module Text.BBCode.Internal.Builder where import Numeric.Natural import Text.BBCode.Internal.Helper {-| Newline > nl == 'text' "\n" -} nl :: BBCode nl = text "\n" {-# INLINE nl #-} -- | > text == 'ElText' text :: Text -> BBCode text = ElText {-# INLINE text #-} -- | Wrap @['BBCode']@ in 'ElDocument' doc :: [BBCode] -> BBCode doc = ElDocument {-# INLINE doc #-} {-| Horizontal line > hr == 'ElVoid' 'HR' -} hr :: BBCode hr = ElVoid HR {-# INLINE hr #-} {-| Line break > br == 'ElVoid' 'BR' -} br :: BBCode br = ElVoid BR {-# INLINE br #-} -- | > clear == 'ElVoid' 'Clear' clear :: BBCode clear = ElVoid Clear {-# INLINE clear #-} {-| Notice it is not a function, but a value. @listEl@ represents "[*]" > listEl == 'ElVoid' 'ListElement' -} listEl :: BBCode listEl = ElVoid ListElement {-# INLINE listEl #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} bold :: BBCode -> BBCode bold = ElSimple Bold {-# INLINE bold #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} italic :: BBCode -> BBCode italic = ElSimple Italic {-# INLINE italic #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} underline :: BBCode -> BBCode underline = ElSimple Underline {-# INLINE underline #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} strikethrough :: BBCode -> BBCode strikethrough = ElSimple Strikethrough {-# INLINE strikethrough #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} indent :: BBCode -> BBCode indent = ElSimple Indent {-# INLINE indent #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} nfo :: BBCode -> BBCode nfo = ElSimple NFO {-# INLINE nfo #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} oneline :: BBCode -> BBCode oneline = ElSimple Oneline {-# INLINE oneline #-} -- | 'Code' element contains plain text code :: Text -> BBCode code = ElSimple Code . ElText {-# INLINE code #-} -- | 'Preformatted' element contains plain text pre :: Text -> BBCode pre = ElSimple Preformatted . ElText {-# INLINE pre #-} {-| 'bold', 'italic', 'underline', and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} box :: BBCode -> BBCode box = ElSimple Box {-# INLINE box #-} -- | Takes image URL image :: Text -> BBCode image = ElSimple Image . ElText {-# INLINE image #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} quote :: BBCode -> BBCode quote = ElSimple Quote {-# INLINE quote #-} {-| bold, italic, underline, and all the rest functions @'BBCode' -> 'BBCode'@ work the same way by wrapping argument in another element. -} spoiler :: BBCode -> BBCode spoiler = ElSimple Spoiler {-# INLINE spoiler #-} {-| Each element of list is prepended with 'listElement', meaning you can't create list with contents but without elements >>> list [bold "10", italic "15"] ElSimple List (ElDocument [ElVoid ListElement,ElSimple Bold (ElText "10"),ElVoid ListElement,ElSimple Italic (ElText "15")]) -} list :: [BBCode] -> BBCode list = ElSimple List . ElDocument . foldl (\b a -> b <> [listEl, a]) [] {-# INLINEABLE list #-} -- | Like 'box' but with alignment argument boxAlign :: BoxPosition -> BBCode -> BBCode boxAlign arg = ElArg Box (toArgument arg) {-# INLINE boxAlign #-} -- | Like 'image' but with alignment argument imageAlign :: ImagePosition -> Text -> BBCode imageAlign arg = ElArg Image (toArgument arg) . ElText {-# INLINE imageAlign #-} -- | Named quote quoteNamed :: Text -> BBCode -> BBCode quoteNamed = ElArg Quote {-# INLINE quoteNamed #-} -- | Named spoiler spoilerNamed :: Text -> BBCode -> BBCode spoilerNamed = ElArg Spoiler {-# INLINE spoilerNamed #-} {-| Ordered list >>> listFlavor LatinUpper [bold "I am bald", boxAlign BoxRight "get boxxxed"] ElArg List "A" (ElDocument [ElVoid ListElement,ElSimple Bold (ElText "I am bald"),ElVoid ListElement,ElArg Box "right" (ElText "get boxxxed")]) -} listFlavor :: Foldable t => ListFlavor -> t BBCode -> BBCode listFlavor flavor = ElArg List (toArgument flavor) . ElDocument . foldl (\b a -> b <> [listEl, a]) [] {-# INLINEABLE listFlavor #-} {-| Change color of inner BBCode First argument is either color name (e.g. blue) or hex color(e.g. #333 or #151515) -} color :: Text -> BBCode -> BBCode color = ElArg Color {-# INLINE color #-} {-| Create a hyperlink first argument is expected to be valid URL -} url :: Text -> BBCode -> BBCode url = ElArg URL {-# INLINE url #-} {-| Change font size of inner bbcode @arg@ ∈ [10, 29] and @arg@ is natural -} size :: Natural -> BBCode -> BBCode size arg = ElArg Size (show' arg) {-# INLINE size #-} align :: AlignPosition -> BBCode -> BBCode align arg = ElArg Align (toArgument arg) {-# INLINE align #-} {-| Change font of inner BBCode argument should be a valid font name -} font :: Text -> BBCode -> BBCode font = ElArg Font {-# INLINE font #-}