module Main where import Common (defaultSampleRate, info, withSound, writerInfoFromFormat) import qualified Sound.Audacity.LabelTrack as LabelTrack import qualified Sound.SoxLib as SoxLib import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL import qualified Options.Applicative as OP import Control.Monad (forM_) import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Tuple.HT (uncurry3) import Data.Ord.HT (comparing) import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Int (Int32) import Text.Printf (printf) formatName :: String -> Int -> String -> String formatName fmt k label = let go ('%':cs0) = case cs0 of 's':cs1 -> label ++ go cs1 '%':cs1 -> '%' : go cs1 _ -> case span isDigit cs0 of (digits,'d':cs2) -> printf ("%"++digits++"d") k ++ go cs2 _ -> '%' : go cs0 go (c:cs) = c : go cs go [] = [] in go fmt split :: LabelTrack.T Int a -> Int -> SVL.Vector Int32 -> [(a, SVL.Vector Int32)] split labels numChan sig = snd $ List.mapAccumL (\(tOld,sigOld) ((t0,t1),label) -> let sigNew = SVL.drop (numChan*(t0-tOld)) sigOld in ((t0,sigNew), (label, SVL.take (numChan*(t1-t0)) sigNew))) (0, sig) $ List.sortBy (comparing fst) $ LabelTrack.decons labels run :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () run labelFile input output = do labels <- LabelTrack.readFile labelFile withSound input $ \fmtIn mrate numChan sig -> do let rate = fromMaybe defaultSampleRate mrate pieces = split (LabelTrack.mapTime (\t -> round (t*rate)) labels) numChan sig forM_ (zip [0..] pieces) $ \(k,(label,piece)) -> SoxLib.withWrite (writerInfoFromFormat fmtIn) (formatName output k label) (flip SoxLib.writeStorableVectorLazy piece) parseArgs :: OP.Parser (FilePath, FilePath, FilePath) parseArgs = OP.liftA3 (,,) (OP.strArgument (OP.metavar "LABELTRACK")) (OP.strArgument (OP.metavar "INPUT")) (OP.strOption (OP.long "output" <> OP.metavar "FMT" <> OP.value "%s.wav" <> "include %s for labels and %03d for counts")) main :: IO () main = SoxLib.formatWith $ uncurry3 run =<< OP.execParser (info "Split audio file according to label track" parseArgs)