-- Copyright (c) 2013-2015 PivotCloud, Inc. -- -- Main -- -- Please feel free to contact us at licensing@pivotmail.com with any -- contributions, additions, or other feedback; we would love to hear from -- you. -- -- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may -- not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a -- copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 -- -- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software -- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT -- WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the -- License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations -- under the License. -- | -- Module: Main -- Copyright: Copyright (c) 2013-2015 PivotCloud, Inc. -- license: Apache License, Version 2.0 -- Maintainer: Lars Kuhtz -- Stability: experimental -- -- Tests for Haskell Kinesis bindings {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Main ( main ) where import Aws import Aws.Kinesis import Control.Error import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.List as L import Data.Monoid import Data.Proxy import qualified Data.Text as T import Test.Tasty import System.Exit import System.Environment import Utils defaultStreamName :: StreamName defaultStreamName = "test-stream" -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Main -- | Since these tests generate costs there should be a warning and -- we also should require an explicit command line argument that expresses -- the concent of the user. -- main :: IO () main = getArgs >>= runMain where runMain args | "--help" `elem` args || "-h" `elem` args = defaultMain tests | "--run-with-aws-credentials" `elem` args = withArgs (filter (/= "--run-with-aws-credentials") args) $ defaultMain tests | otherwise = putStrLn help >> exitFailure help :: String help = L.intercalate "\n" [ "" , "NOTE" , "" , "This test suite accesses the AWS account that is associated with" , "the default credentials from the credential file ~/.aws-keys." , "" , "By running the tests in this test-suite costs for usage of AWS" , "services may incur." , "" , "In order to actually excute the tests in this test-suite you must" , "provide the command line option:" , "" , " --run-with-aws-credentials" , "" , "When running this test-suite through cabal you may use the following" , "command:" , "" , " cabal test kinesis-tests --test-option=--run-with-aws-credentials" , "" ] tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Kinesis Tests" [ test_jsonRoundtrips , test_createStream , test_stream1 ] -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Kinesis Utils kinesisConfiguration :: KinesisConfiguration qt kinesisConfiguration = defaultKinesisConfiguration testRegion simpleKinesis :: (AsMemoryResponse a, Transaction r a, ServiceConfiguration r ~ KinesisConfiguration, MonadIO m) => r -> m (MemoryResponse a) simpleKinesis command = do c <- baseConfiguration simpleAws c kinesisConfiguration command simpleKinesisT :: (AsMemoryResponse a, Transaction r a, ServiceConfiguration r ~ KinesisConfiguration, MonadIO m) => r -> EitherT T.Text m (MemoryResponse a) simpleKinesisT = tryT . simpleKinesis testStreamName :: StreamName -> StreamName testStreamName = either (error . T.unpack) id . streamName . T.take 128 . testData . streamNameText -- | -- withStream :: StreamName -- ^ Stream Name -> Int -- ^ Shard count -> IO a -> IO a withStream stream shardCount = bracket_ createStream deleteStream where createStream = simpleKinesis $ CreateStream shardCount stream deleteStream = void $ simpleKinesis (DeleteStream stream) -- | The function 'withResource' from "Tasty" synchronizes the aquired -- resource through a 'TVar'. We don't need that for a stream. So instead -- of passing the 'IO StreamName' from 'withResource' we directly pass -- 'StreamName' to the inner function. -- withStreamTest :: StreamName -- ^ stream name suffix -> Int -- ^ shard count -> (StreamName -> TestTree) -> TestTree withStreamTest stream shardCount f = withResource createStream deleteStream $ const (f tstream) where createStream = do void . simpleKinesis $ CreateStream shardCount tstream return tstream deleteStream = const . void . simpleKinesis $ DeleteStream tstream tstream = testStreamName stream -- | Wait for a stream to become active -- waitActiveT :: Int -- ^ upper bound on the number of seconds to wait. -- The actual maximal number of seconds is closest smaller -- power of two. -> StreamName -> EitherT T.Text IO StreamDescription waitActiveT sec stream = retryT maxRetry $ do DescribeStreamResponse d <- simpleKinesisT $ DescribeStream Nothing Nothing stream unless (streamDescriptionStreamStatus d == StreamStatusActive) $ left "Stream is not active" return d where maxRetry = floor $ logBase 2 (fromIntegral sec :: Double) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Types test_jsonRoundtrips :: TestTree test_jsonRoundtrips = testGroup "JSON encoding roundtrips" [ test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy StreamName) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy ShardId) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy SequenceNumber) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy PartitionHash) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy PartitionKey) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy ShardIterator) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy ShardIteratorType) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy Record) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy StreamDescription) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy StreamStatus) , test_jsonRoundtrip (Proxy :: Proxy Shard) ] -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Stream Tests test_stream1 :: TestTree test_stream1 = withStreamTest defaultStreamName 1 $ \stream -> testGroup "Perform a series of tests on a single stream" [ eitherTOnceTest0 "list streams" (prop_streamList stream) , eitherTOnceTest0 "describe stream" (prop_streamDescribe 1 stream) , eitherTOnceTest2 "put and get stream" (prop_streamPutGet stream) ] prop_streamList :: StreamName -> EitherT T.Text IO () prop_streamList stream = do ListStreamsResponse _ streams <- simpleKinesisT $ ListStreams Nothing Nothing unless (stream `elem` streams) $ left $ "stream " <> streamNameText stream <> " is not listed" prop_streamDescribe :: Int -- ^ expected number of shards -> StreamName -> EitherT T.Text IO () prop_streamDescribe shardNum stream = do desc <- waitActiveT 64 stream unless (streamDescriptionStreamName desc == stream) . left $ "unexpected stream name in description: " <> streamNameText (streamDescriptionStreamName desc) let l = length $ streamDescriptionShards desc unless (l == shardNum) . left $ "unexpected number of shards in stream description: " <> sshow l prop_streamPutGet :: StreamName -> B.ByteString -- ^ Message data -> PartitionKey -> EitherT T.Text IO () prop_streamPutGet stream dat key = do desc <- waitActiveT 64 stream let shards = streamDescriptionShards desc PutRecordResponse putSeqNr putShard <- simpleKinesisT PutRecord { putRecordData = dat , putRecordExplicitHashKey = Nothing , putRecordPartitionKey = key , putRecordSequenceNumberForOrdering = Nothing , putRecordStreamName = stream } let shardIds = map shardShardId shards unless (putShard `elem` shardIds) . left $ "unexpected shard id: expected on of " <> sshow shardIds <> "; got " <> sshow putShard record <- retryT 5 $ do GetShardIteratorResponse it <- simpleKinesisT GetShardIterator { getShardIteratorShardId = putShard , getShardIteratorShardIteratorType = TrimHorizon , getShardIteratorStartingSequenceNumber = Nothing , getShardIteratorStreamName = stream } GetRecordsResponse _nextIt records <- simpleKinesisT GetRecords { getRecordsLimit = Nothing , getRecordsShardIterator = it } case records of [] -> left "no record found in stream" [r] -> return r t -> left $ "unexpected records found in stream: " <> sshow t let getData = recordData record unless (getData == dat) . left $ "data does not match: expected " <> sshow dat <> "; got " <> sshow getData let getSeqNr = recordSequenceNumber record unless (getSeqNr == putSeqNr) . left $ "sequence numbers don't match: expected " <> sshow putSeqNr <> "; got " <> sshow getSeqNr let getPartKey = recordPartitionKey record unless (getPartKey == key) . left $ "partition keys don't match: expected " <> sshow key <> "; got " <> sshow getPartKey -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Stream Creation Tests test_createStream :: TestTree test_createStream = testGroup "Stream creation" [ eitherTOnceTest1 "create list delete" prop_createListDelete ] prop_createListDelete :: StreamName -- ^ stream name -> EitherT T.Text IO () prop_createListDelete stream = do CreateStreamResponse <- simpleKinesisT $ CreateStream 1 tstream handleT (\e -> deleteStream >> left e) $ do ListStreamsResponse _ allStreams <- simpleKinesisT $ ListStreams Nothing Nothing unless (tstream `elem` allStreams) . left $ "stream " <> streamNameText tstream <> " not listed" deleteStream where deleteStream = void $ simpleKinesisT (DeleteStream tstream) tstream = testStreamName stream