{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP, NoImplicitPrelude, NondecreasingIndentation, RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} module GHC.IO.Encoding.CodePage.API ( mkCodePageEncoding ) where -- Required for WORDS_BIGENDIAN #include import Foreign.C import Foreign.Ptr import Foreign.Marshal import Foreign.Storable import Data.Bits import Data.Either import Data.Word import GHC.Base import GHC.List import GHC.IO.Buffer import GHC.IO.Encoding.Failure import GHC.IO.Encoding.Types import GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF16 import GHC.Num import GHC.Show import GHC.Real import GHC.Windows hiding (LPCSTR) import GHC.ForeignPtr (castForeignPtr) import System.Posix.Internals c_DEBUG_DUMP :: Bool c_DEBUG_DUMP = False debugIO :: String -> IO () debugIO s | c_DEBUG_DUMP = puts s | otherwise = return () #include "windows_cconv.h" type LPCSTR = Ptr Word8 mAX_DEFAULTCHAR :: Int mAX_DEFAULTCHAR = 2 mAX_LEADBYTES :: Int mAX_LEADBYTES = 12 -- Don't really care about the contents of this, but we have to make sure the size is right data CPINFO = CPINFO { maxCharSize :: UINT, defaultChar :: [BYTE], -- ^ Always of length mAX_DEFAULTCHAR leadByte :: [BYTE] -- ^ Always of length mAX_LEADBYTES } -- | @since instance Storable CPINFO where sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined :: UINT) + (mAX_DEFAULTCHAR + mAX_LEADBYTES) * sizeOf (undefined :: BYTE) alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt) peek ptr = do ptr <- return $ castPtr ptr a <- peek ptr ptr <- return $ castPtr $ advancePtr ptr 1 b <- peekArray mAX_DEFAULTCHAR ptr c <- peekArray mAX_LEADBYTES (advancePtr ptr mAX_DEFAULTCHAR) return $ CPINFO a b c poke ptr val = do ptr <- return $ castPtr ptr poke ptr (maxCharSize val) ptr <- return $ castPtr $ advancePtr ptr 1 pokeArray' "CPINFO.defaultChar" mAX_DEFAULTCHAR ptr (defaultChar val) pokeArray' "CPINFO.leadByte" mAX_LEADBYTES (advancePtr ptr mAX_DEFAULTCHAR) (leadByte val) pokeArray' :: Storable a => String -> Int -> Ptr a -> [a] -> IO () pokeArray' msg sz ptr xs | length xs == sz = pokeArray ptr xs | otherwise = errorWithoutStackTrace $ msg ++ ": expected " ++ show sz ++ " elements in list but got " ++ show (length xs) foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h GetCPInfo" c_GetCPInfo :: UINT -- ^ CodePage -> Ptr CPINFO -- ^ lpCPInfo -> IO BOOL foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h MultiByteToWideChar" c_MultiByteToWideChar :: UINT -- ^ CodePage -> DWORD -- ^ dwFlags -> LPCSTR -- ^ lpMultiByteStr -> CInt -- ^ cbMultiByte -> LPWSTR -- ^ lpWideCharStr -> CInt -- ^ cchWideChar -> IO CInt foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h WideCharToMultiByte" c_WideCharToMultiByte :: UINT -- ^ CodePage -> DWORD -- ^ dwFlags -> LPWSTR -- ^ lpWideCharStr -> CInt -- ^ cchWideChar -> LPCSTR -- ^ lpMultiByteStr -> CInt -- ^ cbMultiByte -> LPCSTR -- ^ lpDefaultChar -> LPBOOL -- ^ lpUsedDefaultChar -> IO CInt foreign import WINDOWS_CCONV unsafe "windows.h IsDBCSLeadByteEx" c_IsDBCSLeadByteEx :: UINT -- ^ CodePage -> BYTE -- ^ TestChar -> IO BOOL -- | Returns a slow but correct implementation of TextEncoding using the Win32 API. -- -- This is useful for supporting DBCS text encoding on the console without having to statically link -- in huge code tables into all of our executables, or just as a fallback mechanism if a new code page -- is introduced that we don't know how to deal with ourselves yet. mkCodePageEncoding :: CodingFailureMode -> Word32 -> TextEncoding mkCodePageEncoding cfm cp = TextEncoding { textEncodingName = "CP" ++ show cp, mkTextDecoder = newCP (recoverDecode cfm) cpDecode cp, mkTextEncoder = newCP (recoverEncode cfm) cpEncode cp } newCP :: (Buffer from -> Buffer to -> IO (Buffer from, Buffer to)) -> (Word32 -> Int -> CodeBuffer from to) -> Word32 -> IO (BufferCodec from to ()) newCP rec fn cp = do -- Fail early if the code page doesn't exist, to match the behaviour of the IConv TextEncoding max_char_size <- alloca $ \cpinfo_ptr -> do success <- c_GetCPInfo cp cpinfo_ptr when (not success) $ throwGetLastError ("GetCPInfo " ++ show cp) fmap (fromIntegral . maxCharSize) $ peek cpinfo_ptr debugIO $ "GetCPInfo " ++ show cp ++ " = " ++ show max_char_size return $ BufferCodec { encode = fn cp max_char_size, recover = rec, close = return (), -- Windows doesn't supply a way to save/restore the state and doesn't need one -- since it's a dumb string->string API rather than a clever streaming one. getState = return (), setState = const $ return () } utf16_native_encode' :: EncodeBuffer utf16_native_decode' :: DecodeBuffer #if defined(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) utf16_native_encode' = utf16be_encode utf16_native_decode' = utf16be_decode #else utf16_native_encode' = utf16le_encode utf16_native_decode' = utf16le_decode #endif saner :: CodeBuffer from to -> Buffer from -> Buffer to -> IO (CodingProgress, Int, Buffer from, Buffer to) saner code ibuf obuf = do (why, ibuf', obuf') <- code ibuf obuf -- Weird but true: the UTF16 codes have a special case (see the "done" functions) -- whereby if they entirely consume the input instead of returning an input buffer -- that is empty because bufL has reached bufR, they return a buffer that is empty -- because bufL = bufR = 0. -- -- This is really very odd and confusing for our code that expects the difference -- between the old and new input buffer bufLs to indicate the number of elements -- that were consumed! -- -- We fix it by explicitly extracting an integer which is the # of things consumed, like so: if isEmptyBuffer ibuf' then return (InputUnderflow, bufferElems ibuf, ibuf', obuf') else return (why, bufL ibuf' - bufL ibuf, ibuf', obuf') byteView :: Buffer CWchar -> Buffer Word8 byteView (Buffer {..}) = Buffer { bufState = bufState, bufRaw = castForeignPtr bufRaw, bufSize = bufSize * 2, bufOffset = bufOffset, bufL = bufL * 2, bufR = bufR * 2 } cwcharView :: Buffer Word8 -> Buffer CWchar cwcharView (Buffer {..}) = Buffer { bufState = bufState, bufRaw = castForeignPtr bufRaw, bufSize = half bufSize, bufOffset = bufOffset, bufL = half bufL, bufR = half bufR } where half x = case x `divMod` 2 of (y, 0) -> y _ -> errorWithoutStackTrace "cwcharView: utf16_(encode|decode) (wrote out|consumed) non multiple-of-2 number of bytes" utf16_native_encode :: CodeBuffer Char CWchar utf16_native_encode ibuf obuf = do (why, ibuf, obuf) <- utf16_native_encode' ibuf (byteView obuf) return (why, ibuf, cwcharView obuf) utf16_native_decode :: CodeBuffer CWchar Char utf16_native_decode ibuf obuf = do (why, ibuf, obuf) <- utf16_native_decode' (byteView ibuf) obuf return (why, cwcharView ibuf, obuf) cpDecode :: Word32 -> Int -> DecodeBuffer cpDecode cp max_char_size = \ibuf obuf -> do #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) let mbuf = obuf #else -- FIXME: share the buffer between runs, even if the buffer is not the perfect size let sz = (bufferElems ibuf * 2) -- I guess in the worst case the input CP text consists of 1-byte sequences that map entirely to things outside the BMP and so require 2 UTF-16 chars `min` (bufferAvailable obuf * 2) -- In the best case, each pair of UTF-16 points becomes a single UTF-32 point mbuf <- newBuffer (2 * sz) sz WriteBuffer :: IO (Buffer CWchar) #endif debugIO $ "cpDecode " ++ summaryBuffer ibuf ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer mbuf (why1, ibuf', mbuf') <- cpRecode try' is_valid_prefix max_char_size 1 0 1 ibuf mbuf debugIO $ "cpRecode (cpDecode) = " ++ show why1 ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer ibuf' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer mbuf' #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) return (why1, ibuf', mbuf') #else -- Convert as much UTF-16 as possible to UTF-32. Note that it's impossible for this to fail -- due to illegal characters since the output from Window's encoding function should be correct UTF-16. -- However, it's perfectly possible to run out of either output or input buffer. debugIO $ "utf16_native_decode " ++ summaryBuffer mbuf' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer obuf (why2, target_utf16_count, mbuf', obuf) <- saner utf16_native_decode (mbuf' { bufState = ReadBuffer }) obuf debugIO $ "utf16_native_decode = " ++ show why2 ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer mbuf' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer obuf case why2 of -- If we successfully translate all of the UTF-16 buffer, we need to know why we couldn't get any more -- UTF-16 out of the Windows API InputUnderflow | isEmptyBuffer mbuf' -> return (why1, ibuf', obuf) | otherwise -> errorWithoutStackTrace "cpDecode: impossible underflown UTF-16 buffer" -- InvalidSequence should be impossible since mbuf' is output from Windows. InvalidSequence -> errorWithoutStackTrace "InvalidSequence on output of Windows API" -- If we run out of space in obuf, we need to ask for more output buffer space, while also returning -- the characters we have managed to consume so far. OutputUnderflow -> do -- We have an interesting problem here similar to the cpEncode case where we have to figure out how much -- of the byte buffer was consumed to reach as far as the last UTF-16 character we actually decoded to UTF-32 OK. -- -- The minimum number of bytes it could take is half the number of UTF-16 chars we got on the output, since -- one byte could theoretically generate two UTF-16 characters. -- The common case (ASCII text) is that every byte in the input maps to a single UTF-16 character. -- In the worst case max_char_size bytes map to each UTF-16 character. byte_count <- bSearch "cpDecode" (cpRecode try' is_valid_prefix max_char_size 1 0 1) ibuf mbuf target_utf16_count (target_utf16_count `div` 2) target_utf16_count (target_utf16_count * max_char_size) return (OutputUnderflow, bufferRemove byte_count ibuf, obuf) #endif where is_valid_prefix = c_IsDBCSLeadByteEx cp try' iptr icnt optr ocnt -- MultiByteToWideChar does surprising things if you have ocnt == 0 | ocnt == 0 = return (Left True) | otherwise = do err <- c_MultiByteToWideChar (fromIntegral cp) 8 -- MB_ERR_INVALID_CHARS == 8: Fail if an invalid input character is encountered iptr (fromIntegral icnt) optr (fromIntegral ocnt) debugIO $ "MultiByteToWideChar " ++ show cp ++ " 8 " ++ show iptr ++ " " ++ show icnt ++ " " ++ show optr ++ " " ++ show ocnt ++ "\n = " ++ show err case err of -- 0 indicates that we did not succeed 0 -> do err <- getLastError case err of 122 -> return (Left True) 1113 -> return (Left False) _ -> failWith "MultiByteToWideChar" err wrote_chars -> return (Right (fromIntegral wrote_chars)) cpEncode :: Word32 -> Int -> EncodeBuffer cpEncode cp _max_char_size = \ibuf obuf -> do #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) let mbuf' = ibuf #else -- FIXME: share the buffer between runs, even though that means we can't size the buffer as we want. let sz = (bufferElems ibuf * 2) -- UTF-32 always uses 4 bytes. UTF-16 uses at most 4 bytes. `min` (bufferAvailable obuf * 2) -- In the best case, each pair of UTF-16 points fits into only 1 byte mbuf <- newBuffer (2 * sz) sz WriteBuffer -- Convert as much UTF-32 as possible to UTF-16. NB: this can't fail due to output underflow -- since we sized the output buffer correctly. However, it could fail due to an illegal character -- in the input if it encounters a lone surrogate. In this case, our recovery will be applied as normal. (why1, ibuf', mbuf') <- utf16_native_encode ibuf mbuf #endif debugIO $ "\ncpEncode " ++ summaryBuffer mbuf' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer obuf (why2, target_utf16_count, mbuf', obuf) <- saner (cpRecode try' is_valid_prefix 2 1 1 0) (mbuf' { bufState = ReadBuffer }) obuf debugIO $ "cpRecode (cpEncode) = " ++ show why2 ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer mbuf' ++ " " ++ summaryBuffer obuf #if defined(CHARBUF_UTF16) return (why2, mbuf', obuf) #else case why2 of -- If we successfully translate all of the UTF-16 buffer, we need to know why -- we weren't able to get any more UTF-16 out of the UTF-32 buffer InputUnderflow | isEmptyBuffer mbuf' -> return (why1, ibuf', obuf) | otherwise -> errorWithoutStackTrace "cpEncode: impossible underflown UTF-16 buffer" -- With OutputUnderflow/InvalidSequence we only care about the failings of the UTF-16->CP translation. -- Yes, InvalidSequence is possible even though mbuf' is guaranteed to be valid UTF-16, because -- the code page may not be able to represent the encoded Unicode codepoint. _ -> do -- Here is an interesting problem. If we have only managed to translate part of the mbuf' -- then we need to return an ibuf which has consumed exactly those bytes required to obtain -- that part of the mbuf'. To reconstruct this information, we binary search for the number of -- UTF-32 characters required to get the consumed count of UTF-16 characters: -- -- When dealing with data from the BMP (the common case), consuming N UTF-16 characters will be the same as consuming N -- UTF-32 characters. We start our search there so that most binary searches will terminate in a single iteration. -- Furthermore, the absolute minimum number of UTF-32 characters this can correspond to is 1/2 the UTF-16 byte count -- (this will be realised when the input data is entirely not in the BMP). utf32_count <- bSearch "cpEncode" utf16_native_encode ibuf mbuf target_utf16_count (target_utf16_count `div` 2) target_utf16_count target_utf16_count return (why2, bufferRemove utf32_count ibuf, obuf) #endif where -- Single characters should be mappable to bytes. If they aren't supported by the CP then we have an invalid input sequence. is_valid_prefix _ = return False try' iptr icnt optr ocnt -- WideCharToMultiByte does surprising things if you call it with ocnt == 0 | ocnt == 0 = return (Left True) | otherwise = alloca $ \defaulted_ptr -> do poke defaulted_ptr False err <- c_WideCharToMultiByte (fromIntegral cp) 0 -- NB: the WC_ERR_INVALID_CHARS flag is useless: only has an effect with the UTF-8 code page iptr (fromIntegral icnt) optr (fromIntegral ocnt) nullPtr defaulted_ptr defaulted <- peek defaulted_ptr debugIO $ "WideCharToMultiByte " ++ show cp ++ " 0 " ++ show iptr ++ " " ++ show icnt ++ " " ++ show optr ++ " " ++ show ocnt ++ " NULL " ++ show defaulted_ptr ++ "\n = " ++ show err ++ ", " ++ show defaulted case err of -- 0 indicates that we did not succeed 0 -> do err <- getLastError case err of 122 -> return (Left True) 1113 -> return (Left False) _ -> failWith "WideCharToMultiByte" err wrote_bytes | defaulted -> return (Left False) | otherwise -> return (Right (fromIntegral wrote_bytes)) bSearch :: String -> CodeBuffer from to -> Buffer from -> Buffer to -- From buffer (crucial data source) and to buffer (temporary storage only). To buffer must be empty (L=R). -> Int -- Target size of to buffer -> Int -> Int -> Int -- Binary search min, mid, max -> IO Int -- Size of from buffer required to reach target size of to buffer bSearch msg code ibuf mbuf target_to_elems = go where go mn md mx = do -- NB: this loop repeatedly reencodes on top of mbuf using a varying fraction of ibuf. It doesn't -- matter if we blast the contents of mbuf since we already consumed all of the contents we are going to use. (_why, ibuf, mbuf) <- code (ibuf { bufR = bufL ibuf + md }) mbuf debugIO $ "code (bSearch " ++ msg ++ ") " ++ show md ++ " = " ++ show _why ++ ", " ++ summaryBuffer ibuf ++ summaryBuffer mbuf -- The normal case is to get InputUnderflow here, which indicates that coding basically -- terminated normally. -- -- However, InvalidSequence is also possible if we are being called from cpDecode if we -- have just been unlucky enough to set md so that ibuf straddles a byte boundary. -- In this case we have to be really careful, because we don't want to report that -- "md" elements is the right number when in actual fact we could have had md-1 input -- elements and still produced the same number of bufferElems in mbuf. -- -- In fact, we have to worry about this possibility even if we get InputUnderflow -- since that will report InputUnderflow rather than InvalidSequence if the buffer -- ends in a valid lead byte. So the expedient thing to do is simply to check if -- the input buffer was entirely consumed. -- -- When called from cpDecode, OutputUnderflow is also possible. -- -- Luckily if we have InvalidSequence/OutputUnderflow and we do not appear to have reached -- the target, what we should do is the same as normal because the fraction of ibuf that our -- first "code" coded successfully must be invalid-sequence-free, and ibuf will always -- have been decoded as far as the first invalid sequence in it. case bufferElems mbuf `compare` target_to_elems of -- Coding n "from" chars from the input yields exactly as many "to" chars -- as were consumed by the recode. All is peachy: EQ -> debugIO ("bSearch = " ++ show solution) >> return solution where solution = md - bufferElems ibuf -- If we encoded fewer "to" characters than the target number, try again with more "from" characters (and vice-versa) LT -> go' (md+1) mx GT -> go' mn (md-1) go' mn mx | mn <= mx = go mn (mn + ((mx - mn) `div` 2)) mx | otherwise = errorWithoutStackTrace $ "bSearch(" ++ msg ++ "): search crossed! " ++ show (summaryBuffer ibuf, summaryBuffer mbuf, target_to_elems, mn, mx) cpRecode :: forall from to. Storable from => (Ptr from -> Int -> Ptr to -> Int -> IO (Either Bool Int)) -> (from -> IO Bool) -> Int -- ^ Maximum length of a complete translatable sequence in the input (e.g. 2 if the input is UTF-16, 1 if the input is a SBCS, 2 is the input is a DBCS). Must be at least 1. -> Int -- ^ Minimum number of output elements per complete translatable sequence in the input (almost certainly 1) -> Int -> Int -> CodeBuffer from to cpRecode try' is_valid_prefix max_i_size min_o_size iscale oscale = go where go :: CodeBuffer from to go ibuf obuf | isEmptyBuffer ibuf = return (InputUnderflow, ibuf, obuf) | bufferAvailable obuf < min_o_size = return (OutputUnderflow, ibuf, obuf) | otherwise = try (bufferElems ibuf `min` ((max_i_size * bufferAvailable obuf) `div` min_o_size)) seek_smaller where done why = return (why, ibuf, obuf) seek_smaller n longer_was_valid -- In this case, we can't shrink any further via any method. Calling (try 0) wouldn't be right because that will always claim InputUnderflow... | n <= 1 = if longer_was_valid -- try m (where m >= n) was valid but we overflowed the output buffer with even a single input element then done OutputUnderflow -- there was no initial valid sequence in the input, but it might just be a truncated buffer - we need to check else do byte <- withBuffer ibuf $ \ptr -> peekElemOff ptr (bufL ibuf) valid_prefix <- is_valid_prefix byte done (if valid_prefix && bufferElems ibuf < max_i_size then InputUnderflow else InvalidSequence) -- If we're already looking at very small buffers, try every n down to 1, to ensure we spot as long a sequence as exists while avoiding trying 0. -- Doing it this way ensures that we spot a single initial sequence of length <= max_i_size if any such exists. | n < 2 * max_i_size = try (n - 1) (\pred_n pred_n_was_valid -> seek_smaller pred_n (longer_was_valid || pred_n_was_valid)) -- Otherwise, try a binary chop to try to either get the prefix before the invalid input, or shrink the output down so it fits -- in the output buffer. After the chop, try to consume extra input elements to try to recover as much of the sequence as possible if we -- end up chopping a multi-element input sequence into two parts. -- -- Note that since max_i_size >= 1: -- * (n `div` 2) >= 1, so we don't try 0 -- * ((n `div` 2) + (max_i_size - 1)) < n, so we don't get into a loop where (seek_smaller n) calls post_divide (n `div` 2) calls (seek_smaller n) | let n' = n `div` 2 = try n' (post_divide n' longer_was_valid) post_divide _ _ n True = seek_smaller n True post_divide n' longer_was_valid n False | n < n' + max_i_size - 1 = try (n + 1) (post_divide n' longer_was_valid) -- There's still a chance.. | otherwise = seek_smaller n' longer_was_valid -- No amount of recovery could save us :( try n k_fail = withBuffer ibuf $ \iptr -> withBuffer obuf $ \optr -> do ei_err_wrote <- try' (iptr `plusPtr` (bufL ibuf `shiftL` iscale)) n (optr `plusPtr` (bufR obuf `shiftL` oscale)) (bufferAvailable obuf) debugIO $ "try " ++ show n ++ " = " ++ show ei_err_wrote case ei_err_wrote of -- ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER: A supplied buffer size was not large enough, or it was incorrectly set to NULL. Left True -> k_fail n True -- ERROR_NO_UNICODE_TRANSLATION: Invalid Unicode was found in a string. Left False -> k_fail n False -- Must have interpreted all given bytes successfully -- We need to iterate until we have consumed the complete contents of the buffer Right wrote_elts -> go (bufferRemove n ibuf) (obuf { bufR = bufR obuf + wrote_elts })