-- Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, see . {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BDCS.Export.TmpFilesSpec(spec) where import BDCS.Export.TmpFiles import Test.Hspec spec :: Spec spec = describe "Export.TmpFiles Tests" $ do it "New Directory" $ parseConfString "d /usr/sbin 0740 root root -\n" `shouldBe` Right [TmpFileEntry{tfeType=NewDirectory, tfePath="/usr/sbin", tfeMode=Just 0o740, tfeUid=Just "root", tfeGid=Just "root", tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Nothing}] it "Modify Directory" $ parseConfString "e /etc/pki/secrets 0700 pki pki -\n" `shouldBe` Right [TmpFileEntry{tfeType=ModifyDirectory, tfePath="/etc/pki/secrets", tfeMode=Just 0o700, tfeUid=Just "pki", tfeGid=Just "pki", tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Nothing}] it "New File, no content" $ parseConfString "f /etc/bdcs.conf 0700 weldr weldr -\n" `shouldBe` Right [TmpFileEntry{tfeType=NewFile, tfePath="/etc/bdcs.conf", tfeMode=Just 0o700, tfeUid=Just "weldr", tfeGid=Just "weldr", tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Nothing}] it "New File, with content" $ parseConfString "f /etc/weldr.conf - weldr weldr - I am the content\n" `shouldBe` Right [TmpFileEntry{tfeType=NewFile, tfePath="/etc/weldr.conf", tfeMode=Nothing, tfeUid=Just "weldr", tfeGid=Just "weldr", tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Just "I am the content"}] it "New Symlink" $ parseConfString "L /var/run - - - - ../run\n" `shouldBe` Right [TmpFileEntry{tfeType=NewSymlink, tfePath="/var/run", tfeMode=Nothing, tfeUid=Nothing, tfeGid=Nothing, tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Just "../run"}] it "Replace Symlink" $ parseConfString "L+ /var/lock - - - - ../run/lock\n" `shouldBe` Right [TmpFileEntry{tfeType=ReplaceSymlink, tfePath="/var/lock", tfeMode=Nothing, tfeUid=Nothing, tfeGid=Nothing, tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Just "../run/lock"}] it "Parse multiple entries" $ parseConfString "L+ /var/lock - - - - ../run/lock\nL /var/run - - - - ../run\nf /etc/bdcs.conf 0700 weldr weldr -\n" `shouldBe` Right [ TmpFileEntry{tfeType=ReplaceSymlink, tfePath="/var/lock", tfeMode=Nothing, tfeUid=Nothing, tfeGid=Nothing, tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Just "../run/lock"}, TmpFileEntry{tfeType=NewSymlink, tfePath="/var/run", tfeMode=Nothing, tfeUid=Nothing, tfeGid=Nothing, tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Just "../run"}, TmpFileEntry{tfeType=NewFile, tfePath="/etc/bdcs.conf", tfeMode=Just 0o700, tfeUid=Just "weldr", tfeGid=Just "weldr", tfeAge=Nothing, tfeArg=Nothing} ]