
B9 produces not only VM-Images but also text documents such as configuration
files required by virtual machines. This module is about creating and merging
files containing parsable syntactic structures, such as most configuration files

Imagine you would want to create a cloud-init 'user-data' file from a set
of 'user-data' snippets which each are valid 'user-data' files in yaml syntax
and e.g. a 'writefiles' section. Now the goal is, for b9 to be able to merge
these snippets into one, such that all writefiles sections are combined into
a single writefile section. Another example is OTP/Erlang sys.config files.
This type class is the greatest commonon denominator of types describing a
syntax that can be parsed, concatenated e.g. like in the above example and
rendered. The actual concatenation operation is the append from Monoid,
i.e. like monoid but without the need for an empty element.

module B9.Content.AST ( ConcatableSyntax (..)
                      , ASTish(..)
                      , AST(..)
                      , CanRender(..)
                      ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Data
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader

import B9.Content.StringTemplate

import Test.QuickCheck
import B9.QCUtil

class (Semigroup a) => ConcatableSyntax a where
  decodeSyntax :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Either String a
  encodeSyntax :: a -> B.ByteString

instance ConcatableSyntax B.ByteString where
  decodeSyntax _ = Right
  encodeSyntax   = id

-- | A simple AST wrapper for merging embeded ASTs
data AST c a = ASTObj [(String, AST c a)]
             | ASTArr [AST c a]
             | ASTMerge [AST c a]
             | ASTEmbed c
             | ASTString String
             | ASTParse SourceFile
             | AST a
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq)

-- | Structure data into an abstract syntax tree
class (ConcatableSyntax a) => ASTish a where
  fromAST :: (CanRender c
            ,Applicative m
            ,Monad m
            ,MonadIO m
            ,MonadReader Environment m)
          => AST c a
          -> m a

-- | Things that produce byte strings.
class CanRender c where
  render :: (Functor m
           ,Applicative m
           ,MonadIO m
           ,MonadReader Environment m)
         => c
         -> m B.ByteString

instance (Arbitrary c, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (AST c a) where
  arbitrary = oneof [ASTObj <$> smaller (listOf ((,)
                                                 <$> arbitrary
                                                 <*> arbitrary))
                    ,ASTArr <$> smaller (listOf arbitrary)
                    ,ASTMerge <$> sized
                                    (\s -> resize (max 2 s)
                                                  (listOf (halfSize arbitrary)))
                    ,ASTEmbed <$> smaller arbitrary
                    ,ASTString <$> arbitrary
                    ,ASTParse <$> smaller arbitrary
                    ,AST <$> smaller arbitrary