module GHC.IO.Encoding.Iconv (
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
utf16, utf16le, utf16be,
utf32, utf32le, utf32be,
) where
#include "MachDeps.h"
#include "HsBaseConfig.h"
#if !defined(mingw32_HOST_OS)
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Data.Maybe
import GHC.Base
import GHC.IO.Buffer
import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types
import GHC.Num
import GHC.Show
import GHC.Real
import System.Posix.Internals
iconv_trace :: String -> IO ()
iconv_trace s = puts s
puts :: String -> IO ()
puts s = do withCStringLen (s++"\n") $ \(p, len) ->
c_write 1 (castPtr p) (fromIntegral len)
return ()
iconv_trace _ = return ()
latin1 :: TextEncoding
latin1 = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "Latin1")
utf8 :: TextEncoding
utf8 = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF8")
utf16 :: TextEncoding
utf16 = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF16")
utf16le :: TextEncoding
utf16le = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF16LE")
utf16be :: TextEncoding
utf16be = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF16BE")
utf32 :: TextEncoding
utf32 = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF32")
utf32le :: TextEncoding
utf32le = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF32LE")
utf32be :: TextEncoding
utf32be = unsafePerformIO (mkTextEncoding "UTF32BE")
localeEncoding :: TextEncoding
localeEncoding = unsafePerformIO $ do
cstr <- c_localeEncoding
r <- peekCString cstr
mkTextEncoding r
mkTextEncoding ""
type IConv = CLong
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_iconv_open"
hs_iconv_open :: CString -> CString -> IO IConv
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_iconv_close"
hs_iconv_close :: IConv -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_iconv"
hs_iconv :: IConv -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CSize
-> IO CSize
foreign import ccall unsafe "localeEncoding"
c_localeEncoding :: IO CString
haskellChar :: String
haskellChar | charSize == 2 = "UTF-16BE"
| otherwise = "UTF-32BE"
haskellChar | charSize == 2 = "UTF-16LE"
| otherwise = "UTF-32LE"
char_shift :: Int
char_shift | charSize == 2 = 1
| otherwise = 2
mkTextEncoding :: String -> IO TextEncoding
mkTextEncoding charset = do
return (TextEncoding {
mkTextDecoder = newIConv charset haskellChar iconvDecode,
mkTextEncoder = newIConv haskellChar charset iconvEncode})
newIConv :: String -> String
-> (IConv -> Buffer a -> Buffer b -> IO (Buffer a, Buffer b))
-> IO (BufferCodec a b ())
newIConv from to fn =
withCString from $ \ from_str ->
withCString to $ \ to_str -> do
iconvt <- throwErrnoIfMinus1 "mkTextEncoding" $ hs_iconv_open to_str from_str
let iclose = throwErrnoIfMinus1_ "Iconv.close" $ hs_iconv_close iconvt
return BufferCodec{
encode = fn iconvt,
close = iclose,
getState = return (),
setState = const $ return ()
iconvDecode :: IConv -> Buffer Word8 -> Buffer CharBufElem
-> IO (Buffer Word8, Buffer CharBufElem)
iconvDecode iconv_t ibuf obuf = iconvRecode iconv_t ibuf 0 obuf char_shift
iconvEncode :: IConv -> Buffer CharBufElem -> Buffer Word8
-> IO (Buffer CharBufElem, Buffer Word8)
iconvEncode iconv_t ibuf obuf = iconvRecode iconv_t ibuf char_shift obuf 0
iconvRecode :: IConv -> Buffer a -> Int -> Buffer b -> Int
-> IO (Buffer a, Buffer b)
iconvRecode iconv_t
input@Buffer{ bufRaw=iraw, bufL=ir, bufR=iw, bufSize=_ } iscale
output@Buffer{ bufRaw=oraw, bufL=_, bufR=ow, bufSize=os } oscale
= do
iconv_trace ("haskelChar=" ++ show haskellChar)
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode before, input=" ++ show (summaryBuffer input))
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode before, output=" ++ show (summaryBuffer output))
withRawBuffer iraw $ \ piraw -> do
withRawBuffer oraw $ \ poraw -> do
with (piraw `plusPtr` (ir `shiftL` iscale)) $ \ p_inbuf -> do
with (poraw `plusPtr` (ow `shiftL` oscale)) $ \ p_outbuf -> do
with (fromIntegral ((iwir) `shiftL` iscale)) $ \ p_inleft -> do
with (fromIntegral ((osow) `shiftL` oscale)) $ \ p_outleft -> do
res <- hs_iconv iconv_t p_inbuf p_inleft p_outbuf p_outleft
new_inleft <- peek p_inleft
new_outleft <- peek p_outleft
new_inleft' = fromIntegral new_inleft `shiftR` iscale
new_outleft' = fromIntegral new_outleft `shiftR` oscale
| new_inleft == 0 = input { bufL = 0, bufR = 0 }
| otherwise = input { bufL = iw new_inleft' }
new_output = output{ bufR = os new_outleft' }
iconv_trace ("iconv res=" ++ show res)
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode after, input=" ++ show (summaryBuffer new_input))
iconv_trace ("iconvRecode after, output=" ++ show (summaryBuffer new_output))
if (res /= 1)
then do
return (new_input, new_output)
else do
errno <- getErrno
case errno of
e | e == eINVAL
|| (e == e2BIG || e == eILSEQ) && new_inleft' /= (iwir) -> do
iconv_trace ("iconv ignoring error: " ++ show (errnoToIOError "iconv" e Nothing Nothing))
return (new_input, new_output)
_other ->
throwErrno "iconvRecoder"
#endif /* !mingw32_HOST_OS */