default: all all: bdcs-api-server sandbox: # Delete the sandbox if it already exists - The build-and-test target mounts # the source directory into the container. If a sandbox already exists, it # can result in some pretty bizarre errors when trying to install deps. -if [ -z "$$TRAVIS" ] && [ -d .cabal-sandbox ]; then \ rm -r .cabal-sandbox cabal.sandbox.config; \ fi cabal clean cabal sandbox init bdcs-api-server: sandbox cabal update cabal install --dependencies-only --reorder-goals --force-reinstalls cabal configure cabal build clean: cabal clean hlint: if [ -z "$$(which hlint)" ]; then \ echo hlint not found in PATH - install it; \ exit 1; \ else \ hlint .; \ fi tests: sandbox cabal update cabal install --dependencies-only --enable-tests --reorder-goals --force-reinstalls cabal configure --enable-tests --enable-coverage cabal build cabal test --show-details=always build-and-test: sudo docker build -t welder/bdcs-api-build-img -f $< . sudo docker run --rm --security-opt label=disable -v `pwd`:/bdcs-api/ welder/bdcs-api-build-img bdcs-api-img: build-and-test sudo docker build -t welder/bdcs-api-img . ci: bdcs-api-img ci_after_success: sudo docker run --rm --security-opt label=disable -v `pwd`:/bdcs-api/ \ --env "TRAVIS=$$TRAVIS" --env "TRAVIS_JOB_ID=$$TRAVIS_JOB_ID" --entrypoint /usr/bin/make welder/bdcs-api-build-img coveralls coveralls: if [ -z "$$(which hpc-coveralls)" ]; then \ echo hpc-coveralls not found in PATH - install it; \ exit 1; \ else \ hpc-coveralls --display-report spec; \ fi .PHONY: sandbox bdcs-api-server clean tests hlint ci ci_after_success coveralls