module Basement.Block.Base
( Block(..)
, MutableBlock(..)
, unsafeNew
, unsafeThaw
, unsafeFreeze
, unsafeCopyElements
, unsafeCopyElementsRO
, unsafeCopyBytes
, unsafeCopyBytesRO
, unsafeRead
, unsafeWrite
, unsafeIndex
, length
, lengthBytes
, mutableEmpty
, new
, newPinned
, withPtr
, mutableWithPtr
) where
import GHC.Prim
import GHC.Types
import GHC.ST
import GHC.IO
import qualified Data.List
import Basement.Compat.Base
import Data.Proxy
import Basement.Compat.Primitive
import Basement.Compat.Semigroup
import Basement.Bindings.Memory (sysHsMemcmpBaBa)
import Basement.Types.OffsetSize
import Basement.Monad
import Basement.NormalForm
import Basement.Numerical.Additive
import Basement.PrimType
data Block ty = Block ByteArray#
deriving (Typeable)
instance Data ty => Data (Block ty) where
dataTypeOf _ = blockType
toConstr _ = error "toConstr"
gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
blockType :: DataType
blockType = mkNoRepType "Foundation.Block"
instance NormalForm (Block ty) where
toNormalForm (Block !_) = ()
instance (PrimType ty, Show ty) => Show (Block ty) where
show v = show (toList v)
instance (PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Eq (Block ty) where
(==) = equal
instance (PrimType ty, Ord ty) => Ord (Block ty) where
compare = internalCompare
instance PrimType ty => Semigroup (Block ty) where
(<>) = append
instance PrimType ty => Monoid (Block ty) where
mempty = empty
mappend = append
mconcat = concat
instance PrimType ty => IsList (Block ty) where
type Item (Block ty) = ty
fromList = internalFromList
toList = internalToList
length :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> CountOf ty
length (Block ba) =
case primShiftToBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty) of
0 -> CountOf (I# (sizeofByteArray# ba))
(I# szBits) -> CountOf (I# (uncheckedIShiftRL# (sizeofByteArray# ba) szBits))
lengthBytes :: Block ty -> CountOf Word8
lengthBytes (Block ba) = CountOf (I# (sizeofByteArray# ba))
empty :: Block ty
empty = Block ba where !(Block ba) = empty_
empty_ :: Block ()
empty_ = runST $ primitive $ \s1 ->
case newByteArray# 0# s1 of { (# s2, mba #) ->
case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s2 of { (# s3, ba #) ->
(# s3, Block ba #) }}
mutableEmpty :: PrimMonad prim => prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
mutableEmpty = primitive $ \s1 ->
case newByteArray# 0# s1 of { (# s2, mba #) ->
(# s2, MutableBlock mba #) }
unsafeIndex :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> Offset ty -> ty
unsafeIndex (Block ba) n = primBaIndex ba n
internalFromList :: PrimType ty => [ty] -> Block ty
internalFromList l = runST $ do
ma <- new (CountOf len)
iter azero l $ \i x -> unsafeWrite ma i x
unsafeFreeze ma
where len = Data.List.length l
iter _ [] _ = return ()
iter !i (x:xs) z = z i x >> iter (i+1) xs z
internalToList :: forall ty . PrimType ty => Block ty -> [ty]
internalToList blk@(Block ba)
| len == azero = []
| otherwise = loop azero
!len = length blk
loop !i | i .==# len = []
| otherwise = primBaIndex ba i : loop (i+1)
equal :: (PrimType ty, Eq ty) => Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool
equal a b
| la /= lb = False
| otherwise = loop azero
!la = lengthBytes a
!lb = lengthBytes b
lat = length a
loop !n | n .==# lat = True
| otherwise = (unsafeIndex a n == unsafeIndex b n) && loop (n+o1)
o1 = Offset (I# 1#)
equalMemcmp :: PrimMemoryComparable ty => Block ty -> Block ty -> Bool
equalMemcmp b1@(Block a) b2@(Block b)
| la /= lb = False
| otherwise = unsafeDupablePerformIO (sysHsMemcmpBaBa a 0 b 0 la) == 0
la = lengthBytes b1
lb = lengthBytes b2
internalCompare :: (Ord ty, PrimType ty) => Block ty -> Block ty -> Ordering
internalCompare a b = loop azero
!la = length a
!lb = length b
!end = sizeAsOffset (min la lb)
loop !n
| n == end = la `compare` lb
| v1 == v2 = loop (n + Offset (I# 1#))
| otherwise = v1 `compare` v2
v1 = unsafeIndex a n
v2 = unsafeIndex b n
compareMemcmp :: PrimMemoryComparable ty => Block ty -> Block ty -> Ordering
compareMemcmp b1@(Block a) b2@(Block b) =
case unsafeDupablePerformIO (sysHsMemcmpBaBa a 0 b 0 sz) of
0 -> la `compare` lb
n | n > 0 -> GT
| otherwise -> LT
la = lengthBytes b1
lb = lengthBytes b2
sz = min la lb
append :: Block ty -> Block ty -> Block ty
append a b
| la == azero = b
| lb == azero = a
| otherwise = runST $ do
r <- unsafeNew Unpinned (la+lb)
unsafeCopyBytesRO r 0 a 0 la
unsafeCopyBytesRO r (sizeAsOffset la) b 0 lb
unsafeFreeze r
!la = lengthBytes a
!lb = lengthBytes b
concat :: [Block ty] -> Block ty
concat [] = empty
concat l =
case filterAndSum 0 [] l of
(_,[]) -> empty
(_,[x]) -> x
(totalLen,chunks) -> runST $ do
r <- unsafeNew Unpinned totalLen
doCopy r 0 chunks
unsafeFreeze r
filterAndSum !totalLen acc [] = (totalLen, Data.List.reverse acc)
filterAndSum !totalLen acc (x:xs)
| len == 0 = filterAndSum totalLen acc xs
| otherwise = filterAndSum (len+totalLen) (x:acc) xs
where len = lengthBytes x
doCopy _ _ [] = return ()
doCopy r i (x:xs) = do
unsafeCopyBytesRO r i x 0 lx
doCopy r (i `offsetPlusE` lx) xs
where !lx = lengthBytes x
data MutableBlock ty st = MutableBlock (MutableByteArray# st)
unsafeFreeze :: PrimMonad prim => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> prim (Block ty)
unsafeFreeze (MutableBlock mba) = primitive $ \s1 ->
case unsafeFreezeByteArray# mba s1 of
(# s2, ba #) -> (# s2, Block ba #)
unsafeThaw :: (PrimType ty, PrimMonad prim) => Block ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
unsafeThaw (Block ba) = primitive $ \st -> (# st, MutableBlock (unsafeCoerce# ba) #)
unsafeNew :: PrimMonad prim
=> PinnedStatus
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
unsafeNew pinSt (CountOf (I# bytes)) = case pinSt of
Unpinned -> primitive $ \s1 -> case newByteArray# bytes s1 of { (# s2, mba #) -> (# s2, MutableBlock mba #) }
_ -> primitive $ \s1 -> case newAlignedPinnedByteArray# bytes 8# s1 of { (# s2, mba #) -> (# s2, MutableBlock mba #) }
new :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
new n = unsafeNew Unpinned (sizeOfE (primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)) n)
newPinned :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => CountOf ty -> prim (MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim))
newPinned n = unsafeNew Pinned (sizeOfE (primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)) n)
unsafeCopyElements :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty)
=> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty
-> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty
-> CountOf ty
-> prim ()
unsafeCopyElements dstMb destOffset srcMb srcOffset n =
unsafeCopyBytes dstMb (offsetOfE sz destOffset)
srcMb (offsetOfE sz srcOffset)
(sizeOfE sz n)
!sz = primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)
unsafeCopyElementsRO :: forall prim ty . (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty)
=> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset ty
-> Block ty
-> Offset ty
-> CountOf ty
-> prim ()
unsafeCopyElementsRO dstMb destOffset srcMb srcOffset n =
unsafeCopyBytesRO dstMb (offsetOfE sz destOffset)
srcMb (offsetOfE sz srcOffset)
(sizeOfE sz n)
!sz = primSizeInBytes (Proxy :: Proxy ty)
unsafeCopyBytes :: forall prim ty . PrimMonad prim
=> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim ()
unsafeCopyBytes (MutableBlock dstMba) (Offset (I# d)) (MutableBlock srcBa) (Offset (I# s)) (CountOf (I# n)) =
primitive $ \st -> (# copyMutableByteArray# srcBa s dstMba d n st, () #)
unsafeCopyBytesRO :: forall prim ty . PrimMonad prim
=> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> Offset Word8
-> Block ty
-> Offset Word8
-> CountOf Word8
-> prim ()
unsafeCopyBytesRO (MutableBlock dstMba) (Offset (I# d)) (Block srcBa) (Offset (I# s)) (CountOf (I# n)) =
primitive $ \st -> (# copyByteArray# srcBa s dstMba d n st, () #)
unsafeRead :: (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> prim ty
unsafeRead (MutableBlock mba) i = primMbaRead mba i
unsafeWrite :: (PrimMonad prim, PrimType ty) => MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim) -> Offset ty -> ty -> prim ()
unsafeWrite (MutableBlock mba) i v = primMbaWrite mba i v
withPtr :: PrimMonad prim
=> Block ty
-> (Ptr ty -> prim a)
-> prim a
withPtr x@(Block ba) f = do
let addr = Ptr (byteArrayContents# ba)
f addr <* touch x
touch :: PrimMonad prim => Block ty -> prim ()
touch (Block ba) =
unsafePrimFromIO $ primitive $ \s -> case touch# ba s of { s2 -> (# s2, () #) }
mutableWithPtr :: PrimMonad prim
=> MutableBlock ty (PrimState prim)
-> (Ptr ty -> prim a)
-> prim a
mutableWithPtr mb f = do
b <- unsafeFreeze mb
withPtr b f