module Atomo.Run where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Monad.State import Atomo.Core import Atomo.Environment import Atomo.Helpers (here) import Atomo.Load import Atomo.Types import qualified Atomo.Kernel as Kernel import Paths_atomo ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Execution ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Execute an action in a new thread, initializing the environment first. exec :: VM Value -> IO () exec x = execWith (initEnv >> x) startEnv -- | Execute an action in a new thread. execWith :: VM Value -> Env -> IO () execWith x e = do haltChan <- newChan forkIO $ do runWith (x >> gets halt >>= liftIO >> return (particle "ok")) e { halt = writeChan haltChan () >> myThreadId >>= killThread } writeChan haltChan () readChan haltChan -- | Execute x, initializing the environment first. run :: VM Value -> IO Value run x = runWith (initEnv >> x) startEnv -- | Set up the primitive objects, and load up the kernel and prelude. initEnv :: VM () {-# INLINE initEnv #-} initEnv = initCore >> Kernel.load >> loadPrelude -- | Load all of the prelude and load the ecosystem. loadPrelude :: VM () loadPrelude = do forM_ preludes $ \p -> liftIO (getDataFileName ("prelude/" ++ p)) >>= loadFile here "Eco" >>= dispatch . single "load" return () where preludes = [ "core" , "boolean" , "comparable" , "association" , "string" , "pretty" , "condition" , "errors" , "exception" , "set" , "block" , "concurrency" , "continuation" , "list" , "numeric" , "particle" , "ports" , "time" , "version" , "eco" , "class-objects" , "enumerable" , "ordered" , "range" , "repl" ]