module B9.RepositorySpec ( spec, filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyImagesSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate, filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyReposSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate, allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllNonEmptyRepos, allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyReposContainedInTheParameter, allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllImages, allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyPairsSuchThatTheImageIsContainedInTheRepository, maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsNonNothingIfInputHasImages, maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsTheMaximumImage, maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsAValidRepoImagePair, ) where import B9.DiskImages import B9.Repository import Data.Foldable (any) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import Test.Hspec import Test.QuickCheck spec :: HasCallStack => Spec spec = describe "Repository" ( do describe "dropAllButNLatestSharedImages" ( do it "returns a set that is disjunct with the result of keepNLatestSharedImages" ( property ( \(Positive n) sharedImages -> let dropped = dropAllButNLatestSharedImages n sharedImages kept = keepNLatestSharedImages n sharedImages in dropped `Set.disjoint` kept ) ) it "returns a set with at most n * number of unique names entries, for all n >= 0" ( property ( \(Positive n) sharedImages -> let actual = keepNLatestSharedImages n sharedImages noUniqueNames = Set.size ( sharedImageName sharedImages) in Set.size actual <= n * noUniqueNames ) ) ) describe "keepNLatestSharedImages" ( do it "returns a set with a plausible number of elements" ( property ( \n sharedImages -> let actual = keepNLatestSharedImages n sharedImages noUniqueNames = Set.size ( sharedImageName sharedImages) in label "number of output elements < (max 0 n) * number of unqiue image names" (Set.size actual <= max 0 n * noUniqueNames) .&&. classify (n > 0) "n > 0" ( n > 0 ==> label "the output contains as many sharedImageNames as the input" (Set.size ( sharedImageName actual) === noUniqueNames) .&&. label "keepNLatestSharedImages with n == 1 returns exactly as many elements as there are unique names" (Set.size (keepNLatestSharedImages 1 sharedImages) === noUniqueNames) .&&. label "the newest entry in the output is the newest entry in the input" (Set.lookupMax actual === Set.lookupMax sharedImages) ) ) ) it "returns the input unaltered if n >= number of input images" ( property ( \(Positive n) sharedImages -> let actual = keepNLatestSharedImages n sharedImages in n >= Set.size sharedImages ==> sharedImages === actual ) ) it "returns a set with at most n * number of unique names entries, for all n >= 0" ( property ( \(Positive n) sharedImages -> let actual = keepNLatestSharedImages n sharedImages noUniqueNames = Set.size ( sharedImageName sharedImages) in Set.size actual <= n * noUniqueNames ) ) ) describe "filterRepoImagesMap" ( do it "returns all- and only repos matching the repo predicate" (property (withMaxSuccess 20 filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyReposSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate)) it "returns all- and only images matching the image predicate" (property (withMaxSuccess 20 filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyImagesSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate)) it "is idempotent" $ property ( withMaxSuccess 20 ( \(Fun _ repoPred) (Fun _ p) repoImgMap -> let expected = filterRepoImagesMap repoPred p repoImgMap actual = filterRepoImagesMap repoPred p expected in expected === actual ) ) ) describe "lookupCachedImages" ( it "returns only shared images that are cached" (property lookupCachedImagesReturnsOnlyImagesFromCache) ) describe "allSharedImagesWithRepo" ( do it "returns all repositories that are not empty" (property allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllNonEmptyRepos) it "returns only repositories that are in the input" (property allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyReposContainedInTheParameter) it "returns all images" (property allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllImages) it "returns only pairs where the image is in the repository" (property allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyPairsSuchThatTheImageIsContainedInTheRepository) ) describe "maxSharedImageOfAllRepos" ( do it "returns a non-Nothing value of the input has any images and Nothing otherwise" (property maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsNonNothingIfInputHasImages) it "returns the maximum of all images" (property maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsTheMaximumImage) it "returns a pair where the image is in the repository" (property maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsAValidRepoImagePair) ) ) matchesSomeButNotAll :: Foldable t => (a -> Bool) -> t a -> Bool matchesSomeButNotAll p xs = any p xs && any (not . p) xs filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyImagesSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate :: Fun SharedImage Bool -> RepoImagesMap -> Property filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyImagesSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate (Fun _ p) t = let i' = runCodeUnderTest p i'Complement = runCodeUnderTest (not . p) i = allSharedImages t runCodeUnderTest = allSharedImages . flip (filterRepoImagesMap (const True)) t in classify (not (p `any` i)) "predicate matches no image" (null i' && i'Complement == i) .||. classify (p `matchesSomeButNotAll` i) "predicate matches some images" ( p `all` i' && not (p `any` i'Complement) && Set.union i' i'Complement == i && null (Set.intersection i' i'Complement) ) .||. classify (p `all` i) "predicate matches all images" (null i'Complement && i' == i) filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyReposSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate :: Fun Repository Bool -> RepoImagesMap -> Property filterRepoImagesMapReturnsAllAndOnlyReposSatisfieingTheFilterPredicate (Fun _ p) t = let i' = runCodeUnderTest p i'Complement = runCodeUnderTest (not . p) i = allRepositories t runCodeUnderTest = allRepositories . flip (flip filterRepoImagesMap (const True)) t in classify (not (p `any` i)) "predicate matches no repo" (null i' && i'Complement == i) .||. classify (p `matchesSomeButNotAll` i) "predicate matches some repos" ( p `all` i' && not (p `any` i'Complement) && Set.union i' i'Complement == i && null (Set.intersection i' i'Complement) ) .||. classify (p `all` i) "predicate matches all repos" (null i'Complement && i' == i) lookupCachedImagesReturnsOnlyImagesFromCache :: SharedImageName -> RepoImagesMap -> Property lookupCachedImagesReturnsOnlyImagesFromCache sn table = let result = lookupCachedImages sn table in Set.intersection result (fromMaybe (Set.empty) (Map.lookup Cache table)) === result allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllNonEmptyRepos :: RepoImagesMap -> Property allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllNonEmptyRepos t = let nonEmptyRepos = Map.foldrWithKey (\repo imgs acc -> if null imgs then acc else Set.insert repo acc) Set.empty t reposReturned = snd (allSharedImagesWithRepo t) in reposReturned === nonEmptyRepos allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyReposContainedInTheParameter :: RepoImagesMap -> Bool allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyReposContainedInTheParameter t = let allReposReturned = snd (allSharedImagesWithRepo t) in allReposReturned `Set.isSubsetOf` allRepositories t allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllImages :: RepoImagesMap -> Property allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsAllImages t = let allImagesReturned = fst (allSharedImagesWithRepo t) in allImagesReturned === allSharedImages t allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyPairsSuchThatTheImageIsContainedInTheRepository :: RepoImagesMap -> Bool allSharedImagesWithRepoReturnsOnlyPairsSuchThatTheImageIsContainedInTheRepository t = let validPair (i, r) = maybe False (Set.member i) (Map.lookup r t) in all validPair (allSharedImagesWithRepo t) maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsNonNothingIfInputHasImages :: RepoImagesMap -> Property maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsNonNothingIfInputHasImages t = isJust (maxSharedImageOfAllRepos t) =/= null (allSharedImages t) maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsTheMaximumImage :: RepoImagesMap -> Property maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsTheMaximumImage t = not (null (allSharedImages t)) ==> fmap fst (maxSharedImageOfAllRepos t) === Just (maximum (allSharedImages t)) maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsAValidRepoImagePair :: RepoImagesMap -> Property maxSharedImageOfAllReposReturnsAValidRepoImagePair t = case maxSharedImageOfAllRepos t of Just (i, r) -> label "got result" (Just i === (Map.lookup r t >>= Set.lookupMax)) Nothing -> label "got no result" True