* List contents of a package given by name.

    select files.path
    from files, key_val, file_key_values
    on key_val.id == file_key_values.key_val_id and
       file_key_values.file_id == files.id
    where key_val.key_value == "packageName" and
          key_val.val_value == "python3-kickstart"
                               ^ YOUR RPM PACKAGE NAME HERE

* List contents of a package given by NEVRA.

    select files.path
    from projects, sources, builds, files, build_files, key_val, file_key_values
    on key_val.id == file_key_values.key_val_id and
       file_key_values.file_id == files.id and
       sources.project_id == projects.id and
       builds.source_id == sources.id and
       build_files.build_id == builds.id and
       build_files.file_id == files.id
    where key_val.key_value == "packageName" and
          key_val.val_value == "pykickstart" and
          sources.version == "" and
          builds.epoch == 0 and
          builds.release == "1.el7" and
          builds.arch == "noarch";

* List contents of a build.

    select files.path
    from files, build_files, builds
    on files.id == build_files.file_id and
       builds.id == build_files.build_id
    where builds.id == 1;
                       ^ YOUR BUILD ID HERE.

* Find the source package name for a given subpackage.

    select projects.name
    from projects, sources, builds, build_key_values, key_val
    on projects.id == sources.project_id and
       sources.id == builds.source_id and
       builds.id == build_key_values.build_id and
       key_val.id == build_key_values.key_val_id
    where key_val.key_value == "packageName" and
          key_val.val_value == "anaconda-tui";
                               ^ YOUR SUBPACKAGE NAME HERE

* Find all packages that contain a given filename.

    select projects.name
    from builds, files, build_files, sources, projects
    on builds.id == build_files.build_id and
       files.id == build_files.file_id and
       builds.source_id == sources.id and
       sources.project_id == projects.id
    where files.path == "/usr/bin/ls";
                        ^ YOUR FILENAME HERE

* Find all builds that contain a given filename.

    select builds.*
    from builds, files, build_files
    on build_files.build_id == builds.id and
       build_files.file_id == files.id
    where files.path == "/usr/bin/ksvalidator";
                        ^ YOUR FILENAME HERE

* Find all builds that match a given package name.

    select builds.*
    from builds, sources, projects
    on builds.source_id == sources.id and
       sources.project_id == projects.id
    where projects.name == "coreutils-8.22-15.el7.src.rpm";
                           ^ YOUR PACKAGE NAME HERE