{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-incomplete-patterns #-}
module Database.Beam.Query
    ( -- * Query type
      module Database.Beam.Query.Types

    -- ** Query expression contexts
    -- | A context is a type-level value that signifies where an expression can
    --   be used. For example, 'QExpr' corresponds to 'QGenExpr's that result in
    --   values. In reality, 'QExpr' is really 'QGenExpr' parameterized over the
    --   'QValueContext'. Similarly, 'QAgg' represents expressions that contain
    --   aggregates, but it is just 'QGenExpr' parameterized over
    --   'QAggregateContext'
    , QAggregateContext, QGroupingContext, QValueContext
    , QWindowingContext, QWindowFrameContext

    , QueryableSqlSyntax

    , QGenExprTable, QExprTable

    , module Database.Beam.Query.Combinators
    , module Database.Beam.Query.Extensions

    , module Database.Beam.Query.Relationships

    -- * Operators
    , module Database.Beam.Query.Operator

    -- ** Unquantified comparison operators
    , SqlEq(..), SqlOrd(..)

    -- ** Quantified Comparison Operators #quantified-comparison-operator#
    , SqlEqQuantified(..), SqlOrdQuantified(..)
    , QQuantified
    , anyOf_, allOf_, anyIn_, allIn_
    , between_
    , in_

    , module Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate

    , module Database.Beam.Query.CustomSQL

    -- * SQL Command construction and execution
    -- ** @SELECT@
    , SqlSelect(..)
    , select, lookup
    , runSelectReturningList
    , runSelectReturningOne
    , dumpSqlSelect

    -- ** @INSERT@
    , SqlInsert(..)
    , insert
    , runInsert

    , SqlInsertValues(..)
    , insertExpressions
    , insertValues
    , insertFrom

    -- ** @UPDATE@
    , SqlUpdate(..)
    , update, save
    , runUpdate

    -- ** @DELETE@
    , SqlDelete(..)
    , delete
    , runDelete ) where

import Prelude hiding (lookup)

import Database.Beam.Query.Aggregate
import Database.Beam.Query.Combinators
import Database.Beam.Query.CustomSQL
import Database.Beam.Query.Extensions
import Database.Beam.Query.Internal
import Database.Beam.Query.Operator
import Database.Beam.Query.Ord
import Database.Beam.Query.Relationships
import Database.Beam.Query.Types (QGenExpr) -- hide QGenExpr constructor
import Database.Beam.Query.Types hiding (QGenExpr)

import Database.Beam.Backend.Types
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL
import Database.Beam.Backend.SQL.Builder
import Database.Beam.Schema.Tables

import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.Writer

-- * Query

data QueryInaccessible

-- | A version of the table where each field is a 'QGenExpr'
type QGenExprTable ctxt syntax tbl = forall s. tbl (QGenExpr ctxt syntax s)

type QExprTable syntax tbl = QGenExprTable QValueContext syntax tbl


-- | Represents a select statement over the syntax 'select' that will return
--   rows of type 'a'.
newtype SqlSelect select a
    = SqlSelect select

type QueryableSqlSyntax cmd =
  ( IsSql92Syntax cmd
  , Sql92SanityCheck cmd
  , HasQBuilder (Sql92SelectSyntax cmd) )

-- | Build a 'SqlSelect' for the given 'Q'.
select :: forall syntax db res.
          ( ProjectibleInSelectSyntax syntax res
          , IsSql92SelectSyntax syntax
          , HasQBuilder syntax ) =>
          Q syntax db QueryInaccessible res -> SqlSelect syntax (QExprToIdentity res)
select q =
  SqlSelect (buildSqlQuery "t" q)

-- | Convenience function to generate a 'SqlSelect' that looks up a table row
--   given a primary key.
lookup :: ( HasQBuilder syntax
          , Sql92SelectSanityCheck syntax

          , SqlValableTable (PrimaryKey table) (Sql92SelectExpressionSyntax syntax)
          , HasSqlValueSyntax (Sql92ExpressionValueSyntax (Sql92SelectExpressionSyntax syntax)) Bool

          , Beamable table, Table table

          , Database db )
       => DatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
       -> PrimaryKey table Identity
       -> SqlSelect syntax (table Identity)
lookup tbl tblKey =
  select $
  filter_ (\t -> pk t ==. val_ tblKey) $
  all_ tbl

-- | Run a 'SqlSelect' in a 'MonadBeam' and get the results as a list
runSelectReturningList ::
  (IsSql92Syntax cmd, MonadBeam cmd be hdl m, FromBackendRow be a) =>
  SqlSelect (Sql92SelectSyntax cmd) a -> m [ a ]
runSelectReturningList (SqlSelect s) =
  runReturningList (selectCmd s)

-- | Run a 'SqlSelect' in a 'MonadBeam' and get the unique result, if there is
--   one. Both no results as well as more than one result cause this to return
--   'Nothing'.
runSelectReturningOne ::
  (IsSql92Syntax cmd, MonadBeam cmd be hdl m, FromBackendRow be a) =>
  SqlSelect (Sql92SelectSyntax cmd) a -> m (Maybe a)
runSelectReturningOne (SqlSelect s) =
  runReturningOne (selectCmd s)

-- | Use a special debug syntax to print out an ANSI Standard @SELECT@ statement
--   that may be generated for a given 'Q'.
dumpSqlSelect :: ProjectibleInSelectSyntax SqlSyntaxBuilder res =>
                 Q SqlSyntaxBuilder db QueryInaccessible res -> IO ()
dumpSqlSelect q =
    let SqlSelect s = select q
    in putStrLn (renderSql s)


-- | Represents a SQL @INSERT@ command that has not yet been run
newtype SqlInsert syntax = SqlInsert syntax

-- | Generate a 'SqlInsert' given a table and a source of values.
insert :: IsSql92InsertSyntax syntax =>
          DatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
          -- ^ Table to insert into
       -> SqlInsertValues (Sql92InsertValuesSyntax syntax) table
          -- ^ Values to insert. See 'insertValues', 'insertExpressions', and 'insertFrom' for possibilities.
       -> SqlInsert syntax
insert (DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable tblNm tblSettings)) (SqlInsertValues vs) =
    SqlInsert (insertStmt tblNm tblFields vs)
    tblFields = allBeamValues (\(Columnar' f) -> _fieldName f) tblSettings

-- | Run a 'SqlInsert' in a 'MonadBeam'
runInsert :: (IsSql92Syntax cmd, MonadBeam cmd be hdl m)
          => SqlInsert (Sql92InsertSyntax cmd) -> m ()
runInsert (SqlInsert i) = runNoReturn (insertCmd i)

-- | Represents a source of values that can be inserted into a table shaped like
--   'tbl'.
newtype SqlInsertValues insertValues (tbl :: (* -> *) -> *)
    = SqlInsertValues insertValues

-- | Build a 'SqlInsertValues' from series of expressions
insertExpressions ::
    forall syntax table.
    ( Beamable table
    , IsSql92InsertValuesSyntax syntax ) =>
    (forall s. [ table (QExpr (Sql92InsertValuesExpressionSyntax syntax) s) ]) ->
    SqlInsertValues syntax table
insertExpressions tbls =
    SqlInsertValues $
    insertSqlExpressions (map mkSqlExprs tbls)
      mkSqlExprs :: forall s. table (QExpr (Sql92InsertValuesExpressionSyntax syntax) s) -> [Sql92InsertValuesExpressionSyntax syntax]
      mkSqlExprs = allBeamValues (\(Columnar' (QExpr x)) -> x "t")

-- | Build a 'SqlInsertValues' from concrete table values
insertValues ::
    forall table syntax.
    ( Beamable table
    , IsSql92InsertValuesSyntax syntax
    , FieldsFulfillConstraint (HasSqlValueSyntax (Sql92ExpressionValueSyntax (Sql92InsertValuesExpressionSyntax syntax))) table) =>
    [ table Identity ] -> SqlInsertValues syntax table
insertValues x = insertExpressions (map val_ x :: forall s. [table (QExpr (Sql92InsertValuesExpressionSyntax syntax) s) ])

-- | Build a 'SqlInsertValues' from a 'SqlSelect' that returns the same table
insertFrom ::
    IsSql92InsertValuesSyntax syntax =>
    SqlSelect (Sql92InsertValuesSelectSyntax syntax) (table Identity) -> SqlInsertValues syntax table
insertFrom (SqlSelect s) = SqlInsertValues (insertFromSql s)


-- | Represents a SQL @UPDATE@ statement for the given @table@.
newtype SqlUpdate syntax (table :: (* -> *) -> *) = SqlUpdate syntax

-- | Build a 'SqlUpdate' given a table, a list of assignments, and a way to
--   build a @WHERE@ clause.
--   See the '(<-.)' operator for ways to build assignments. The argument to the
--   second argument is a the table parameterized over 'QField', which
--   represents the left hand side of assignments. Sometimes, you'd like to also
--   get the current value of a particular column. You can use the 'current_'
--   function to convert a 'QField' to a 'QExpr'.
update :: ( Beamable table
          , IsSql92UpdateSyntax syntax) =>
          DatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
          -- ^ The table to insert into
       -> (forall s. table (QField s) -> [ QAssignment (Sql92UpdateFieldNameSyntax syntax) (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax) s ])
          -- ^ A sequence of assignments to make.
       -> (forall s. table (QExpr (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax) s) -> QExpr (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax) s Bool)
          -- ^ Build a @WHERE@ clause given a table containing expressions
       -> SqlUpdate syntax table
update (DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable tblNm tblSettings)) mkAssignments mkWhere =
  SqlUpdate (updateStmt tblNm assignments (Just (where_ "t")))
    assignments = concatMap (\(QAssignment as) -> as) (mkAssignments tblFields)
    QExpr where_ = mkWhere tblFieldExprs

    tblFields = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (TableField name)) -> Columnar' (QField tblNm name)) tblSettings
    tblFieldExprs = changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (QField _ nm)) -> Columnar' (QExpr (pure (fieldE (unqualifiedField nm))))) tblFields

-- | Generate a 'SqlUpdate' that will update the given table with the given value.
--   The SQL @UPDATE@ that is generated will set every non-primary key field for
--   the row where each primary key field is exactly what is given.
--   Note: This is a pure SQL @UPDATE@ command. This does not upsert or merge values.
save :: forall table syntax be db.
        ( Table table
        , IsSql92UpdateSyntax syntax

        , SqlValableTable (PrimaryKey table) (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax)
        , SqlValableTable table (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax)

        , HasSqlValueSyntax (Sql92ExpressionValueSyntax (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax)) Bool
     => DatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
        -- ^ Table to update
     -> table Identity
        -- ^ Value to set to
     -> SqlUpdate syntax table
save tbl@(DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable _ tblSettings)) v =
  update tbl (\(tblField :: table (QField s)) ->
                execWriter $
                  (\(Columnar' field) c@(Columnar' value) ->
                     do when (qFieldName field `notElem` primaryKeyFieldNames) $
                          tell [ field <-. value ]
                        pure c)
                  tblField (val_ v :: table (QExpr (Sql92UpdateExpressionSyntax syntax) s)))
             (\tblE -> primaryKey tblE ==. val_ (primaryKey v))

    primaryKeyFieldNames =
      allBeamValues (\(Columnar' (TableField fieldNm)) -> fieldNm) (primaryKey tblSettings)

-- | Run a 'SqlUpdate' in a 'MonadBeam'.
runUpdate :: (IsSql92Syntax cmd, MonadBeam cmd be hdl m)
          => SqlUpdate (Sql92UpdateSyntax cmd) tbl -> m ()
runUpdate (SqlUpdate u) = runNoReturn (updateCmd u)


-- | Represents a SQL @DELETE@ statement for the given @table@
newtype SqlDelete syntax (table :: (* -> *) -> *) = SqlDelete syntax

-- | Build a 'SqlDelete' from a table and a way to build a @WHERE@ clause
delete :: IsSql92DeleteSyntax delete
       => DatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity table)
          -- ^ Table to delete from
       -> (forall s. table (QExpr (Sql92DeleteExpressionSyntax delete) s) -> QExpr (Sql92DeleteExpressionSyntax delete) s Bool)
          -- ^ Build a @WHERE@ clause given a table containing expressions
       -> SqlDelete delete table
delete (DatabaseEntity (DatabaseTable tblNm tblSettings)) mkWhere =
  SqlDelete (deleteStmt tblNm (Just (where_ "t")))
    QExpr where_ = mkWhere (changeBeamRep (\(Columnar' (TableField name)) -> Columnar' (QExpr (pure (fieldE (unqualifiedField name))))) tblSettings)

-- | Run a 'SqlDelete' in a 'MonadBeam'
runDelete :: (IsSql92Syntax cmd, MonadBeam cmd be hdl m)
          => SqlDelete (Sql92DeleteSyntax cmd) table -> m ()
runDelete (SqlDelete d) = runNoReturn (deleteCmd d)