-- Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. -- -- This file is part of bdcs-api. -- -- bdcs-api is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- bdcs-api is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with bdcs-api. If not, see . {-| Recipe is used to store information about what packages are included in a composition. It can be converted to and from TOML and JSON when needed. -} module BDCS.API.Recipe(bumpVersion, getAllRecipeProjects, parseRecipe, recipeTOML, recipeTomlFilename, recipeBumpVersion, Recipe(..), RecipeModule(..)) where import BDCS.API.Customization(RecipeCustomization(..), RecipeSshKey(..), emptyCustomization) import BDCS.API.TOMLMediaType import BDCS.API.Utils(caseInsensitive) import Data.Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types(Result(..)) import Data.List(nub, sortBy) import Data.Maybe(fromMaybe) import qualified Data.SemVer as SV import Data.String.Conversions(cs) import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Printf(printf) import Text.Toml(parseTomlDoc) {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} -- | Recipe data structure -- -- Note that at this time there is no real distinction between package and modules. data Recipe = Recipe { rName :: String -- ^ Human readable recipe name , rVersion :: Maybe String -- ^ Version, following [semver](http://www.semver.org) rules. , rDescription :: String -- ^ Human readable description of the Recipe , rPackages :: [RecipeModule] -- ^ List of Packages in the Recipe , rModules :: [RecipeModule] -- ^ List of Modules in the Recipe , rCustomization :: RecipeCustomization -- ^ Post-export customization block } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON Recipe where parseJSON = withObject "recipe" $ \o -> do rName <- o .: "name" rVersion <- o .:? "version" rDescription <- o .: "description" rPackages <- o .:? "packages" .!= [] rModules <- o .:? "modules" .!= [] rCustomization <- o .:? "customizations" .!= emptyCustomization return Recipe{..} instance ToJSON Recipe where toJSON Recipe{..} = object [ "name" .= rName , "version" .= fromMaybe "" rVersion , "description" .= rDescription , "packages" .= rPackages , "modules" .= rModules , "customizations" .= rCustomization ] instance ToTOML Recipe where toTOML recipe = cs $ recipeTOML recipe instance FromTOML Recipe where parseTOML toml = parseRecipe $ cs toml -- | Name and Version glob of a package or module data RecipeModule = RecipeModule { rmName :: String -- ^ Name of the package/module , rmVersion :: String -- ^ Version glob describing the package } deriving (Eq, Show) instance FromJSON RecipeModule where parseJSON = withObject "recipe module" $ \o -> do rmName <- o .: "name" rmVersion <- o .: "version" return RecipeModule{..} instance ToJSON RecipeModule where toJSON RecipeModule{..} = object [ "name" .= rmName , "version" .= rmVersion ] -- | Parse a TOML formatted recipe string and return a Recipe -- -- If there is an error the details will be returned in the Left parseRecipe :: T.Text -> Either String Recipe parseRecipe xs = case parseTomlDoc "" xs of Left err -> Left ("Parsing TOML document failed. " ++ show err) Right table -> do let jsonValue = toJSON table case (fromJSON jsonValue :: Result Recipe) of Error err -> Left ("Converting from JSON to Recipe failed. " ++ show err) Success r -> Right r -- | Convert a Recipe to a TOML string recipeTOML :: Recipe -> T.Text recipeTOML Recipe{..} = T.concat [nameText, versionText, descriptionText, modulesText, packagesText, customText] where nameText = T.pack $ printf "name = \"%s\"\n" rName versionText = T.pack $ printf "version = \"%s\"\n" $ fromMaybe "" rVersion descriptionText = T.pack $ printf "description = \"%s\"\n\n" rDescription moduleText :: T.Text -> RecipeModule -> T.Text moduleText name RecipeModule{..} = T.pack $ printf "[[%s]]\nname = \"%s\"\nversion = \"%s\"\n\n" name rmName rmVersion packagesText = T.concat $ map (moduleText "packages") rPackages modulesText = T.concat $ map (moduleText "modules") rModules customText = T.concat [hostnameText, sshKeysText] hostnameText = maybe "" (T.pack . printf "[customizations]\nhostname = \"%s\"\n\n") $ rcHostName rCustomization sshKeysText = T.concat $ map sshKeyText $ rcSshKeys rCustomization sshKeyText :: RecipeSshKey -> T.Text sshKeyText RecipeSshKey{..} = T.pack $ printf "[[customizations.sshkey]]\nuser = \"%s\"\nkey = \"%s\"\n\n" rcSshUser rcSshKey -- | Convert a recipe name to a toml filename -- -- [@name@]: The recipe name (not filename) -- -- Replaces spaces with - and append .toml recipeTomlFilename :: String -> T.Text recipeTomlFilename name = T.append (T.replace " " "-" (T.pack name)) ".toml" -- | [semver](http://www.semver.org) recipe version number bump -- -- [@prev_ver@]: Previous version -- [@new_ver@]: New version -- -- * If neither have a version 0.0.1 is returned -- * If there is no previous version the new version is checked and returned -- * If there is no new version, but there is a previous one, bump its patch level -- * If the previous and new versions are the same, bump the patch level -- * If they are different, check and return the new version -- -- Errors will be returned in the Left bumpVersion :: Maybe String -> Maybe String -> Either String String bumpVersion Nothing Nothing = Right "0.0.1" -- Only a new version, make sure the new version can be parsed bumpVersion Nothing (Just new_ver) = case SV.fromText (T.pack new_ver) of Right _ -> Right new_ver Left _ -> Left ("Failed to parse version: " ++ new_ver) -- If there was a previous version and no new one, bump the patch level bumpVersion (Just prev_ver) Nothing = case SV.fromText (T.pack prev_ver) of Right version -> Right $ SV.toString $ SV.incrementPatch version Left _ -> Left ("Failed to parse version: " ++ prev_ver) bumpVersion (Just prev_ver) (Just new_ver) | prev_ver == new_ver = bumpNewVer | otherwise = checkNewVer where bumpNewVer = case SV.fromText (T.pack new_ver) of Right version -> Right $ SV.toString $ SV.incrementPatch version Left _ -> Left ("Failed to parse version: " ++ new_ver) checkNewVer = case SV.fromText (T.pack new_ver) of Right _ -> Right new_ver Left _ -> Left ("Failed to parse version: " ++ new_ver) -- | Bump or replace a Recipe Version with a new one -- -- [@recipe@]: The Recipe to bump -- [@prev_version@]: Previous version of the recipe -- -- Pass the new recipe and the version from the previous recipe -- Returns a new recipe with the correct version -- -- Errors will be returned in the Left recipeBumpVersion :: Recipe -> Maybe String -> Either String Recipe recipeBumpVersion recipe prev_version = case bumpVersion prev_version (rVersion recipe) of Right version -> Right recipe { rVersion = Just version } Left err -> Left err -- | Return a sorted list of the unique module+packages in a recipe getAllRecipeProjects :: Recipe -> [String] getAllRecipeProjects recipe = sortBy caseInsensitive $ nub $ map rmName (rModules recipe ++ rPackages recipe)