-- |
-- Module      : Basement.String
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Foundation
-- A String type backed by a UTF8 encoded byte array and all the necessary
-- functions to manipulate the string.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies               #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                        #-}
module Basement.UTF8.Base

import           GHC.ST (ST, runST)
import           GHC.Types
import           GHC.Word
import           GHC.Prim
import           Basement.Compat.Base
import           Basement.Numerical.Additive
import           Basement.Compat.Bifunctor
import           Basement.NormalForm
import           Basement.Types.OffsetSize
import           Basement.PrimType
import           Basement.Monad
import           Basement.FinalPtr
import           Basement.UTF8.Helper
import           Basement.UTF8.Types
import qualified Basement.Alg.Native.UTF8      as PrimBA
import qualified Basement.Alg.Foreign.UTF8     as PrimAddr
import           Basement.UArray           (UArray)
import           Basement.Block            (MutableBlock)
import qualified Basement.Block.Mutable    as BLK
import qualified Basement.UArray           as Vec
import qualified Basement.UArray           as C
import qualified Basement.UArray.Mutable   as MVec
import           Basement.UArray.Base   as Vec (offset, pureST, onBackend)
import           GHC.CString                        (unpackCString#, unpackCStringUtf8#)

import           Data.Data
import           Basement.Compat.ExtList as List

-- | Opaque packed array of characters in the UTF8 encoding
newtype String = String (UArray Word8)
    deriving (Typeable, Monoid, Eq, Ord)

-- | Mutable String Buffer.
-- Use as an *append* buffer, as UTF8 variable encoding
-- doesn't really allow to change previously written
-- character without potentially shifting bytes.
newtype MutableString st = MutableString (MVec.MUArray Word8 st)
    deriving (Typeable)

instance Show String where
    show = show . sToList
instance IsString String where
    fromString = sFromList
instance IsList String where
    type Item String = Char
    fromList = sFromList
    toList = sToList

instance Data String where
    toConstr s   = mkConstr stringType (show s) [] Prefix
    dataTypeOf _ = stringType
    gunfold _ _  = error "gunfold"

instance NormalForm String where
    toNormalForm (String ba) = toNormalForm ba

stringType :: DataType
stringType = mkNoRepType "Foundation.String"

-- | size in bytes.
-- this size is available in o(1)
size :: String -> CountOf Word8
size (String ba) = Vec.length ba

-- | Convert a String to a list of characters
-- The list is lazily created as evaluation needed
sToList :: String -> [Char]
sToList s = loop 0
    !nbBytes = size s
    loop idx
        | idx .==# nbBytes = []
        | otherwise        =
            let !(Step c idx') = next s idx in c : loop idx'

{-# RULES "String sFromList" forall s .  sFromList (unpackCString# s) = fromModified s #-}
{-# RULES "String sFromList" forall s .  sFromList (unpackCStringUtf8# s) = fromModified s #-}

-- | assuming the given Addr# is a valid modified UTF-8 sequence of bytes
-- We only modify the given Unicode Null-character (0xC080) into a null bytes
-- FIXME: need to evaluate the kind of modified UTF8 GHC is actually expecting
-- it is plausible they only handle the Null Bytes, which this function actually
-- does.
fromModified :: Addr# -> String
fromModified addr = countAndCopy 0 0
    countAndCopy :: CountOf Word8 -> Offset Word8 -> String
    countAndCopy count ofs =
        case primAddrIndex addr ofs of
            0x00 -> runST $ do
                        ((), mb) <- MVec.newNative count (copy count)
                        String <$> Vec.unsafeFreeze mb
            0xC0 -> case primAddrIndex addr (ofs+1) of
                        0x80 -> countAndCopy (count+1) (ofs+2)
                        _    -> countAndCopy (count+2) (ofs+2)
            _    -> countAndCopy (count+1) (ofs+1)

    copy :: CountOf Word8 -> MutableBlock Word8 st -> ST st ()
    copy count mba = loop 0 0
      where loop o i
                | o .==# count = pure ()
                | otherwise    =
                    case primAddrIndex addr i of
                        0xC0 -> case primAddrIndex addr (i+1) of
                                    0x80 -> BLK.unsafeWrite mba o 0x00 >> loop (o+1) (i+2)
                                    b2   -> BLK.unsafeWrite mba o 0xC0 >> BLK.unsafeWrite mba (o+1) b2 >> loop (o+2) (i+2)
                        b1   -> BLK.unsafeWrite mba o b1 >> loop (o+1) (i+1)

-- | Create a new String from a list of characters
-- The list is strictly and fully evaluated before
-- creating the new String, as the size need to be
-- computed before filling.
sFromList :: [Char] -> String
sFromList l = runST (new bytes >>= startCopy)
    -- count how many bytes
    !bytes = List.sum $ fmap (charToBytes . fromEnum) l

    startCopy :: MutableString (PrimState (ST st)) -> ST st String
    startCopy ms = loop 0 l
        loop _   []     = freeze ms
        loop idx (c:xs) = write ms idx c >>= \idx' -> loop idx' xs
{-# INLINE [0] sFromList #-}

next :: String -> Offset8 -> Step
next (String array) !n = Vec.onBackend nextNative nextAddr array
    !start = Vec.offset array
    reoffset (Step a ofs) = Step a (ofs `offsetSub` start)
    nextNative ba        = reoffset (PrimBA.next ba (start + n))
    nextAddr _ (Ptr ptr) = pureST $ reoffset (PrimAddr.next ptr (start + n))

prev :: String -> Offset8 -> StepBack
prev (String array) !n = Vec.onBackend prevNative prevAddr array
    !start = Vec.offset array
    reoffset (StepBack a ofs) = StepBack a (ofs `offsetSub` start)
    prevNative ba        = reoffset (PrimBA.prev ba (start + n))
    prevAddr _ (Ptr ptr) = pureST $ reoffset (PrimAddr.prev ptr (start + n))

-- A variant of 'next' when you want the next character
-- to be ASCII only.
nextAscii :: String -> Offset8 -> StepASCII
nextAscii (String ba) n = StepASCII w
    !w = Vec.unsafeIndex ba n

expectAscii :: String -> Offset8 -> Word8 -> Bool
expectAscii (String ba) n v = Vec.unsafeIndex ba n == v
{-# INLINE expectAscii #-}

write :: PrimMonad prim => MutableString (PrimState prim) -> Offset8 -> Char -> prim Offset8
write (MutableString marray) ofs c =
    MVec.onMutableBackend (\mba -> PrimBA.write mba (start + ofs) c)
                          (\fptr -> withFinalPtr fptr $ \(Ptr ptr) -> PrimAddr.write ptr (start + ofs) c)
  where start = MVec.mutableOffset marray

-- | Allocate a MutableString of a specific size in bytes.
new :: PrimMonad prim
    => CountOf Word8 -- ^ in number of bytes, not of elements.
    -> prim (MutableString (PrimState prim))
new n = MutableString `fmap` MVec.new n

newNative :: PrimMonad prim
          => CountOf Word8 -- ^ in number of bytes, not of elements.
          -> (MutableBlock Word8 (PrimState prim) -> prim a)
          -> prim (a, MutableString (PrimState prim))
newNative n f = second MutableString `fmap` MVec.newNative n f

freeze :: PrimMonad prim => MutableString (PrimState prim) -> prim String
freeze (MutableString mba) = String `fmap` C.unsafeFreeze mba
{-# INLINE freeze #-}

freezeShrink :: PrimMonad prim
             => CountOf Word8
             -> MutableString (PrimState prim)
             -> prim String
freezeShrink n (MutableString mba) = String `fmap` C.unsafeFreezeShrink mba n