-- Copyright (C) 2017 Red Hat, Inc. -- -- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or -- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either -- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. -- -- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU -- Lesser General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public -- License along with this library; if not, see . {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module BDCS.Export.FSTreeSpec(spec) where import BDCS.DB(Files(..)) import BDCS.Export.FSTree import Control.Monad.Except(runExceptT) import Data.Bits((.|.)) import Data.Conduit((.|), runConduit) import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL import Data.Either(isLeft) import Data.Tree(Tree(..)) import System.Posix.Files(directoryMode, regularFileMode, symbolicLinkMode) import Test.Hspec {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-} spec :: Spec spec = describe "Export.FSTree Tests" $ do it "Adding a regular file to an empty tree" $ let file_a = regularTemplate{filesPath="/a"} in addFiles [file_a] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Nothing) [ Node ("a", Just file_a) [] ] ]) ) it "Adding directories before children" $ let dir_slash = directoryTemplate{filesPath="/"} dir_a = directoryTemplate{filesPath="/a"} file_b = regularTemplate{filesPath="/a/b"} in addFiles [dir_slash, dir_a, file_b] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Just dir_slash) [ Node ("a", Just dir_a) [ Node ("b", Just file_b) [] ] ] ]) ) it "Adding directories after children" $ let dir_slash = directoryTemplate{filesPath="/"} dir_a = directoryTemplate{filesPath="/a"} file_b = regularTemplate{filesPath="/a/b"} in addFiles [file_b, dir_a, dir_slash] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Just dir_slash) [ Node ("a", Just dir_a) [ Node ("b", Just file_b) [] ] ] ]) ) it "Replace a directory with a symlink" $ let bin_grep = regularTemplate{filesPath="/bin/grep"} bin_link = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/bin", filesTarget=Just "/usr/bin"} in addFiles [bin_grep, bin_link] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Nothing) [ Node ("bin", Just bin_link) [], Node ("usr", Nothing) [ Node ("bin", Nothing) [ Node ("grep", Just bin_grep) [] ] ] ] ]) ) it "Add a file to a symlink path" $ let bin_grep = regularTemplate{filesPath="/bin/grep"} bin_link = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/bin", filesTarget=Just "/usr/bin"} in addFiles [bin_link, bin_grep] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Nothing) [ Node ("bin", Just bin_link) [], Node ("usr", Nothing) [ Node ("bin", Nothing) [ Node ("grep", Just bin_grep) [] ] ] ] ]) ) it "Symlinks moving placeholders" $ let dir_a = directoryTemplate{filesPath="/a/b/c"} dir_d = directoryTemplate{filesPath="/d/b"} link = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/a", filesTarget = Just "d"} in addFiles [dir_a, dir_d, link] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Nothing) [ Node ("a", Just link) [], Node ("d", Nothing) [ Node ("b", Just dir_d) [ Node ("c", Just dir_a) [] ] ] ] ]) ) it "Symlink loop" $ let link_a = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/a", filesTarget=Just "b"} link_b = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/b", filesTarget=Just "a"} file = regularTemplate{filesPath="/b/c"} in addFiles [link_a, link_b, file] >>= (`shouldSatisfy` isLeft) it "Symlink with .." $ let link = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/a/b", filesTarget=Just "../d"} file = regularTemplate{filesPath="/a/b/c"} in addFiles [link, file] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Nothing) [ Node ("a", Nothing) [ Node ("b", Just link) [] ], Node ("d", Nothing) [ Node ("c", Just file) [] ] ] ]) ) it "Symlink with ." $ let link = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/a/b", filesTarget=Just "./d"} file = regularTemplate{filesPath="/a/b/c"} in addFiles [link, file] >>= (`shouldBe` Right ( Node ("", Nothing) [ Node ("/", Nothing) [ Node ("a", Nothing) [ Node ("b", Just link) [], Node ("d", Nothing) [ Node ("c", Just file) [] ] ] ] ]) ) it "Symlink loop, different case" $ let link = symlinkTemplate{filesPath="/a", filesTarget=Just "."} file = regularTemplate{filesPath="/a"} in addFiles [link, file] >>= (`shouldSatisfy` isLeft) where -- Add a list of files and return the tree addFiles :: Monad m => [Files] -> m (Either String FSTree) addFiles files = runExceptT $ runConduit $ CL.sourceList files .| filesToTree -- Just fill in the paths regularTemplate :: Files regularTemplate = Files "" "root" "root" 0 Nothing (fromIntegral $ regularFileMode .|. 0o644) 0 Nothing directoryTemplate :: Files directoryTemplate = Files "" "root" "root" 0 Nothing (fromIntegral $ directoryMode .|. 0o755) 0 Nothing symlinkTemplate :: Files symlinkTemplate = Files "" "root" "root" 0 Nothing (fromIntegral $ symbolicLinkMode .|. 0o644) 0 Nothing