# Base64 [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/emilypi/base64.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/emilypi/base64) [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/base64.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base64) Padded and unpadded base64 and base64url encodings for `Text` and `ByteString` values, along with their optics. For the companion `Prism`s and pattern synonyms, see [base64-lens](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base64-lens). ### Summary What does this library provide? Here is the summary: - Good performance compared to existing Base64 libraries (see [PERFORMANCE.md](benchmarks/PERFORMANCE.md)) - Support for padded and unpadded Base64 and Base64url - Support for `Text` encodings and decodings - Optics for handling more complex structures with Base64 representations via the `base64-lens` package - Checks for both valid Base64 and correct Base64 and Base64url encodings There are no dependencies aside from those bundled with GHC: ![base64 dependencies](https://i.imgur.com/qynI5HM.png) ### Motivation Haskell has two main libraries for Base64: `memory`, and `base64-bytestring`. Of these, `memory` is geared towards integration with other memory primitives in the library, without much of an eye towards performance, while `base64-bytestring` is built to exclusively address `ByteString` encoding and decoding, and is very performant. Many great strides have been made in the realm of Base64 performance and vectorization just in the past 5 years, which this library attempts to capture. Additionally, we attempt to fix perceived shortcomings with both APIs in the support of unpadded Base64 and Base64-url support (which `memory` provides, but not `base64-bytestring`), as well as supporting `Text` values (neither libraries provide).