name: base-unicode-symbols version: cabal-version: >=1.6 build-type: Simple stability: provisional author: Roel van Dijk maintainer: Roel van Dijk copyright: (c) 2009–2010 Roel van Dijk license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE category: homepage: synopsis: Unicode alternatives for common functions and operators description: This package defines new symbols for a number of functions and operators in the base package. . All symbols are documented with their actual definition and information regarding their Unicode code point. They should be completely interchangeable with their definitions. . For further Unicode goodness you can enable the @UnicodeSyntax@ language extension \[1\]. This extension enables Unicode characters to be used to stand for certain ASCII character sequences. For GHC 6.12.3 it provides the following alternatives: . * ∷ (U+2237, PROPORTION) instead of @::@ . * ⇒ (U+21D2, RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW) instead of @=>@ . * ∀ (U+2200, FOR ALL) instead of @forall@ . * → (U+2192, RIGHTWARDS ARROW) instead of @->@ . * ← (U+2190, LEFTWARDS ARROW) instead of @<-@ . Original idea by Péter Diviánszky. . \[1\] source-repository head type: darcs location: library exposed-modules: Control.Applicative.Unicode , Control.Arrow.Unicode , Control.Category.Unicode , Control.Monad.Unicode , Data.Bool.Unicode , Data.Eq.Unicode , Data.Foldable.Unicode , Data.Function.Unicode , Data.List.Unicode , Data.Monoid.Unicode , Data.Ord.Unicode , Prelude.Unicode build-depends: base >= && < 4.4