{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | -- Module: BDCS.Builds -- Copyright: (c) 2016-2017 Red Hat, Inc. -- License: LGPL -- -- Maintainer: https://github.com/weldr -- Stability: alpha -- Portability: portable -- -- Manage 'Builds' records in the database. This record keeps track of a single -- build of a single software source (tarball, etc.). A single source can be -- built multiple times, each of which will require a separate 'Builds' record. module BDCS.Builds(associateBuildWithPackage, findBuild, getBuild, insertBuild, insertBuildKeyValue) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class(MonadIO) import qualified Data.Text as T import Database.Esqueleto import BDCS.DB import BDCS.KeyType import BDCS.KeyValue(findKeyValue, insertKeyValue) -- | Find a single build of a software package in the database, returning the database key -- for that build if it exists. All arguments are required and must be matched for this -- function to return anything. Note that conceptually, a build is of some software source -- which is why a key to a 'Sources' record is required. findBuild :: MonadIO m => Int -- ^ Epoch (usually, 0) -> T.Text -- ^ Release -> T.Text -- ^ Hardware architecture -> Key Sources -- ^ Reference to a 'Sources' record -> SqlPersistT m (Maybe (Key Builds)) findBuild epoch release arch sourceId = firstKeyResult $ -- FIXME: Is (source_id, epoch, release, arch) unique in Builds? select $ from $ \build -> do where_ $ build ^. BuildsSource_id ==. val sourceId &&. build ^. BuildsEpoch ==. val epoch &&. build ^. BuildsRelease ==. val release &&. build ^. BuildsArch ==. val arch limit 1 return $ build ^. BuildsId -- | Given a key to a 'Builds' record in the database, return that record. This function is -- suitable for using on the result of 'findBuild'. getBuild :: MonadIO m => Key Builds -> SqlPersistT m (Maybe Builds) getBuild key = firstEntityResult $ select $ from $ \build -> do where_ $ build ^. BuildsId ==. val key limit 1 return build -- | Conditionally add a new 'Builds' record to the database. If the record already exists, -- return its key. Otherwise, insert the record and return the new key. insertBuild :: MonadIO m => Builds -> SqlPersistT m (Key Builds) insertBuild build@Builds{..} = findBuild buildsEpoch buildsRelease buildsArch buildsSource_id `orInsert` build -- | Conditionally add a new 'KeyVal' record to the database and associate a 'Builds' record -- with it. If the 'KeyVal' record already exists, it is reused in creating the association. -- The database key of the association is returned. insertBuildKeyValue :: MonadIO m => KeyType -- ^ Type of the 'KeyVal' -> T.Text -- ^ Value of the 'KeyVal' -> Maybe T.Text -- ^ Extended value of the 'KeyVal' -> Key Builds -- ^ Build to be associated with the 'KeyVal' -> SqlPersistT m (Key BuildKeyValues) insertBuildKeyValue k v e buildId = maybeKey (insertKeyValue k (Just v) e >>= associateBuildWithPackage buildId) (associateBuildWithPackage buildId) (findKeyValue k (Just v) e) -- | Create a link in the database between an existing 'Builds' record and an existing 'KeyVal' -- record. This is different from 'insertBuildKeyValue', which also creates the 'KeyVal' record. -- A single build can potentially have zero or many 'KeyVal' pairs associated with it. On the -- other hand, a single 'KeyVal' pair can apply to many builds. -- -- The database key of the new link is returned. associateBuildWithPackage :: MonadIO m => Key Builds -> Key KeyVal -> SqlPersistT m (Key BuildKeyValues) associateBuildWithPackage buildId kvId = insert $ BuildKeyValues buildId kvId