{-| B9 has a concept of 'B9.DiskImages.SharedImaged'. Shared images can be pulled and
pushed to/from remote locations via rsync+ssh. B9 also maintains a local cache;
the whole thing is supposed to be build-server-safe, that means no two builds
shall interfere with each other. This is accomplished by refraining from
automatic cache updates from/to remote repositories.-}
module B9.Repository (RemoteRepo(..)
                     ,lookupRemoteRepo) where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Data
import Data.List
import Data.ConfigFile
import Text.Printf
import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import B9.ConfigUtils

newtype RepoCache = RepoCache FilePath
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)

data RemoteRepo = RemoteRepo String
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)

remoteRepoRepoId :: RemoteRepo -> String
remoteRepoRepoId (RemoteRepo repoId _ _ _ _) = repoId

newtype SshPrivKey = SshPrivKey FilePath
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)

newtype SshRemoteHost = SshRemoteHost (String,Int)
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)

newtype SshRemoteUser = SshRemoteUser String
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data)

-- | Initialize the local repository cache directory.
initRepoCache :: MonadIO m => SystemPath -> m RepoCache
initRepoCache repoDirSystemPath = do
  repoDir <- resolve repoDirSystemPath
  ensureDir (repoDir ++ "/")
  return (RepoCache repoDir)

-- | Check for existance of priv-key and make it an absolute path.
remoteRepoCheckSshPrivKey :: MonadIO m => RemoteRepo -> m RemoteRepo
remoteRepoCheckSshPrivKey (RemoteRepo rId rp (SshPrivKey keyFile) h u) = do
  exists <- liftIO (doesFileExist keyFile)
  keyFile' <- liftIO (canonicalizePath keyFile)
  unless exists
         (error (printf "SSH Key file '%s' for repository '%s' is missing."
  return (RemoteRepo rId rp (SshPrivKey keyFile') h u)

-- | Initialize the repository; load the corresponding settings from the config
-- file, check that the priv key exists and create the correspondig cache
-- directory.
initRemoteRepo :: MonadIO m
               => RepoCache
               -> RemoteRepo
               -> m RemoteRepo
initRemoteRepo cache repo = do
  -- TODO logging traceL $ printf "Initializing remote repo: %s" (remoteRepoRepoId repo)
  repo' <- remoteRepoCheckSshPrivKey repo
  let (RemoteRepo repoId _ _ _ _) = repo'
  ensureDir (remoteRepoCacheDir cache repoId ++ "/")
  return repo'

-- | Empty the repository; load the corresponding settings from the config
-- file, check that the priv key exists and create the correspondig cache
-- directory.
cleanRemoteRepo :: MonadIO m
                  => RepoCache
                  -> RemoteRepo
                  -> m ()
cleanRemoteRepo cache repo = do
  let repoId = remoteRepoRepoId repo
      repoDir = remoteRepoCacheDir cache repoId ++ "/"
  -- TODO logging infoL $ printf "Cleaning remote repo: %s" repoId
  ensureDir repoDir
  -- TODO logging traceL $ printf "Deleting directory: %s" repoDir
  liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive repoDir
  ensureDir repoDir

-- | Return the cache directory for a remote repository relative to the root
-- cache dir.
remoteRepoCacheDir :: RepoCache  -- ^ The repository cache directory
                   -> String    -- ^ Id of the repository
                   -> FilePath  -- ^ The existing, absolute path to the
                                -- cache directory
remoteRepoCacheDir (RepoCache cacheDir) repoId =
  cacheDir </> "remote-repos" </> repoId

-- | Return the local repository directory.
localRepoDir :: RepoCache  -- ^ The repository cache directory
             -> FilePath  -- ^ The existing, absolute path to the
                          --  directory
localRepoDir (RepoCache cacheDir) =
  cacheDir </> "local-repo"

-- | Persist a repo to a configuration file.
writeRemoteRepoConfig :: RemoteRepo
                      -> ConfigParser
                      -> Either CPError ConfigParser
writeRemoteRepoConfig repo cpIn = cpWithRepo
  where section = repoId ++ repoSectionSuffix
        (RemoteRepo repoId
                    (SshPrivKey keyFile)
                    (SshRemoteHost (host,port))
                    (SshRemoteUser user)) = repo
        cpWithRepo = do cp1 <- add_section cpIn section
                        cp2 <- set cp1 section repoRemotePathK remoteRootDir
                        cp3 <- set cp2 section repoRemoteSshKeyK keyFile
                        cp4 <- set cp3 section repoRemoteSshHostK host
                        cp5 <- setshow cp4 section repoRemoteSshPortK port
                        set cp5 section repoRemoteSshUserK user

-- | Load a repository from a configuration file that has been written by
-- 'writeRepositoryToB9Config'.
lookupRemoteRepo :: [RemoteRepo] -> String -> Maybe RemoteRepo
lookupRemoteRepo repos repoId = lookup repoId repoIdRepoPairs
  where repoIdRepoPairs = map (\r@(RemoteRepo rid _ _ _ _) -> (rid,r)) repos

getConfiguredRemoteRepos :: ConfigParser -> [RemoteRepo]
getConfiguredRemoteRepos cp = map parseRepoSection repoSections
    repoSections =
          filter (repoSectionSuffix `isSuffixOf`) (sections cp)
    parseRepoSection section =
      case parseResult of
        Left e -> error ("Error while parsing repo section \""
                         ++ section ++ "\": " ++ show e)
        Right r -> r
        getsec :: Get_C a =>  OptionSpec -> Either CPError a
        getsec = get cp section
        parseResult =
          RemoteRepo repoId
            <$> getsec repoRemotePathK
            <*> (SshPrivKey <$> getsec repoRemoteSshKeyK)
            <*> (SshRemoteHost <$> ((,) <$> getsec repoRemoteSshHostK
                                        <*> getsec repoRemoteSshPortK))
            <*> (SshRemoteUser <$> getsec repoRemoteSshUserK)
            repoId = let prefixLen = length section - suffixLen
                         suffixLen = length repoSectionSuffix
                         in take prefixLen section

repoSectionSuffix :: String
repoSectionSuffix = "-repo"
repoRemotePathK :: String
repoRemotePathK = "remote_path"
repoRemoteSshKeyK :: String
repoRemoteSshKeyK = "ssh_priv_key_file"
repoRemoteSshHostK :: String
repoRemoteSshHostK = "ssh_remote_host"
repoRemoteSshPortK :: String
repoRemoteSshPortK = "ssh_remote_port"
repoRemoteSshUserK :: String
repoRemoteSshUserK = "ssh_remote_user"