0.1.5 ===== * Provide `NFData` instances for all suitable types. 0.1.4 ===== * Solve [issue #15](https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-aws-kinesis/issues/15), adding support for custom endpoints. * Add support for specifying a protocol to `KinesisConfiguration`. * Raise lower bound on aws-general to 0.2.1. 0.1.3 ===== * Fix [bug #9](https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-aws-kinesis/issues/9); accept both `Message` and `message` in JSON error responses from AWS. * Solve [issue #11](https://github.com/alephcloud/hs-aws-kinesis/issues/11); export PutRecords from Aws.Kinesis * Raise lower bound on aws-general to 0.2. 0.1.2 ===== * Add support `PutRecords` action. * Fix a bug in the `GetShardIterator` action's `ToJSON` instance which prevented starting an iterator at a sequence number. 0.1.1 ===== * Add `IteratedTransaction` and `ListResponse` instances for `DescribeStream`, `GetRecords`, and `ListStreams`. * Fix recognition of test failures. 0.1 === First public version.