFieldName = newName }

-- | @ALTER TABLE ... DROP COLUMN ...@ command
dropColumn :: Sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax syntax
           => ColumnMigration a -> TableMigration syntax ()
dropColumn column = TableMigration $ do
  (curTblNm, _)<- get
  tell [ alterTableSyntax curTblNm (dropColumnSyntax (columnMigrationFieldName column)) ]

-- | @ALTER TABLE ... ADD COLUMN ...@ command
addColumn :: Sql92SaneDdlCommandSyntax syntax
          => TableFieldSchema (Sql92DdlCommandColumnSchemaSyntax syntax) a
          -> TableMigration syntax (ColumnMigration a)
addColumn (TableFieldSchema nm (FieldSchema fieldSchemaSyntax) checks) =
  TableMigration $
  do (curTblNm, _) <- get
     tell [ alterTableSyntax curTblNm (addColumnSyntax nm fieldSchemaSyntax) ]
     pure (ColumnMigration nm checks)

-- | Compose a series of @ALTER TABLE@ commands
--   Example usage
-- @
-- migrate (OldDb oldTbl) = do
--   alterTable oldTbl $ \oldTbl' ->
--     field2 <- renameColumnTo "NewNameForField2" (_field2 oldTbl')
--     dropColumn (_field3 oldTbl')
--     renameTableTo "NewTableName"
--     field4 <- addColumn (field "ANewColumn" smallint notNull (defaultTo_ (val_ 0)))
--     return (NewTable (_field1 oldTbl') field2 field4)
-- @
--   The above would result in commands like:
-- @
-- ALTER TABLE <oldtable> RENAME COLUMN <field2> TO "NewNameForField2";
-- ALTER TABLE <oldtable> DROP COLUMN <field3>;
-- ALTER TABLE <oldtable> RENAME TO "NewTableName";
-- @
alterTable :: forall be db db' table table' syntax
            . (Table table', IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax syntax)
           => CheckedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
           -> (table ColumnMigration -> TableMigration syntax (table' ColumnMigration))
           -> Migration syntax (CheckedDatabaseEntity be db' (TableEntity table'))
alterTable (CheckedDatabaseEntity (CheckedDatabaseTable (DatabaseTable tblNm tbl) tblChecks tblFieldChecks) entityChecks) alterColumns =
 let initialTbl = runIdentity $
                      (\(Columnar' (TableField nm) :: Columnar' (TableField table) x)
                        (Columnar' (Const checks) :: Columnar' (Const [FieldCheck]) x) ->
                         pure (Columnar' (ColumnMigration nm checks)
                               :: Columnar' ColumnMigration x))
                      tbl tblFieldChecks

     TableMigration alterColumns' = alterColumns initialTbl
     ((newTbl, cmds), (tblNm', tblChecks')) = runState (runWriterT alterColumns') (tblNm, tblChecks)

     fieldChecks' = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (ColumnMigration _ checks) :: Columnar' ColumnMigration a) ->
                                     Columnar' (Const checks) :: Columnar' (Const [FieldCheck]) a)
     tbl' = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (ColumnMigration nm _) :: Columnar' ColumnMigration a) ->
                              Columnar' (TableField nm) :: Columnar' (TableField table') a)
 in forM_ cmds (\cmd -> upDown (alterTableCmd cmd) Nothing) >>
    pure (CheckedDatabaseEntity (CheckedDatabaseTable (DatabaseTable tblNm' tbl') tblChecks' fieldChecks') entityChecks)

-- * Fields

-- | Build a schema for a field. This function takes the name and type of the
-- field and a variable number of modifiers, such as constraints and default
-- values. GHC will complain at you if the modifiers do not make sense. For
-- example, you cannot apply the 'notNull' constraint to a column with a 'Maybe'
-- type.
-- Example of creating a table named "Employee" with three columns: "FirstName",
-- "LastName", and "HireDate"
-- @
-- data Employee f =
--   Employee { _firstName :: C f Text
--            , _lastName  :: C f Text
--            , _hireDate  :: C f (Maybe LocalTime)
--            } deriving Generic
-- instance Beamable Employee
-- instance Table Employee where
--    data PrimaryKey Employee f = EmployeeKey (C f Text) (C f Text) deriving Generic
--    primaryKey = EmployeeKey <$> _firstName <*> _lastName
-- instance Beamable PrimaryKey Employee f
-- data EmployeeDb entity
--     = EmployeeDb { _employees :: entity (TableEntity Employee) }
--     deriving Generic
-- instance Database EmployeeDb
-- migration :: IsSql92DdlCommandSyntax syntax => Migration syntax () EmployeeDb
-- migration = do
--   employees <- createTable "EmployeesTable"
--                  (Employee (field "FirstNameField" (varchar (Just 15)) notNull)
--                            (field "last_name" (varchar Nothing) notNull (defaultTo_ (val_ "Smith")))
--                            (field "hiredDate" (maybeType timestamp)))
--   return (EmployeeDb employees)
-- @
field :: ( IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax syntax ) =>
  FieldReturnType 'False 'False syntax resTy a => Text -> DataType (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax) resTy -> a
field name (DataType ty) = field' (Proxy @'False) (Proxy @'False) name ty Nothing Nothing []

-- ** Default values

-- | Represents the default value of a field with a given column schema syntax and type
newtype DefaultValue syntax a = DefaultValue (Sql92ColumnSchemaExpressionSyntax syntax)

-- | Build a 'DefaultValue' from a 'QExpr'. GHC will complain if you supply more
-- than one default value.
defaultTo_ :: IsSql92ExpressionSyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaExpressionSyntax syntax) =>
              (forall s. QExpr (Sql92ColumnSchemaExpressionSyntax syntax) s a)
           -> DefaultValue syntax a
defaultTo_ (QExpr e) =
  DefaultValue (e "t")

-- ** Constraints

-- | Represents a constraint in the given column schema syntax
newtype Constraint syntax
  = Constraint (Sql92ColumnConstraintDefinitionConstraintSyntax
                (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax))

-- | The SQL92 @NOT NULL@ constraint
notNull :: IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax syntax => Constraint syntax
notNull = Constraint notNullConstraintSyntax

-- ** Data types

-- | SQL92 @INTEGER@ data type
int :: (IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax, Integral a) => DataType syntax a
int = DataType intType

-- | SQL92 @SMALLINT@ data type
smallint :: (IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax, Integral a) => DataType syntax a
smallint = DataType smallIntType

-- | SQL2008 Optional @BIGINT@ data type
bigint :: (IsSql2008BigIntDataTypeSyntax syntax, Integral a) => DataType syntax a
bigint = DataType bigIntType

-- TODO is Integer the right type to use here?
-- | SQL2003 Optional @BINARY@ data type
binary :: IsSql2003BinaryAndVarBinaryDataTypeSyntax syntax
       => Maybe Word -> DataType syntax Integer
binary prec = DataType (binaryType prec)

-- | SQL2003 Optional @VARBINARY@ data type
varbinary :: IsSql2003BinaryAndVarBinaryDataTypeSyntax syntax
          => Maybe Word -> DataType syntax Integer
varbinary prec = DataType (varBinaryType prec)

-- TODO should this be Day or something?
-- | SQL92 @DATE@ data type
date :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax LocalTime
date = DataType dateType

-- | SQL92 @CHAR@ data type
char :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => Maybe Word -> DataType syntax Text
char prec = DataType (charType prec Nothing)

-- | SQL92 @VARCHAR@ data type
varchar :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => Maybe Word -> DataType syntax Text
varchar prec = DataType (varCharType prec Nothing)

-- | SQL92 @DOUBLE@ data type
double :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax Double
double = DataType doubleType

-- | SQL92 @NUMERIC@ data type
numeric :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => Maybe (Word, Maybe Word) -> DataType syntax Scientific
numeric x = DataType (numericType x)

timestamptz :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax LocalTime
timestamptz = DataType (timestampType Nothing True)

timestamp :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax LocalTime
timestamp = DataType (timestampType Nothing False)

-- | SQL92 @TIME@ data type
time :: IsSql92DataTypeSyntax syntax => Maybe Word -> DataType syntax TimeOfDay
time prec = DataType (timeType prec False)

-- | SQL99 @BOOLEAN@ data type
boolean :: IsSql99DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax Bool
boolean = DataType booleanType

-- | SQL99 @CLOB@ data type
characterLargeObject :: IsSql99DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax Text
characterLargeObject = DataType characterLargeObjectType

-- | SQL99 @BLOB@ data type
binaryLargeObject :: IsSql99DataTypeSyntax syntax => DataType syntax ByteString
binaryLargeObject = DataType binaryLargeObjectType

-- | SQL99 array data types
array :: (Typeable a, IsSql99DataTypeSyntax syntax)
      => DataType syntax a -> Int
      -> DataType syntax (Vector a)
array (DataType ty) sz = DataType (arrayType ty sz)

-- | Haskell requires 'DataType's to match exactly. Use this function to convert
-- a 'DataType' that expects a concrete value to one expecting a 'Maybe'
maybeType :: DataType syntax a -> DataType syntax (Maybe a)
maybeType (DataType sqlTy) = DataType sqlTy

-- | Wrap a 'DataType' in 'Auto'
autoType :: DataType syntax a -> DataType syntax (Auto a)
autoType (DataType sqlTy) = DataType sqlTy

-- ** 'field' variable arity classes

class FieldReturnType (defaultGiven :: Bool) (collationGiven :: Bool) syntax resTy a | a -> syntax resTy where
  field' :: IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax syntax =>
            Proxy defaultGiven -> Proxy collationGiven
         -> Text
         -> Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax
         -> Maybe (Sql92ColumnSchemaExpressionSyntax syntax)
         -> Maybe Text -> [ Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax ]
         -> a

instance FieldReturnType 'True collationGiven syntax resTy a =>
  FieldReturnType 'False collationGiven syntax resTy (DefaultValue syntax resTy -> a) where
  field' _ collationGiven nm ty _ collation constraints (DefaultValue e) =
    field' (Proxy @'True) collationGiven nm ty (Just e) collation constraints

instance FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven syntax resTy a =>
  FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven syntax resTy (Constraint syntax -> a) where
  field' defaultGiven collationGiven nm ty default_' collation constraints (Constraint e) =
    field' defaultGiven collationGiven nm ty default_' collation (constraints ++ [ constraintDefinitionSyntax Nothing e Nothing ])

instance ( FieldReturnType 'True collationGiven syntax resTy a
         , TypeError ('Text "Only one DEFAULT clause can be given per 'field' invocation") ) =>
  FieldReturnType 'True collationGiven syntax resTy (DefaultValue syntax resTy -> a) where

  field' = error "Unreachable because of GHC Custom Type Errors"

instance ( FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven syntax resTy a
         , TypeError ('Text "Only one type declaration allowed per 'field' invocation")) =>
  FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven syntax resTy (DataType syntax' x -> a) where
  field' = error "Unreachable because of GHC Custom Type Errors"

instance ( Typeable syntax, Typeable (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax)
         , Sql92DisplaySyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax), Eq (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax)
         , Sql92DisplaySyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax), Eq (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax)
         , IsSql92ColumnSchemaSyntax syntax
         , Sql92SerializableConstraintDefinitionSyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnConstraintDefinitionSyntax syntax)
         , Sql92SerializableDataTypeSyntax (Sql92ColumnSchemaColumnTypeSyntax syntax) ) =>
  FieldReturnType defaultGiven collationGiven syntax resTy (TableFieldSchema syntax resTy) where
  field' _ _ nm ty default_' collation constraints =
    TableFieldSchema nm (FieldSchema (columnSchemaSyntax ty default_' constraints collation)) checks
    where checks = [ FieldCheck (\tbl field'' -> SomeDatabasePredicate (TableHasColumn tbl field'' ty :: TableHasColumn syntax)) ] ++
                   map (\cns -> FieldCheck (\tbl field'' -> SomeDatabasePredicate (TableColumnHasConstraint tbl field'' cns :: TableColumnHasConstraint syntax))) constraints