module B9.RepositoryIOSpec ( spec, ) where import B9 (ppShow) import B9.Artifact.Readable import B9.Artifact.Readable.Interpreter (assemble) import B9.B9Config import B9.B9Error import B9.B9Logging import B9.B9Monad import B9.BuildInfo import B9.DiskImages import B9.Repository import B9.RepositoryIO import B9.Vm import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.Foldable import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.FilePath import System.IO.B9Extras import Test.Hspec import Text.Printf spec :: HasCallStack => Spec spec = do let cleanCacheAndLookupImages mkCfg buildAction = withTempBuildDirs $ \cfgWithRepo -> do let cfg = overrideB9Config mkCfg cfgWithRepo buildCfg = overrideB9Config noCleanupCfg cfgWithRepo x <- buildAction buildCfg y <- allCachedSharedImages <$> b9Build cfg ( cleanLocalRepoCache *> infoL "SEARCHING FOR SHARED IMAGES" *> getSharedImages ) return (x, y) shareAndLookupTestImages mkCfg = withTempBuildDirs $ \cfgWithRepo -> do let cfg = overrideB9Config mkCfg cfgWithRepo putStrLn (ppShow cfg) sharedImagesExpected <- shareTestImages cfg sharedImagesActual <- allCachedSharedImages <$> b9Build cfg getSharedImages return (sharedImagesExpected, sharedImagesActual) testBuilds3X2 = replicate 3 [ ( t, ImageTarget (Share t Raw KeepSize) (EmptyImage t Ext4 Raw (ImageSize 10 MB)) NotMounted ) | t <- ["testImg0", "testImg1"] ] shareTestImages cfg = fmap concat <$> forM testBuilds3X2 $ \testTargets -> do threadDelay 1200000 forM testTargets $ \(t, dest) -> b9Build cfg ( assemble (Artifact (IID t) (VmImages [dest] NoVmScript)) *> ( SharedImage (SharedImageName t) <$> (SharedImageDate <$> getBuildDate) <*> (SharedImageBuildId <$> getBuildId) <*> pure Raw <*> pure Ext4 ) ) describe "shared_image_cache_cleanup" $ do context "_maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Nothing" $ do context "no images in cache" $ do it "does nothing and returns no error" $ cleanCacheAndLookupImages noCleanupCfg (const (return ())) >>= (`shouldBe` mempty) . snd context "two images names with each three versions" $ do it "removes ALL images" $ cleanCacheAndLookupImages noCleanupCfg shareTestImages >>= (`shouldBe` mempty) . snd context "_maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Just 1" $ do context "no images in cache" $ do it "does nothing and returns no error" $ cleanCacheAndLookupImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg 1) (const (return ())) >>= (`shouldBe` mempty) . snd context "two images names with each three versions" $ do it "retains the latest image of each subset with the same name (somehow they must procreate, right? ;)" $ do (generatedImages, actual) <- cleanCacheAndLookupImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg 1) ( \c -> shareTestImages c *> (b9Build c (allCachedSharedImages <$> getSharedImages)) ) let expected = fold ( (Set.drop 2) (groupBySharedImageName generatedImages) ) actual `shouldBe` expected -- TODO describe "pull shared images" $ do describe "create & share images" $ do describe "Without autmatic cleanup" $ it "returns all shared images that were built" $ do (sharedImagesExpected, sharedImagesActual) <- shareAndLookupTestImages noCleanupCfg sharedImagesActual `shouldBe` Set.fromList sharedImagesExpected describe "with automatic cleanup after build enabled in _maxLocalSharedImageRevisions" $ do describe "with an invalid parameter _maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Just 0" $ do it "does nothing and exits with error" $ shareAndLookupTestImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg (-1)) `shouldThrow` (const True :: Selector SomeException) describe "with an invalid parameter _maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Just -1" $ do it "does nothing and exits with error" $ shareAndLookupTestImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg 0) `shouldThrow` (const True :: Selector B9Error) describe "with a valid parameter _maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Just 1" $ do it "returns the latest of all shared images that were built" $ do (sharedImagesExpected, sharedImagesActual) <- shareAndLookupTestImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg 1) sharedImagesActual `shouldBe` keepNLatestSharedImages 1 (Set.fromList sharedImagesExpected) describe "with a valid parameter _maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Just 2" $ do it "returns the latest two of all shared images that were built" $ do (sharedImagesExpected, sharedImagesActual) <- shareAndLookupTestImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg 2) sharedImagesActual `shouldBe` keepNLatestSharedImages 2 (Set.fromList sharedImagesExpected) describe "with a valid parameter _maxLocalSharedImageRevisions == Just 3000" $ do it "returns the latest 3000 of all shared images that were built" $ do (sharedImagesExpected, sharedImagesActual) <- shareAndLookupTestImages (cleanupAfterBuildCfg 3000) sharedImagesActual `shouldBe` Set.fromList sharedImagesExpected noCleanupCfg :: B9Config -> B9Config noCleanupCfg c = c {_maxLocalSharedImageRevisions = Nothing} cleanupAfterBuildCfg :: Int -> B9Config -> B9Config cleanupAfterBuildCfg n c = c {_maxLocalSharedImageRevisions = Just n} b9Build :: HasCallStack => B9ConfigOverride -> B9 a -> IO a b9Build cfg effect = runB9ConfigActionWithOverrides (runB9 effect) cfg withTempBuildDirs :: HasCallStack => (B9ConfigOverride -> IO a) -> IO a withTempBuildDirs k = bracket acquire release use where acquire = do nixOutDirEnv <- lookupEnv "NIX_BUILD_TOP" let rootDir = maybe InTempDir (((.) . (.)) Path ()) nixOutDirEnv repoRelPath <- printf "testsRepositoryIOSpec-test-repo-%U" <$> randomUUID buildRelPath <- printf "RepositoryIOSpec-root-%U" <$> randomUUID cfgRelPath <- printf "RepositoryIOSpec-b9cfg-%U" <$> randomUUID let tmpRepoPath = rootDir ("tests" repoRelPath) tmpBuildPath = rootDir ("tests" buildRelPath) tmpCfgPath = rootDir ("tests" cfgRelPath) ensureSystemPath tmpRepoPath ensureSystemPath tmpBuildPath tmpBuildPathFileName <- resolve tmpBuildPath return (tmpRepoPath, tmpBuildPathFileName, tmpCfgPath) release (tmpRepoPath, tmpBuildPathFileName, tmpCfgPath) = do let cleanupTmpPath = removePathForcibly <=< resolve cleanupTmpPath tmpRepoPath cleanupTmpPath tmpCfgPath removePathForcibly tmpBuildPathFileName use (tmpRepoPath, tmpBuildPathFileName, tmpCfgPath) = let mkCfg cfgIn = cfgIn { _repositoryCache = Just tmpRepoPath, _projectRoot = Just tmpBuildPathFileName } oCfg = overrideB9Config mkCfg ( overrideWorkingDirectory tmpBuildPathFileName ( overrideDefaultB9ConfigPath tmpCfgPath noB9ConfigOverride ) ) in k oCfg