{ {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} -- | This module contains the parser. module Language.ATS.Parser ( parseATS , ATSError ) where import Language.ATS.Types import Language.ATS.Lexer ( Token (..) , AlexPosn (..) , Keyword (..) , Addendum (..) , token_posn ) import Control.DeepSeq (NFData) import Control.Lens (over, _head) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Prelude import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen hiding ((<$>)) } %name parseATS %tokentype { Token } %error { parseError } %monad { Either (ATSError String) } { (>>=) } { pure } %token fun { Keyword $$ KwFun } fn { Keyword $$ KwFn } prfun { Keyword $$ KwPrfun } fnx { Keyword $$ KwFnx } and { Keyword $$ KwAnd } lambda { Keyword $$ KwLambda } llambda { Keyword $$ KwLinearLambda } if { Keyword $$ KwIf } sif { Keyword $$ KwSif } stadef { Keyword $$ KwStadef } val { Keyword _ (KwVal $$) } prval { Keyword $$ KwPrval } var { Keyword $$ KwVar } then { Keyword $$ KwThen } let { Keyword $$ KwLet } typedef { Keyword $$ KwTypedef } vtypedef { Keyword $$ KwVtypedef } absvtype { Keyword $$ KwAbsvtype } abstype { Keyword $$ KwAbstype } in { Keyword $$ KwIn } end { Keyword $$ KwEnd } stringType { Keyword $$ KwString } charType { Keyword $$ KwChar } voidType { Keyword $$ KwVoid } implement { Keyword $$ KwImplement } primplmnt { Keyword $$ KwProofImplement } else { Keyword $$ KwElse } bool { Keyword $$ KwBool } int { Keyword $$ KwInt } nat { Keyword $$ KwNat } when { Keyword $$ KwWhen } begin { Keyword $$ KwBegin } case { Keyword _ (KwCase $$) } datatype { Keyword $$ KwDatatype } datavtype { Keyword $$ KwDatavtype } while { Keyword $$ KwWhile } of { Keyword $$ KwOf } include { Keyword $$ KwInclude } staload { Keyword $$ KwStaload } overload { Keyword $$ KwOverload } with { Keyword $$ KwWith } dataprop { Keyword $$ KwDataprop } praxi { Keyword $$ KwPraxi } extern { Keyword $$ KwExtern } t0pPlain { Keyword $$ (KwT0p None) } t0pCo { Keyword $$ (KwT0p Plus) } vt0pCo { Keyword $$ (KwVt0p Plus) } vt0pPlain { Keyword $$ (KwVt0p None) } where { Keyword $$ KwWhere } absprop { Keyword $$ KwAbsprop } sortdef { Keyword $$ KwSortdef } local { Keyword $$ KwLocal } view { Keyword $$ KwView } raise { Keyword $$ KwRaise } tkindef { Keyword $$ KwTKind } assume { Keyword $$ KwAssume } addrAt { Keyword $$ KwAddrAt } viewAt { Keyword $$ KwViewAt } boolLit { BoolTok _ $$ } timeLit { TimeTok _ $$ } intLit { IntTok _ $$ } floatLit { FloatTok _ $$ } effmaskWrt { Identifier $$ "effmask_wrt" } effmaskAll { Identifier $$ "effmask_all" } extfcall { Identifier $$ "extfcall" } ldelay { Identifier $$ "ldelay" } listVT { Identifier $$ "list_vt" } -- TODO token? raise { Identifier $$ "raise" } identifier { Identifier _ $$ } closeParen { Special $$ ")" } openParen { Special $$ "(" } signature { SignatureTok _ $$ } comma { Special $$ "," } geq { Operator $$ ">=" } leq { Operator $$ "<=" } neq { Operator $$ "!=" } openTermetric { Operator $$ ".<" } closeTermetric { Operator $$ ">." } mutateArrow { FuncType $$ "->" } mutateEq { Operator $$ ":=" } lbracket { Operator $$ "<" } rbracket { Operator $$ ">" } eq { Operator $$ "=" } or { Operator $$ "||" } vbar { Special $$ "|" } lbrace { Special $$ "{" } rbrace { Special $$ "}" } funcArrow { FuncType _ $$ } plainArrow { Arrow $$ "=>" } cloref1Arrow { Arrow $$ "=" } cloptr1Arrow { Arrow $$ "=" } lincloptr1Arrow { Arrow $$ "=" } spear { Arrow $$ "=>>" } lsqbracket { Special $$ "[" } rsqbracket { Special $$ "]" } string { StringTok _ $$ } charLit { CharTok _ $$ } underscore { Special $$ "_" } minus { Operator $$ "-" } plus { Operator $$ "+" } div { Operator $$ "/" } mult { Operator $$ "*" } exclamation { Special $$ "!" } dot { Special $$ "." } at { Special $$ "@" } tilde { Operator $$ "~" } dollar { Special $$ "$" } semicolon { Special $$ ";" } andOp { Operator $$ "&&" } doubleEq { Operator $$ "==" } doubleDot { Operator $$ ".." } doubleParens { DoubleParenTok $$ } doubleBraces { DoubleBracesTok $$ } prfTransform { Operator $$ ">>" } -- For types like &a >> a?! refType { Special $$ "&" } -- For types like &a maybeProof { Operator $$ "?" } -- For types like a? fromVT { Operator $$ "?!" } -- For types like a?! openExistential { Operator $$ "#[" } -- Same as `[` in ATS2 cblock { CBlockLex _ $$ } define { MacroBlock _ $$ } lineComment { CommentLex _ $$ } lspecial { SpecialBracket $$ } atbrace { Operator $$ "@{" } mod { Keyword $$ KwMod } fixAt { Keyword $$ KwFixAt } lambdaAt { Keyword $$ KwLambdaAt } %% ATS : Declarations { ATS $1 } -- | Parse declarations in a list Declarations : { [] } | Declarations Declaration { $2 : $1 } | Declarations FunDecl { $2 ++ $1 } | Declarations local Declarations in Declarations end { Local $2 $3 $5 : $1 } -- | Several comma-separated types TypeIn : Type { [$1] } | TypeIn comma Type { $3 : $1 } -- | Several comma-separated types or static expressions TypeInExpr : TypeIn { $1 } | Expression { [ConcreteType $1] } | TypeInExpr comma Type { $3 : $1 } | TypeInExpr comma Expression { ConcreteType $3 : $1 } -- | Parse a type Type : Name openParen TypeInExpr closeParen { Dependent $1 $3 } | bool { Bool } | int { Int } | nat { Nat } | stringType { String } | charType { Char } | voidType { Void } | t0pPlain { T0p None } | t0pCo { T0p Plus } | vt0pPlain { Vt0p None } | vt0pCo { Vt0p Plus } | stringType openParen StaticExpression closeParen { DepString $3 } | stringType StaticExpression { DepString $2 } | int openParen StaticExpression closeParen { DependentInt $3 } | bool openParen StaticExpression closeParen { DependentBool $3 } | identifier { Named $1 } | exclamation Type { Unconsumed $2 } | Type mutateArrow Type { FunctionType "->" $1 $3 } | Type funcArrow Type { FunctionType $2 $1 $3 } | refType Type { RefType $2 } | Type maybeProof { MaybeVal $1 } | Type fromVT { FromVT $1 } | Type prfTransform Type { AsProof $1 (Just $3) } | Type prfTransform underscore { AsProof $1 Nothing } | view at Type { ViewType $1 $3 } | Existential Type { Ex $1 $2 } | Universal Type { ForA $1 $2 } | Type at Type { At $2 $1 $3 } | openParen Type vbar Type closeParen { ProofType $1 $2 $4 } | Name identifier { Dependent $1 [Named $2] } | openParen TypeIn closeParen { Tuple $1 $2 } | openParen Type closeParen { $2 } | int StaticExpression { DependentInt $2 } | doubleParens { NoneType $1 } | minus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Type" "-" } | dollar {% Left $ Expected $1 "Type" "$" } FullArgs : Args { $1 } FunArgs : Arg { Comma $1 Nil } | FunArgs comma Arg { Comma $3 $1 } | FunArgs vbar Arg { Bar $3 $1 } -- | A comma-separated list of arguments Args : Arg { [$1] } | Args comma Arg { $3 : $1 } | Arg vbar Arg { [ PrfArg $1 $3 ] } | FullArgs comma Arg vbar Arg { PrfArg $3 $5 : $1 } Arg : identifier { Arg (First $1) } | identifier signature Type { Arg (Both $1 $3) } | underscore { Arg (First "_") } | Type { Arg (Second $1) } | Expression { Arg (Second (ConcreteType $1)) } -- | Parse a literal Literal : boolLit { BoolLit $1 } | timeLit { TimeLit $1 } | intLit { IntLit $1 } | floatLit { FloatLit $1 } | string { StringLit $1 } | charLit { CharLit $1 } | doubleParens { VoidLiteral $1 } -- | Parse a list of comma-separated patterns PatternIn : Pattern { [$1] } | PatternIn comma Pattern { $3 : $1 } -- | Parse a pattern match Pattern : identifier { PName $1 [] } | underscore { Wildcard $1 } | identifier doubleParens { PName ($1 ++ "()") [] } | tilde Pattern { Free $2 } | identifier openParen PatternIn closeParen { PName $1 $3 } | identifier Pattern { PSum $1 $2 } | openParen PatternIn vbar PatternIn closeParen { Proof $1 $2 $4 } | openParen PatternIn closeParen { TuplePattern $2 } | Literal { PLiteral $1 } | Pattern when Expression { Guarded $2 $3 $1 } | minus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Pattern" "-" } | plus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Pattern" "+" } -- | Parse a case expression Case : vbar Pattern CaseArrow Expression { [($2, $3, $4)] } | Pattern CaseArrow Expression { [($1, $2, $3)] } | Case vbar Pattern CaseArrow Expression { ($3, $4, $5) : $1 } ExpressionPrf : ExpressionIn { (Nothing, $1) } | Expression vbar ExpressionIn { (Just $1, $3) } -- FIXME only passes one proof? -- | A list of comma-separated expressions ExpressionIn : Expression { [$1] } | ExpressionIn comma Expression { $3 : $1 } Tuple : PreExpression comma PreExpression { [$3, $1] } | Tuple comma PreExpression { $3 : $1 } -- | Parse an arrow in a case statement CaseArrow : plainArrow { Plain $1 } | spear { Spear $1 } | minus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Arrow" "-" } | eq {% Left $ Expected $1 "Arrow" "=" } LambdaArrow : plainArrow { Plain $1 } | cloref1Arrow { Full $1 "cloref1" } -- TODO do this more efficiently. | cloptr1Arrow { Full $1 "cloptr1" } | lincloptr1Arrow { Full $1 "lincloptr1" } | minus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Arrow" "-" } | openParen {% Left $ Expected $1 "Arrow" "(" } | closeParen {% Left $ Expected $1 "Arrow" ")" } -- | Expression or named call to an expression Expression : PreExpression { $1 } | openParen Tuple closeParen { TupleEx $1 $2 } | Name PreExpression { Call $1 [] [] Nothing [$2] } | begin Expression end { Begin $1 $2 } | Expression semicolon Expression { Precede $1 $3 } | Expression semicolon { $1 } | openParen Expression closeParen { ParenExpr $1 $2 } | Expression signature Type { TypeSignature $1 $3 } | openParen Expression vbar Expression closeParen { ProofExpr $1 $2 $4 } TypeArgs : lbrace Type rbrace { [$2] } | lbrace TypeIn rbrace { $2 } | TypeArgs lbrace Type rbrace { $3 : $1 } | lbrace doubleDot rbrace { [ ImplicitType $2 ] } -- FIXME only valid on function calls | TypeArgs lbrace TypeIn rbrace { $3 ++ $1 } BracketedArgs : lbracket Type rbracket { [$2] } | lbracket TypeIn rbrace { $2 } Call : Name doubleParens { Call $1 [] [] Nothing [] } | Name openParen ExpressionPrf closeParen { Call $1 [] [] (fst $3) (snd $3) } | Name TypeArgs openParen ExpressionPrf closeParen { Call $1 [] $2 (fst $4) (snd $4) } | Name TypeArgs { Call $1 [] $2 Nothing [] } | Name lspecial TypeIn rbracket openParen ExpressionPrf closeParen { Call $1 $3 [] (fst $6) (snd $6) } | Name lspecial TypeIn rbracket { Call $1 $3 [] Nothing [] } | dollar raise PreExpression { Call (SpecialName $1 "raise") [] [] Nothing [$3] } -- we do this because a $raise can have at most one argument StaticArgs : StaticExpression { [$1] } | StaticArgs comma StaticExpression { $3 : $1 } StaticExpression : Name { StaticVal $1 } | StaticExpression BinOp StaticExpression { StaticBinary $2 $1 $3 } | intLit { StaticInt $1 } | boolLit { StaticBool $1 } | sif StaticExpression then StaticExpression else StaticExpression { Sif $2 $4 $6 } -- TODO separate type for static expressions | Name openParen StaticArgs closeParen { SCall $1 $3 } -- | Parse an expression that can be called without parentheses PreExpression : identifier lsqbracket PreExpression rsqbracket { Index $2 (Unqualified $1) $3 } | Literal { $1 } | Call { $1 } | case PreExpression of Case { Case $3 $1 $2 $4 } | PreExpression BinOp Expression { Binary $2 $1 $3 } | openParen PreExpression BinOp PreExpression closeParen { ParenExpr $1 (Binary $3 $2 $4) } | UnOp PreExpression { Unary $1 $2 } -- FIXME throw error when we try to negate a string literal/time | PreExpression dot Name { Access $2 $1 $3 } | if Expression then Expression { If $2 $4 Nothing} | if Expression then Expression else Expression { If $2 $4 (Just $6) } | let ATS in end { Let $1 $2 Nothing } | let ATS in Expression end { Let $1 $2 (Just $4) } | lambda Pattern LambdaArrow Expression { Lambda $1 $3 $2 $4 } | llambda Pattern LambdaArrow Expression { LinearLambda $1 $3 $2 $4 } | addrAt PreExpression { AddrAt $1 $2 } | viewAt PreExpression { ViewAt $1 $2 } | PreExpression at PreExpression { AtExpr $1 $3 } | atbrace RecordVal rbrace { RecordValue $1 $2 Nothing } | atbrace RecordVal rbrace signature Type { RecordValue $1 $2 (Just $5) } | exclamation PreExpression { Deref $1 $2 } | PreExpression mutateArrow identifier mutateEq PreExpression { FieldMutate $2 $1 $3 $5 } | PreExpression mutateEq PreExpression { Mutate $1 $3 } | PreExpression where lbrace Declarations rbrace { WhereExp $1 $4 } | Name { NamedVal $1 } | lbrace ATS rbrace { Actions $2 } | while openParen PreExpression closeParen PreExpression { While $1 $3 $5 } | include {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "include" } | staload {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "staload" } | overload {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "overload" } | prval {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "prval" } | var {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "var" } | Termetric {% Left $ Expected (fst $1) "Expression" "termetric" } | fromVT {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "?!" } | prfTransform {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" ">>" } | maybeProof {% Left $ Expected $1 "Expression" "?" } | let openParen {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "(" } -- | Parse a termetric Termetric : openTermetric StaticExpression closeTermetric { ($1, $2) } | underscore {% Left $ Expected $1 "_" "Name" } | dollar {% Left $ Expected $1 "$" "Name" } -- | Parse an existential quantier on a type Existential : lsqbracket Args vbar Expression rsqbracket { Existential $2 Nothing (Just $4) } | lsqbracket Args rsqbracket { Existential $2 Nothing Nothing } | openExistential Args rsqbracket { Existential $2 Nothing Nothing } | openExistential Args vbar Expression rsqbracket { Existential $2 Nothing (Just $4) } | lsqbracket Args signature Type rsqbracket { Existential $2 (Just $4) Nothing } -- FIXME arguments should include more than just ':' | lsqbracket Expression rsqbracket { Existential [] Nothing (Just $2) } -- | Parse a universal quantifier on a type Universal : lbrace Args rbrace { Universal $2 Nothing Nothing } | lbrace Args vbar Expression rbrace { Universal $2 Nothing (Just $4) } -- | Parse the details of an implementation Implementation : FunName doubleParens eq Expression { Implement $2 [] [] $1 [] $4 } | FunName openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Expression { Implement $2 [] [] $1 $3 $6 } | FunName Universals openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Expression { Implement $3 [] $2 $1 $4 $7 } | Universals FunName openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Expression { Implement $3 $1 [] $2 $4 $7 } | Universals FunName Universals openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Expression { Implement $4 $1 $3 $2 $5 $8 } -- | Parse a function name FunName : identifier { Unqualified $1 } | identifier dollar identifier { Functorial $1 $3 } -- | Parse a general name Name : identifier { Unqualified $1 } | listVT { Unqualified "list_vt" } | dollar identifier dot identifier { Qualified $1 $4 $2 } | dollar effmaskWrt { SpecialName $1 "effmask_wrt" } | dollar effmaskAll { SpecialName $1 "effmask_all" } | dollar listVT { SpecialName $1 "list_vt" } | dollar ldelay { SpecialName $1 "ldelay" } -- FIXME there is probably a better/more efficient way of doing this | underscore {% Left $ Expected $1 "_" "Name" } | dollar {% Left $ Expected $1 "$" "Name" } -- | Parse a list of values in a record RecordVal : identifier eq Expression { [($1, $3)] } | RecordVal comma identifier eq Expression { ($3, $5) : $1 } -- | Parse a list of types in a record Records : identifier eq Type { [($1, $3)] } | Records comma identifier eq Type { ($3, $5) : $1 } -- | Parse a constructor for a sum type SumLeaf : vbar identifier { ($2, Nothing) } | vbar identifier of Type { ($2, Just $4) } -- | Parse all constructors of a sum type Leaves : SumLeaf { [$1] } | Leaves SumLeaf { $2 : $1 } | identifier of Type { [($1, Just $3)] } | identifier { [($1, Nothing)] } | dollar {% Left $ Expected $1 "$" "|" } Universals : { [] } | doubleBraces { [] } | Universals Universal { $2 : $1 } -- | Optionally parse a termetric OptTermetric : { Nothing } | Termetric { Just (snd $1) } -- | Parse a unary operator UnOp : tilde { Negate } -- | Parse a binary operator BinOp : plus { Add } | minus { Sub } | div { Div } | mult { Mult } | geq { GreaterThanEq } | leq { LessThanEq } | lbracket { LessThan } | rbracket { GreaterThan } | neq { NotEqual } | andOp { LogicalAnd } | or { LogicalOr } | doubleEq { StaticEq } | eq { Equal } | mod { Mod } -- | Optionally parse a function body OptExpression : { Nothing } | eq Expression { Just $2 } -- FIXME only let this happen for external declarations -- | Parse a constructor for a 'dataprop' DataPropLeaf : vbar Universals Expression { DataPropLeaf $2 $3 } -- | Parse several constructors for a 'dataprop' DataPropLeaves : DataPropLeaf { [$1] } | DataPropLeaves DataPropLeaf { $2 : $1 } | prval {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "prval" } | var {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "var" } | lambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "lam" } | llambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "llam" } | minus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "-" } | dollar {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "$" } | fromVT {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "?!" } | prfTransform {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" ">>" } | maybeProof {% Left $ Expected $1 "Constructor" "?" } -- | Parse a type signature and optional function body PreFunction : FunName openParen FullArgs closeParen signature Type OptExpression { (PreF $1 $5 [] [] $3 $6 Nothing $7) } | FunName Universals OptTermetric signature Type OptExpression { PreF $1 $4 [] $2 [NoArgs] $5 $3 $6 } | FunName Universals OptTermetric doubleParens signature Type OptExpression { PreF $1 $5 [] $2 [] $6 $3 $7 } | FunName Universals OptTermetric openParen FullArgs closeParen signature Type OptExpression { PreF $1 $7 [] $2 $5 $8 $3 $9 } | Universals FunName Universals OptTermetric openParen FullArgs closeParen signature Type OptExpression { PreF $2 $8 $1 $3 $6 $9 $4 $10 } | prval {% Left $ Expected $1 "Function signature" "prval" } | var {% Left $ Expected $1 "Function signature" "var" } | lambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Function signature" "lam" } | llambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Function signature" "llam" } -- | Parse affiliated `sortdef`s AndSort : AndSort and identifier eq Type { AndD $1 (SortDef $2 $3 $5) } -- TODO figure out if this is building up the slow way | sortdef identifier eq Type { SortDef $1 $2 $4 } -- | Function declaration FunDecl : fun PreFunction { [ Func $1 (Fun $2) ] } | fn PreFunction { [ Func $1 (Fn $2) ] } | prfun PreFunction { [ Func $1 (PrFun $2) ] } | fnx PreFunction { [ Func $1 (Fnx $2) ] } | extern FunDecl { over _head (Extern $1) $2 } | FunDecl and PreFunction { Func $2 (And $3) : $1 } | extern fun PreFunction eq {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "Function body" } | lambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Function declaration" "lam" } | llambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Function declaration" "llam" } -- | Parse a declaration defining a type TypeDecl : typedef identifier eq Universals atbrace Records rbrace { RecordType $2 [] $4 $6 } | typedef identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Universals atbrace Records rbrace { RecordType $2 $4 $7 $9 } | vtypedef identifier eq Universals atbrace Records rbrace { RecordViewType $2 [] $4 $6 } | vtypedef identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Universal atbrace Records rbrace { RecordViewType $2 $4 [$7] $9 } | vtypedef identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Universals atbrace Records rbrace { RecordViewType $2 $4 $7 $9 } | datatype identifier eq Leaves { SumType $2 [] $4 } | datatype identifier openParen Args closeParen eq Leaves { SumType $2 $4 $7 } | datavtype identifier eq Leaves { SumViewType $2 [] $4 } | datavtype identifier openParen Args closeParen eq Leaves { SumViewType $2 $4 $7 } | abstype identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Type { AbsType $1 $2 $4 $7 } | absvtype identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Type { AbsViewType $1 $2 $4 $7 } | dataprop identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq DataPropLeaves { DataProp $1 $2 $4 $7 } | absprop identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen { AbsProp $1 $2 [] } | typedef identifier eq Type { TypeDef $1 $2 [] $4 } | typedef identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Type { TypeDef $1 $2 $4 $7 } | vtypedef identifier eq Type { ViewTypeDef $1 $2 [] $4 } | vtypedef identifier openParen FullArgs closeParen eq Type { ViewTypeDef $1 $2 $4 $7 } | stadef identifier eq Name { Stadef $2 $4 [] } | stadef identifier eq Name openParen TypeIn closeParen { Stadef $2 $4 $6 } | sortdef identifier eq Type { SortDef $1 $2 $4 } | AndSort { $1 } -- | Parse a declaration Declaration : include string { Include $2 } | define { Define $1 } | cblock { CBlock $1 } | lineComment { Comment $1 } | staload underscore eq string { Staload (Just "_") $4 } | staload string { Staload Nothing $2 } | staload identifier eq string { Staload (Just $2) $4 } | extern Declaration { Extern $1 $2 } | var Pattern signature Type with PreExpression { Var (Just $4) $2 Nothing (Just $6) } -- FIXME | var Pattern signature Type eq PreExpression { Var (Just $4) $2 (Just $6) Nothing } | val Pattern signature Type eq PreExpression { Val $1 (Just $4) $2 $6 } | val Pattern eq Expression { Val $1 Nothing $2 $4 } | var Pattern eq PreExpression { Var Nothing $2 (Just $4) Nothing } | var Pattern signature Type { Var (Just $4) $2 Nothing Nothing } | var Pattern eq fixAt identifier openParen Args closeParen signature Type plainArrow Expression { Var Nothing $2 (Just $ FixAt (PreF (Unqualified $5) $9 [] [] $7 $10 Nothing (Just $12))) Nothing } | var Pattern eq lambdaAt openParen Args closeParen signature Type plainArrow Expression { Var Nothing $2 (Just $ LambdaAt (PreF (Unnamed $4) $8 [] [] $6 $9 Nothing (Just $11))) Nothing } | prval Pattern eq PreExpression { PrVal $2 $4 } | praxi PreFunction { Func $1 (Praxi $2) } | primplmnt Implementation { ProofImpl $2 } | implement Implementation { Impl [] $2 } | implement openParen Args closeParen Implementation { Impl $3 $5 } | overload BinOp with Name { OverloadOp $1 $2 $4 } | assume Name openParen Args closeParen eq Expression { Assume $2 $4 $7 } | tkindef Name eq string { TKind $1 $2 $4 } | TypeDecl { $1 } | lambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "lam" } | llambda {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "llam" } | minus {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "-" } | dollar {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "$" } | fromVT {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "?!" } | prfTransform {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" ">>" } | maybeProof {% Left $ Expected $1 "Declaration" "?" } { data ATSError a = Expected AlexPosn a a | Unknown Token deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, NFData) instance Pretty AlexPosn where pretty (AlexPn _ line col) = pretty line <> ":" <> pretty col instance Pretty (ATSError String) where pretty (Expected p s1 s2) = red "Error: " <> pretty p <> linebreak <> (indent 2 $ "Unexpected" <+> squotes (string s2) <> ", expected:" <+> squotes (string s1)) <> linebreak pretty (Unknown t) = red "Error:" <+> "unexpected token" <+> squotes (pretty t) <+> "at" <+> pretty (token_posn t) <> linebreak parseError :: [Token] -> Either (ATSError String) a parseError = Left . Unknown . head }