{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | This is a module containing types to model the ATS syntax tree. As it is -- collapsed by the pretty printer, you may see that in some places it is -- focused on the lexical side of things. module Language.ATS.Types ( ATS (..) , Declaration (..) , Type (..) , Name (..) , Pattern (..) , PatternF (..) , Arg (..) , Universal (..) , Function (..) , Expression (..) , ExpressionF (..) , Implementation (..) , BinOp (..) , UnOp (..) , TypeF (..) , Existential (..) , LambdaType (..) , Addendum (..) , DataPropLeaf (..) , PreFunction (..) , Paired (..) , Bifurcated (..) , StaticExpression (..) , StaticExpressionF (..) , rewriteATS ) where import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata, embed) import Data.Functor.Foldable.TH (makeBaseFunctor) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.ATS.Lexer (Addendum (..), AlexPosn) data Bifurcated a = Nil | Comma a (Bifurcated a) | Bar a (Bifurcated a) -- | Newtype wrapper containing a list of declarations newtype ATS = ATS { unATS :: [Declaration] } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | Declare something in a scope (a function, value, action, etc.) data Declaration = Func AlexPosn Function | Impl [Arg] Implementation | ProofImpl Implementation -- primplmnt -- TODO add args | Val Addendum (Maybe Type) Pattern Expression -- TODO expression should be optional? | PrVal Pattern Expression | Var (Maybe Type) Pattern (Maybe Expression) (Maybe Expression) -- TODO AlexPosn | AndDecl (Maybe Type) Pattern Expression | Include String | Staload (Maybe String) String | Stadef String Name [Type] | CBlock String | RecordType String [Arg] [Universal] [(String, Type)] | RecordViewType String [Arg] [Universal] [(String, Type)] | TypeDef AlexPosn String [Arg] Type | ViewTypeDef AlexPosn String [Arg] Type | SumType String [Arg] [(String, Maybe Type)] -- TODO [Arg] for here | SumViewType String [Arg] [(String, Maybe Type)] | AbsType AlexPosn String [Arg] Type | AbsViewType AlexPosn String [Arg] Type | OverloadOp AlexPosn BinOp Name | Comment String | DataProp AlexPosn String [Arg] [DataPropLeaf] | Extern AlexPosn Declaration | Define String | SortDef AlexPosn String Type | AndD Declaration Declaration | Local AlexPosn [Declaration] [Declaration] | AbsProp AlexPosn String [Arg] | Assume Name [Arg] Expression | TKind AlexPosn Name String deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data DataPropLeaf = DataPropLeaf [Universal] Expression deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | A type for parsed ATS types data Type = Bool | Void | String | Char | Int | Nat | DependentInt StaticExpression | DependentBool StaticExpression | DepString StaticExpression | Double | Float | Tuple AlexPosn [Type] | Named String | Ex Existential Type | ForA Universal Type | Dependent Name [Type] | Unconsumed Type -- !a | AsProof Type (Maybe Type) -- a >> b | FromVT Type -- For a viewtype VT, we can prove there exist a view V and type T such that `VT` is equivalent to `(V | T)` - that T is `VT?!` | MaybeVal Type -- This is just `a?` or the like | T0p Addendum -- t@ype | Vt0p Addendum -- vt@ype | At AlexPosn Type Type | ProofType AlexPosn Type Type -- Aka (prf | val) | ConcreteType Expression | RefType Type | ViewType AlexPosn Type | FunctionType String Type Type | NoneType AlexPosn | ImplicitType AlexPosn deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | A type for the various lambda arrows (`=>`, `=`, etc.) data LambdaType = Plain AlexPosn | Full AlexPosn String | Spear AlexPosn deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | A name can be qualified (`$UN.unsafefn`) or not data Name = Unqualified String | Qualified AlexPosn String String | SpecialName AlexPosn String | Functorial String String | Unnamed AlexPosn deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | A data type for patterns. data Pattern = Wildcard AlexPosn | PName String [Pattern] | PSum String Pattern | PLiteral Expression | Guarded AlexPosn Expression Pattern | Free Pattern | Proof AlexPosn [Pattern] [Pattern] | TuplePattern [Pattern] deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data Paired a b = Both a b | First a | Second b deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | An argument to a function. data Arg = Arg (Paired String Type) | PrfArg Arg Arg | NoArgs deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | Wrapper for universal quantifiers (refinement types) data Universal = Universal { bound :: [Arg], typeU :: Maybe Type, prop :: Maybe Expression } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | Wrapper for existential quantifiers/types data Existential = Existential { boundE :: [Arg], typeE :: Maybe Type, propE :: Maybe Expression } -- TODO #[id:int] existentials deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | `~` is used to negate numbers in ATS data UnOp = Negate deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | Binary operators on expressions data BinOp = Add | Mult | Div | Sub | GreaterThan | GreaterThanEq | LessThan | LessThanEq | Equal | NotEqual | LogicalAnd | LogicalOr | StaticEq | Mod deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data StaticExpression = StaticVal Name | StaticBinary BinOp StaticExpression StaticExpression | StaticInt Int | StaticBool Bool | Sif { scond :: StaticExpression, wwhenTrue :: StaticExpression, selseExpr :: StaticExpression } -- Static if (for proofs) deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | A (possibly effectful) expression. data Expression = Let AlexPosn ATS (Maybe Expression) | VoidLiteral -- The '()' literal representing inaction. AlexPosn -- function call: , then {n} | Call Name [Type] [Type] (Maybe Expression) [Expression] | NamedVal Name | If { cond :: Expression -- ^ Expression evaluating to a boolean value , whenTrue :: Expression -- ^ Expression to be returned when true , elseExpr :: Maybe Expression -- ^ Expression to be returned when false } | BoolLit Bool | TimeLit String | FloatLit Float | IntLit Int | UnderscoreLit AlexPosn | Lambda AlexPosn LambdaType Pattern Expression | LinearLambda AlexPosn LambdaType Pattern Expression | Index AlexPosn Name Expression | Access AlexPosn Expression Name | StringLit String | CharLit Char | AtExpr Expression Expression | Binary BinOp Expression Expression | Unary UnOp Expression | Case { posE :: AlexPosn , kind :: Addendum , val :: Expression , arms :: [(Pattern, Expression)] -- ^ Each `(Pattern, Expression)` pair corresponds to a branch of the 'case' statement } | RecordValue AlexPosn [(String, Expression)] (Maybe Type) | Precede Expression Expression | FieldMutate { posE :: AlexPosn , old :: Expression -- ^ Record to modify , field :: String -- ^ Field being modified , new :: Expression -- ^ New value of the field } | Mutate Expression Expression | Deref AlexPosn Expression | ProofExpr AlexPosn Expression Expression | TypeSignature Expression Type | WhereExp Expression [Declaration] | TupleEx AlexPosn [Expression] | While AlexPosn Expression Expression | Actions ATS | Begin AlexPosn Expression | BinList { _op :: BinOp, _exprs :: [Expression] } | PrecedeList { _exprs :: [Expression] } | FixAt PreFunction | LambdaAt PreFunction deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | An 'implement' declaration data Implementation = Implement { pos :: AlexPosn , preUniversalsI :: [Universal] , universalsI :: [Universal] -- ^ Universal quantifiers , nameI :: Name -- ^ Name of the template being implemented , iArgs :: [Arg] -- ^ Arguments , iExpression :: Expression -- ^ Expression holding the function body. } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) -- | A function declaration accounting for all three keywords (???) ATS uses to -- define them. data Function = Fun PreFunction | Fnx PreFunction | And PreFunction | PrFun PreFunction | PrFn PreFunction | Praxi PreFunction deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) data PreFunction = PreF { fname :: Name -- ^ Function name , sig :: String -- ^ e.g. <> or , preUniversals :: [Universal] -- ^ Universal quantifiers making a function generic , universals :: [Universal] -- ^ Universal quantifiers/refinement type , args :: [Arg] -- ^ Actual function arguments , returnType :: Type -- ^ Return type , termetric :: Maybe Expression -- ^ Optional termination metric , expression :: Maybe Expression -- ^ Expression holding the actual function body (not present in static templates) } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, NFData) makeBaseFunctor ''Pattern makeBaseFunctor ''Expression makeBaseFunctor ''StaticExpression makeBaseFunctor ''Type rewriteATS :: Expression -> Expression rewriteATS = cata a where a (PrecedeF e e'@PrecedeList{}) = PrecedeList (e : _exprs e') a (PrecedeF e e') = PrecedeList [e, e'] a x = embed x {- a (BinaryF Add e e'@BinList{}) = BinList Add (e : _exprs e') -} {- a (BinaryF Add e e') = BinList Add [e, e'] -}