-- file: System/Augeas.hs

-- Haskell bindings for the Augeas library
-- Copyright (c) 2009-2012, Jude Nagurney

-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
-- under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by 
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
-- (at your option) any later version.

-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
-- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY 
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
-- License for more details.

-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License 
-- along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 
-- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA 

-- Contact the author at
-- jude@pwan.org

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

#ifndef _config_h
#include "../Config.h"
#define _config_h

  This module provides FFI bindings for the Augeas API (<http://augeas.net/docs/api.html>).
  /Note aug_close is not surfaced in the API because because the ForeignPtr returned by/
  /aug_init uses aug_close as its finializer./
module System.Augeas
    -- * Types
    , AugFlag(..)
    , none, save_backup, save_newfile, type_check, no_stdinc, save_noop, no_load, no_modl_autoload
    , enable_span
    , AugMatch
    , exactly_one, no_match, invalid_match
    , AugRet(..)
    , success, one, System.Augeas.error
    , AugBefore(..)
    , just_before, just_after
    , AugErrCode(..)
    , no_error,  err_no_memory, err_internal, err_bad_path, err_no_match, err_multi_matches, err_syntax, err_no_lens, err_multi_xfm
    , err_no_span
    , err_mv_desc
    , err_cmd_run
    -- * Functions
    , aug_init
    , aug_defvar
    , aug_defnode
    , aug_get
    , aug_set
    , aug_setm
    , aug_span
    , aug_insert
    , aug_rm
    , aug_mv
    , aug_match
    , aug_save
    , aug_load
    , aug_print
    , aug_srun
    , aug_error    
    , aug_error_message        
    , aug_error_minor_message
    , aug_error_details
    , aug_to_xml
    ) where

import System.IO
import System.Posix.IO
import System.Posix.Types
import Foreign
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.String
import GHC.IO.Handle
import Data.ByteString.Char8

import System.AugeasHsc

-- --------------
-- Augeas pointer
-- --------------
   A pointer to the Augeas tree structure
   Not using a typed pointer (as per RWH p416) because of the compiler warning
--newtype Augeas = Augeas (Ptr Augeas)
--        deriving (Eq, Show)
type Augeas = ()

-- ---------
-- aug_match
-- ---------

  The possible 'aug_get' return values.
newtype AugMatch = AugMatch CInt
        deriving (Eq, Show)

  Exactly one match was found.
exactly_one  :: AugMatch
exactly_one  = AugMatch 1

  No matches were found
no_match  :: AugMatch
no_match  = AugMatch 0

 Either an invalid paths, or multiple matches were found.
invalid_match  :: AugMatch
invalid_match  = AugMatch (-1)

-- -------
-- aug_ret
-- -------
  The possible return values for the 'aug_set', 'aug_insert', 'aug_mv', 'aug_save', and 'aug_print' functions
newtype AugRet = AugRet CInt
        deriving (Eq, Show)

   The function worked as expected
success  :: AugRet
success  = AugRet 0

   The function failed
error  :: AugRet
error  = AugRet (-1)

one :: AugRet
one = AugRet 1

-- ----------
-- aug_before
-- ----------
  The possible BEFORE values fro the aug_insert function
newtype AugBefore = AugBefore CInt
        deriving (Eq, Show)

   Insert the LABEL just before the PATH
just_before  :: AugBefore
just_before  = AugBefore 1

   Insert the LABEL just after the PATH
just_after  :: AugBefore
just_after  = AugBefore 0

-- utility functions

combineFlags :: [AugFlag] -> AugFlag
combineFlags = AugFlag . Prelude.foldr ((.|.) . unAugFlag) 0

-- --------
-- aug_init
-- --------

-- TODO:  Replace loadpath string with a dedicated loadpath type ?
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_init"
   c_aug_init :: CString -> CString -> AugFlag -> IO (Ptr Augeas)            

 Initialize the library.
 Use ROOT as the filesystem root. If ROOT is NULL, use the value of the
 environment variable AUGEAS_ROOT. If that doesn't exist either, use \"\/\".

 LOADPATH is a colon-spearated list of directories that modules should be
 searched in. This is in addition to the standard load path and the
 directories in AUGEAS_LENS_LIB

 FLAGS is a list of AugFlags

 Return a ForeignPtr to the Augeas tree upon success. If initialization
 fails, returns Nothing.

 /Note that the ForeignPtr returned by the function is using aug_close  as a finializer,/
 /so aug_close is called automatically when the Augeas pointer goes out of scope./

 /Therefore, there is no need to surface aug_close in the library./

aug_init :: ByteString            -- ^ ROOT
          -> ByteString           -- ^ LOADPATH
          -> [AugFlag]            -- ^ FLAGS
          -> IO (Maybe (ForeignPtr Augeas)) -- ^ Augeas pointer
aug_init bstr1 bstr2 flags  =
     useAsCString bstr1 $ \root -> do
       useAsCString bstr2 $ \loadpath -> do
         aug_ptr <- c_aug_init root loadpath (combineFlags flags)
         if (aug_ptr == nullPtr)
            then do
              return Nothing
            else do
              ret_ptr <- newForeignPtr c_aug_close aug_ptr  -- release with aug_close
              return (Just ret_ptr)

-- ---------
-- aug_close
-- ---------

foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h &aug_close"
        c_aug_close :: FinalizerPtr Augeas

-- from augeas.h:
--    Close this Augeas instance and free any storage associated with
--    it. After running AUG_CLOSE, AUG is invalid and can not be used for any
--    more operations.
--aug_close :: FinalizerPtr Augeas
--aug_close =  c_aug_close 

-- ----------
-- aug_defvar
-- ----------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_defvar"
        c_aug_defvar :: Ptr Augeas                  -- aug
                     -> CString                     -- name
                     -> CString                     -- expr
                     -> IO (AugRet)                 -- return_value

  Function: aug_defvar
   Define a variable NAME whose value is the result of evaluating EXPR. If
   a variable NAME already exists, its name will be replaced with the
   result of evaluating EXPR.  Context will not be applied to EXPR.
   If (Maybe EXPR) is Nothing, the variable NAME will be removed if it is defined.
   Path variables can be used in path expressions later on by prefixing
   them with '$'.
   Returns -1 on error; on success, returns 0 if EXPR evaluates to anything
   other than a nodeset, and the number of nodes if EXPR evaluates to a
aug_defvar :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
           -> ByteString  -- ^ NAME
           -> (Maybe ByteString)  -- ^ Maybe EXPR
           -> IO (AugRet) -- ^ AugRet

aug_defvar aug_ptr bstr1 maybe_bstr2 = 
               Prelude.error "aug_defvar requires at least augeas version 0.5.0"
               Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bstr1) ++ (show maybe_bstr2))  -- stop compiler warning
               useAsCString bstr1 $ \name -> do
                 ret <- (case maybe_bstr2 of
                           (Just bstr2) ->  useAsCString bstr2 $ \expr -> do c_aug_defvar aug_ptr name expr
                           (Nothing) ->     c_aug_defvar aug_ptr name nullPtr)                   
                 return ret

-- -----------
-- aug_defnode
-- -----------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_defnode"
        c_aug_defnode :: Ptr Augeas                  -- aug
                      -> CString                     -- name
                      -> CString                     -- expr
                      -> CString                     -- value
                      -> Ptr CInt                    -- created
                      -> IO (CInt)               -- return_value

 Function: aug_defnode

 Define a variable NAME whose value is the result of evaluating EXPR,
 which must be non-NULL and evaluate to a nodeset. If a variable NAME
 already exists, its name will be replaced with the result of evaluating
 If EXPR evaluates to an empty nodeset, a node is created, equivalent to
 calling AUG_SET(AUG, EXPR, VALUE) and NAME will be the nodeset containing
 that single node.
 If CREATED is non-NULL, it is set to 1 if a node was created, and 0 if
 it already existed.
 Returns -1 on error; on success, returns the number of nodes in the

aug_defnode :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
            -> ByteString  -- ^ NAME
            -> ByteString  -- ^ EXPR
            -> ByteString  -- ^ VALUE
            -> IO (AugRet,Maybe Bool) -- ^ (AugMatch,b_NodeCreated)
aug_defnode aug_ptr bstr1 bstr2 bstr3 = 
        Prelude.error "aug_defnode requires at least augeas version 0.5.0"
        Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bstr1) ++ (show bstr2) ++ (show bstr3))  -- stop compiler warning
        useAsCString bstr1 $ \name -> do
          useAsCString bstr2 $ \expr -> do
            useAsCString bstr3 $ \value -> do
              alloca $ \created -> do
                ret <- c_aug_defnode aug_ptr name expr value created
                if ret /= -1 
                  then do
                    i_created <- peek created
                    if i_created == 0 
                      then do
                        return ((AugRet ret), Just False)
                      else do
                        return ((AugRet ret), Just True)
                  else do
                    return ((AugRet ret), Nothing)

-- -------
-- aug_get 
-- -------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_get"
        c_aug_get :: Ptr Augeas     -- aug
                  -> CString        -- path
                  -> Ptr CString    -- value
                  -> IO (CInt)      -- return_value

  Lookup the value associated with PATH. VALUE can be NULL, in which case
  it is ignored. If VALUE is not NULL, it is used to return a pointer to
  the value associated with PATH if PATH matches exactly one node. If PATH
  matches no nodes or more than one node, *VALUE is set to NULL. Note that
  it is perfectly legal for nodes to have a NULL value, and that that by 
  itself does not indicate an error.

  Return AugMatch.exactly_one if there is exactly one node matching PATH, AugMatch.no_match if there is none,
  and AugMatch.invalid_match if there is more than one node matching PATH, or if
  PATH is not a legal path expression.

aug_get :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
        -> ByteString  -- ^ PATH
        -> IO (Either AugMatch (Maybe String)) -- ^ Either AugMatch or VALUE
aug_get aug_ptr bstr1 = 
    Prelude.error "aug_get requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"
    Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bstr1))  -- stop compiler warning
    useAsCString bstr1 $ \path -> do
      alloca $ \value -> do
        ret <- c_aug_get aug_ptr path value
        if ret == 1
           then do 
             if value == nullPtr 
                then do
                  return (Left (AugMatch ret))
                else do
                  peeked <- peek value
                  if peeked == nullPtr
                     then do
                         return (Right Nothing)
                     else do
                         str_peeked <- peekCString peeked
                         return (Right (Just str_peeked))
           else do                   
             return (Left (AugMatch ret))


-- -------
-- aug_set
-- -------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_set"
        c_aug_set :: Ptr Augeas                  -- aug
                  -> CString                     -- path
                  -> CString                     -- value
                  -> IO (AugRet)                   -- return value


 Set the value associated with PATH to VALUE. VALUE is copied into the
 internal data structure. Intermediate entries are created if they don't

 Return AugRet.success on success, AugRet.error on error. It is an error if more than one
 node matches PATH.

aug_set :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
        -> ByteString  -- ^ PATH
        -> ByteString  -- ^ VALUE
        -> IO (AugRet) -- ^ return value
aug_set aug_ptr bs1 bs2 = 
    Prelude.error "aug_set requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"
    Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bs1) ++ (show bs2))  -- stop compiler warning
    useAsCString bs1 $ \path -> do
      useAsCString bs2 $ \value -> do
         ret <- c_aug_set aug_ptr path value
         return ret

-- --------
-- aug_setm
-- --------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_setm"
        c_aug_setm :: Ptr Augeas  -- aug
                      -> CString -- base
                      -> CString -- sub
                      -> CString -- value
                      -> IO (AugRet) --return value

 Set the value of multiple nodes in one operation. Find or create a node
 matching SUB by interpreting SUB as a path expression relative to each
 node matching BASE. SUB may be NULL, in which case all the nodes
 matching BASE will be modified.

 number of modified nodes on success, -1 on error
aug_setm :: Ptr Augeas          -- ^Augeas pointer
         -> ByteString          -- base
         -> (Maybe ByteString)  -- sub
         -> ByteString          -- value
         -> IO (AugRet)         -- retval
aug_setm aug_ptr bstr1 maybe_bstr2 bstr3  =
    Prelude.error "aug_setm requires at least augeas version 0.7.2"
    Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bstr1) ++ (show maybe_bstr2) ++ (show bstr3))  -- stop compiler warning
    useAsCString bstr1 $ \base -> do
      useAsCString bstr3 $ \value -> do
         ret <- (case maybe_bstr2 of
                   (Just bstr2) -> useAsCString bstr2 $ \sub -> do c_aug_setm aug_ptr base sub value
                   (Nothing) ->  c_aug_setm aug_ptr base nullPtr value
         return ret

-- --------
-- aug_span
-- --------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_span"
        c_aug_span :: Ptr Augeas                 -- aug
                  -> CString                     -- path
                  -> (Ptr CString)               -- filename
                  -> (Ptr CInt)                  -- label_start
                  -> (Ptr CInt)                  -- label_end
                  -> (Ptr CInt)                  -- value_start
                  -> (Ptr CInt)                  -- value_end
                  -> (Ptr CInt)                  -- span_start
                  -> (Ptr CInt)                  -- span_end
                  -> IO (CInt)                   -- return value

 Function: aug_span
 Get the span according to input file of the node associated with PATH. If
 the node is associated with a file, the filename, label and value start and
 end positions are set, and return value is 0. The caller is responsible for
 freeing returned filename. If an argument for return value is NULL, then the
 corresponding value is not set. If the node associated with PATH doesn't
 belong to a file or is doesn't exists, filename and span are not set and
 return value is Nothing.
    on success Just (filename, label_start, label_stop, value_start, value_end, start_span, end_span)
    on error Nothing

aug_span :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
         -> ByteString  -- ^ Path
         -> IO (Maybe (String, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt, CInt))
aug_span aug_ptr bs1 =
    Prelude.error "aug_span requires at least augeas version 0.8.0"
    Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bs1))  -- stop compiler warning
    useAsCString bs1 $ \path -> do
      alloca $ \filename -> do
      alloca $ \label_start -> do
      alloca $ \label_end -> do      
      alloca $ \value_start -> do
      alloca $ \value_end -> do
      alloca $ \span_start -> do
      alloca $ \span_end -> do
        ret <- c_aug_span aug_ptr path filename label_start label_end value_start value_end span_start span_end
        if ret == 0
           then do
             p_filename <- peek filename
             ps_filename <- peekCString p_filename
             p_label_start <- peek label_start
             p_label_end <- peek label_end
             p_value_start <- peek value_start
             p_value_end <- peek value_end
             p_span_start <- peek span_start
             p_span_end <- peek span_end

-- From http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/FFI_Introduction
-- The haskell report only guarantees that Int has 30 bits of signed precision, so converting CInt to Int is not safe! 

             return (Just (ps_filename, p_label_start, p_label_end, p_value_start, p_value_end, p_span_start, p_span_end))
           else do
             return Nothing

-- ----------
-- aug_insert
-- ----------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_insert"
        c_aug_insert :: Ptr Augeas               -- aug
                     -> CString                  -- path
                     -> CString                  -- label
                     -> AugBefore                -- before
                     -> IO (AugRet)              -- return value


 Create a new sibling LABEL for PATH by inserting into the tree just
 before PATH if BEFORE == just_before or just after PATH if BEFORE == just_after.

 PATH must match exactly one existing node in the tree, and LABEL must be
 a label, i.e. not contain a '/', '*' or end with a bracketed index

 Return AugRet.success on success, and AugRet.error if the insertion fails.

aug_insert :: Ptr Augeas   -- ^ Augeas pointer
           -> ByteString   -- ^ PATH
           -> ByteString   -- ^ LABEL
           -> AugBefore    -- ^ BEFORE
           -> IO (AugRet)  -- ^ return value
aug_insert aug_ptr bs1 bs2 before = 
    Prelude.error "aug_insert requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"
    Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bs1) ++ (show bs2) ++ (show before))  -- stop compiler warning    
    useAsCString bs1 $ \path -> do
      useAsCString bs2 $ \label -> do
         ret <- c_aug_insert aug_ptr path label before
         return ret

-- ------
-- aug_rm
-- ------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_rm"
        c_aug_rm :: Ptr Augeas                   -- aug
                 -> CString                      -- path
                 -> IO (CInt)                    -- return value


 Remove path and all its children. Returns the number of entries removed.
 All nodes that match PATH, and their descendants, are removed.

aug_rm :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
       -> ByteString  -- ^ PATH
       -> IO (CInt)   -- ^ number of entries removed
aug_rm aug_ptr bs_path = 
    Prelude.error "aug_rm requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"
    Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bs_path))  -- stop compiler warning    
    useAsCString bs_path $ \path -> do    
      ret <- c_aug_rm aug_ptr path
      return ret

-- ------
-- aug_mv
-- ------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_mv"
        c_aug_mv :: Ptr Augeas                   -- aug
                 -> CString                      -- src
                 -> CString                      -- dst
                 -> IO (AugRet)                    -- return value

{- |
 Move the node SRC to DST. SRC must match exactly one node in the
 tree. DST must either match exactly one node in the tree, or may not
 exist yet. If DST exists already, it and all its descendants are
 deleted. If DST does not exist yet, it and all its missing ancestors are

 Note that the node SRC always becomes the node DST: when you move \/a\/b
 to \/x, the node \/a\/b is now called \/x, no matter whether \/x existed
 initially or not.

 Return AugRet.success on success and AugRet.error on failure.
aug_mv :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
       -> ByteString  -- ^ SRC
       -> ByteString  -- ^ DEST
       -> IO (AugRet) -- ^ return value
aug_mv aug_ptr bs_src bs_dst = 
        Prelude.error "aug_mv requires at least augeas version 0.3.0"
        Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bs_src) ++ (show bs_dst))  -- stop compiler warning    
        useAsCString bs_src $ \src -> do
          useAsCString bs_dst $ \dst -> do
             ret <- c_aug_mv aug_ptr src dst
             return ret

-- ---------
-- aug_match
-- ---------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_match"
        c_aug_match :: Ptr Augeas                -- aug
                    -> CString                   -- path
                    -> Ptr (Ptr CString)         -- matches
                    -> IO (CInt)                 -- return value

 Return the number of matches of the path expression PATH in AUG. If
 MATCHES is non-NULL, an array with the returned number of elements will
 be allocated and filled with the paths of the matches. The caller must
 free both the array and the entries in it. The returned paths are
 sufficiently qualified to make sure that they match exactly one node in
 the current tree.

 If MATCHES is NULL, nothing is allocated and only the number
 of matches is returned.

 Returns -1 on error, or the total number of matches (which might be 0).

 Path expressions use a very simple subset of XPath: the path PATH
 consists of a number of segments, separated by '/'; each segment can
 either be a '*', matching any tree node, or a string, optionally
 followed by an index in brackets, matching tree nodes labelled with
 exactly that string. If no index is specified, the expression matches
 all nodes with that label; the index can be a positive number N, which
 matches exactly the Nth node with that label (counting from 1), or the
 special expression 'last()' which matches the last node with the given
 label. All matches are done in fixed positions in the tree, and nothing
 matches more than one path segment.


aug_match :: Ptr Augeas    -- ^ Augeas pointer
          -> ByteString    -- ^ PATH
          -> IO (Int, Maybe [String]) -- ^ (match count, MATCHES)
aug_match aug_ptr bs_path = 
   Prelude.error "aug_match requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"  
   Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show bs_path))  -- stop compiler warning    
    useAsCString bs_path $ \path -> do
      alloca $ \matches -> do
        ret <- c_aug_match aug_ptr path matches
        if ret == -1 
           then do
             return (-1, Nothing)
           else do
             matches_cstrs <- peekArray (fromIntegral ret) =<< peek matches

             -- There's got to be a better way to map (IO [CString]) to (IO [String]) ...
             matches_strs <- Prelude.foldr (\t io_l -> do s <- peekCString t; l <- io_l; return (s:l)) (return []) matches_cstrs

             return (fromIntegral ret, Just matches_strs)

-- --------
-- aug_save
-- --------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_save"
        c_aug_save :: Ptr Augeas                 -- aug
                   -> IO (AugRet)                  -- return value


 Write all pending changes to disk. 

 Return AugRet.error if an error is encountered, AugRet.success on success. 
 Only files that had any changes made to them are written.

 If AUG_SAVE_NEWFILE is set in the FLAGS passed to AUG_INIT, create
 changed files as new files with the extension ".augnew", and leave the
 original file unmodified.

 Otherwise, if AUG_SAVE_BACKUP is set in the FLAGS passed to AUG_INIT,
 move the original file to a new file with extension ".augsave".

 If neither of these flags is set, overwrite the original file.

aug_save :: Ptr Augeas    -- ^ Augeas pointer
         -> IO (AugRet)   -- ^ return value
aug_save aug_ptr = 
    Prelude.error "aug_save requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"
    Prelude.error (show aug_ptr)  -- stop compiler warning    
      ret <- c_aug_save aug_ptr
      return ret

-- --------
-- aug_load
-- --------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_load"
        c_aug_load :: Ptr Augeas                -- aug
                    -> IO (CInt)                 -- return value

 Function: aug_load
 Load files into the tree. Which files to load and what lenses to use on
 them is specified under /augeas/load in the tree; each entry
 /augeas/load/NAME specifies a 'transform', by having itself exactly one
 child 'lens' and any number of children labelled 'incl' and 'excl'. The
 value of NAME has no meaning.
 The 'lens' grandchild of /augeas/load specifies which lens to use, and
 can either be the fully qualified name of a lens 'Module.lens' or
 '@Module'. The latter form means that the lens from the transform marked
 for autoloading in MODULE should be used.
 The 'incl' and 'excl' grandchildren of /augeas/load indicate which files
 to transform. Their value are used as glob patterns. Any file that
 matches at least one 'incl' pattern and no 'excl' pattern is
 transformed. The order of 'incl' and 'excl' entries is irrelevant.
 When AUG_INIT is first called, it populates /augeas/load with the
 transforms marked for autoloading in all the modules it finds.
 Before loading any files, AUG_LOAD will remove everything underneath
 /augeas/files and /files, regardless of whether any entries have been
 modified or not.
 Returns -1 on error, 0 on success. Note that success includes the case
 where some files could not be loaded. Details of such files can be found
 as '/augeas//error'.

aug_load :: Ptr Augeas    -- ^ Augeas pointer
         -> IO (AugRet)   -- ^ return value
aug_load aug_ptr = 
    Prelude.error "aug_load requires at least augeas version 0.5.0"
    Prelude.error (show aug_ptr)  -- stop compiler warning    
      ret <- c_aug_load aug_ptr
      return (AugRet ret)

-- ---------
-- aug_print
-- ---------
-- FILE *fdopen(int fildes, const char *mode);
foreign import ccall "" fdopen :: Fd -> CString -> IO (Ptr CFile)

foreign import ccall "" fflush :: (Ptr CFile) -> IO (Int)

foreign import ccall "" fclose :: (Ptr CFile) -> IO (Int)
handleToCFile :: Handle -> String -> IO (Ptr CFile)
handleToCFile h m =
 do iomode <- newCString m

    -- Duplicate the handle, so the original stays open after the handleToFd call closes the duplicate
    dup_h <- hDuplicate h      
    fd <- handleToFd dup_h
    fdopen fd iomode

-- surface aug_print
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_print"
        c_aug_print :: Ptr Augeas               -- aug
                    -> Ptr CFile                -- out
                    -> CString                  -- path
                    -> IO (AugRet)              -- return value

 Print each node matching PATH and its descendants to OUT.
 Return AugRet.success on success, or AugRet.error on failure


aug_print :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
          -> Handle      -- ^ Already opened file handle
          -> ByteString  -- ^ PATH
          -> IO (AugRet) -- ^ return value
aug_print aug_ptr fptr_out bs_path = 
   Prelude.error "aug_print requires at least augeas version 0.0.1"
   Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show fptr_out) ++ (show bs_path))  -- stop compiler warning    
   useAsCString bs_path $ \path -> do
     out <- handleToCFile fptr_out "w"
     ret <- c_aug_print aug_ptr out path
     _ <- fflush out
     _ <- fclose out

-- ----------
-- aug_to_xml
-- ----------
-- TODO:  What's the standard GHC interface to libxml2 ? : libxml  (Text.XML.LibXML) or  xml (Text.XML.Light)
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_to_xml"
  c_aug_to_xml :: Ptr Augeas            -- aug
             -> CString                 -- path
             -> (Ptr (Ptr AugeasXmlNode ))    -- xmldoc
             -> AugFlag                 -- flags
             -> IO (AugRet)             -- error code  (0 on success, <0 on error)
   Function: aug_to_xml

   Turn the Augeas tree(s) matching PATH into an XML tree XMLDOC. The
   parameter FLAGS is currently unused and must be set to 0.

   0 on success, or a negative value on failure

   In case of failure, *xmldoc is set to Nothing

aug_to_xml :: Ptr Augeas           -- ^ Augeas pointer
           -> ByteString           -- ^ path
           -> [AugFlag]            -- ^ flags    
           -> IO (AugRet, Maybe (Ptr AugeasXmlNode))  -- ^ error code
aug_to_xml aug_ptr bs_path flags  =
  Prelude.error "aug_to_xml requires at least augeas version 0.10.0"
  Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show fptr_out) ++ (show bs_text))  -- stop compiler warning
  useAsCString bs_path $ \path -> do
    alloca $ \ptr -> do
      ret <- c_aug_to_xml aug_ptr path ptr (combineFlags flags)
      ret_xml <- peek ptr
      if ret_xml == nullPtr 
         then do 
             return (ret, Nothing)
         else do 
             return (ret, (Just ret_xml))


-- --------
-- aug_srun
-- --------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_srun"
  c_aug_srun :: Ptr Augeas                      -- aug
             -> Ptr CFile                       -- out
             -> CString                         -- text
             -> IO (AugRet)                     -- error code
  Function: aug_srun
  Run one or more newline-separated commands. The output of the commands
  will be printed to OUT. Running just 'help' will print what commands are
  available. Commands accepted by this are identical to what augtool
  the number of executed commands on success, -1 on failure, and -2 if a
  'quit' command was encountered

aug_srun :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
         -> Handle      -- ^ OUT Already opened file handle
         -> ByteString  -- ^ TEXT
         -> IO (AugRet) -- ^ return value
aug_srun aug_ptr fptr_out bs_text =
 Prelude.error "aug_srun requires at least augeas version 0.9.0"
 Prelude.error ((show aug_ptr) ++ (show fptr_out) ++ (show bs_text))  -- stop compiler warning
 useAsCString bs_text $ \text -> do
   out <- handleToCFile fptr_out "w"
   ret <- c_aug_srun aug_ptr out text
   _ <- fflush out
   _ <- fclose out

-- ---------
-- aug_error
-- ---------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_error"
        c_aug_error :: Ptr Augeas               -- aug
                    -> IO (AugErrCode)          -- error code

 Return a human-readable message for the error code */

aug_error :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
           -> IO (AugErrCode) -- ^ return value
aug_error aug_ptr = 
        Prelude.error "aug_error requires at least augeas version 0.6.0"
        Prelude.error (show aug_ptr)  -- stop compiler warning    
          ret <- c_aug_error aug_ptr

-- -----------------
-- aug_error_message
-- -----------------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_error_message"
        c_aug_error_message :: Ptr Augeas               -- aug
                            -> IO (CString)             -- return value

 Return a human-readable message for the error code */
aug_error_message :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
                  -> IO (ByteString) -- ^ return value
aug_error_message aug_ptr = 
    Prelude.error "aug_error_message requires at least augeas version 0.6.0"
    Prelude.error (show aug_ptr)  -- stop compiler warning        
      cstr <- c_aug_error_message aug_ptr
      ret <- packCString cstr

-- -----------------------
-- aug_error_minor_message
-- -----------------------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_error_minor_message"
        c_aug_error_minor_message :: Ptr Augeas               -- aug
                                  -> IO (CString)             -- return value

 Return a human-readable message elaborating the error code; might be
 NULL. For example, when the error code is AUG_EPATHX, this will explain
 how the path expression is invalid */
aug_error_minor_message :: Ptr Augeas      -- ^ Augeas pointer
                        -> IO (ByteString) -- ^ return value
aug_error_minor_message aug_ptr = 
    Prelude.error "aug_error_minor_message requires at least augeas version 0.6.0"
    Prelude.error (show aug_ptr)  -- stop compiler warning    
      cstr <- c_aug_error_minor_message aug_ptr
      ret <- packCString cstr

-- -----------------
-- aug_error_details
-- -----------------
foreign import ccall safe "augeas.h aug_error_details"
        c_aug_error_details :: Ptr Augeas               -- aug
                           -> IO (CString)             -- return value

 Return details about the error, which might be NULL. For example, for
 AUG_EPATHX, indicates where in the path expression the error
 occurred. The returned value can only be used until the next API call
aug_error_details :: Ptr Augeas  -- ^ Augeas pointer
                  -> IO (ByteString) -- ^ return value
aug_error_details aug_ptr = 
    Prelude.error "aug_error_details requires at least augeas version 0.6.0"
    Prelude.error (show aug_ptr)  -- stop compiler warning    
      cstr <- c_aug_error_details aug_ptr
      ret <- packCString cstr