module Combinatorics.Battleship.SetCover where import qualified Combinatorics.Battleship.Fleet as Fleet import Combinatorics.Battleship (Ship(Ship), ShipSize, Orientation(..), ) import qualified Math.SetCover.BitSet as BitSet import qualified Math.SetCover.Exact as ESC import qualified Data.Map as Map; import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Set as Set; import Data.Set (Set) import System.Random (RandomGen, randomR, mkStdGen) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Class as MT import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State as MS import qualified Control.Functor.HT as FuncHT import Control.DeepSeq (force) import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2, when, mplus) import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV import qualified Data.Foldable as Fold import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Foldable (foldMap, forM_) import Data.Maybe.HT (toMaybe) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, catMaybes) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapFst) import Data.Word (Word64) shipShape :: Ship -> Map (Int, Int) Bool shipShape (Ship size orient (x,y)) = Map.fromAscList $ map (flip (,) True) $ case orient of Horizontal -> map (flip (,) y) [x .. x+size-1] Vertical -> map ((,) x) [y .. y+size-1] shipReserve :: Ship -> Set (Int, Int) shipReserve (Ship size orient (x,y)) = let lx = max 0 (x-1) ly = max 0 (y-1) in Set.fromAscList $ case orient of Horizontal -> liftM2 (,) [lx .. x+size-1] [ly .. y] Vertical -> liftM2 (,) [lx .. x] [ly .. y+size-1] type AssignShip = ESC.Assign (ShipSize, Map (Int, Int) Bool) (Set (Int, Int)) assignsShip :: [ShipSize] -> (Int, Int) -> [AssignShip] assignsShip sizes (width, height) = do size <- sizes mplus (do x <- [0 .. width-size] y <- [0 .. height-1] let horizShip = Ship size Horizontal (x,y) [ESC.assign (size, shipShape horizShip) (shipReserve horizShip)]) (do x <- [0 .. width-1] y <- [0 .. height-size] let vertShip = Ship size Vertical (x,y) [ESC.assign (size, shipShape vertShip) (shipReserve vertShip)]) boardCoords :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)] boardCoords (width, height) = liftM2 (,) (take width [0..]) (take height [0..]) assignsSquare :: (Int, Int) -> [ESC.Assign (Maybe ShipSize, Map (Int, Int) Bool) (Set (Int, Int))] assignsSquare (width, height) = do p <- boardCoords (width, height) [ESC.assign (Nothing, Map.singleton p False) (Set.singleton p)] assigns :: [ShipSize] -> (Int, Int) -> [ESC.Assign (Maybe ShipSize, Map (Int, Int) Bool) (Set (Int, Int))] assigns sizes boardSize = map (\asn -> asn{ESC.label = mapFst Just (ESC.label asn)}) (assignsShip sizes boardSize) ++ assignsSquare boardSize formatBoard :: (Int, Int) -> Map (Int, Int) Bool -> String formatBoard (width, height) set = unlines $ FuncHT.outerProduct (\y x -> case Map.lookup (x,y) set of Nothing -> '_' Just False -> '.' Just True -> 'x') [0 .. height-1] [0 .. width-1] printState :: (Int, Int) -> ESC.State (ship, Map (Int, Int) Bool) set -> IO () printState boardSize = printBoard boardSize . foldMap (snd . ESC.label) . ESC.usedSubsets printBoard :: (Int, Int) -> Map (Int, Int) Bool -> IO () printBoard boardSize = putStr . ('\n':) . formatBoard boardSize standardBoardSize :: (Int, Int) standardBoardSize = (10, 10) standardFleetList :: [(ShipSize, Fleet.NumberOfShips)] standardFleetList = [(5,1), (4,2), (3,3), (2,4)] enumerateFirst :: IO () enumerateFirst = do let boardSize = standardBoardSize mapM_ (printState boardSize) (ESC.step $ ESC.initState $ assigns (map fst standardFleetList) boardSize) enumerateMixed :: IO () enumerateMixed = do let boardSize = standardBoardSize let fleetList = standardFleetList let fleet = Fleet.fromList fleetList let loop state = let usedFleet = Fleet.fromList $ map (flip (,) 1) $ mapMaybe (fst . ESC.label) $ ESC.usedSubsets state in when (Fleet.subset usedFleet fleet) $ if usedFleet == fleet then printState boardSize state else mapM_ loop (ESC.step state) loop $ ESC.initState $ assigns (map fst fleetList) boardSize type AssignShipBitSet = ESC.Assign (ShipSize, Map (Int, Int) Bool) (BitSet.Set Integer) enumerateGen :: (Monad m) => ([AssignShipBitSet] -> m AssignShipBitSet) -> (Int, Int) -> [(ShipSize, Int)] -> m (Map (Int, Int) Bool) enumerateGen sel boardSize fleetList = do let layoutShip shipSize = do state <- MS.get place <- MT.lift $ sel $ filter ((shipSize==) . fst . ESC.label) $ ESC.availableSubsets state MS.put $ ESC.updateState place state liftM (foldMap (snd . ESC.label) . ESC.usedSubsets) $ MS.execStateT (mapM_ layoutShip $ concatMap (uncurry $ flip replicate) fleetList) $ ESC.initState $ ESC.bitVectorFromSetAssigns $ assignsShip (map fst fleetList) boardSize enumerateShip :: IO () enumerateShip = do let boardSize = standardBoardSize let fleetList = standardFleetList mapM_ (printBoard boardSize) $ enumerateGen id boardSize fleetList select :: (RandomGen g) => [a] -> MS.StateT g Maybe a select xs = MS.StateT $ \g -> toMaybe (not $ null xs) $ mapFst (xs!!) $ randomR (0, length xs - 1) g enumerateRandom :: IO () enumerateRandom = do let boardSize = standardBoardSize let fleetList = standardFleetList forM_ [0..] $ \seed -> Fold.mapM_ (printBoard boardSize) $ MS.evalStateT (enumerateGen select boardSize fleetList) (mkStdGen seed) listsFromBoard :: (Num a) => (a -> b) -> (Int, Int) -> Map (Int, Int) a -> [[b]] listsFromBoard f (width, height) set = FuncHT.outerProduct (\y x -> f $ Map.findWithDefault 0 (x,y) set) (take height [0..]) (take width [0..]) formatDistr :: (Int, Int) -> Map (Int, Int) Float -> String formatDistr boardSize set = unlines $ map unwords $ listsFromBoard (printf "%.3f") boardSize set formatAbsDistr :: (Int, Int) -> Map (Int, Int) Word64 -> String formatAbsDistr boardSize set = unlines $ map unwords $ listsFromBoard (printf "%d") boardSize set sumMaps :: [Map (Int, Int) Int] -> Map (Int, Int) Int sumMaps = List.foldl' ((force .) . Map.unionWith (+)) Map.empty sumMapsStorable :: (Int, Int) -> [Map (Int, Int) Word64] -> Map (Int, Int) Word64 sumMapsStorable boardSize = Map.fromList . zip (boardCoords boardSize) . SV.unpack . let zeroBoard = Map.fromList $ map (flip (,) 0) (boardCoords boardSize) numSquares = uncurry (*) boardSize checkLength x = if SV.length x == numSquares then x else error "invalid keys in counter board" in List.foldl' ((force .) . SV.zipWith (+)) (SV.replicate numSquares 0) . map (checkLength . SV.pack . Map.elems . flip Map.union zeroBoard) estimateDistribution :: IO () estimateDistribution = do let boardSize = standardBoardSize let fleetList = standardFleetList let num = 100000 putStr $ ('\n':) $ formatDistr boardSize $ (\n -> fromIntegral n / fromIntegral num) $ sumMapsStorable boardSize $ map ( (\b -> if b then 1 else 0)) $ take num $ catMaybes $ flip map [0..] $ \seed -> MS.evalStateT (enumerateGen select boardSize fleetList) (mkStdGen seed) exactDistribution :: IO () exactDistribution = do let boardSize = standardBoardSize let fleetList = [(2,1), (3,2)] putStr $ ('\n':) $ formatAbsDistr boardSize $ sumMapsStorable boardSize $ map ( (\b -> if b then 1 else 0)) $ enumerateGen id boardSize fleetList {- 110984 157686 189232 183236 181578 181578 183236 189232 157686 110984 157686 190520 213246 203776 201766 201766 203776 213246 190520 157686 189232 213246 232008 221676 220274 220274 221676 232008 213246 189232 183236 203776 221676 211572 210458 210458 211572 221676 203776 183236 181578 201766 220274 210458 209428 209428 210458 220274 201766 181578 181578 201766 220274 210458 209428 209428 210458 220274 201766 181578 183236 203776 221676 211572 210458 210458 211572 221676 203776 183236 189232 213246 232008 221676 220274 220274 221676 232008 213246 189232 157686 190520 213246 203776 201766 201766 203776 213246 190520 157686 110984 157686 189232 183236 181578 181578 183236 189232 157686 110984 real 0m37.341s user 0m37.162s sys 0m0.128s -} tikzBrightnessField :: (Double,Double) -> [[Double]] -> String tikzBrightnessField (lower,upper) xs = unlines $ zipWith (\num row -> printf "\\brightnessrow{%d}{%s}" num $ List.intercalate "," $ map (printf "%02d") $ map (\val -> round (100*(val-lower)/(upper-lower)) :: Int) row) [0::Int ..] xs