module AutoApply ( autoapply , autoapplyDecs ) where import Control.Applicative import Control.Arrow ( (>>>) ) import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Logic ( LogicT , observeManyT ) import Control.Monad.Trans as T import Control.Monad.Trans.Except import Control.Unification import Control.Unification.IntVar import Control.Unification.Types import Data.Foldable import Data.Functor import Data.Functor.Fixedpoint import Data.Maybe import Data.Traversable import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Desugar import Prelude hiding ( pred ) -- | @autoapply argsSubsuming argsUnifying fun@ creates an expression which is -- equal to @fun@ applied to as many of the values in @argsSubsuming@ and -- @argsUnifying@ as possible. -- -- The types of first list of args must subsume the type of the argument -- they're passed to. The types of the second list must merely unify. autoapply :: [Name] -- ^ Values which will be used if their type subsumes the argument type -> [Name] -- ^ Values which will be used if their type unifies with the argument type -> Name -- ^ A function to apply to some values -> Q Exp autoapply subsuming unifying fun = do unifyingInfos <- for unifying $ fmap (uncurry (Given Unifying)) . reifyVal "Argument" subsumingInfos <- for subsuming $ fmap (uncurry (Given Subsuming)) . reifyVal "Argument" funInfo <- uncurry Function <$> reifyVal "Function" fun autoapply1 (unifyingInfos <> subsumingInfos) funInfo -- | @autoapplyDecs mkName argsSubsuming argsUnifying funs@ will wrap every -- function in @funs@ by applying it to as many of the values in -- @argsSubsuming@ and @argsUnifying@ as possible. The new function name will -- be @mkName@ applied to the wrapped function name. -- -- The types of first list of args must subsume the type of the argument -- they're passed to. The types of the second list must merely unify. -- -- Type signatures are not generated, so you may want to add these yourself or -- turn on @NoMonomorphismRestriction@ if you have polymorphic constraints. autoapplyDecs :: (String -> String) -- ^ A function to generate a new name for the wrapping function -> [Name] -- ^ A list of values which will be passed to any arguments their type subsumes -> [Name] -- ^ A list of values which will be passed to any arguments their type unify with -> [Name] -- ^ A list of function to wrap with the above parameters -> Q [Dec] autoapplyDecs getNewName subsuming unifying funs = do unifyingInfos <- for unifying $ fmap (uncurry (Given Unifying)) . reifyVal "Argument" subsumingInfos <- for subsuming $ fmap (uncurry (Given Subsuming)) . reifyVal "Argument" funInfos <- for funs $ fmap (uncurry Function) . reifyVal "Function" let mkFun fun = do exp' <- autoapply1 (unifyingInfos <> subsumingInfos) fun pure $ FunD (mkName . getNewName . nameBase . fName $ fun) [Clause [] (NormalB exp') []] traverse mkFun funInfos -- | A given is something we can try to pass as an argument data Given = Given { gUnificationType :: UnificationType , gName :: Name , gType :: DType } deriving Show data UnificationType = Unifying | Subsuming deriving Show -- | A function we are wrapping data Function = Function { fName :: Name , fType :: DType } deriving (Show) autoapply1 :: [Given] -> Function -> Q Exp autoapply1 givens fun = do -- In this function we: -- -- - Instantiate the command type with new unification variables -- - Split it into arguments and return type -- - Try to unify or subsume it with every 'Given' at every argument -- - If we can unify the monad of the 'Given' with that of the functions and -- unify the argument type, use that. -- - If nothing matches we just use an 'Argument' -- - Take the first result of all these tries let (fmap varBndrName -> cmdVarNames, preds, args, ret) = unravel (fType fun) defaultMaybe m = (Just <$> m) <|> pure Nothing liftQ :: Q a -> IntBindingT TypeF (LogicT Q) a liftQ = T.lift . T.lift errorToLogic go = runExceptT go >>= \case Left (_ :: UFailure TypeF IntVar) -> empty Right x -> pure x -- Quant will invent new variable names for any unification variables -- still free quant t = do vs <- getFreeVars t for_ vs $ \v -> bindVar v . (UTerm . VarF) =<< liftQ (newName "a") -- Use LogicT so we can backtrack on failure genProvs :: LogicT Q [ArgProvenance] genProvs = evalIntBindingT $ do cmdVars <- sequence [ (n, ) <$> freeVar | n <- cmdVarNames ] instArgs <- traverse (fmap (instWithVars cmdVars . snd) . liftQ . typeDtoF) args cmdM <- UVar <$> freeVar retInst <- fmap (instWithVars cmdVars . snd) . liftQ . typeDtoF $ ret -- A list of -- ( type to unify -- , predicate to use this match -- , the given providing the value -- ) -- -- The predicate is there to make sure we only match unifiable monads instGivens <- fmap concat . for givens $ \g@Given {..} -> do -- The Given applied as is nonApp <- do instTy <- uncurry inst <=< liftQ . typeDtoF $ gType v <- liftQ $ newName "g" pure (instTy, pure (), BoundPure v g) -- The given, but in an applicative context, only possible if we can -- unify the monad and there is a Monad instance app <- case stripForall gType of (vars, DAppT m a) -> liftQ (isInstance ''Applicative [sweeten m]) >>= \case False -> pure Nothing True -> do m' <- inst vars . snd <=< liftQ . typeDtoF $ m a' <- inst vars . snd <=< liftQ . typeDtoF $ a v <- liftQ $ newName "g" let predicate = do _ <- unify m' cmdM pure () pure $ Just (a', predicate, Bound v g) _ -> pure Nothing pure ([nonApp] <> toList app) as <- for instArgs $ \argTy -> defaultMaybe . asum $ instGivens <&> \(givenTy, predicate, g) -> do errorToLogic $ do predicate freshGivenTy <- freshen givenTy let u = case g of Bound _ Given {..} -> gUnificationType BoundPure _ Given {..} -> gUnificationType Argument _ _ -> Unifying case u of Unifying -> void $ unify freshGivenTy argTy Subsuming -> do s <- subsumes freshGivenTy argTy lift $ guard s pure g -- If we used any monadic bindings, we must have a Monad instance for -- the return variable. If it's polymorphic then assume an instance. when (any isMonadicBind (catMaybes as)) $ do a <- UVar <$> freeVar ret' <- errorToLogic $ unify retInst (UTerm (AppF cmdM a)) quant ret' retFrozen <- freeze <$> errorToLogic (applyBindings ret') case retFrozen of Just (Fix (AppF m _)) -> do let typeD = typeFtoD m liftQ (isInstance ''Applicative [sweeten typeD]) >>= \case False -> empty True -> pure () Nothing -> liftQ $ fail "\"impossible\", return type didn't freeze while checking monadic bindings" _ -> empty -- Guard on all the instances being satisfiable -- -- This must come after the Monadic binding checker so that the (possibly -- new) return type has been constrained a little. for_ preds $ \pred -> do -- Get the constraint with the correct unification variables instPred <- fmap (instWithVars cmdVars . snd) . liftQ . typeDtoF $ pred -- Quantify over any still free quant instPred -- Freeze it instFrozen <- freeze <$> errorToLogic (applyBindings instPred) case instFrozen of Just f -> do let (class', predArgs) = unfoldDType (typeFtoD f) typeArgs = [ a | DTANormal a <- predArgs ] className <- case class' of DConT n -> pure n _ -> liftQ $ fail "unfolded predicate didn't begin with a ConT" -- Ignore when the name is a type family because of -- liftQ (reifyWithWarning className) >>= \case ClassI _ _ -> liftQ (isInstance className (sweeten <$> typeArgs)) >>= \case False -> empty True -> pure () FamilyI _ _ -> pure () _ -> liftQ $ fail "Predicate name isn't a class or a type family" Nothing -> liftQ $ fail "\"impossible\": predicate didn't freeze while checking predicates" for (zip args as) $ \case (_, Just p ) -> pure p (t, Nothing) -> (`Argument` t) <$> liftQ (newName "a") argProvenances <- note "\"Impossible\" Finding argument provenances failed (unless the function context containts a class with no instances)" . listToMaybe =<< observeManyT 1 genProvs unless (length argProvenances == length args) $ fail "\"Impossible\", incorrect number of argument provenances were found" let bindGiven = \case BoundPure _ _ -> Nothing Bound n g -> Just $ BindS (VarP n) (VarE (gName g)) Argument _ _ -> Nothing bs = catMaybes (bindGiven <$> argProvenances) ret' = applyDExp (DVarE (fName fun)) (argProvenances <&> \case Bound n _ -> DVarE n BoundPure _ (Given _ n _) -> DVarE n Argument n _ -> DVarE n ) exp' <- dsDoStmts (bs <> [NoBindS (sweeten ret')]) -- Typing the arguments here is important, if we don't then some skolems -- might escape! -- -- Consider wrapping @f :: (forall a. a) -> ()@ (and supplying no arguments). -- We end up with the splice @myF x = f x@, and the @a@ in the argument to -- @f@ escapes. We can fix this by typing the pattern explicitly, thusly @myF -- (x :: forall a. a) = f x@ pure $ LamE [ SigP (VarP n) (sweeten t) | Argument n t <- argProvenances ] (sweeten exp') data ArgProvenance = Bound Name Given -- ^ Comes from a monadic binding | BoundPure Name Given -- ^ Comes from a pure binding, i.e. let ... in | Argument Name DType -- ^ Comes from an argument to the wrapped function deriving (Show) isMonadicBind :: ArgProvenance -> Bool isMonadicBind = \case Bound _ _ -> True _ -> False ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Haskell types as a fixed point of TypeF ---------------------------------------------------------------- data TypeF a = AppF a a | VarF Name | ConF Name | ArrowF | LitF TyLit deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable, Traversable) -- TODO: Derive this with generics instance Unifiable TypeF where zipMatch (AppF l1 r1) (AppF l2 r2) = Just (AppF (Right (l1, l2)) (Right (r1, r2))) zipMatch (VarF n1) (VarF n2) | n1 == n2 = Just (VarF n1) zipMatch (ConF n1) (ConF n2) | n1 == n2 = Just (ConF n1) zipMatch ArrowF ArrowF = Just ArrowF zipMatch (LitF l1) (LitF l2) | l1 == l2 = Just (LitF l1) zipMatch _ _ = Nothing -- | Returns the type as a @Fix TypeF@ along with any quantified names. Drops -- any context. typeDtoF :: MonadFail m => DType -> m ([Name], Fix TypeF) typeDtoF = traverse go . stripForall where go = \case DForallT{} -> fail "TODO: Higher ranked types" DConstrainedT{} -> fail "TODO: Higher ranked types" DAppT l r -> do l' <- go l r' <- go r pure $ Fix (AppF l' r') DAppKindT t _ -> go t DSigT t _ -> go t DVarT n -> pure . Fix $ VarF n DConT n -> pure . Fix $ ConF n DArrowT -> pure . Fix $ ArrowF DLitT l -> pure . Fix $ LitF l DWildCardT -> fail "TODO: Wildcards" typeFtoD :: Fix TypeF -> DType typeFtoD = unFix >>> \case AppF l r -> DAppT (typeFtoD l) (typeFtoD r) VarF n -> DVarT n ConF n -> DConT n ArrowF -> DArrowT LitF l -> DLitT l varBndrName :: DTyVarBndr -> Name varBndrName = \case DPlainTV n -> n DKindedTV n _ -> n -- | Raise foralls on the spine of the function type to the top -- -- For example @forall a. a -> forall b. b@ becomes @forall a b. a -> b@ raiseForalls :: DType -> DType raiseForalls = go >>> \case (vs, ctx, t) -> DForallT ForallVis vs . DConstrainedT ctx $ t where go = \case DForallT _ vs t -> let (vs', ctx', t') = go t in (vs <> vs', ctx', t') DConstrainedT ctx t -> let (vs', ctx', t') = go t in (vs', ctx <> ctx', t') l :~> r -> let (vs, ctx, r') = go r in (vs, ctx, l :~> r') t -> ([], [], t) pattern (:~>) :: DType -> DType -> DType pattern l :~> r = DArrowT `DAppT` l `DAppT` r -- | Instantiate a type with unification variables inst :: BindingMonad TypeF IntVar m => [Name] -> Fix TypeF -> m (UTerm TypeF IntVar) inst ns t = do vs <- sequence [ (n, ) <$> freeVar | n <- ns ] pure $ instWithVars vs t -- | Instantiate a type with unification variables instWithVars :: [(Name, IntVar)] -> Fix TypeF -> UTerm TypeF IntVar instWithVars vs t = let go (Fix f) = case f of AppF l r -> UTerm (AppF (go l) (go r)) VarF n | Just v <- lookup n vs -> UVar v VarF n -> UTerm (VarF n) ConF n -> UTerm (ConF n) ArrowF -> UTerm ArrowF LitF l -> UTerm (LitF l) in go t ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utils ---------------------------------------------------------------- reifyVal :: String -> Name -> Q (Name, DType) reifyVal d n = dsReify n >>= \case Just (DVarI name ty _) -> pure (name, ty) _ -> fail $ d <> " " <> show n <> " isn't a value" stripForall :: DType -> ([Name], DType) stripForall = raiseForalls >>> \case DForallT _ vs (DConstrainedT _ ty) -> (varBndrName <$> vs, ty) DForallT _ vs ty -> (varBndrName <$> vs, ty) DConstrainedT _ ty -> ([], ty) ty -> ([], ty) unravel :: DType -> ([DTyVarBndr], [DPred], [DType], DType) unravel t = let (argList, ret) = unravelDType t go = \case DFANil -> ([], [], []) DFAForalls _ vs as -> (vs, [], []) <> go as DFACxt preds as -> ([], preds, []) <> go as DFAAnon a as -> ([], [], [a]) <> go as in let (vs, preds, args) = go argList in (vs, preds, args, ret) note :: MonadFail m => String -> Maybe a -> m a note s = maybe (fail s) pure